Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Punishment ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter nine: Punishment
Trying to sneak into your house at half past six in the morning never seems like a good move. No matter what you do or don't do, someone always notices that you came home very late. Either it's the fact that your keys are in the door when everyone wakes up and goes for breakfast, the fact that the milk has been brought in, the fact that the door opening and closing woke someone up, or, if you're really unlucky…
Your dad stayed up all night in the livingroom, waiting for you to get home.
“KAKAROTT! WHAT TIME DO YOU CALL THIS?!” Bardock roared, the very second that Goku had closed and locked the door behind him, making sure his keys were in his pocket and that he had left the milk outside, tip-toeing to the stairs, jumping out of his skin at the loud yell, covering his ears before his eyes widened and he dashed madly up the stairs, his father chasing not too far behind him. Slamming the door to his and Turles' bedroom, he dived into the available bed…
The door almost burst off the hinges when the tall doctor(1) burst his way through, his eyes scanning over both beds, both figures appearing to be sleeping soundly, nothing making it easy to identify which twin was in which bed. Bardock smirked in triumph as he saw a booted foot poking out from under the cover of Goku's bed, walking over slowly and yanking out the teen, dropping him on the floor.
“Ow! Fucking hell!” Turles yelled, rubbing his head where it had hit the metal end of the bed, giving a dirty look in his father's direction, his vision blurry enough to think it were is twin. “Kakarott, you fucking wanker! So what if I was sleeping in your goddamn bed?? Get over it already!” Waking properly, Turles paused, finally noticing it was his father, who had an angry twitching look in his eye, like he hadn't slept all night and was majorly pissed off. The slightly-younger twin swallowed nervously, then backed away, trying to dart around him to leave the room, his father grabbing the scruff of his jacket, glaring.
“How dare you speak towards me in such a way, child?!” Turles flinched and let the jacket slide down his arms, squirming when it bunched around his elbows.
“S-Sorry!!” Bardock dropped him onto the floor, losing interest in him as he stalked over to the other bed, pulling the sheet from the figure, seeing Goku wincing and covering his face to ward off any blows.
“So where were you last night? Why didn't you fucking call?!” Bardock yelled, grabbing Goku's jacket and pulling him towards him, angry. “You didn't tell anyone where you were going! `To the pub' you said! On a school night??”
Previous experience told the teen to keep his trap shut. When his father was like this, there was no chance to explain, no way to escape, no way to even reason with him. When sleep-deprived, his father was well worth fearing, though when he had plenty of sleep, he was not, and anything done would generally pass by him and he'd ignore it, or just get a little mad. But the look in his father's eyes right now was demanding answers, and he usually didn't dare not to tell the truth, but he couldn't this time, so he kept his mouth shut. His father had always known when he was lying, and he never could hide that fact.
“Dammit Kakarott, just answer the man!” Turles yelled, then fled the room, not wanting to see what was going to happen to his twin, knowing it would not be pretty.
“…I went to the Phoenix…?” Goku whispered, half to his father and half to himself, the tone of panic in his voice making his father disbelieve him, shaking him about.
“You couldn't stay there until six o'clock in the fucking morning!” Bardock growled, making Goku dizzy with the shaking, his eyes blurring and stopping him from seeing very well. “I'll ask one more time!” The doctor growled. “Where were you??” Goku couldn't speak. He didn't know what lie to pass off to his father, and he knew that his dad would not believe him unless he sounded sure of himself and could look him in the eye, but he had always been a terrible liar, and time had not helped him to remedy this problem. Looking up at his dad's face, he swallowed.
“…I was meant to be going with Yamcha, Tien and Krillin, but they couldn't make it.” He said, stalling as he thought of an excuse, the fact that he was trying to tell his father making Bardock more patient. “So…I was there and I met a girl who I know well who let me stay over…I meant to call, honest!” He lied, the last part being true, able to look his dad in the eyes as he said it, relieved yet nervous as a dark look crossed Bardock's face.
“I see.” Flinching a little, Goku knew his punishment was about to come up. Maybe he'd have to do the dishes for a month, or tidy the whole house top-to-bottom…maybe he'd have to cook everyone's dinner for a few weeks… “You're grounded.” Goku's jaw dropped in horror. He could deal with almost anything, but not that! It was so unfair!!
“But dad-!” He began, trying to get out of it.
