Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Otoko Onna: Tomboy ❯ Just a Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Don't own DB-Zor GT just the love of my life Jovanny (my fiancée) so don't sue I don't own a thing

A/N: Ohayo^-^ sup yall I'm taking time off from my other fic (which is a G(K)/CC fic) to write this lemon with my Baby Mirai Trunks with his chica Pan, well Enjoy My first Lemon and tell me what u guys think okies!!!

Just a Day…

Deep in the Mountains of the Highlands, rich in Celtic tradition and culture a myth still lives on about these beings that are kept alive throw rituals and in the imagination of the wee ones, magical beings that watch over us and care for us, these beings are called fairies, they are kind and gentle creatures which been on earth for centuries aiding mankind with their wisdom and knowledge.

Fairies always helped but never interfered the last time a fairy mingled with human affairs a new race was created so to prevent anymore of those mishaps the Fairies communicate with human only throw dreams or visions, it is also said to never get them angry because to have them as an enemy they were a force to be reckon with but in the end they are a mischievous bunch always getting into trouble, that's why most of earth natural catastrophes where done by one or a group of fairies.

Every year the fairies from all across the globe meet with the elders at the Stone Edges in Scotland to discuss the events that are going on with the world but also it's the festival of the Easa, a very important Fairy holiday and custom always held during the springtime where fairies come together to celebrate the ending of life and the beginning of a new one. But throw out all the laughter and festivities two mischievous fairies found themselves looking into the Encarta, it's a mirror that helps fairies look out into the mortal world.

"Ohooooohhh what do we have here" said one with a particular glint in her eye

"Well duh, it's a mirror, you sure your not on anything Yuri, oh by the stars you haven't been drinking Honeyed Vodka again have you" said her companion

"Huh huh huh maybe" Yuri replied in a sheepish voice " but just a little Kei, honest" whined Yuri

" You had honeyed vodka and you didn't share and you called yourself family" Kei accused to her cousin.

Kei and Yuri the most mischievous and troublesome of all the fairies, were an interesting duo, they are in charge of the northern quatrant of the earth but the last time these two went out exploring and drinking they cause the continents to separate, that' why the elders decided to only allow drinking only during major festival like the Easa.

" So * giggle * what do we do with the glass" Kei asked her cousin feeling really lightheaded

"Hmmm *hic *" Yuri tried to concentrate " Hey how about we check up on some friends"

"Who? We have friends in the mortal world, WOW" said Kei has she gets up and puts her face on the mirror "Yello yello " she frowns " there is no one in there, but at least it's wet"

Yuri sights at this " Didn't one ever tell you that you're a bad drinker and a very annoying drunk"

"Nope" was Kei's only reply

" Anyway moving on, hmm how do I work this thing, ok got it" Yuri throws her arm in the air "Mirror Mirror" * giggle* "on the wall show us" * giggle* "Kei would you stop giggling I'm trying to concentrate" " Oops sorry cuz didn't mean to be noisy" " Whatever, anyway where was I, oh yea show us where are Sayajin friends are" Kei couldn't take it anymore and busted out laughing.

"Holy nectar Yuri you sounded sooooo retarded" at this point Kei was rolling on the floor with tears in her eyes

"Like you can do better pollen head" Yuri shot back a little embarrassed

"Yea I can" Kei responded back while trying to control her laughter " it's easy" she moved in front of the mirror and held up her right arm up" I've seen Kaji do this so many times I can do this with my eyes closed, well actually I'm supposed to do it with my eyes closed but that's not the point."

" Sure Kei I believe you" Yuri said while rolling her eyes

" Well on with the chanting" Kei said then she closed her eyes and her palm started to glow a gentle blue light " O wise Encarta give me the gift of sight and grant me the wish to see my friends the Sayajin" with that the liquid substance inside the mirror started to move and Kei opened her eyes and moved away from the object.

"See I told you it was easy" Kei smiled

"Well whatever, I could do that too I just forgot the chant" Yuri said and stuck her tongue out at Kei which her cousin returned the gesture.

"Looky something is forming" Kei shouted

"Finally, hey it's them, they're OK" Yuri said with relief in her voice

" I guess Trunks and Pan pulled throw after all" Kei announced jumping up and down

" But why does he look so sad, he looks so lonely" Yuri said concerned

" The mirror says that Pan works all the time and has been neglecting him," Kei informed

"Awawwwwa poor thing, but we can change that right Kei" smirked Yuri

"What are you planning" Kei questioned looking at her cousin, which gave her you know already look "oh no we are not going there"

" And why not" Yuri asked

"They don't leave in Japan anymore Yuri, they leave in Miami now MIAMI" Kei said

" Sooo what's the problem"

" The Problem is" Kei said exhaling impatiently "that's the southern quartran, you know we are not allowed there, that is out of our jurisdiction last thing we need is Kaji on our ass plus that's Jen and Kyia's territory, that's enough said right there."

" Don't be such a moth, nothing can happen plus don't you want to help Trunks and Pan have a romantic night together," Yuri asked in a dream like state

"hehhehheee but of course, you know what lets do it most likely there not even there, they are probably at the festival" Kei said "and you know what I'm even prepared" Kei announced as she held up a small brown pouch to her cousin

"Ha! And they call me evil" Yuri said with an evil smirk on her face " so what are you waiting for Kei let get this party started."

Kei returned Yuri evil grin and grab her by the hand and extended her right hand to touch the mirror and with a flash of light the two fairies were gone.

A/N: Sorry guys there was no lemon(just turn the page^-^), but I promise there will be on the next chapter (as just need to do some finishing touches). Let's see how much trouble Kei and Yuri are going to get them selves into, are they going to get caught? And what in that brown pouch? Will Trunks and Pan have that romantic night together? I guess we will all find out in the Next episode of Dragon Ball Z^-^