Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ The last straw ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter ten: The last straw
“Oh shut up, Goku!” Yamcha growled in warning as his friend continued to laugh at his misfortune the previous night, wanting to wring his neck to silence him, trying to stop his eye from twitching. Tien noticed the warning signs in Yamcha's body language and nudged Goku in the side, trying to make him stop, Krillin watching quietly, mildly amused. “I mean it Goku! Shut your trap!” Yamcha hissed, the tall teen finally paying attention to him and stopping his laughter, but not hiding a huge knowing grin from plastering over his face, annoying the other long haired teen, but not as much as the laughter had.
“Okay, okay! I've had my fun.” Goku said cheekily, causing Yamcha to shake his head at the expression of glee on the other's face, finding it unbelievable that he let him get away with it. “Besides…” Goku began to add, pausing. “I got grounded too…” Yamcha, Krillin and Tien winced, all hating the idea.
“Do you know how long for?” Krillin asked, pitying him.
“No…” Goku frowned. “My dad didn't tell me.”
It was always a bad thing when his dad didn't tell him how long he was grounded for. Last time, Bardock had kept him grounded for over a month, driving the teen and all his friends crazy for ages, Goku missing out on one of the best parties that had ever taken place around their area, the tall teen still not forgiving his dad for it, even though it had been almost two years since that event.
The worst part about him being grounded was not that he couldn't go out at night - even though that was pretty damn annoying - but rather that he had to be at home twenty minutes after school had ended, or he was in trouble. It didn't matter if a teacher had held him back to talk to him, or there had been a car accident and he had had to take a different route home, his father still yelled at him and punished him further, the excuse being that it was his own fault for getting himself grounded.
All three of his sons thought that Bardock was way too strict on them, but they didn't dare disobey the much older man, for fear of being grounded for longer than they had already been given.
“Dammit Goku, your dad's so fucking harsh!” Yamcha spat, now in a bad mood. “I only got grounded for three days, I mean, come on! He's so unfair!” The tall teen looked down.
“I know.” He hissed through gritted teeth, the anger he had from before rising up in him again as he heard his form tutor telling the class about what charity events were on that week, not really paying attention but hearing the sound of his voice. “But there's nothing I can do!” The bell went for first lesson and the teenagers got up from their seats, walking towards the doorway.
“What lesson you got now, Goku?” Krillin asked, walking to his left as they carried on down the corridor. The tall teen pulled his timetable out of the top pocket on his navy shirt and his eyes narrowed a little as he checked.
“English. Room 2B.” Goku hissed, irritated that it had to be English first lesson, annoyed and wanting Vegeta to be in. If he didn't turn up today, the tall teen had decided that he was going to drop the subject and pick another; like ICT or something that the teacher would turn up to and he wouldn't get tangled up in their life if he was in their class. Turning to look over at Yamcha, he saw his younger twin waiting for him at the top of the stairs, smiling at him.
“Well, I have maths, so I'll see you later, buddy.” Yamcha said, heading down the corridor to their left, Tien following him as they had the same lesson together. Krillin sighed softly and began to make his way away from Goku too.
“And I have to go to biology, so I'll see you at break.” Krillin explained, patting him on the back before leaving him on his own and letting him catch up to Turles. When he got to the end of the corridor, he smiled widely at his brother, having to fake happiness to cover up all his anger, very much used to bottling up his emotions since he was a kid.
He had first started to bottle up his emotions when he was about nine years old.
His mother had died that year in a horrible car accident on the way to pick up him and his brothers from their primary school. The day had seemed like a normal summer's day; the sky a brilliant blue with a scorching hot sun and barely any clouds… It had been one of the best days of his life until the afternoon when he had reached the school gate and heard a screeching of tires as he watched a huge jeep crash into his mother's car, dropping his schoolbag on the pavement in horror as he saw her die. He had been the first child out of the gates and no other child got to see her die except him.
Everything had been a blur after that; his brothers arriving and yelling as they saw the blood on the windshield.
He vaguely remembered Turles bursting into tears and clinging to Radditz' shirt, knowing that was the last time his brother had ever cried. As the youngest, their mother had always spent a lot of time with Turles; their dad not bothering much with him, too busy being a doctor to care for any of them properly, but Goku had always had Radditz.
And that one day had changed it all.
“Switching seats today?” Turles asked him, pulling him from his memory, a mischievous grin on his face as they began to walk down the stairs, the hallway rather empty as Goku's form tutor always let them out later than other forms. Goku pushed the horrible memory out of his mind as he looked at his brother, remembering how heartbroken he had been, hating that. It had been since that day that Turles had made so much trouble, the pranks and jokes being done for attention, as his father practically ignored him unless he was being naughty.
Suddenly, a few year sevens scuttled past them in a large group, like cockroaches and he was distracted from the memories, remembering how he had been when he was that small in a new school, before scowling and answering his younger twin's question.
