Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
Warning: This chapter contains sexual content and strong language. If you are under 18+, please skip over the fruity bits. If you are 18+, read at risk.
Morning slipped over the horizon, waking me from my deep sleep. My wife remained as it was, sleeping. She looked paler than usual, but that was because she was growing old. Chi-Chi was running out of time. Soon she would kick the can. It was a few months after the defeat of Majin Buu that I discovered I no longer held feelings for her. Sure, when I returned at the Budoukai, I had told her I missed her, but only because of her cooking and my sons. I no longer held those longings towards her. Her hair had lost its black color almost completely. It nearly looked like No.18's hair color. Only difference was that it was not blonde but a dirty gray.
I found my thoughts actually landing on the prince that was in my way all the time. He seemed to be the kind of asshole that I needed around. At least he didn't treat me the way that my wife did. He was rude, rough, and sometimes he was even annoying; but something about him made me hot. My ki always burned whenever I was around him. Something in me wanted to touch him. I don't know how it wanted me to touch him, whether intimate or not; all I knew was that it made me wish to see him sometimes. His aura was dark and daring me to approach it, daring me to drown in it; and yet I ignored his submissive attitude.
I can still remember back to when he turned Majin and what he said to me. I found it weird that he said I stole his honor and everything from him. When did I ever do that? Honor. He had his honor in the punches he landed, in the name he was given, and in the title he was placed upon, as a prince. Was it just a few days before the Budoukai that the prince nearly killed himself during his training? He held so much pride inside and hid his feelings from even his wife, Bulma. It wasn't healthy.
But when he chained me to those rocks and proclaimed that he would slice me apart, sever my arms and legs; I have to admit that I grew angry. I did nothing to him all the years I had known him - well, with the exception of when he came to Earth the first time - and he went and backstabbed me. I charged my ki, which wasn't very hard, because he always managed to do that, and I broke out. I knocked the rocks into his head, knocking him back. I wanted to hurt him and make him bleed, show me that he understood just how much he pained me.
But just as I was about to kick his ass, he admitted to me that he never truly wanted to be with Bulma. He admitted that he didn't care about her. That's when I saw the lie in his tone, his eyes. I could see it, and I wanted to grasp the real him that was hidden deeply inside that horrible conscious.
When I had been knocked out, I had still had enough conscious to tell that he was no longer a threat. He took the last Senzu and stood there for the longest time, but he didn't hurt me anymore. He didn't kill me as he had threatened. He apologized for my son's death, but I knew that Gohan could not face Majin Buu and survive. I had hoped he would at the time. I didn't know he was truly alive. But when I returned to Otherworld, I didn't bother to go visit Vegeta - or ask about him - I went straight for finding Gohan. I guess that's what killed Vegeta in the end.
Janemba had been released to reek havoc upon Heaven, Hell, and the Real World; and when I went with Pikkon to face the monster, I had led him into the darkness of Hell. There - and only there - did I finally see Vegeta's pain for what it was. As he lay there on ground inside those huge needles and I watched in sorrow, I saw his eyes shed shameful tears. And I saw something in his eyes as he looked at me, telling me not to show concern for him. It was love.
Later, I questioned myself once he was gone, back to the land of Hell. How could he love me? I mean, I had always ever ignored him and treated him as one of my best friends. If he loved me, could I tear myself away from Chi-Chi for him?
When I looked to her one more time, I noticed that her pale skin was reflecting the sunlight. She was slowly, but surely, dying. In a few weeks, possible months, or years, she would die. And she would leave me all alone in the world, to fend for myself and my son, Goten. He was almost an adult and would be on his own soon, but until then, he depended on me. And then, I thought of the young one that lived in her stomach now.
Chi-Chi and I had cut back on lovemaking lately because of her exhausted body after a day of hard work around the house. I wasn't sure if it was that or the fact she didn't find my body attractive anymore. I didn't find her good anymore either. She was lucky that we made another kid. But this one would be left here with her when I would leave yet again.
I looked to the window. I would be leaving to my home planet soon. Just three more weeks and I would leave with my prince to the planet that I wish so much to be on. I would not tell anyone, for I wish not to have them follow me. Maybe I would take Goten with me, and possibly Bra, for she was my prince's little girl. Daddy's little girl got what she wanted all the time.