“No buts, Kakarott! You will eventually learn how to behave in my house!” Throwing the teen to the floor, Bardock growled. “Now fucking get ready for school!” Goku watched as his father left the room, gritting his teeth in anger. Goddammit! It wasn't even his fault!
Needing to get some anger out, he switched on his PS2 and put in Tekken Tag Tournament and selecting his two favourite characters - Jin Kazama and Yoshimitsu - proceeded to play arcade mode, smashing the hell out of the challengers, grinding his teeth together the entire time, too pissed off to think properly, let alone get ready for school. He didn't want to go in today, didn't see the point, was so tired it was aggravating his senses and reaction times, almost yelling at the game when he nearly lost, quickly switching character and kicking the challenger's ass.
As he was playing, he didn't notice Turles slowly enter the room and creep up on him, looking over his shoulder at the game.
“Where were you, then?” Jumping in shock at Turles' seemingly sudden appearance, he dropped the controller, staring in horror as his character was beaten, game over flashing on the screen. “Woah, you sure suck today!” His twin said, sounding rather happy, causing the slightly-older of the two to want to punch him in the face, his anger building instead of decreasing like he had wanted it to. Turning off the game, Goku twisted around, fury flaring in his eyes.
“None of your damn business, and shut up!” He hissed, replying to both things his little brother had said, getting to his feet moodily and moving to get changed, irritated when Turles didn't leave, merely watching him. “Goddamn it, stop fucking perving on me and get out!!” He demanded, unnerved, not wanting to take off his jeans when Turles was in the room. The response he got was a smirk as Turles began to move closer to him, Goku's eyes narrowing as he put his orange shirt on a hanger, fully aware of where Turles was.
“Why are you so bothered about me being in here?” Turles whispered, almost pressed up against his back, making Goku's eye twitch in an insane way as his brother continued. “I've seen you change before…” A hand touched his ass and he turned around, punching his brother in the face, sending him flying to the floor.
“How dare you! Enough is enough! Once it's funny, but it's just getting annoying now!” Goku hissed, enraged by his twin's insistence to continue the irritating prank, his eyes burning his irritation into the other's face. “Stop your damn joke now, got it??” Turles looked up at him quietly, then got up, swiftly leaving the room, somehow making the tall teen feel bad about hitting him. But he had had enough of the game, and the longer he let it go on, the angrier he would get…and the harder he would lash out. He knew it was for the best that he stopped the annoying thing as soon as possible, and the knowledge of that calmed him a little, made him feel less guilty.
Sighing, he finished getting changed and frowned, before going to watch the television, noticing Radditz already on the sofa, a music channel on. He sat next to his brother and watched the video about an almost naked woman pole-dancing to one of The White Stripes' songs, liking the way that her body moved and slinked around the pole, unable to stop a grin from covering his face. His older brother was clenching his fists, arms crossed tightly over his chest, worrying the teen as he looked at him. Radditz had been in a bad mood yesterday too…since they had gone back to school in fact… Goku frowned as he looked at him, trying to figure out what as wrong.
“Kakarott! Do you fucking mind not staring at me like that?!” His brother snapped, getting up and kicking him in the leg, making him yelp and grab it, rubbing it as his brother stormed out of the room, leaving him confused. He had no idea what the hell was going on. His mood didn't improve as he lifted the leg of his school pants and looked at his shin, knowing that there was going to be a rather large, rather ugly bruise forming on there at some point. Dammit. Radditz had completely overreacted about him looking at him; there had been no need to kick him at all, but the older brother probably didn't know that he was worried about him…
Turles popped his head around the livingroom door and saw him, speaking in a monotonous voice, sounding bored and uninterested.
“Dad says breakfast is ready and that you should eat.” Then, the younger twin's head disappeared and Goku sighed, feeling guilty. That was the voice Turles used when he was hurt or upset about something; which was not very often, and Goku knew for a fact that when the other was using it, it was because he couldn't help it. His little brother couldn't even pretend to be happy.
With a heavy sigh, the teen allowed his pants leg to fall back down and got up from the settee, unable to stop another deep sigh as he turned off the television and reluctantly moved toward the kitchen, still angry at being grounded, but the anger fading slowly to be replaced with guilt for what he had done to Turles. But it wasn't even his fault, and he had to show Turles that he had to stop it before the youngest of the pair went too far with it and tried to do something much worse than a harmless kiss.
