Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Super Doctor ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter thirteen: Super Doctor
The teen stirred as he felt his twin on top of him, causing him to awake, his dark eyes opening to their bedroom in surprise as he saw Turles directly above him, staring down at him. It was an unnerving thing due to what had happened a few days ago and he grit his teeth, trying to look menacing as he hissed at him, though he felt like crap.
“Get off.” His voice croaked and cracked, making Turles raise his eyebrows. Hands grabbed at his shoulders through his cover and massaged them lightly, making him feel angry and vulnerable to his twin, not liking it at all.
“You still look like shit.” The younger informed him, making him feel oh so much better. Growling, the teen tried to push him away, irritated that he wouldn't leave him alone, before seeing sunlight behind their curtains and gasping.
“Wh-What time is it?” Not waiting for an answer, he grit his teeth. “And what are you doing on top of me anyway?!” Silence reigned between the two for a moment as he glared up at the offending twin, who didn't move an inch before sighing and rolling to his side, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him. It was still silent, his eyes flicking to his twin, not trusting him one bit.
“It's six in the morning.” Turles told him, then began to explain. “I let you sleep for an hour last night and tried to wake you, but you just wouldn't get up. So dad came in and tried, but you wouldn't for him either.” Goku's eyes widened at the news; he didn't remember that happening at all. “Eventually, dad decided that you seemed too ill to get up and said to leave you as long as was necessary, but, ah, you still don't look too good. In fact, I think you look worse.”
“Gee, thanks.” He croaked, not saying much, really hating how his voice sounded; just like a bloody frog had crawled into his throat and was talking for him. Turles began to stroke his bangs from his face and he tensed as his brother leaned down, expecting a kiss or something from the other twin, surprised when a wet flannel was placed on his forehead. “Huh?”
“Well, you're all hot and sweaty.” The darker-skinned of the two said quietly, dabbing at his head with the small woollen cloth, before a smile came to his face. “Can't you feel that?” Goku paused for a moment and concentrated on his body heat before shaking his head.
“I feel cold.” Turles grimaced.
“I think I'll go get dad, okay? He'll be able to say what's wrong…” The teen nodded quietly and his twin got up from the bed, heading for the door. “Oh, and Kakarott? I'm not going to do that stuff to you anymore, alright? I figured out what I wanted to know. Thanks for being cool and trying to help me though.” His brother turned to face him, grinning, looking happy instead of mischievous for once. “I appreciate it.” Then his brother disappeared out their door and he couldn't help a smile, knowing that he had done something very wrong for a good reason. And as long as Turles didn't bring it up again, he would not have to think about it; he could just block it out from his mind.
Relaxing and closing his eyes again, Goku could feel a headache building in the back of his skull, wincing and turning over to bury his face into the pillow to block out the sunlight, sure that that was the problem. With a sigh, he felt the pain lessen slightly and waited for someone to come back upstairs, before his eyes shot open. Turles hadn't said what he was doing on top of him yet… Swallowing, he lifted a hand to touch his lips to find them wet, but not overly so, meaning his brother had not done a thing to him, cursing his newfound wave of paranoia, shaking his head. He just couldn't seem to trust his twin right now.
Feet thundered up the stairs and he covered his ears, his head pounding as if something was trying to hammer its way out of his head, groaning lowly at the pain. His father burst in through the door and marched over, making a lot of noise of he leaned down and pulled his protective hands away, looking him straight in the eyes.
“How are you feeling today Kakarott? Your brother told me you don't look good and I have to agree. Tell me your symptoms.” Hot hands touched his forehead to check his temperature and he sighed and leaned into the heat, feeling better already.
“Cold. Headache. Feel sick.” He croaked, once again trying to keep talking to a minimum. The croakiness in his voice was getting on his nerves and he was sick of hearing it in his voice. He just wanted to go back to sleep…
“Aha!” His father said - rather loudly, hurting his ears - and grinning. “You've just got a cold.” Goku shuddered and covered his ears again.
“Hurts.” Bardock shook his head at him.
“I know. I recommend a day off school; doctor's orders. I'll go ring the school.” Getting up from his side, his father took his overbearingly loud voice out of his bedroom and went back downstairs. Sighing in relief, the teen tried to get back to sleep, only to have Turles enter with a tray of food.
“Hungry at all?” Groaning, he rolled over and pulled his pillow onto his head, trying to show that he just wanted silence, when his twin laughed lightly to himself and came over, putting the food on his bedside table. “There's tablets to get rid of that headache, though it could just be dehydration…” The darker-skinned teen said, obviously not going to shut up until Goku had either replied or taken the tablets, making him get up, feeling groggy, and pop the tablets into his mouth, swallowing them without the aid of water. There was silence for a few moments while the twins just sat there, waiting for the tablets to work, then the younger of the two began to speak again. “You're so lucky. Two days off in a row and I had to do your lessons yesterday…” Looking down, Goku felt guilty. Why had Turles covered for him anyway? “Is Brolli out to get you or something?”
