Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Arguments and promises ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter eight: Arguments and promises
The minutes dragged by endlessly as Goku waited for an answer, even though he already knew why. It was obvious that it was because of the teacher's harsh break up with his ex that Vegeta had not come in, had been drinking so much. Seemingly, the short man didn't know how destructive the path he was walking down really was; a path of self-annihilation never did anyone any good. Goku just wanted to be able to help the smaller man, wanting to make him feel alright again and get back to doing his English A level with no other problems arising for either of them. He and his class would not be able to pass the course at this rate, and it would reflect badly on the teacher if not one of them knew what they were doing.
“…Sir, I think I have the right to know why I'm going to fail my AS(1).” Goku said firmly, crossing his arms to emphasise that he wasn't leaving until the teacher told him the truth. And also that he would wait as long as necessary for Vegeta to tell him, even miss school for that day himself. Still, he got no answer from the smaller man, angering him. “Dammit Vegeta!” At his name, the teacher jumped, looking at him with wide eyes as the tall teen gave him a dirty look. “Don't you care that all your students are going to fail without you??” Goku yelled, getting out of the bed, uncaring that his towel had slipped off his body, exposing him, too angry to even notice. “Can't you see that we need you?! Why! Why aren't you at school?!”
Goku paused in his rant and looked at Vegeta, trying to calm down, his hands as fists next to his body as he glared at the small man, gritting his teeth when he saw Vegeta's face flush a dark red, eyes much lower than his face. Scowling, he looked down to see what the shorter man was so embarrassed for and couldn't help a blush from covering his cheeks as he pulled the dressing gown together and tied it, coughing.
“…Uhm…” Vegeta looked up, his face bright red. “…You should go home, Mr Kirabiyaka.” It was a mere whisper, but Goku heard it, getting angry at the teacher for trying to make him go away with no answers, but also feeling oddly hurt that he had called him by his last name. There was only formality in the short man's voice, and, more than anything, Goku was angered that the teacher dared to try and talk to him like a student when they weren't at school, when Goku had helped him get back home last night, when he was practically ruining the teen's future!
When he was fuelled by anger, Goku always made a tonne of mistakes. There was the time in primary school(2) when he had hit a boy much bigger than him because he had stolen his lunch and had been beaten up for it(not that he didn't get the little shit back later), the time at home when he had bitten his father and had got bitten back twice as hard, and the time that he had had his pencil case stolen and when he had found the kid who had taken it, he had broken the kid's arm and got into trouble with their parents and the school.
This was one of those times.
Without thinking, he coughed and began to speak.
“Look Vegeta. No matter what you say, I'm not going until I'm ready to. You can't tell me to go to school unless you're going in yourself!” Goku growled, making Vegeta stare at him in shock. Obviously the smaller man did not expect the teen to snap and be so rude towards him, probably because he seemed like the nice type of student, unlike his brother. Scowling, Goku turned away from him, leaving the room, Vegeta following him, nervous of what he was up to. The tall teen knew that the teacher was following, and took his wet clothes from the washing machine, hurling them into the dryer angrily, putting it on the fastest drying program it had. He stood there, tapping his foot, trying to patient but failing, irritated by Vegeta's silence and insistent suggestions that he leave. The teacher owed him for last night; for his kindness in bringing him home and helping him into bed, and yet he wasn't even acting grateful, just seeming annoyed and embarrassed by him, though he didn't know why.
“Mr Kirabiyaka…” Vegeta began quietly, his hands holding each other in what seemed to be a tight, awkward way, just angering the teen earlier at that formality again. “I cannot have you in my apartment all day. If you are going to school, then go, and if you are not, go home. I am not going to be held responsible for you skipping school.” Goku almost twitched.
“Whatever.” He hissed, tone icy as the tumble dryer finally finished, bending down and yanking his own clothes out, letting Vegeta's fall onto the floor, storming past the small teacher again to go and get dressed in the bedroom, this time not being followed. “Shit.” He cursed, pulling off the dressing gown and flinging it to the floor, disrespectful. He yanked on his underwear and jeans, just putting his shirt around his shoulders, his arms through the sleeves, but leaving it unbuttoned as he went to look for his shoes.