“Goku?” my wife called from her place beside me. Her round stomach called out to me, daring me to touch that place that had a life growing within. I didn't do as I was tempted to, I just stared at her in wonder. Her naked body was revealed to me slowly as she hoisted onto her elbow. Her breasts were so limp, as if there was no milk within them. She wrapped the sheet around her body, hiding it from my sight. “I am growing old. Don't stare at me.”
“But, Chi,” I tried to console her, “you still look beautiful.” I didn't have to keep lying. I no longer found her the least bit attractive. I had at one point loved her as a friend and made love with her. However, making love and a friendship were so different. Friendship was a relationship that was nowhere near intimate actions. Intimacy included making love and the other things, including making babies - and it was only done between couples. Couples were two people in a relationship that were truly in love with one another. But we weren't. We had always held a strong face for Gohan and Goten, but now that she was dying, there was no point to it. “You're right.” I turned away and sighed. “We never were a true married couple.”
She looked at me in confusion, then smiled. “You've already found a new person to love, haven't you?” she asked in her loving way. She knew me too well that secrets couldn't be kept down. “Who is it? Someone I know?”
“Yes,” I answered lightly, gulping. “It's Vegeta.” Her eyes were wide as she stared at me. She almost looked disbelieving, but her eyes told me otherwise. She knew. She had always known of my thoughts towards Vegeta. He had always obsessed with me, so she had known that he loved me back. Obsession was the same as lust. Hate was almost as powerful as love. I hated Vegeta. So, therefore, I loved him. “You know that he hates me and that he wanted - no, tried - to kill me, but I feel that way about him. He makes me feel so alive.” I looked away as I blushed thickly. I shouldn't admit such things to my wife, however, I had no parents or brothers to talk to. Gohan was married, so he had his own problems. “That's why I'm choosing him over you, Chi. He loves me, I know he does. I saw it when I was in Hell with him.” I got up and hastily dressed, preparing to leave the house. I pulled out a suitcase and opened it. It was already packed for me. “You had planned I would decide to leave, didn't you?”
“I love someone else,” she admitted, a hand on her stomach, “and his child is within me.” She got to her knees and cupped my cheeks with her pale hands. She felt so cold to me, as though she were already cold with death. “You care about Vegeta too much to let him just stay there and die, yes? So, why are you stalling time here to make me feel better?” I stared in confusion to what she was talking about. Vegeta would not kill himself, would he? “He has waited long enough for you.”
I nodded, mostly to myself. I scooted towards her and hugged her gently. Even though I was leaving her for the rest of her life, she had put up with me through every hardship we suffered. I left her here, alone, with no one but Gohan or Goten to rely in. I had left her here for over ten years, yet she hadn't done like most, she didn't leave me. She was faithful and loyal to me for all those years. That's the reason I hugged her that night, the reason I held her so closely and listened to her snoring. For her. Just, simply, for her. No one could have been more important than her that night. “Thank you for what you gave me all these years, Chi-Chi. I will share my life with Vegeta now, but when we meet again, I will always be here for you.” My fingers slipped from her body, covering her with the sheets. I said nothing else as I closed my suitcase and left out the front door. I looked longingly at the house that I used to be in, already missing what I was leaving behind. “You better love me back, Vegeta. Otherwise this ain't worth it.” I walked away without another glance back.
The darkness of the forest embraced me as I left, no a sound from my soul that told me I was making a mistake. I was free. I intend to make it everything I ever wanted. I walked through the thick forest till I noticed the old house I used to live in with Grandpa Gohan. The old shack looked like it was falling apart, but it was the only place I could go. Would you be able to forgive me, Grandpa Gohan? For killing you and never knowing it was me? I had done some stupid things in the time I spent with you, but when I turned Oozaru, I should have gone on a rampage, ignoring you. I didn't. Perhaps - as Bulma had said - I had some bit of rage in me against you. My Oozaru form was influenced by rage, that's what Vegeta had told her.
He had once told me that if I could learn to control Oozaru, I could be stronger. But I doubted it. That was, until I became Super Saiyan 4 behind his back. It was during a time I spent away from the family, one of those sparring trips with Goten. I had become Oozaru with the light of the full moon, which I had not known was back. My boy tried to tell me that I was me, that I could not harm him. His teary face broke my heart, and so I returned to normal. Well, as normal as I could get.
My body was covered in red fur as I stood on a cliff, staring down at my son. A red tail flailed behind me, a husky scent in the air. I could remember feeling the desire to couple with my son during that moment. But I held it down and enjoyed the little time I had with my son. My long black locks were hard to get used to, but eventually, I had them washed and combed to be easier to cope with. But my red fur, it still carried a musky scent that made me feel weak on my legs. At times, I had dreams about Vegeta or one of my sons, but ignored it as weird.
