Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Plans in action ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter twenty-one: Plan in action
After pondering on his new plan over the weekend, the tall teen had finally settled on a proper way to make Vegeta feel good about himself again. Grinning in a crazy fashion, the teen had gotten ready for school that morning feeling like he was on top of the world, and his good mood had infected his family into all being pleasant to each other; Turles wasn't pulling pranks, Bardock wasn't yelling and even Radditz wasn't snapping. For once it was relatively peaceful at their home, and as they had eaten their breakfast, there were many sounds of laughter as the youngest Kirabiyaka told the others jokes, grinning the whole time.
It felt good to experience a happy family breakfast in such a way, as they hadn't had this type of relationship before their mother was involved in that accident. Everyone had become closed in on themselves afterwards, and everything had just gotten harder. Maybe now was the time that they would start to be more open again, but maybe it wasn't. He didn't expect them to act like they had before; wouldn't, knew it was too hard and simply admired that they were trying as much as he.
But after their long breakfast, the teenagers were late for school and left in a hurry. And, rather shockingly, Radditz walked with them for the first time since he could remember, joking and messing around with the younger twin, who had seemed to be revelling in the odd attention he as receiving, very happy. They had made it to the school barely a minute late and had not gotten marked late at all.
Goku's drama teacher had been off, so he had had a free lesson first thing to relax and think over his plans again. He wasn't quite sure how Vegeta was going to react, but decided that it was going to be fun to do despite the reaction. In any case, his second lesson had been PE, and he had done some rope-climbing again, amused at how Brolli didn't seem to learn that he was not going to be shown up by his own skills.
It was now break-time, and the teen could barely wait for his next lesson; English. He had thought over his plan so much that he was near desperate to carry it out, wanting to know how his actions would be responded to, biting his lip, for once too excited to eat. His friends were standing around him, talking amongst themselves, and not too far away was his twin, talking to some girls. He rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling, not being a part or even listening to the conversation around him, not caring if people thought he was being rude. His friends knew he meant no disrespect or anything, so it was fine.
When the bell sounded to go to next lesson, it took a moment for Goku to realise that he should be going to English, watching as his friends dispersed and his brother came over, grinning.
“Ready to go?” His identical twin asked, nodding in the direction they were meant to go, anticipation dancing through him as he nodded and they set off quickly, Goku not saying a word. “I've been thinking…I think we should swap seats today.” Stopping, the teen gave his twin gave him an angry look. Turles hadn't called in that favour yet, so he chose today of all days?! No. He was not going to. He had a plan, and he wanted to do it today.
“Sorry, I can't. Maybe next time.” Apparently this was the wrong thing to say, as the younger twin returned his angry look. Crossing his arms, Turles scowled.
“Why not?” Goku took a brief moment to look into the window of the classroom, seeing Vegeta was already teaching and the class making notes. Shit, they were so late…
“Because he's already started teaching and he can tell us apart, okay?! Maybe next time!” Opening the door, Goku practically ran in, sitting in his seat and getting out his books quietly, aware that the teacher would know he was late, colour rising in his cheeks. While Vegeta strained to write on the top of the board - he preferred to suffer than get a chair or something, dignity, he supposed - Turles wandered in and went to his own seat, as quiet as the older twin had been, getting out his own things while giving his twin a dirty look. Unfortunately for Turles, Goku didn't even notice, staring at the teacher's ass.
Not turning away from writing down the coursework guidelines on the board, the teacher spoke.
“So, yes class, you are allowed one passage for analysis and one essay, but both cannot exceed two thousand words together.” The tall teen wrote it down, quiet. “I know I literally just said that, but I repeated myself for the late arrivals.” Blinking, Goku looked up, as did Turles, shocked. Vegeta turned around and waved the pen at them. “Nice to see you finally made it.” Some of the class sniggered and the teacher looked at Goku with a look of disappointment, before turning back around. “Here is your essay question, you have a week to complete it.” Vegeta said, hearing some shocked gasps and curses from behind him, smiling to himself. “Any problems?” Turning around, he saw stunned faces, then chuckled.
“But at GCSE we got four or six weeks per essay without word limits!” A blonde girl complained, Goku turning around to look at her a moment. She was wearing a striped lime-green boob-tube and a pair of pale jeans, her short blonde hair only going as low as her ears. He heard an angry cough come from directly behind him and turned to see the teacher giving him a dark look. Swallowing, he turned back around to face the front, feeling stupid as the teacher continued.
