Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Reflections ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter twelve: Reflections
It seemed like an eternity to the smaller man since the younger had initiated the kiss, too shocked to think about pulling back, the warmth against his lips being something he really missed, the sensation making him want to close his eyes and just let it happen, uncaring right now about the possible consequences. But it didn't make sense. His student had just said he was going to drop the lesson because of him…but he was kissing him… Did that mean that the teen was interested in a relationship with him? Or was it just some kind of sick joke to make Vegeta feel worse about what had happened with Cell?
In any case, it didn't take away the fact that warm moist lips were against his, didn't take away the hands clutching at his own, or the fact that this was his student.
After gathering his senses properly, the small teacher's face flushed, pulling his hands from the other's tender grip to push at the biceps of the other man and get their lips to part, Vegeta's face heating further as he felt the muscle in the student's arms, realising how strong the other was. When their mouths finally separated, the teen opened his eyes, looking at the older man with a look of embarrassment and confusion, and the teacher did not doubt that the same look was on his own face.
The teen swallowed nervously, trying to get rid of a lump that had seemed to materialise in the back of his throat, his gaze fixated on the smaller man's face as silence reigned between them, neither knowing what to say to break the awkward atmosphere. It was Goku who broke the long eye contact, turning his face away and closing his eyes again.
He had kissed the teacher.
Not the other way around, like he would have expected if it were to ever happen.
The teen was so confused.
He'd never thought of himself as a guy who liked other men. He'd never really felt attracted or drawn to men before, only women, and he had never expected to be. Hell, he had never expected Turles to kiss him either, but that had happened.
Looking back over, his expression softened as he saw Vegeta looking down at the floor, his face bright red. It was unfair on the smaller man for him to sit here, as if he was waiting for him to respond, blinking when he realised what position he had put the smaller man in. Vegeta was the teacher. He was the student. Kissing the teacher had just complicated everything further than it had to be complicated. What were they meant to do now? Pretend it never happened? Carry on seeing each other around school and be reminded that they kissed?
Or rather that you kissed him. Goku reminded himself silently, getting up from the settee and picking up his bag. I should probably leave him alone to think…I've already meddled in his life too much already… He didn't even look at Vegeta again as he made his way to the exit, his cheeks and face a bright crimson as he opened the door and left, closing it behind him, before making his way back into the lift, checking his watch as the lift doors closed to see it was time to go home.
As the elevator moved down, he sighed and leaned against the wall, looking up at the metal ceiling, trying to avoid looking at his own reflection. He had come here to sort out his A levels, not to get confused about his sexuality and leave…it wasn't what he needed right now. In fact, it was the last thing the poor boy wanted; not that he would really mind if he were gay, but that the confusion and deep thinking that came along with it seemed to be too much for him while he was trying to sort his education out, and he felt his education was more important to him.
Running a hand through his hair, the teen took deep breaths to calm his crazy nerves. He laughed in a nervous manner as he realised he was shaking, just making sure he stuck to the walls of the small metal box, suddenly feeling rather claustrophobic, his breath coming in short gasps until the lift finally slowed to a stop and the doors opened, Goku staggering out and making his way out of the building, before stopping to lean against the bricked wall outside. He knew that the lift ride could not have been more than a minute, but to him it had felt like he had been in there a good ten minutes, rubbing the back of his neck as it was a little sore.
He wasn't quite sure what he should do now.
It was quite obvious that he should head home - he was grounded and those strict rules would apply - but he really had not got a clue about what to do about himself and the teacher. Maybe if he left it long enough, the teacher would forget, and he could just pretend it never happened as well, but as that thought crossed his mind, he felt an odd ache in his chest. Blinking, he clasped a hand over where the ache was, confused by it, but forgetting as he saw his watch. It would take him at least half an hour to get home from here, and it was almost time for school to end, so he had better get a move on if he wanted to get rid of the grounding as fast as possible.
Moving away from the large building, Goku grit his teeth and straightened his back, trying to ignore how dizzy he felt, moving along the long wide road that would take him back to The Phoenix, rubbing his eyes as he felt his bag hitting his leg like it always did, frowning as it felt heavier than usual, thinking it was probably his tiredness that was making it seem so. Halfway down the road, he began to feel better, walking in a faster pace, his bag feeling right, putting the weird heaviness and dizziness to the lift, beginning to run down the road again.
After a while, the pub came into view, and he couldn't help a grin at the idea of having a drink straight after school one night, imagining his father's face if he came home smelling of beer and laughing at the image. Boy, would he be grounded then! Instead, he dashed straight past the heavenly drinking place, cantering down the road that lead to his house, determined to get home before Turles so he could pretend he had been at school all day in case the younger twin told their father.
Not that he didn't trust Turles not to, but he had to cover his tracks, even from his own brother.
He would have to find some way to convince Turles to keep it a secret, and then some way to stop the school ringing home to tell their father he wasn't in, though he was certain that the last one was more tricky, sighing. He could always find some way to persuade his brother, but he doubted that he could bribe the school to keep their mouths shut.
