Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Otoko Onna: Tomboy ❯ Imagine That ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Don't own DB-Zor GT just the love of my life Jovanny (my fiancée) so don't sue I don't own a thing

A/N: Ohayo^-^ sup yall me again, see I told you I'll be back(quick huh), hehheeheee Let's see what kind of naughty things Trunks will to Pan + I don't own LL Cool J song Imagine that (he does so don't harass me), Oh yea if you want to fully understand the rest of the fic you need to read the story along with the song, to get a good feel of it^-^ So ENJOY!!!

Imagine That

Two million residents live, work and play in what has become one of the most vibrant and diverse metropolitan areas in the world. Miami-Dade County, home to Son Pan well not Son anymore but to Pan Brief. Pan blushes at her last thought, taking a breather from her very hectic paper work to stare out her office window and into the long street/boardwalk called South Beach, Pan found out only in Miami can a Corporation be neighbor to a beach, tourist attraction and hot club spot all in one.

" So beautiful and so peaceful" Pan said in awe, amazed that this was one of the few places untouched by the Androids, Bulma said that the androids felt comfortable here because no one was afraid of them and welcomed them with open arms (A/N: trust me Miami has a lot of weird looking people, they put Dennis Rodman to shame) still in deep thought she watched the locals club hop while others just danced on the beach, at first when Bulma suggested for her and Trunks to move to the States she was a little relented but now she doesn't regret the decision.

Bulma needed her to assume the role of head boss in the Tourism and International Relations department of Capsule Corp. With her Bachelor degree in Human Relations that she acquired in her own time line, Bulma told her she was the most qualified for the job. Pan laughed to herself it's like Bulma knew that her son wasn't caught out for an office job, his warrior blood wouldn't allow him to.

As Pan moved away from the window to sit back on her leather chair she mindlessly caressed the mark on her neck a reminder that it's been on long time since she made love to her husband, as she closed her eyes erotic images of her and Trunks last passionate night together flooded to her mind.

It all started when she got out of her nightly bath and moved to their bedroom while putting on her bathrobe. She didn't even noticed when Trunks came from behind her and twirled her around into a very heated passionate kiss. With closed eyes she responded to her husband kiss. It felt like his hands were touching her everywhere at once. His hand in her hair was keeping her lips against his, inside her gown his hands on her breasts were cupping, lifting, gently molding them while plucking the nipples forward, another hand had eased her legs apart and was now exploring across her inner thighs, the fingers sinking inside her pussy. Pan eye snap opened

"Oh Dende, get a grip on yourself girl" she told herself as she took a sharp intake of breath, she didn't even realize that she was purring.

She took a sip of her glass of orange juice, she got hooked on the Tropicana brand when she realize that OJ has the same affect on her like caffeine has on humans but in a healthier way.

" Ok girl stop thinking about your man and concentrate on the work CONCENTRATE" Pan told herself has she looked back at the stack of paper work on her desk.

The same thing was happening to a lavender hunkie that was lying on the couch waiting for his dear wife's return to their little love nest. Trunks wasn't very sure why he was laying there if it was out of boredom or just plain laziness but the one thing was for sure the need to bury himself to the hilt inside of his lovely wife was overwhelming. Having her there on top of him watching her eyes go all soft and hazy looking down at him, like a Queen does one of her loyal subject and dear Dende HE was. Trunks groan at the memory of Pan enjoying herself and in the process bringing them both into a place of unparallel sensation. Lifting, churning, straining, pumping until he thought he would surely die of ecstasy.

"Put yourself together man." Trunks told himself as he tried to get his breathing in check. "I can't go on living like this much longer or I'll…. * giggle * Trunks stop in mid sentence when he heard a noise that sounded a little like laughter "Pan" He called out "is that you" * giggle* at the response Trunks extended his Sayajin senses * giggle* his eyes snapped open and he jumped out from the couch, his left hand on his sword he yelled out " who's there!! Show yourself!!" Trunks moved around the large studio apartment with caution and letting his Sayajin instincts take over " if you have my mate, you'll have to answer to me" Trunks yelled again, now he was starting to panic because he couldn't find the intruder or intruders ki level and the only beings that don't have a life force are the Androids, Horrible images flashed before Trunk's eyes he knew what those things were capable of and just the thought of his beloved Pan battered body lying out there was too much for him to bear and that infernal giggling was getting in his last nerve.

