Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ An angry visit ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter eleven: An angry visit
The twin Kirabiyakas walked down the corridor slowly, the older of the two with crossed fingers, wishing the teacher were in. The younger teen just walked towards the lesson, sighing gently, as he was somehow getting bored of having free lessons, the past two days getting on his nerves. He had no idea why their teacher wasn't in, and one good look at his brother showed him that Goku really did know why the small man wasn't in, Turles becoming very interested in the relationship between his twin and the teacher, frowning as his brother hadn't even told him, just getting more irritable as the days went on.
“…Are you ever going to tell me why you wanted Mr Hanayaka's address? Or are you just going to get mad again that he isn't in?” Turles asked, becoming bored of being in the dark about something he wanted to know. It wasn't often that his brother could hide secrets from him, and he had never done it this well, making the younger Kirabiyaka think it was serious, frowning at him. “You know you can talk to me, right?” His brother paused his thoughts, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Uh…thanks…” They finally reached the classroom of 2B, and Goku took deep breaths, trying to calm down as he rested his palm on the handle, opening the door quickly, getting mad at what he saw.
The room was empty, a piece of paper being left on the teacher's desk for another register.
The teacher wasn't in.
Clenching his fists, Goku stormed out of the classroom, not even signing his name on the paper, leaving Turles standing in the empty room on his own, watching after him, before moving over to the register and sighing, writing down both their names. He knew where his older twin had gone.
Dammit Vegeta! Get over it already!” Goku yelled as he ran down the corridors, his schoolbag smacking against his thighs and just making him angrier, gritting his teeth as he charged out of the school's reception and out of the gates, a car swerving to miss him as he dashed mindlessly across the road, fuelled by anger alone. He was determined to run to the teacher's house, determined to get his hands on him and force the damned teacher to get his ass to school and do his bloody job.
It wasn't fair. To him, to the other students in the class, to Vegeta himself, even to the school, it was unfair. The school was paying Vegeta good money to come in and teach the students how to pass their A levels, their GCSE's, even their SAT's, and yet he wasn't even coming in to school!! It was getting on Goku's nerves so much that he had to do something about it, somehow feeling like he was the only person who could.
He had to get the teacher to come in.
After he had ran in the direction of the teacher's flat for ten minutes, his anger started to fade, his body unable to contain that level of anger for so long. Panting, he stopped at a lamppost to catch his breath, looking around t the street signs to get a bearing on where he was, though none seemed familiar. He had only ever gone to and from Vegeta's house by taxi, and he knew for a fact that he did not have the money to get one there and back unless he didn't eat for the rest of the week. Cursing, the tall teen looked around to see if there was a set of flats nearby, or a police station for directions.
Actually, scrap the police…I'm meant to be at school… He groaned mentally, knowing that as he was a year twelve, they wouldn't really be bothered much, but it was still a rather stupid idea anyway; they may think he was a stalker or something. With a sigh, Goku straightened himself and carried on walking down the same road, his fit of anger making him forget how he had gotten here in the first place. If he was really lost, he could always ring a taxi later.
Turning left - as for some reason he had felt he should go left - a block of flats came into view, making him study the outside of the building closely, unsure whether it was the right set of flats, sighing as he desperately tried to remember the number on his teacher's door.
Searching his pockets, he looked for the piece of paper with the teacher's CV on, knowing he had put it somewhere on his person, having had it in his hands that morning, getting frustrated as he dug through his bag, trying to find it, unaware of the folded piece of paper sitting in his shirt pocket, Goku getting angry again as he searched through all his schoolwork, bending over so much that it fell out of his pocket and he grabbed it, blinking. Momentarily distracted from raiding his own schoolbag, he unfolded the paper, rolling his eyes at himself mentally as he realised what it was, stuffing all his things back into his bag and looking at the street signs again to see if they matched the address.
A black cat appeared from around the other corner, unseen to Goku as it made its way towards him, rubbing up against his legs and purring, no collar around its neck. The tall teen was startled at the sudden pressure, then turned, blinking again as it rubbed around his legs, meowing for food - or attention, Goku had never had a cat, so he didn't know which - making him feel hungry himself. And as it was, the poor teen had no food to give, let alone eat himself, so he crouched down and gingerly began petting it on the head - it could have diseases - hearing it purr loudly, grinning.