“But Miss Erasa, this is not GCSE now.” Vegeta said dully, meaning to be polite and amused, but unable to. Swallowing again, Goku realised he was mad or upset. “This is A level; it's a higher qualification, a better grade and more work in a shorter amount of time.” Storming away from Goku, the teacher just scowled as he looked through the class. “Either put in the effort or you won't get entered for the exam, dedication gets results, laziness gets nothing.” Checking his watch, Vegeta moved back over to the board, about to sit down on his desk. “You can start now if you like.”
The class all began their coursework, sitting there and reading though the play they had to base their coursework on - A Streetcar Named Desire - sighing and looking at each other boredly. Instead of working, Goku just sat there, staring at the small teacher quietly, waiting for him to notice, looking over his body slowly while he did.
Vegeta surveyed the classroom, then finally saw the younger man staring at him, gritting his teeth. It was bad enough that the younger was checking out girls in front of him and making him feel insecure, but that stare was making him nervous, his eyes widening as Goku licked his lips, grinning at him. Cheeks flushing, the older man looked away, continuing to gaze around the classroom in case anyone needed his help. The boy behind his boyfriend raised his hand and he moved from his desk to go over and talk to him, gasping as a hand stroked his thigh as he passed Goku's seat, turning to see him looking at him, winking.
Annoyed, he scowled, not understanding why the younger man was acting in the way he was, moving to answer the boy's question.
“Do you think this scene would be good for analysis?” The dark-haired boy asked, holding the book open and pointing to the part he wished to use. As Goku looked at him, he looked familiar, and he frowned a moment, trying to figure out who he was as someone else spoke.
“I told Goten it was a good idea sir.” The lavender-haired boy who was sitting next to him said, smiling. Ah! Goten was Gohan's twin brother! That's why he was so familiar! And the boy next to him was obviously Trunks, Bulma and Bra's older brother who had decided to take the course in year thirteen after dropping a different subject the year before. Sighing to himself, Goku waited for the teacher to become unoccupied with the boys behind him.
“Yes, that's actually quite a good section to analyse…” Vegeta said, momentarily stunned, before handing back the book, making his way to his desk. On purpose, Goku nudged a pen off his desk and onto the floor right in front of him, before looking up.
“Sorry sir, will you pick that up for me, please?” Having decided earlier that he would have to be as polite as possible, the teen smiled, waiting for a response. Because he had asked so nicely, it would seem rude of the teacher to say no; he had him exactly where he wanted him. He saw a look of confusion on the teacher's face as he bent down, Goku leaning back to look at his ass before he straightened, leaning down to give him the pen, the teen grinning as he made a purring noise. “Thank you…” Giving Vegeta a lustful look, Goku took the pen from his hand; making sure to stroke his fingertips over his hand as he did so, Vegeta going scarlet.
“…No problem.” The teacher said stiffly, figuring out what he was doing already, shaking his head. “Just stop being so clumsy.” Goku frowned, looking at him in annoyance.
Clumsy, sir?” Vegeta looked back at him, expression impassive. “I'm not clumsy!” He growled out, his teeth gritted. What the hell was going on?! Vegeta crossed his arms.
“Mr Kirabiyaka, you have come to my lesson late, stared at one of your female classmates, stared at me, knocked things onto the floor and now you're disrupting my lesson further. Get out.” The teacher gave him an angry look and he snatched his things from the table and put them in his bag, knowing everyone was staring at him, his face heating. “And come to see me after school. I think we need to discuss your behaviour issues.” Trying his very best not to swear, Goku stared at him in shock.
“But I have two frees next!” All he received in return was a smirk.
“Tough. If you had behaved, then you wouldn't have to come back; it's your own fault.” Scowling, Vegeta tapped his foot. “I thought I told you to get out.” Embarrassed beyond anything he had ever felt before, the teen swung his bag onto his back and stormed out of the lesson, heading to the sixth form block to see if there was anyone to mess around with. “Okay class, now that nuisance is gone from our midst, you can continue your essays.” Turning his back on the classroom, Vegeta went to sit on the desk again, ready if anyone needed his help.
As Goku made his angry way down the hall, he saw the school's janitor, Mr Popo, cleaning a mess near the end of the English corridor, letting that swearword escape his mouth at the sight of the weird man. He was unsure, but did all janitors dress this way? In baggy white pants and an ornate red vest? The man even wore a turban with a big blue jewel in it, for God's sakes! The teen wasn't one to be prejudiced towards religions, but it didn't even seem to be that; there was nothing he recognised about the clothes that made it a religion.