“…I don't know. I get the feeling that Mr Hanayaka won't be in today.” The older twin replied, shrugging. “He may have had an accident or something.” Goku crossed his arms moodily, glaring at the floor on the way there, Turles frowning at him and nudging him.
“What makes you say that?” Not wanting to say, Goku fell silent, worrying his younger twin, who said nothing as they walked down another long corridor, the tension hanging in the air unnerving them both, but neither knowing what to say. The younger of the two kept glancing at the other, biting his lip, as they turned a corner, stopping him. “Kakarott, talk to me. Why do you think that?” Yet again, Goku walked past him, sighing.
“You'll see.” After a short while, they reached the classroom, giving each other a glance before walking in to see the other students signing a register and leaving the room. Goku gave Turles a knowing look, looking pissed off as he wrote his name, then his brother's. “I told you. Dammit, we're not going to pass if this keeps up!” Goku hissed, ready to leave, stopping when Bra walked into the room, dressed in a long-sleeved red shirt and a black mini skirt, putting her hands on her hips as she shook her head, her hair up for once.
“Is he off again?” Turles looked over her body appreciatively, nodding as Goku shook his head at his brother, moving towards the door.
“Yeah, he is. Have fun failing your English A level this year.” Goku told her, somewhat harshly, leaving the room and Bra there to look after him, shocked.
“Your brother's…optimistic…” She said sarcastically, moving over to write her name on the paper, bending down just enough for Turles to see her white underwear, grinning.
“Say, Bra…what are you doing this lesson…?”
Goku stormed down the hallways angrily, his temper flaring with no way to stop it. He wanted to hit Vegeta in the face so hard that the teacher would not wake up for a week, and then wake up with a black eye and a terrible headache. He did not like the fact that he had so many English lessons a week that were being wasted as `frees' because his teacher was too upset over a break up with a wanker!
It was pissing him off so badly that he was getting to the point where he would punch anyone if they so much as looked at him funnily.
He didn't look where he was going, and crashed into a large chest, seeing Brolli looking at him, swallowing his anger as he moved out of the burly PE teacher's way. Brolli had never really liked him that much, and always took the opportunity to make him clean the equipment and put it away, or demonstrate things to the class that were embarrassing, and Goku did not want to get on his bad side about now. Since he had missed the first lesson, Brolli had been unnecessarily harsh towards him, only leaving him alone when the other PE teacher - Nappa - told him to lay off, looking more irritated each time.
“Kirabiyaka…” The tall teacher growled, looking even more annoyed than usual, Goku's existence seeming to make him angry all by itself. “Watch where you're going!” The teen kept his gaze on the floor, nodding quietly, knowing the other hated to look at him and hear his voice. “Look at me when I'm telling you off!” The much older man hissed, grabbing his shirt, Goku's eyes widening at the aggression, the corridor clear, much to Brolli's liking.
“Brolli, let go of Mr Kirabiyaka.” A voice called, Nappa suddenly appearing near them, as if like magic. Gritting his teeth, the taller of the two teachers let Goku's shirt go, grumbling to himself as the bald one grabbed onto his arm, forcing a smile to Goku. “Move along Kakarott, I need to talk to Mr Brolli.” Gladly, Goku nodded and began to walk at a quick pace out of the corridor, looking back over his shoulder briefly to see the smaller one hugging the other, blinking before looking back ahead and leaving the building.
He decided when he was outside, that he was going to the Spar, walking over towards it slowly, looking around for any signs of the `Ginyu Force', luckily noticing that they were probably in a lesson. Scowling, he went straight to the freezer and pulled out an ice cream, taking it to the counter and paying, immediately ripping of the wrapper and eating it, in such a bad mood that he could not help himself. The lady at the counter knowingly watched him, resting her elbows on the desk and holding her chin in her hands as she smiled at him.
“Hey kid, what's wrong?” Goku pulled the stick out of his mouth and put it in the wrapper, her face going a bit red as she realised just how quickly he had eaten that, and wondering if he was going to be alright. The tall teen looked over at her and sighed, dropping his rubbish into the bin, shaking his head.
“You really don't want to hear about my problems, miss. But thanks for the offer.”
“You can talk to me, you know. I may only be a cashier, but I might be able to help…” She added, sounding a little upset that he didn't want to talk, watching as he shook his head again.
“I just know too much about someone, that's all…” He said truthfully, just wanting to be left alone for a while. “I have to go, I'm going to be late for lesson…” Lying, Goku escaped from the shop, heading back over to the school, sighing softly as he re-entered the building, heading to go to his drama lesson, Vegeta still being on his mind.
He had only seen him a few hours ago, but Goku was worried. What if Cell knew where he lived? What if the horrible man went back to torture the teacher over the break-up? Who knew what the man would do then?
The small teacher could do anything.
With a frown, he stopped walking to drama, scuffing his shoes on the polished floor as he found a window, looking in the direction he felt Vegeta's stylish flat was in.
If the small teacher wasn't in soon, he would go and visit him again to make sure he was okay.