Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Sunglasses? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter five: Sunglasses?
After searching around for his brother for what felt like forever but in fact had only been ten minutes, Goku entered the sixth form block, looking around at all the other students, frowning as he couldn't spot his darker-skinned brother amongst them. He looked through every single pupil there, from the girls to the boys - he knew Turles would do anything for a prank or money - until he eventually found him sitting under the stairs, legs crossed as he played Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories on a new PSP, a girl on either side of him, looking interestedly at the screen.
“BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Turles laughed evilly as he moved his fingers crazily over the controls, Goku unable to see what he was doing as he looked under the stairs, seeing Turles' characteristically wicked grin and sweatdropping. He was probably killing all the police and citizens with cheats again… “Die, pig!” The girls looked a bit bored after a short while, obviously getting bored of watching the people die, Goku not having said anything for ten minutes more, just so that he could watch his slightly younger brother `interact' with girls. One of them stood up and tossed her sleek blonde hair over her shoulder, sighing as Turles didn't even look at her, though he would have seen straight up her tiny skirt if he had done.
“Babe, I'm going to go get some food, okay?” She said, her voice low as she was almost ignored again, Turles quickly looking up, blinking once before giving her a dirty look and grabbing her ass.
“Sure thing, sweetheart! Can you get me some salt and vinegar crisps while you're there? Thanks!” And with another cheeky look before she could answer or protest, Turles went back to his game, the girl obviously angry and frustrated at his behaviour, pushing past Goku, before turning to stare at him and grab onto his arm.
“Huh?!” She sighed and pulled him down to whisper into his ear, the angle giving him a perfect view down her top, as he tried not to lick his lips and concentrate on what she was saying.
“You really need to make sure he gets his priorities right!” She scolded, pulling him further away from the stairs so that Turles couldn't possibly overhear what she was saying, though he was so engrossed in his game that Goku doubted he'd notice if their father died in front of him, calling for help. “Last year and all summer, he was all over me and he told me he needed me! Now look at him! I'm nothing to him unless he wants a shag, and even then it's from behind!” She complained, unnerving the taller teen, as Goku did not actually wish to know of his brother's sex life, or the lack of it, it seemed. “What's happened to him?” Her sad green eyes bored into his own, and his mouth went dry as he knew he had nothing to say. “…I shouldn't have said anything…” The girl said sadly, and let go of him, walking off to go and get the food she had promised.
Goku watched her go for a few moments, gladly admiring her sleek form and the way her hips moved, frowning as he realised Turles was wasting such a beautiful girl without even a reason, knowing also that she had fallen for him, feeling pity for her. It was a horrible situation to be stuck in, especially being put into the middle of it, but he couldn't do anything for her, and, right now, he had his own problems to contend with, as he went under the stairs and scowled at his brother and the other girl, kicking him in the leg to get his attention.
“Oh fuck, the busies got me now!” Turles yelled, throwing the PSP in disgust as he turned to glare at his older brother. “Kakarott, you shithead! Why did you do that??” Goku just managed a smile, reaching down and picking up the abused console, looking at the screen quietly.
“Who did you steal this from?” There was silence for a very long time, and neither one spoke, Goku looking directly at his twin's face, scrutinising him as the younger turned his face away, his eyes meeting those of the girl next to him.
“Yeah Turles…who did you steal that from?” She asked, looking angrily at him, Turles coughing and getting out from under the stairs, giving his twin a nasty look before snatching it from his hands defensively.
“For your information, Ginyu gave it to me!” The girl looked disgusted and left, though Goku wasn't quite sure why she would, or even why Ginyu would ever give anything to Turles…though from the incident yesterday, there wasn't very much he doubted that Turles could do now. Except behave, of course, or being nice. His brother didn't seem capable of either of those, and as the younger twin grabbed his throat, he didn't think he would ever be capable of them. “Thanks a lot Kakarott! Wanker!” The slightly-younger hissed in the older's face, making him mad and grab his hand.