“What makes you say that?” The older of the two croaked, putting a hand to his throat as he took the drink of orange juice from the tray his brother had brought in, noticing that there was twice the amount of food he usually ate; meaning his brother had brought food for himself also. Turles helped himself to a piece of toast and bit into it, chewing slowly as he seemed to be remembering something.
“Well, yesterday in PE, he treated me horribly, and he doesn't usually do that.” His twin commented, looking at him over his shoulder. “He made me demonstrate things to the class and picked on me at every opportunity…is he always like that with you?” Goku nodded.
“I don't really mind though, because I'm good at PE and he just makes me look better than I am.” The older twin rasped, then shrugged. “It's just funny how he picks on me when he can't do anything else.” Turles frowned at him and ate the toast in an aggressive sort of way.
“Any clue why he started this?” Laughing to himself lightly, Goku shook his head.
“It's nothing to be bothered about, okay? I just trod on his foot by accident in year seven and he's had a grudge against me ever since.” Goku smiled to his twin, ignoring his irritatingly frog-like voice for now. It didn't seem to be bothering anyone else, so he guessed it was okay to talk. Patting Turles on the back, he grinned. “I'm used to it; it doesn't bother me anymore, and besides, what could you do about it anyway?” Turles merely gave him a dark look and continued eating, unnerving him a little. “I can handle stuff like this on my own, I don't need my little brother to protect me.”
“I'm not that much younger than you!” Turles reminded him, annoyed, getting to his feet and glaring at him from the side of his bed. “I'm your twin, Kakarott, we're the same damn age! Stop acting like I'm stupid!” Goku was shocked by the outburst.
“I didn't say that!” He defended, shaking his head. “Turles, if anything, you're smarter than I am! Please calm down.” Turles seemed to relax, then plopped himself back down onto the bed and began to eat breakfast with him again, causing him to smile. “How's the scouter?”
“Too sensitive.” Turles informed him, still eating the food, not having stopped as he had spoken. It was then that Goku realised that he hadn't bought replacement plastic for the scouter yet, and he dipped down the side of his bed to his money stash and pulled out twenty pounds, moving back up to dangle it over his brother's shoulder, amused when he saw Turles freeze and stare at it. “What's this for?”
“Take it. I promised to replace the sunglasses lens, didn't I? Well there's the money to.” Not taking the money, Turles muttered to himself, too low for Goku to hear, making him frown. He wanted to be able to have helped his twin with his project in some way; it was only fair for putting him back a few pounds, having to get a replacement for something that had happened because Goku had asked for his help. It was his fault, and thusly, he should pay for it. To clear his conscience, if nothing else. “What was that?”
“But I already paid for the replacement.” His brother repeated, louder than last time. Goku dropped the money onto his twin's lap, a grin on his face as he leaned back to rest, eating his own toast as Turles picked up the money and tried to give it back to him. “It's not needed Kakarott. I don't want it.”
“Turles, just take it. You put your ass on the line for me yesterday, you've done me quite a few favours, just have it as a payment, okay?” Goku couldn't help a huge grin as his twin brother shook his head and put it in his pocket, giving in to him for once. “Now eat your breakfast, you have school soon!” Snorting, Turles grabbed a few sheets of paper off the floor, rolling them up and bopping him on the head with them as he burst out laughing.
Suddenly, the door swung open and their angry older brother walked in, his fists clenched.
“WOULD YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP?!” Radditz yelled, his dark eyes fixing on them both and causing them to freeze, just staring at him quietly as he turned and left the room, growling. “That's fucking better.” He slammed the door behind him, leaving the twins blinking and tilting their heads.
“Any clue what crawled up his ass recently?” Goku asked his twin, who merely shrugged.
“No idea. I mean, I haven't pulled any pranks on him recently…” Looking at his watch, Turles swore. “I am not missing Sailor Moon right now!” Grabbing a plate of food, his twin dashed out of the room, leaving Goku alone to laugh at his brother's taste in television programs and computer games. Anything that involved girls that wore almost no clothing with big breasts or nice asses, Turles liked. So things like Sailor Moon and SimGirl had his complete attention most of the time, leaving Goku to play games on their PS2 or just mess around in their room. And he didn't complain. The more things Turles liked, the less time he would have to pull pranks on him, so it was a win:win situation for them both.
Eating the rest of his food in silence, Goku wondered about what he was going to do with his day off from school. Crunching his cereal, he thought over his options.
He could always just go back to sleep; but he didn't feel very tired right now.
He could get up and watch television; but he felt that he wanted to be doing something active.
He could read a book; but he wasn't particularly interested in any they had in the house.
He could do his homework; but he just couldn't be bothered, and it would be a waste of a day.
Frowning, he sat up straighter, his gaze falling on his PS2 with a grin. Something he could do actively, and see progress on. Brilliant.