In any case, he didn't like the man; he just freaked him out and usually gave him looks or made gestures that made him feel oddly vulnerable. With a frown, he realised he would have to walk past the other and sighed, going ahead.
He knew he had made the wrong choice when the janitor turned to him, annoyed.
“Mr Popo just cleaned that floor. Mr Popo is not happy.” Rolling his eyes, Goku ignored him, making his way down the next corridor in irritation. “Mr Popo will not forget this!” Throwing his mop onto the floor, the janitor huffed and started marching towards the Headteacher's office, angrier than ever before.
Back in the classroom, Vegeta watched all the students writing and smiled to himself. He had been very careful with that little speech he had done before, and maybe that was why they were all working on it now even though he had said `You can start now if you like'. Shaking his head softly in amusement, he looked at the right side of the classroom to see Bulma Briefs looking at him, and as their eyes met, she blushed and smiled before looking down at her work. Smiling to himself about his class, he stretched a little and looked around again.
The next time he saw her, she was adjusting her top so that it was even lower, her bra just visible above the fabric. His face heated as he watched for a moment, then she looked at him, smiling still as she pushed her chest outwards, stretching, causing him to look away. He didn't even know why he was looking in the first place; he was gay, but she was pushing them around and being obvious…so how could he help it? She was almost shoving them into his face, after all.
Shaking his head, the teacher looked out of the window, seeing the teen walking down a corridor and sighing. He had to have done something about it…what if the other students noticed and they got into trouble? It was unacceptable. He knew he rather liked the other, but he didn't wish to risk his career for him; he quite liked teaching, and he didn't want to look back and regret it.
A few more minutes passed, the students working hard and Vegeta helping those who asked for it, before the bell went, but none of them moved, continuing to work until he said they could stop.
“Alright class, you can pack up and go. Have a good lunch.” Moving off his desk and straightening up some papers, Vegeta watched as the class cautiously began packing away, shaking his head. Maybe it wasn't that speech that got their attention after all, maybe it was the fact that he had thrown someone out of the lesson who wasn't working. Maybe they thought that that was the reason he had done so, though he knew it wasn't. with a sigh, he straightened up to look at the blue-haired girl who was adjusting her bra earlier, blinking. Trying to remember which one she was, he straightened, colour rising in his face as he looked at hers, noticing she had no fringe and was thusly… “Miss Briefs?” He had chosen the easiest option so that she wasn't offended if he got it wrong and he saw her looking at him weirdly, swallowing. “Yes?”
“Mr Hanayaka…I was wondering…” She began, putting a finger to her bottom lip as she spoke, not giving her name. “Do you have a girlfriend?” Turning away from her, he didn't feel that he should answer, sighing softly to himself. He wasn't sure if it would be unprofessional to answer her questions about his personal life, but as she was asking a ridiculous thing, he decided that telling her the truth this time would be okay.
“No, I don't.” He replied, turning back to face her. “Why do you ask? It doesn't seem important to me, and it certainly won't get you a nice dinner.” The teacher joked, annoyed that she seemed taller than him. The high heels, he told himself, were the reason. He was not really that short. She stepped closer to the desk and leaned over, planting her hands on the desk, giving him a view of down her shirt that he dutifully ignored, looking at her face.
“…I really like you sir.” She whispered, letting her hair fall in front of her face as she looked down. Nervous, he stepped away, shaking his head.
“…You know as well as I do, Miss Briefs, that it is against the rules to date students.” She looked up, trembling, reaching for his hand.
“C-Call me Bulma, sir, please!” She grabbed onto his hand and tried to pull it to her breast, but the small man had had enough, pulling himself away, angry.
“Miss Briefs, I already said no. I am not interested, I'm sorry.” Scowling, he picked up his coat and bag, not even looking at her as he got his keys. “I am ready to get my lunch now, please leave.” All he heard was the door slam after her and he sighed. Today just didn't seem like his day. His students kept sexually harassing him and he appeared to have forgotten his wallet.
Just what he needed.
Bulma Briefs was angry. Ever since that first English lesson, she had had her eye on the small teacher, had been trying to flirt with him and hopefully coax him into her bed. She despised the stupid lessons, she always had with English, and she had wanted to seduce him and persuade him to help her get her grade up to please her parents, but she had had no luck.
She had presumed he was merely too stupid to notice her subtleness, and thusly tried to be more upfront in the classroom, but he had seemingly ignored her then too. So she had tried one last time and he had outright said no.
Determined to find out why - she didn't believe that he cared that it was against policy; her last maths teacher hadn't - she decided she would visit him after school.
He would change his mind.
She always got what she wanted.