“I need you to do me a favour.” Goku said calmly, his dark eyes meeting those of his brother, uncaring that there was a hand around his throat at all. “And I don't care that I already owe you for the chocolate bar; I'm prepared to do anything you want.” His twin's eyebrows raised in interest and he knew he had him where he wanted him, continuing. “Let go of my throat and I'll brief you on the way.” The teen said; calm and collected, knowing that the phrasing he had used would hook the other. He was proved right as the and dropped from his neck and Turles nodded, a seemingly-evil smirk on his face; the one that unnerved most teachers and signalled a plan.
“Lead the way.” Both twins threaded through the crowd to finally get near the door, Goku sighing in relief and grinning as he pushed it open, letting the cool air blow his hair about, feeling refreshed after the stale and cramped atmosphere of the sixth form building. He heard shifting and turned to see his brother putting away his PSP and pulling out his pair of broken pink sunglasses, putting it on the side of his head with another evil smirk, making Goku sweatdrop at the sheer pointlessness of the object and the colour. It took a very secure man to wear pink, and he'd never thought Turles would feel that secure, but he shrugged it off and began leading the way to the empty English room; 2B.
“What are you doing with those sunglasses anyway?” Goku blurted out, unable to help it as they got weird looks from passers-by. And these weren't the usual looks they got when people moved past and stared at the fact they were twins, and he could just tell that it was because of the pink plastic covering his brother's left eye. And he was embarrassed to walk by his twin as he held the plastic over it, smirking.
“I found them and I'm making a scouter out of them.” Turles replied, making Goku sweatdrop. His brother had become obsessed with the online game of SimGirl too, it seemed, as well as everything else. They turned down the corridor and Goku rolled his eyes.
“But it's pink and the scouter is green!” He complained, earning another smirk from his cheeky brother.
“Aha! So you do play it!” His face heated from embarrassment and annoyance.
“Oh, shut up! At least I'm not using broken sunglasses to make something that isn't even real!” Goku scoffed, stopping near the room, looking in through the pane of glass to see the room empty and a computer sitting conveniently in the corner. Seeing this, he turned to talk to Turles. “Okay, what we're going to do is-” He paused in shock as he noticed that his twin was right behind him, their faces less than an inch apart. “…Uhh…yes?” His brother didn't say a word. He coughed, moving away. “I need you to hack into the system and get Veg- Mr Hanayaka's details for me.” His brother raised an eyebrow, adjusting the makeshift scouter and grinning at him.
“You know his name? That's so cute of you, brother. Teacher's pet, are we?” Goku went red, gritting his teeth, about to retort when Turles interrupted. “I'll do it-” Goku's hopes rose. “-but you have to tell me what you're willing to offer me in return.” Crap. The older paused to think over what he could offer, but from the wicked look on his brother's face, it was apparent that the other Kirabiyaka already knew what he wanted.
“What do you want from me?” He asked, a knot forming in his stomach as he began to feel unnerved by his brother's odd behaviour, stepping backwards again as his twin leaned forward, opening the door and ushering him through. Turles surprised him by grabbing some black paper and blu-tack and covering up the windows in the door, making Goku feel more secure that they wouldn't be seen, but nervous that his brother didn't have his hacker CD with him to hack the computer, and also that the address may not even be on it at all. “Yeah, good idea, no one will wonder what we're doing on the computer this way, and-”
“It's not up to stop people seeing what we're doing on the computer.” Turles' smirk was back, as he walked back toward Goku, a funny glint in his eyes. “In return, I want to kiss you.” His brother said simply, as if he hadn't just dropped a gigantic bombshell onto his twin, or freaked him out. “I'd snog some other guy, but I don't want anyone finding out and spreading around school that I'm some sort of faggot.” Turles explained, backing him up against a desk - the one he sat at usually - and pushing him to sit on it.