"AHHHHHAAAAAAAAH ENOUGH" he screamed and then he saw it, a little streak of blue light and then another until the bans of blue light where around him. He looked up and noticed that some type of twinkling starlight powdery substance was falling on him and the giggles started again. Trunks felt his body reacting in a weird way to the point that he couldn't stand on his feet anymore " what have you done to me" he asked * giggle* * giggle*

"Nothing really" he heard a voice say "it's a little something to boost up your * ahem * energy"

" We know you miss your wife terribly, so go to her and enjoy yourself * giggle*" Trunks heard another voice say " Do whatever it takes to convince her, you leave the rest to us" the little voice explained

"Who are you?" Trunks asked confused.

Meanwhile back at C.C. and unknown about Trunk's strange encounter. Pan was still busy buried in her paper work; she looked up at the watch on her desk "Damn it's already 1:30 in the morning, I better call it a day" Pan told herself.

About 15 minutes later Pan had her office desk in order and all the paper work filed away in their assigned location but as she reached to turn of the lamp on her desk she heard a noise and looked up but saw nothing there, reaching for the lamp again the sound got closer. Pan put her purse and briefcase down "Hello, is anyone there?" she asked getting no response she asked the question again but in Spanish (A/N: that's right my girl Pan got skillezz) but all she saw was a little streak of blue light coming around her and notices that her office was suddenly dark and the only things lighting it up were the streaks of blue light and a twinkling powdery substance.

Pan lifted her right arm trying to catch the small fallen stars " How…beautiful" she said almost speechless "but not as beautiful as you my princess" said a husky voice behind her.

"Trunks" Pan cried out as she realize whom it was "you scared me did you do this its beauti…. Trunks are you ok sweetie" she asked when she noticed that her husband was eyeing her with a strange look in his eyes

" You know how long I've waited to be this close to you" Trunks said ignoring her last question. " I've been craving you, needing you for the past 2 month now"

Pan eyes widen at Trunk's confession, she knew it's been a long time and that she's been neglecting him in that department but to actually think that he was keeping track was a shock to her.

"I've been walking in a state of semi-arousal for so long now that I can't even remember," he continued

"Trunks sweetie look I'm sorry, but as soon as the work load lights up and things around here" "NO" Trunks interrupted "I'm tired of waiting, now it's my turn to decide" he said with a smirk that resembled his father and * flash* he disappeared.

Pan trembled she wasn't sure if it was in fear or anticipation, as she looked around her office searching for him the only thing she can think about that this is not the Trunks she knew and what has gotten into him. Then with out any warning a hand suddenly came across her mouth from behind preventing her from screaming. As she struggled to break free, the hand on her mouth tightened and an arm lashed around her waist drawing her back against a hard, familiar body.

"shhhshhh" she heard his voice whisper in her ear " you have nothing to fear from me my love" he finished as he dipped his head and to her shock bit her gently on the side of her throat away from the claiming mark he gave her and that declared her his "just relax and enjoy." That was the last thing Pan heard before he disappeared again and the sound of music filled the room, she listened closely and recognized the beat "LL Cool J" Pan thought to herself" since when does Trunks listen to Hip Hop and Rap I thought Rock was more to he's liking."

As the song began to unfold Pan noticed that the room was changing colors to the beat of the song "is there a strobe light in here or something". Then she saw him, the most beautifully sculpted gorgeous man that she ever set eyes on, walking slowly towards her (A/N: same way he was walking and looking when he came out of the time chamber after his training with Vegeta :drools^.~ ok on with the story: ) when he shot her a smile or was it a smirk Pan wasn't very sure but whatever it was it made her weak in the knees and a familiar moisture between her thighs appear(A/N: I would be too if a guy like Trunks looked at me like that^-^). When he finally reached her, Trunks circled around her like a hunter does his prey, he licked his lips and then he spoke or rather sang


Trunks [LL Cool J]
I just want you to fantasize with imagination
Know what I'm saying, uh yeah, yeah
Uh, yeah I like that
Give me some more, some more of my vocals

Pan saw Trunks wave his hand and two little creatures that she could have sworn that looked like fairies came from behind him.

You know sex 'em up a little bit
You know what I mean?

The fairies came and waved their hands in the air and Pan found herself outside on South Beach with a very sexy outfit on and her husband looking a little bit out of the ordinary (A/N: he's all thug out)

You're the honey that I see when I'm riding by
The one giving me a feeling that I can't deny
You got the Prada boots on suede hitting your thigh
Acting like my chrome twenties ain't catching your eye

Trunks drove up in front of her, looked her up and down like she was some delicious treat that he's been craving.

Sometimes I slow down catch the ass in the mirror
Turn the fog lights on to see the legs more clearer
You're turning me on, keep me standing up
I wish that I could prove to you that I'm man enough

Before Pan knew what happened, she noticed that their location has changed and she could see Trunks bullying a man into a storage room, Oh Dende that man was her boss Pan realized. How is she going to explain this one to Bulma? Then suddenly everything went dark.