It was a rather cute cat, actually, it's blue eyes indicating it were no more than a mere kitten, born only a few weeks or months ago, due to its size.
The tall teen stopped petting and got to his feet, checking the signposts once again against the paper, rather amazed that he was in the right place, looking at the fourth floor to see if there were some way to identify which flat belonged to the English teacher, finding the task impossible as he could not see in very well. Pulling his bag along with him, he began to walk in the direction of the flat once again, running across the road when he saw a car coming, getting to the other side only to hear a screech of tires and a cry.
Whipping around, he paled at the sight of the blood streaked down the road, clasping a hand to his mouth as he saw the little jet ball of fur quivering in the middle of the road, shaking himself as he ran over to it, swallowing as his mother's death flashed before is eyes, the driver of the car getting out and coming over.
“Shit, it just came out from nowhere after you crossed!” The large fat man said, looking distraught as they heard the kitten meow in pain, tears coming to Goku's eyes as the flashbacks of his mother got worse, scrambling away to cover his face. “Kid, you alright? It isn't your kitten, is it?” Goku didn't answer, the sad blue eyes of the tiny creature boring into his as he realised it was his fault.
He had petted it, he had crossed the road, and it had followed him.
“…Take it to the vets…” Goku said, his voice sounding dark, even to himself. The man stared at him a moment and tried to make an excuse, but Goku cut him off. “Now! Before it bleeds to death!” Ripping his jacket from his body, Goku wrapped it around the kitten, picking it off the floor carefully and moving towards the man.
“I don't have the time! I'm late for work!”
“Just drop me off at the nearest one then!” Goku snapped; looking so angry that the man couldn't say no, for fear that the teen would do something to him. Swallowing, the man got into his car, Goku forcing his way into the passenger seat, cradling the kitten to his chest, uncaring that the blood was going to destroy his coat. The driver kept looking at him on the way, seeming nervous about the whole situation as Goku hissed at him. “You're paying for it, got it?!” The tears streaking down his face convinced the man that Goku wasn't trying to con him into thinking it were his fault, in fact, they made him feel bad for the teen as he stopped outside a vet surgery not too far away from the flats, handing over fifty pounds, looking truly ashamed.
“Is that enough?” The teen didn't have time to express any form of gratitude as he snatched the money and got out of the car, dashing into the building, leaving the man to carry on to work, worried that the kitten may not survive.
By the time he entered the waiting room, Goku knew it was too late. Looking down at the kitten, he saw no sign of life, almost dropping the body as he stiffened, all eyes on him. A nurse ran into a room, and a second later, she was pulling out a doctor, who dashed over to Goku immediately.
“I may be able to save your cat if you give it to me right now.” She said, sounding desperate. In his shocked state, he passed the kitten over, the doctor walking quickly into her room to see if there was anything she could do. Goku sank to his knees in the middle of the room, staring at the blood on his hands in horror as a nurse came over and offered him a cleaning wipe, before realising he was too far gone to do anything for himself. Gingerly, she sat on the floor next to him and took the fifty pounds from his hand, putting it next to him on the floor, washing his hands while he looked at her, eyes blank.
The turmoil she could see in those eyes kept her silent, just cleaning his hands while looking calm, not even knowing what was going through his head.
It's my fault. The kitten…mum…it's all my fault…I killed them both…they were on the road because of me!
After a few agonisingly slow minutes, the vet came out of the room, looking sad. Goku's heart sank in his chest as she said the words he couldn't bear to hear.
“I'm sorry…I tried everything, but she-” Barely managing to get to his feet, Goku fled the building, leaving the money on the floor next to the nurse, tears flooding his eyes again as he ran mindlessly to get away. The nurse watched him go and picked up the money, passing it over to the vet silently. “…Had to be put down…” The vet finished, sounding upset and looking at the money. “You know I don't want that.”
Taking a lot of effort to push the kitten from his mind, Goku charged up the street, swallowing as he found the flats again, the streak of blood up the road making him want to be violently sick, yet again pushing it away and bottling his emotions like he had with his mother as he ran into the building, running into the empty elevator and pushing the button to go to the fourth floor, shaking when the door closed and the machine began to move.