Goku's eyes were wide with shock, embarrassment and disgust at the demand, before he grit his teeth, his face blazing red. It was all well and good that Turles might like guys, but for fuck's sake! Kissing his own brother?! That was incest!! Even worse, they were twins! It'd be twincest! But at the same time, the older twin knew he had no choice; Turles was the only way to get to the teacher's address, and if he wanted to snog him, then he'd have to do it.
It was cruel, sometimes, the cards that fate dealt him.
“I-I'll do it then!” He hissed, pushing at Turles' chest, moving him towards the computer. “After you've found the file!” Turles raised an eyebrow at him.
“How do I know I can trust you, hm?”
“Because I don't lie!!” Goku huffed, his face getting redder and redder by the second, wanting it all to be over and done with, but knowing not to trust Turles unless he kept up his side of the bargain first. His twin seemed to assess the situation, then sat at the machine, turning it on and rummaging through his bag to find his CD, the pink sunglasses falling from his face and onto the floor, a loud crack sounding in the air as Turles cursed and picked them up, both frames now being damaged beyond repair. As the computer loaded to the login screen, Goku somehow felt it was his fault and that he should make up for it, even though Turles was going to embarrass him soon enough. “…I'll also buy you a new pair of sunglasses to change?”
He got no reply, only watching as Turles stashed the frames in his bag, putting his CD into the drive and typing `xxhanayaka' into the database, waiting for the computer to launch into DOS mode and unhack the password. He felt that the deal was a bad idea as his brother kept glancing at him, seeming untrusting as his twin typed various codes which he couldn't read into the machine until a word came up in bold font.
Turles looked at the password with an evil grin, his expression one of proud success and confusion at the same time, while Goku felt like he had been frozen in place. 7years was how long Vegeta had been with Cell…and it was 2006 now…so 1999 must have been the year they got together… As his mind processed this information, Turles took out his disk and wrote the password on a piece of paper, putting both away as he restarted the computer, fixing his gaze on his elder brother, smirking wider.
“Now.” Turles demanded, getting to his feet, making Goku gobsmacked at his sudden command.
“You haven't done your part yet!” He hissed, pushing his brother back into the seat, receiving pressure back as Turles attempted to stand and kiss him again, growling.
“You haven't done yours either!” A challenge. The two brothers both glared at one-another, before Turles burst into a fit of laughter, sitting back down and clutching at his sides. “Kakarott, you're such a homophobe!” The words made Goku think Turles was only kidding about kissing him, and he relaxed, even though he felt stupid for falling for his brother's prank. Not that it would be the first time he had fallen for it; Turles had done so many pranks it was hard to remember a time he hadn't been tricked.
“Just get the address, asshole.” Goku growled grumpily, crossing his arms over his chest, now moody from remembering his naïveté to his brother's true nature; evil. He heard his twin snicker and kicked his chair to shut him up, glaring at all the wall displays while he waited for the confirmation that the address was indeed there, seeing film posters for Romeo and Juliet and posters for books that he had never heard of before, but didn't really interest him. In fact, now that he had time to look at it properly, he found it completely boring, yawning to himself as he tried to stay awake; sitting still for so long having made him sleepy.
He was just dozing off when the sound of the printer pulled him back into full consciousness, blinking as he saw his brother's face close to his own, Turles' hands pinning him to the desk, either side of him, causing him to panic. Turles was really serious about it?!
As the printer continued to print, his younger twin smirked at him and leaned closer, making him grit his teeth and pull back, really not wanting to have a kiss with his own twin. It would be like kissing himself, and he wasn't narcissistic enough for that. His eyes flicked to the printer desperately, not even sure if Turles really did have the document at all, because he had almost fallen asleep. Luckily, Turles noticed his gaze and gave a cocky grin.
“I found his CV(1). It has his home address, phone numbers, email address and all his education and skills on it. Is that good enough for you?”
“Prove it first!” Goku hissed, years of learning not to trust the other making him wary of the other's statement, unable to bring himself to take what Turles said as proof. His brother pulled back and grabbed the paper, showing him the first page with the addresses on it and he sighed in relief, watching as Turles put it back. “Dammit, make this quick. It'll be lunch soon.” Turles smirked darkly.