I come up to your job and handcuff your boss
Throw that nigga in the closet and turn the lights off

Next thing she knew Trunks hoisted her up on his shoulders and took her to the copying room. Trunks set her on top of the copying machine and spreader her legs and buried his face on the part of her body he missed the most

Then sit you up on the copy machine
Make copies of your kitten with my chin in between

Pan was shocked on how bold Trunks was being but she was enjoying every minute of it, what he did next left her with her skirt up, panties down and speechless.

Then I'll take you to the window so the world can see
Baby I'm down on my knees let your world be free
Pearl tongue, come get up on this desk with me
Multiple orgasms is your destiny

Trunks was enjoying seeing his Princess squirm and dance in pleasure but he felt like she was holding back, all he wanted was for her to cry out her joy out loud

Wet dream, ride like you're going to Queens
Like I just gave you fifty thou and ya just turned 18

Pan was getting lost in the felling that her husband was giving her, she tried her best to control her breathing and the noise she was making. As if Trunks knew her dilemma he stood up replaced his finger(s) where his tongue was and said to her

To hell with your boss
Let that nigga hear you scream
Sounding like that screech on the fax machine

Yet again their surroundings changed, this time they were in a public bathroom she wasn't sure if it was a school or a nightclub

Then we can take it to the ladies bathroom
Make your mascara run till you look like a raccoon

Then Trunks made her do the unthinkable, he took her hand and put it there right between her legs. Pan could feel how wet and excited she was getting from her act of exhibitionism.

Touch yourself baby tell me it's wet
Squeeze tight so I'll never forget, here we go

Trunks [LL Cool J] Kei & Yuri [LeShaun]
I'ma get you for your paper
Make you leave you girl
(Imagine that)
Make you trick on me around the world
(Imagine that)
Have you calling me your ultimate thrill
(Imagine that)
I got you whipped tell your niggas to chill

Pan was getting a little agitated by the way Trunks was acting with the Fairies. Human or no human Trunks was her MAN, her HUSBAND, her MATE and the only person he was suppose to get all huggy huggy with was HER and only HER.

Trunks [LL Cool J] Kei & Yuri [LeShaun]
I'ma hit you in the backseat and tell you to slide
(Imagine that)
Me and my fold got my broads collide
(Imagine that)
Knocking girls off two at a time
(Imagine that)
Disrespect you and still make you mine

As soon that Pan was growing used to one location the scenery changed again but this time she found herself in a classroom "well that answered my last question" she said to no one in particular. She saw Trunks come in a business suit and wearing glasses (A/N: imagine GT Trunks but with long hair)

Uh, imagine I'm your teacher and you stayed after school
You've been a bad girl you broke all the rules
Forgot your homework, chewed gum in class
And the only way to fix it is to give me some ass
I got a three piece suit on sitting at my desk
I kinda need a shave but my body smell fresh
You're wearing a plad skirt and long white socks

Trunks walked around the desk and went where Pan was sitting. He started to unbutton her blouse while kissing her libs and running his tongue down her neck.

The vibe is thick baby, we both red hot
I kiss your neck unbutton your blouse
Let my fingers make circles on the edge of your mouth
Your apple's so ripe I'm your tutor for life
Got your beggin' me to put you on detention tonight
You could read the Iliad and the whole Odyssey
But no Trojan soldier scold you like me

After Trunks relieved Pan of her blouse, he watched her as she moaned and grinded her hips against him. "She is starting to get really into this" he thought then he got an evil idea. Pan felt her body being lifted and saw Trunks position her across his lap, next thing she knew * SMACK *. Trunks was spanking her for what all her butt was worth while at the same time he was pleasuring her with his fingers.

Match the calculus then measure my frequency
But when you blast on my lap that's the highest degree
Put your hands on the chalkboard scratch it with ya nails
Give me goose pimples when ya put yo tongue on my dimples
Baby feel me now you got yo ass suspended
Got a letter for your parents but I didn't wanna send it
I stopped by the crib you invited me in

After getting Pan bottom all nice and red, he moved her to the most forbidden and taboo place in a young person life. Yes he was going to do stuff to her in her PARENTS BEDROOM and on their BED.