He found them in the hall, next to the teacher's pair that he had worn last night, sitting on the floor to pull them on, checking his watch. Quarter to six. He had to go home now to be able to get changed and ready for school to get there on time, but he didn't care. He was too pissed off with how Vegeta was acting towards him to be able to think straight. Quietly, the aforementioned teacher walked up to him, biting his lip wearing a large loose shirt that covered from his neck to halfway down his thighs.
“Mr Kirabiyaka, I-” The smaller man began, but Goku cut him off, irritated.
“I know about what happened at the park.” Vegeta seemed to pale at those eight simple words, and took a step backwards from him, seeming afraid and mistrustful. He scowled as he got to his feet, moving towards the small teacher - who was walking backwards to the only exit from the flat - making Vegeta's eyes widen as he thought that Goku was going to do something bad to him.
“Don't you come any closer!” Vegeta warned, his back hitting against the cool wood of his flat's door, unaware of what it was or that he was preventing Goku's departure. “Mr Kirabiyaka! Stop it!” Goku stopped walking towards the door and sighed, putting a hand on his forehead and shaking his head. “Just how much do you think you know?!” Vegeta hissed, seeming slightly hysterical.
“…I was there from before you got the phone call until Cell left and you were crying.” The teen stated, matter of fact. “And I would leave, but you are blocking the way out.” The teacher's face went scarlet in mortification and embarrassment, as he sidestepped out of the way of the door, looking intensely nervous, his hands clasped together.
“I…Kakarott…” Goku's mood lightened a little at the acknowledgement of his name, making him turn to face the other. “…You won't…tell anyone…will you?”
“…” Goku didn't say a word, turning back to the door.
“Mr Kirabiyaka! Please tell me you won't say anything! Promise me!” Vegeta begged, still in shock from him knowing, the teen having a feeling that the teacher would do almost anything to stop him from breathing a word about what had happened, what he had witnessed, what he had done. But he had no reason to tell anyone anything; it wasn't anyone else's business but theirs now, and Goku had never liked it when people had messed in his affairs before.
“It isn't my place to talk about your life.” He replied simply, opening the door with ease, ready to step out when a hand grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him back in, a warm body pressing up against him from behind, hands hugging him around his chest, the body shaking. “I promise I won't say a word.”
“Thank you…” The small man whispered, then let go, going into the bathroom, leaving him to let himself out.
With a sigh, he began to walk from the apartment, before realising he had no clue where he was. The teen pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled Green guy's taxi service again, the same woman being on the line as last night, still sounding bored and moody.
“Hello, Green Guy taxi service.” The dull, droning, uninterested voice said, making him laugh nervously.
“Hi, can I have a taxi please?” He asked again, waiting for her response.
“Where are you?” He paused as he looked at the tall building, amused that she said the same things as last time.
“Well, I'd like to suggest that Piccolo should pick me up, if he can. Tell him it's Goku, he'll know where I am.” He heard her sigh loudly in exasperation, then press some buttons on a machine. Silence lasted about thirty seconds before she spoke again.
“He said he'd be along in five minutes.” She said, yawning, irritating him.
“Okay, thanks.” The teen replied, then hung up on her before she had the chance to hang up on him, grinning at his childish - yet entirely satisfying - win. Beaming like an idiot, he leaned against a streetlamp pole, looking down the road that he was sure the cab driver would take, jingling his money in his pocket.
Suddenly, he heard wheels coming down the road, the sky still quite dark as the cab stopped in front of him, and Piccolo's head looked at him through the glass of the window pane, smirking. Happily, he climbed into the back of the car, just smiling at the taller man, making him turn to talk to him.
“Hey Goku. Where are you off to?” He asked, both grinning.
“To the pub again!” Goku laughed, making Piccolo raise an eyebrow ridge. “I'll walk home from there.”
“Just tell me where you live, okay? It's faster.” Piccolo replied, shaking his head and making the teen laugh louder.
“I was kidding!” Goku insisted, then told him the address, the taxi speeding off in the right direction, turning left at the next set of traffic lights.
From the window of his apartment, the teacher watched.
(1)AS - In England, there are two years to get an A level. The first year is called an AS, and counts as half of an A level even if a student drops the course for the second year. The second year is called an A2, and is basically a continuation of an AS, only much harder. At the end of this year, you get one A level and the AS is part of it.
(2)Primary school - English term for Elementary school.