Just…don't think about it…you have to…you have to make Vegeta come in…for the good…of the students… The teen thought to himself, his thoughts beginning to scatter as the images of his mother's death and the kitten's flashing before his eyes in a violent way, making him feel sick and disoriented as the lift drew to a stop, the doors opening and making his eyes widen as he stepped out, more from habit than a wish to get out and visit the teacher. His mind was still reeling from shock as he moved in the direction he had taken that night, finding it difficult to navigate his way as the change in lighting made the corridor seem more different than it really was, but he finally made it to the door that led into the modern apartment, stopping outside it to lean against the wall and calm his mind. He had to do this right.
Turning, he knocked on the door, feeling calm and collected as he tried to think of what he would say, tensing as the door opened and Vegeta stood in the doorway, eyes wide.
“K-Kakarott?!” Unsure of what to do, Goku pushed his way into the apartment, moving the teacher away from the door and slamming it shut, bolting and locking it.
Now Vegeta would pay attention.
“We need to talk.” The teen said calmly as he turned back to face the teacher, taking a quick look at the settees, wondering if it would be best if they both sat down to talk about this, instead of standing up. The teacher just stared at him, arms by his sides as he stayed silent, leaving Goku to do the talking, like he wanted. “Sit down, this may take a while.” The teen demanded, the teacher apparently too dumbstruck to move. Sighing in irritation, the Kirabiyaka pushed the smaller man down, onto the biggest armchair, sitting on the large sofa across from it, holding his own hands. “Okay, here's the thing…you should be in school. I know your partner of seven years just left you, but get over it.” The cold tone in his voice hurt the small man, who just looked down at the floor sadly, not saying a word, as if he were being told off. “When our partners dump us, we still have to go to school. It's not a good enough excuse.” Goku said, calmly.
“…You don't know how it feels.” Vegeta said, his voice sounding neutral as he sat there, his eyes moving to lock with the teenager's. “It's not something I can just ignore!” Goku's eyes narrowed.
“No, I don't know how it feels! I don't get into relationships, alright?! So your boyfriend left you! Big deal!” Goku hissed, getting angry again, unable to stop himself from almost snapping at the teacher, he fact that they were not at school making him realise again that he could say anything and everything that he wanted with no consequences. “Just because you don't have a partner, it doesn't mean a thing! There are other people out there, and you don't need someone in your life to let you know how good you are!” The words seemed to strike a nerve in the smaller man, and he got to his feet, yelling.
“Don't you dare tell me `How it is'! You're nothing but a child!” Vegeta hissed, making Goku get to his feet as well, rising to what felt like a challenge.
“Oh yeah?!” Goku retorted, growling, his fists clenched at his sides. “I may be a child, but at least I know not to ruin other's lives and get on with my own!” Goku threw his schoolbag onto the floor in anger. “Dammit, I've come here to tell you I'm not wasting my time anymore! I'm sick of turning up to such a `tough subject' to have no teacher to make me understand it!” Silence hung between them for another few seconds, Vegeta seemingly having no retort, making Goku feel like he had the small man cornered, something animalistic in him loving it. “I'm bored of you messing me around!” The teacher visibly flinched, the teen suddenly realising how much he was acting like the other's ex-boyfriend, biting his lip and letting the last sentence reverberate in the air. Pausing, he added. “I'm doing to drop your subject.”
“Why?! English is important, you can't drop it without a reason!” Vegeta yelled, angry, clenching his fists. “Tell me why!” Goku yelled back in response, telling him the truth.
“You! I'm dropping it because of you!”
Because I know too much about you! Because I can't get you out of my mind! He mentally screamed, knowing the teacher would not be able to hear his thoughts, grateful for that little bit of sanctuary. B-Because I think I'm falling in love with you… Vegeta's inquisitive dark eyes looked into his own and the taller of the two's eyes widened as he remembered the dream he had had the night before he went back to school. Dark eyes…dark hair…soft lips…he was in my dream… In my dream…I kissed him…
Without thinking, Goku leaned forward, grasping the older man's hands, their faces an inch apart. Vegeta gasped and tried to move away, but the tall teen's eyes closed and he leaned even closer.
As their lips locked, shock and confusion rushed through them both.