You convinced me somehow to sip some juice and gin
Then you take me to your parent's room and laid me on my back
You twisting, kissing ya fist like that
Rubber meets the road till the tire goes flat
I filled it up with air again baby hold that
You a bad girl look you got your sheets all wet
Squeeze tight so I never forget the teacher's pet

Trunks [LL Cool J] Kei & Yuri [LeShaun]

I'ma get you for your paper
Make you leave you girl
(Imagine that)
Make you trick on me around the world
(Imagine that)
Have you calling me your ultimate thrill
(Imagine that)
I got you whipped tell your niggas to chill
Trunks [LL Cool J] Kei & Yuri [LeShaun)]
I'ma hit you in the backseat and tell you to slide
(Imagine that)
Me and my fold got my broads collide
(Imagine that)
Knocking girls off two at a time
(Imagine that)
Disrespect you and still make you mine

After her little * AHEM * situation with Trunks and her parent's bedroom she found herself this time at a nightclub and had Trunks drag her onto the dance floor. Pan couldn't believe him trying to have sex with her on her parent's bed at least the fairies had the right mind to change location. She had to hand it to them those winded creatures had excellent taste in clothes.

You was laughing with your girlfriends, sippin' a drink
When I came up from behind you and wrapped you with my mink
Guided you to the dance floor and held you tight
We in the Tunnel in the back with the dim red lights
I'm rocking the tank top baby nothing but ice
You rocking the baby tee and mini skirts and spikes
The club is so black we can't see our own hands

Pan didn't noticed it before but Trunks looked extremely attractive with his new look, the whole American street clothes gear was looking good on him. She even noticed how the other girls at the club were eyeing him and a swell of possessiveness went throw her and she danced closer to him. "Ha! Man stealing vultures" Pan thought to herself as she saw the evil looks she received, she just glanced them a little smirk in response and continued dancing with her husband. She didn't even mean to put her hand there but the stiffness that she saw there was too much for her not to^.~

I know you feel that bulge through them Fubu pants
You bold huh, wanna feel it in your hands
Rub your ass all up on it cause you know that I want it
God gave you beauty and you love to flaunt it
Life is a song, you were born to perform it
Drink the Cristal at the same time
Get intoxicated till we lose are minds

Things were heating up between him and Pan, to the point that she lifted up her skirt to emphasize the need that she couldn't control anymore.

The crowd separated as we start to shine
I lift you in the air your skirt starts to climb

We tongue kiss deep in front of the whole crowd
The lights start to flash the music is too loud

Pan knew that her little display on the dance floor was too much for her always in control warrior and knew that it wouldn't be too long now

We hit the back door and jump in the limousine
You pull up your skirt I put some ice in between
You're tired from the dancing so I kiss your feet
Even though we outside I hear the bass from the beat
Funkmaster Flex chop it up for the freaks
DJ Enuff make the mommies wanna creep

As they started their little foreplay in the limo, Pan noticed that Trunks stop and exchanged a couple of words that sounded like very bad broken down Spanish with one of the fairies.

No problem uh mi spouse no aqui
Tu muy caliente tu vamos con mi
Si mami I'm the chaffer make it whip
Take a ride bet you never forget
Here we go

Trunks [LL Cool J] Kei & Yuri [LeShaun]
I'ma get you for your paper
Make you leave you girl
(Imagine that)
Make you trick on me around the world
(Imagine that)
Have you calling me your ultimate thrill
(Imagine that)
I got you whipped tell your niggas to chill

Trunks [LL Cool J] Kei & Yuri [LeShaun]
I'ma hit you in the backseat and tell you to slide
(Imagine that)
Me and my fold got my broads collide
(Imagine that)
Knocking girls off two at a time
(Imagine that)

Disrespect you and still make you mine

"Disrespect you and still make you mine" Trunks repeated the last part as he brought Pan closer to him by grapping her butt with a hand on each cheek. By the brisk movement open Pan's eyes and that's when she realized that they were back in her office. "If you want more my dear Pan, learn to come home early from now on." Trunks told her and with one last long hard kiss he turned around and walked away leaving behind a shock and an unsatisfied Pan.

"Oh no he didn't" was the only thing Pan could say as she watched Trunks retreating form " I'm going to get you back Mr. Brief, when I'm done with you, you will be the one begging for it"

Far away from the hot and humid climate another group was celebrating. Dancing, laughing, drinking, playing it was indeed a wondrous occasion

" Come on Nightshade shake the wings your mama gave ya," said a very hyper Jen

"Where did you get this music Jen?" asked her partner Kyia "it's kinda odd"

"She got it on her last trip to the mortal world" explained Nightshade. Event how she was the youngest the elders have bestowed upon her a great responsibility. She was the guardian of the Encarta, in charged of making sure that no one trespassed were they did not belong.

As the three friends continue dancing oblivious of what Kei and Yuri were getting themselves into but their fun was cut short when slinky Jen's pet ladybug and Lisa were coming towards them with her pet mantis.

"What's with the long face?" Kyia asked as she bowed to her friend

"Ladies we have a problem" was Lisa only response.

A/N: So what did u guys think sorry I know evil cliffy( hehehhehheee) If any of u have any suggestion on how Pan can get back at Trunks let me know, well until next time