“You were much more fun when you were saying no.” Goku's face went even darker. “Maybe I should collect my reward later on…when you least suspect it, hmm?”
“If you don't do it now, then you forfeit your part of the-” Fingers pressed to his lips and he glared at his younger brother as he saw him lick his own lips and lean forward, closing his eyes tightly and trying to think it was someone else as the finger moved from his lips and a hot mouth pressed against his own. He couldn't help it as he went redder, somehow unable to think it was anyone else, keeping his mouth shut tightly, the hand winding around his waist making him shiver as one threaded into his hair and pulled him closer. When Turles' tongue licked at his lips, he knew his whole face was burning. “Mmmph…” He mumbled, trying to stop his brother there, but opening his mouth had given his twin the advantage he was seeking as the tongue pushed into his mouth, his hands grabbing at the other's shoulders to push him away, but unable to as Turles moved, trapping his arms between them.
He really couldn't help but think his brother was a great kisser as Turles' tongue flicked at his and teased it into moving too, both twins shuddering as they felt each other's grip tighten, Turles' hands moving to grab Goku's ass, causing him to pull back in horror, panting crazily, eyes wide. They didn't do anything but stare at each other in shock, neither of them knowing what to say, Turles not even having a condescending comment to say about him as he swallowed and stood nervously, not sure to what to do.
The first one of them to move was Turles, as he grabbed the paper from the printer and offered it over, Goku taking it gratefully, jumping when Turles kissed his cheek once, swiftly, a big grin on his face as he picked up his own bag and slung it over his shoulder, stopping to smirk at him, Goku knowing that some nasty comment was about to spill from his twin's talented lips.
“Maybe I'll change my mind about that swapping seats thing…” His younger brother's eyes glinted strangely at him again. “…And ask for another kiss.” Goku could feel his face heating up even more, and was shocked at both the words and the fact that his face could get hotter, grabbing his own bag quietly, saying nothing. Turles stepped closer. “So Kakarott, how was I?” Goku took a step away, trying to figure out something to say that wouldn't make him sound like he had enjoyed it, but oddly, something that would acknowledge Turles' skills.
Luckily, the bell for lunch started going off, and Goku just grinned, embarrassed and relieved by the distraction as he dashed to the door, opening it.
“Lunch time!” Goku grinned happily, the look of annoyance on his brother's face making him laugh as he dashed down the corridor, hearing Turles chasing after him, suddenly being jumped on and landing on the floor, his reflexes quite good as he broke his fall with his forearms instead of his face. “Turles, let me get up! I'm starving!” Turles' hand grabbed his ass and he froze up, knowing he wasn't going to get out of it. “…Oh…fine!” He grumbled, noticing that the doors to the other English rooms were opening. “Let me up and I'll tell you!” The pressure on his back and ass disappeared and he got up, his face a dark red as he mumbled. “YouwereokayIguess.” His twin raised an eyebrow at him, disbelievingly.
“It seemed more than `okay' a few moments ago when you were clutching at me.” Turles said, an undertone of hurt in his voice, which confused the older twin. Why would Turles be hurt by that? And why would he even care what his own brother thought of him as a kisser? It was confusing and strange, but he just shrugged it off, looking calmly at his twin, trying hard not to remember how they had just been kissing.
“Well…alright…it was pretty good actually…” Goku admitted, coughing in an embarrassed manner. “But why does it matter? You have a girlfriend, right?” Their eyes met for a moment, and Turles scowled.
“You mean Angela(2)?” He snorted. “She's just my fuck buddy, nothing more.” The feeling of pity for the girl came back to Goku, and he sighed at his brother's seeming coldness towards her.
“Can't you tell she's in love with you?” Turles' expression darkened and he paused, knowing his brother didn't want to talk about her at all, but feeling some sort of obligation to her to make him see how she felt. “She said you told her that you needed her…” He swallowed, nervous. “That shows some sort of commitment, right?”