Though I technically wouldn't say that it was `harmless'… Goku thought to himself, leaving the livingroom and entering the kitchen, noticing his dad was not present at the table, thankful for such a small blessing as he sat at the seat between Radditz and Turles, picking up the cereal and pouring some into his bowl.
The silence at the table was awkward. After eating for five minutes, Goku knew that Turles would say or do something amusing; he always did, for the youngest sibling disliked the awkward silences as much as he did, if not more.
But this time there was nothing.
No jokes, no laughter, no random phrases…
And it was worrying.
Chewing his cereal slowly, the tall teen looked down at his food, not liking the tension between them all, feeling like he owed them both an apology, even if Turles was freaking him out and Radditz had overreacted to being looked at, he felt oddly responsible for their silence. After another short while, the silence was irritating him and he couldn't take it anymore, seeing his twin just eating a piece of toast, completely ignoring him.
“…What lessons do you have today, Turles?” He asked, trying to gain at least one person's attention and get rid of the horrible silence, but not even receiving a look of acknowledgement, let alone a conversation. Frowning, he put his hand on his twin's shoulder, only to have it pushed away as his brother got up from the table and left the room, obviously not in the mood to talk to him. He sighed.
“Dammit Kakarott, no one has time to waste talking to you, so shut up!” Radditz growled, yet again lashing out at him verbally before walking off, leaving him alone at the table, looking down. He didn't know why everyone was so upset, or why they were taking it out on him; it wasn't like he did things to hurt them every day. The tall teen got to his feet and began clearing the table in silence, scraping the uneaten food off the plates and into the bin, before putting the plates themselves in the dishwasher and giving the table and sides a quick wipe, hoping that it would please his dad, if no one else.
Feeling uncharacteristically down, the teen looked at his watch, sighing again. It was already time for school, and he was just so tired that he didn't want to go, wanting to copy his dad and go to bed. The only problem with that was that his dad was working a night shift at the hospital tonight, and that his dad actually needed the sleep so he could do his job efficiently, and Goku's work was at school in the daytime. Goku slowly padded into the hallway, looking for his schoolbag, before remembering that he had left it next to his bed before he had gone out, rushing up the stairs to get it, almost colliding with his younger twin, their faces barely an inch apart when he finally managed to stop going forward, Turles having frozen in place when he had seen him.
“S-Sorry! I'm in a rush.” Goku explained, his cheeks going red as he dodged around the other, pausing before hugging him briefly. “I shouldn't have reacted so badly before Turles, I'm sorry.” Letting go, he dashed back into their bedroom, scooping his bag up off the floor and grabbing a jacket, running back out onto their landing, seeing Turles gone as he practically dived down the stairs, Radditz seeing him and looking about to yell at him for his brashness, Goku ignoring him as he pulled on his jacket and prepared to leave the house.
“You should be more careful! That's dangerous, you stupid moron!” Radditz yelled, grabbing his shirt and shaking him. “Dad would kill me if you got hurt, so behave, damn you!” Squirming away, Goku managed to free himself from the seeming death-grip, not a scratch on him as he opened the door and ran out into the dreary day. The sky was overcast with grey clouds, looking as if it were about to rain, causing the teen to sigh as the sky seemed to reflect his mood. Plodding down the long road to school, he tried not to think about what was happening at home, or between him and the English teacher, finding nothing to think on except his neglected homework, groaning as he realised what trouble he would be in.
But it was only Drama homework, and, as the best Drama student - or so that teacher told him - he was sure that he would be forgiven for not doing it just the once. For some reason, he felt like he was forgetting something, but he just couldn't figure out what, shaking his head as he walked listlessly towards school, a tree seeming to attack him as he walked past, hands grabbing his sides.
Ah!!” He yelled, twisting in the grip to see his younger twin, who was grinning, a crude-looking scouter on his face, the white part made out of plastic, Goku looking closer to see screws in it. So that was what that screwdriver was for! “Turles!” He said, embarrassedly, glad there was no one else around to witness this humiliation, pulling back. “That scouter looks…uh…quite good actually.” He admitted, reaching out to touch it, only to have his twin grab his wrist.
“Don't touch it, it isn't quite stable enough yet.” The slightly-younger boy warned, then let go of his wrist, making Goku sweatdrop.
“Then why are you wearing it?”
“I'm just testing to see if it works, and for how long it will stay on without interferences so I know what to do to make it sturdier and keep it on all the time.” His brother explained, shrugging, as if it was obvious to anyone and that wearing a piece of plastic like that on your head was a perfectly normal thing. Goku sweatdropped.