He got out of bed, abandoning his food and moved to sit Indian style on the floor, picking up the controller and readying the console for a few rounds of Tekken Tag Tournament, though he had most of the Tekkens - 1, 2, 3, 4 and Tag - he really did prefer the Tag one as it reminded him of Final Fantasy X, which he had too and liked, but Tag had bowling, and he loved that to death. Picking Yoshimitsu and Jin Kazama again, he grinned, going through Arcade Mode a few times to ready himself to bowl - it had become a tradition with him to do this first - and began kicking the ass of Nina Williams and her sister…
“YES! YES!” He yelled, pumping his fist into the air as Unknown crashed to the floor for the second time, feeling just about ready to bowl when Turles came hurdling into their room, diving into his own wardrobe and pulling out some clothes, getting dressed crazily as if he were late for school, grabbing Goku's attention and making him pause the game to turn to him. “Woah Turles, it's only seven thirty! Relax, you're not late.” Yanking on his jeans, his twin turned to him with a scowl.
“My ride is early and I don't have time to chat, okay?” The tone in his younger brother's voice was harsh, and the tall teen didn't like it one bit, but respecting the fact that Turles was really telling him to shut up, he turned back to his game, continuing and selecting the bowling option, choosing his favourite characters again and grinning when he got a strike, amused at the little victory dance his characters pulled off. Suddenly, hands wrapped around his arms and back and he blinked, looking to his shoulder to see his twin's head resting there, confused. “Get better Kakarott.”
“Okay…?” He said, still rather confused, before his twin let go and dashed out of their room, leaving him to sit and blink at the situation, before giving up and going back to his game. The teen heard his older brother stomp down the stairs, then a sound of a huge argument, the front door slamming loudly and silence. Shrugging, he continued to play the bowling mode until lunch time, when his father entered the room.
“Kakarott?” His dad was at the door with a tray of food when he turned, the gesture surprising him and making him smile as Bardock walked over and put the tray next to him. “Soup, orange juice and some tablets.” The doctor gestured to each thing as he said it, and even though Goku knew what they were, he appreciated the effort his father had put in, grinning.
“Cheers.” Sipping the orange juice, he couldn't help but feel a bit better. His family were really trying to make him feel better, whether it was sympathy or just the fact that they cared, he didn't know and didn't particularly want to. His father hovered in the doorway for a while, and he stopped sipping to look up at him.
“I'm going to work now, so you're going to be on your own.” Bardock said, once he was sure that he had the teen's full attention, watching as Goku nodded to him. “So drink a lot of fluids and I think you should go for another sleep in a while.” The teen nearly rolled his eyes, and the doctor continued. “I'll know if you don't, and then you'll be grounded again.” Goku's eyes widened. Again? That meant he wasn't grounded now…
“Alright dad, I will.” He promised, a huge smile on his face before his dad raised an eyebrow, but left anyway, calling after him. “Have a good day at work, dad!” Barely hearing his dad's grunting response, he picked up a spoon and began to eat his soup, grinning at the pieces of bread that his father had forgotten to point out, amusing himself with that small thing alone. His dad was always such precise about everything that if he had known he had forgotten the bread, he would have gotten in a bad mood.
Every member of his family was so weird and unique that he almost felt normal within the group, though he was as nuts as they were; he just didn't show it.
After he had finished eating, he heard the front door open and close; obviously the sound of his father going to work as their car started and drove off, leaving him blissfully alone to do as he wished. But he didn't really feel like doing anything but playing games at this moment in time, so he changed the discs in the PS2 from Tekken Tag to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
Hours passed, and running over all the people on the street and getting done in by the police had lost its interest, so the tall teen yawned and turned off the console, getting to his feet, rubbing his eyes in a sleepy fashion, before bending down and picking up the tray, making his way downstairs to tidy it away. When he was stacking his dishes in the dishwasher, the house phone began to ring. Frowning softly, he stopped and made his way to the phone, having completely forgotten how croaky his voice was, having grown used to it. He picked up the phone and held it to his ear.
“Hello?” He asked, hearing background noise of wind and nothing else for a moment, as if the caller was debating whether to say something or not, before he got a reply.
“I need to speak with Kakarott…” The voice said, sounding nervous and shy, and to Goku, familiar. Thinking for a moment, he tried to figure out who it was, before giving up and replying to the person, feeling stupid as it would seem it took him a while to know who he was himself.
“Uh, speaking.” Cursing his croaky voice, he knew that he was very difficult to understand in person, let alone on the telephone, wondering if the mystery caller would believe him, if nothing else. “Who is it?” The tall teen asked, not expecting the response.
“…Vegeta.” Almost dropping the phone in shock, his eyes widened. How did the teacher get his number? Why was he even calling? How would he know he was at home? “…Mr Kirabiyaka, I-” Goku grit his teeth.
“Kakarott. Call me Kakarott, Vegeta.” There was a pause, then a small sigh of acceptance.
“Kakarott then.” The teacher seemed to breathe his name instead of saying it, shivers dancing down his spine at the breathy tone in the other's voice. “Anyway, I noticed you weren't in school today, and I…need to talk to you…about yesterday.”
Swallowing nervously, Goku let him continue.