“Look Kakarott, shut the fuck up, alright?? It's none of your goddamn business, got it??” Turles hissed, grabbing the front of his shirt, venomous. “I don't care if she's in love with me; I have my sights set on someone else! And in the heat of the moment, when you're handcuffed down and some slut is perched over you, teasing you, you'll say anything to get some! So you watch your fucking mouth!” He was roughly shoved away as Turles pushed past him and headed down the corridor, Goku feeling terrible for Angela, but knowing there was nothing he could do to make her happy. He always tried his best to help people, but it seemed that he had failed her, and it felt horrible to let someone down that badly.
Sighing, he walked down the corridor, pulling his bag more securely over his shoulder, looking own at the floor as he travelled out of the door, his feet walking the well-known path to the Spar, looking up briefly to check for cars, before he looked back down again and crossed the road. Once he got to the other side, he was spotted by Yamcha and Tien, who came running over to him.
“Yo, Goku!” Yamcha yelled, making him look up, forcing a grin as they stopped in front of him, grinning. “A bunch of us are going to the pub tonight, you in?” The teen thought about it for a moment, before deciding that it would be a great distraction from his thoughts about Turles and Angela and other schoolwork, and his grin grew.
“Who's going?” He asked, intrigued.
“Me, Yamcha and Krillin.” Tien answered, smirking. “Maybe one of will pick up a hot chick while we're out.” Goku laughed, as did Yamcha.
“A guy's night out to go womanising? Sounds great, count me in!”
It wasn't long after the bell rang for the end of school that people saw Goku running home, a big grin on his face, his bag bashing him in the hip as he rounded corners and jumped over rocks and other various obstacles that were in his way. He had completely forgotten about getting Vegeta's address, and kissing Turles, the only thing on his mind being how he was going to the pub later, and possibly, the fact that his dinner would be waiting on the table for him when he got home, ready to wolf it down and dash to his room to get changed, happy to blow off his homework for a night out with his mates.
Sure, they had gone to the pub only two days ago, but that felt like forever ago to the energetic teen, the wind blowing through his hair as he rounded the last corner, his house in sight. A black car skidded around the same corner seconds later, and Goku froze, staring at it in confusion as it screeched to a stop in front of his house, Turles getting out of the backseat and saying something to the driver, before slamming the door closed and going into their home.
Warily, Goku began walking slowly up to his house, the car's lights flashing at him before it sped off, rounding the corner again at an incredible speed - way over the speed limit - and screeched off into the distance, Goku not having a clue who it was. He reached the front door and entered, crashing straight into Radditz, both of them hitting the floor, Radditz' eye twitching as he looked at him. He got to his feet and offered his hand to his older brother, about to apologise when his hand was slapped away, Radditz giving him a harsh glare.
“Go away Kakarott, I don't have time for you!” Radditz pushed himself onto his feet and stormed off, obviously in a terrible mood, though Goku had no idea why. With a shrug, he went to his and Turles' room, dumping his bag next to his bed, seeing his twin at their homework desk, using a screwdriver. He shrugged that off too, and went back down to the kitchen table, horrified to see a note on it requesting that he cook dinner. He groaned angrily and looked around for some money, hoping to be able to get chips from the chip shop, before stopping and grinning as he found paper and a pen, writing that Turles should cook dinner in the exact handwriting he saw. Swapping the notes, he crumpled the one with his name on up, and stuffed it into the pocket of his jeans, grinning evilly - something he had obviously picked up from his crazy twin - as he looked at the one on the table.
“TURLES!” He yelled, making himself a drink. “You're supposed to make dinner tonight!”
“FUCK OFF!” Came the irritated reply from upstairs, and Goku sweatdropped, knowing that he wouldn't get to eat if he left it to his younger sibling, hurriedly making himself a big sandwich, before going upstairs. When he walked into his room, Turles hissed at him. “YOU COOK DINNER, I'M BUSY!” Giving a nervous smile, Goku lifted his sandwich.