“Does it work?” He asked, starting to walk, knowing his twin would follow him, not expecting it to work, or for it ever to work, but glad that Turles was actually talking to him.
“Well, not yet.” Turles said quietly, looking forward, on Goku's right, the scoutered side of his face next to his twin's, allowing him to have a better look without touching. “But I will make it work…one day.” The older twin couldn't help a smile at the younger's words, secretly praising the other's determination. Turles had never really behaved long enough for people to know how smart he was, but even Goku thought that making a real scouter would be too difficult for his brother. To make a real one would require massive engineering techniques, and high computer skills, and although he knew Turles was studying those for A level, he didn't think that it was the sort of thing an A level student could create; it would probably take someone with a Masters(2) to even be able to conceive how to put it all together and in working order, and if that were possible, Goku was sure that there would already be scouters out on the market.
“I'm sure you will Turles.” He half-lied, believing that if anyone could do it, it would definitely be his brother, but also somewhat unsure whether his brother would be capable to do it at all. There was nothing wrong with encouraging his twin to use his brain, and this was a kind of educational experience that Turles was doing, so he supposed it was okay to encourage his creativity and determination.
Besides, if Turles did get it to work, it would be a fun thing to use around girls…
His brother looked at him funnily, as if reading his mind, then burst out laughing.
“Kakarott, you pervert! The scouter I'm making doesn't show you women's body statistics(3)!” Turles clutched at his own sides and stopped walking, feeling like he was almost breaking a rib from laughing so hard. “If you need to know things like that about women, you should find out yourself and bed them on your own! No, his scouter measures power level and intelligence!” Goku sweatdropped.
“And how is it meant to do that?” There was silence for a moment.
“…I'm not sure yet.” Turles admitted, grinning. “But there's different types of brain waves, and maybe the amount of brain waves you transmit says your intelligence level?” Goku tilted his head, thinking on the idea for a moment. From what he had heard about the human brain, that idea kind of did make sense, but first, Turles would have to see whether there was a positive correlation between brainwave activity and IQ, then figure out how to make the device pick up on the waves…
“It does sound interesting though…” Goku said, beginning to walk again, his twin in tow. “I mean, from the stuff in that Psychology textbook of yours…” Turles nodded next to him, his arms crossed as they both walked down the road.
“Yeah, I think I could do that…put in a sensitive type of brainwave measuring device into it…” Turles said thoughtfully, both twins on the same wavelength of ideas. “I should probably just limit it to brainwave activity and make sure it can say how far away people are…it'd probably come in useful if I become a criminal.” His younger twin added, making Goku stare at him with wide eyes. “I'm just kidding! Gee Kakarott, have a sense of humour!” Goku faked a laugh, pretending to be amused; although Turles had sounded so serious that he didn't put the idea past him. Maybe Turles would be a criminal when he was older…
Finally, their school came into sight, and, looking at his watch, Goku realised that they were already five minutes late, Turles noticing also as they ran hurriedly up to the building and through the doors leading into the entrance hall, dashing like madmen up the stairs and parting at the end of the corridor to run into their separate forms.
The reason they were in separate forms was because of the younger Kirabiyaka's obsession with swapping seats and confusing teachers. When they were in the same form, and one was skiving - usually Turles - the other - usually Goku - would cover for him and pretend to be him, so the register said he were in, as well as himself, so that a phonecall would not go home to ask where one of them was. It had been the current Headteacher's idea to put them in separate forms, when she had grown altogether too angry and bored of sorting out their antics. And this idea had stopped the two skiving form, at least.
“See you later Turles!” Goku yelled to his brother, then opened the door to his form room, grinning as he ran to sit with his friends, laughing at Yamcha for last night's problem, completely ignoring his form tutor as he tutted and gave him a late mark.
(1)Doctor - If I haven't already mentioned, I made Bardock into a doctor for this fic. The reason I did this is because it gives him random work hours and gives a good wage, as well as making him really smart.
(2)Masters - A higher level of degree. Usually taken after completing a course at university, extremely difficult to obtain.
(3)Women's body statistics - In the game SimGirl(which I do not own), the scouter is used to say the height, weight, bust, waist, etc sizes of girl's bodies, what they like and don't like, and other various things and is used so that the player can bed the girl(or whatever, I really don't remember it so well).