In any case, he would have to be the one who got home first, just in case his dad had been asleep all day and the answering machine had gotten the absence cal instead, praying that he could destroy the evidence before anyone heard it.
But sadly, as his house neared into view, he saw his dad standing outside the house, a dark expression on his face as he leant against the door, teeth gritted and arms folded. Goku swallowed back a lump from his throat, gathering all his courage as he approached the door, pretending like nothing had happened, his hand touching the handle when his father spoke.
“Do you know where Turles is? I got an absence call from the school saying he wasn't in this afternoon.” Bardock spoke through clenched teeth, Goku paling further as he tried to figure out whether the school had made a mix up, or whether his father was testing him. He seemed to pause too long though, as his father turned to him and grabbed the collar of the blue-grey shirt he was wearing, yanking him to eye level with his taller father. “Dammit Kakarott, if you know where the little bastard has got to, you damn well better say now!”
“I-I haven't seen him since first lesson!!” Goku yelped, telling the truth as his father's eyes narrowed and he was set back onto his feet, Bardock's hand still holding onto his shirt tightly. “Honest! I don't know what he did today!” The teen gasped, knowing he could easily be choked to death by what his father was doing, and that panicking was never a good thing to do around the doctor, but he couldn't help at, trying to pry his father's hand from his throat. “D-Dad!” As he was let go, Goku immediately dashed into the house and ran into his and Turles' room, looking out of the window to see what would happen to his twin when he got back, nervous.
It was all his fault, but he couldn't own up because he'd be in more trouble than Turles was, but if Turles told their father that it was actually Goku being a skiver, then everything would worsen because Goku wouldn't have said himself…
His eyes widened as the black car came around the corner, watching with a heavy heart as it skidded to a stop, swallowing as he saw his twin's spiky hair emerge from it, Turles seeming to talk to whomever was in the car for a moment, Goku knowing that he had one eye warily on their father, before the younger twin closed the car door and watched it drive off, aware that Bardock was right behind him as he turned around.
The moments passed by in an agonisingly slow fashion as Goku watched his twin talk to their father, only able to make out Turles uncaring expression as he shook his head and made a lot of hand gestures, his father's posture seeming to relax. His heart thundering madly in his chest, Goku moved away from the window, not sure of what to do or say when Turles got into their room, but knowing he owed his brother another favour. The younger twin had come home expecting their father to be waiting for him, which meant that Turles must've pretended to be him all day so that he didn't get into further trouble, meaning he owed him big time for this.
Hearing loud voices, Goku ran back over to the window, looking out to see his dad yelling his head off at Radditz, as well as his twin, feeling horrible that it was his fault, watching as they all came into the house and listening as their voices became better to hear.
“Dammit Radditz, get out of whatever mood you've been in for the past week!” Bardock growled. “I've had it up to here with your scowling face!” Goku couldn't see where his father's hand had been held, but he knew it must be pretty high if he was using that phrase, hearing someone stomping up the stairs and a door slamming, figuring it must be his older brother when his father started yelling louder. “Get your ass back down here now!”
“Fuck you!” Goku winced, covering his ears as he heard his father charge up the stairs to Radditz' room, moving to turn on the television to block out the loud sounds of arguing and possibly fighting, sitting down to watch a program when Turles came in, eyebrow raised. Before he said anything, the darker-skinned twin took off his jacket, moving to put it over the back of a chair as he moved to sit at the desk, taking his scouter out of his bag - probably for some modifications that were needed - and putting it on the surface.
“So…why did you skip school after first lesson?” Goku looked away, biting his lip. He knew he owed Turles the explanation, if nothing else.
“I, uh, went to get the teacher…” The teen replied, turning back around and seeing his twin pick up the red screwdriver, getting up and moving over to sit on his bed and take an interest in his brother's little project - that he really was interested in - leaning in to get a closer look. “…What're you doing?” Turles frowned and looked at him with narrowed eyes, knowing he was avoiding the question, but also knowing he had told the truth, shaking his head as he went back to the scouter, a smirk on his face.
“I'm just adding in those brainwave detectors I mentioned earlier.” Goku nodded gently, and Turles shot a stern look at him. “You look like shit. What happened?” The older twin rolled his eyes. His siblings were always so tactful when trying to ask how he was. Shaking his head, he didn't answer, making his younger brother frown at him. “Look Kakarott, go to bed, you look sick. I'll go do this somewhere else.” Before Goku could answer, Turles had gathered all his things into his bag and moved out of the room, making the older of the two blink. How the hell did that just happen so fast?
Dizzily, he yawned, rubbing his eyes as the day's adrenaline suddenly began to take its toll on his body. His brother was right, he probably should go to bed; he did feel tired and a little sleep never did hurt anybody. Stripping out of his school clothes and down to his boxers, he climbed beneath his sheets and buried his face into his pillow, wondering idly where Turles was going to work on his scouter, how his father and Radditz were doing, and what Vegeta was up to at that moment…
His eyes slipped closed and he yawned again, before drifting into a long, dreamless slumber.