“It's okay, I'm going out soon anyway.” He took a huge bite and put it on his bedside table as he moved to their wardrobe, looking for his favourite outfit. He pulled out his orange short-sleeved shirt and shrugged, deciding that he would wear it instead, stripping off the red button-up he had been wearing previously, tossing it into the corner and pulling on the new item of clothing, turning back to his sandwich and scoffing it down, not even noticing that Turles had been watching him the whole time, too busy to pay attention.
“Where are you going?” Turles queried from the desk, Goku turning to face him, tilting his head.
“Just to the pub, why?” Turles shook his head.
“No reason.” Goku shrugged as Turles turned back to whatever he was doing, then turned to his bag, pulling out some paper, folding and putting it in his pocket, making a mental note that if they did score, he'd need the paper to write the girl's phone numbers on. He grabbed a denim jacket off the back of the chair Turles was sitting on and pulled it on, pulling his wallet from his bag and made his way to their door, about to leave. “So…” Turles words made him stop, and he looked over his shoulder at him. “Am I allowed to trade that seat-swapping for a kiss?” Goku went bright red.
“Shut up.” He turned to face him. “Only if I ask for your help again, got it? And I might say no.” Turles sighed lightly and shook his head. “Anyone would think you were in love with me or something.” Goku said as he left the room, not giving Turles the time to retort as he jumped down the stairs and out the door, on his way to the pub, not taking a taxi so he could save his money for drinks.
Travelling down a curved road, he passed a small children's park, watching the small children swinging and climbing the monkeybars and sliding down the slide, smiling as he remembered playing at that park himself. It was such a long time since he'd been here…he had been about five years old…thirteen years on, and he had changed quite a lot, but not in some ways. He smiled at the memory, then blinked as he saw two small boys holding hands, one pulling the other away from the adults, behind a bush and kissing him on the mouth. With an embarrassed cough and a bewildered look on his face, Goku carried on, bright red as he fastened his footsteps, his hands clenched at his sides.
Why did it seem that when something bad happened to him, the whole world was obsessed with it?
He looked at his watch and sighed at the time. He had left early, but now - because of that…disturbing distraction - if he didn't hurry up, he was going to be late to meet with his friends. Shivering in confusion at the earlier display, he increased his walking speed yet again, before cursing out loud and just running to their agreed-upon pub, stopping at the door to push it open and walk through casually, straight to the bar to order a beer.
“Hi! What would you like?” A waitress asked, smiling happily at him as he stood awkwardly, feeling out of place there on his own. Her hands stereotypically cleaned a glass as she waited for his response, making him go red in the face at taking so long to reply.
“A pint of beer… Carling, if you have any.” He said, quite firmly, surprising himself at how calm he was and appeared. It wasn't that he wasn't old enough to buy booze; it was just that he had never really had to…usually everyone got him a drink while they got their own. When the pint was placed in front of him, he grew more nervous, getting out his wallet and looking at her expectantly for the price.
“That's two pound fifty please.” She said, watching him get out the change and hand it over, trying to keep the colour from his cheeks. With a frown, she took the money and raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you sure you're old enough to drink?” Crap.
“Well, um, it's the first time I've ordered since I became eighteen…” He answered truthfully, if not a little lamely, looking her straight in the eye. His hand touched the glass and closed around it, but she didn't stop him, and so, he turned and left the bar area to sit in his favourite corner of the pub, almost dropping his drink onto the floor at who he saw sitting in his booth.
(1)CV - Curriculum Vitae. This is a job information sheet. It has name, address, phone number, schools attended, grades achieved, character references, and it is used to help you get a job in England. I'm sure there are similar sorts of things over the world though.
(2)Angela - Turles' `fuck buddy'. Yes, this is the Angela from the Dragonball Z filler episode where Gohan is tricked into a date because he thinks she knows he is the Great Saiyaman.