Chi-Chi told me that it was natural to dream of your kids in such a manner. It means that your children are more sexy than you are. It is something positive. But at the time, I was scared I would actually do it.
I avoided Goten from time to time afterward and ignored it when he would question why I stayed in the form. I couldn't figure out how to transform back. Even sleep didn't work. Eventually, I stalked into the woods and lay before a dark willow tree. I pulled down the yellow pants and gazed upon what had grown so greatly since I had been in Super Saiyan 3 form. It was bigger than before. My hands massaged it till I came with a loud moan, but Goten didn't come in curiosity. He was a teenager at the time and understood what I was doing.
As I lay there in all the sticky mess that was my body and clothes, I realized that I had been ripe in season to make and conceive another child. Vegeta had told me before, but I had never felt so close to the point where it was necessary for such worry. Until then, at the point of which I was about to practically mate my own son. It was scary. I had to think everything over.
Before I knew it, the camping trip was over and we were heading back to our house, to spend time with our girls. Then I found Chi-Chi on the floor, dishes scattered around her. She had become pregnant while I was gone. I rushed her to the hospital because - at the time - didn't know what was wrong with her. But once the doctor told me she was two weeks pregnant, I began to wonder how. I had been in the mountains with Goten for a whole month. I had not gone back to visit her. Or had my Saiyan nature done that?
“Kakarrot,” a voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned sharply, not realizing I was in Super Saiyan 4 form. Wide eyes stared at me from the doorway of my old house, accusing me of something I knew nothing of. Was that Vegeta? He looked old. He had gained some weight and looked more like he hadn't bathed in awhile. “What the hell happened to you?” I looked at him for a moment before I saw my red tail flailing back and forth. Oh no, I had transformed. “Anyway, I figured it was you that was coming in. Just a false alarm then. Goodnight,” he said to me before he waved me off.
“Wait a minute,” I called him back, attracting his undivided attention. He looked into the house, staring in confusion. “What do you mean by that? Surely you're not living here.”
He looked at me in shock, “no one's told you of what transpired between me and Bulma?” I looked at him for a moment. Transpired? Something had gone down while Goten and I had been in the mountains. I shook my head in confusion. “She and I got a divorce. She thought I was sleeping around with you because I was so obsessed with your ass. Congrats. You got me kicked out.” He scowled lightly and stared at me. “No. You aren't to blame. I shouldn't hate you.” He walked away, arms crossed, in one of his bad moods. I stared as he shed his shirt. “Make yourself at home. This is your old one, correct?”
I walked into the room, still in the form I dreaded. That musky scent was back, but I wasn't completely denying it. I would play with him for a while, then I would take what I needed, if not sooner. “Vegeta,” I attracted his attention, “are you not shocked by my transformation? My Super Saiyan 4 form?”
He suddenly turned to me, understanding my words perfectly. “4th form?” he questioned. I nodded slowly, watching his eyes for emotion. He looked down and chuckled darkly. “You've outdone me, Kakarrot. Congrats. Like I care anymore.” With that, he left to find firewood, or so I assumed. He didn't return for a few minutes, that's when I assumed this.
If I was going to live with him for the next few days, I would have to put up with this sappy behavior like a man. I don't understand something. Why is he so down about my new form? He seemed to be beat by the look of my hair and whatnot. Was it too much to throw it in his face? I guess I expected him to leap at me and try to kick my ass. I expected too much of him.
I did as he told me and made myself at home, not daring to look around the house for anything. He came back almost two hours later with food and firewood. We spent a while outside burning wood and cooking the meat. A deer. Not uncommon in these kind of woods. The only thing surprising was that he fed it to me all his own. It was something about my scent or whatnot. I realized later that the musky scent was slowly drawing him closer. He wanted to stay away from me. The closer he got me to sleep, the further away he would get. Odd that he felt that way.
That night, I lay on the bed, lying on my back so as to stare at the wooden ceiling. I thought over the events of the day from morning to night. I found that I had lost Chi-Chi, but gained the one I loved so deeply. As far as I knew, Vegeta was in love with me. I turned over to look at the sleeping man to find him staring up at the ceiling all his own. I suddenly questioned why I was here in the first place. What drew me to Vegeta? Why did I want him so?
“Do you love me?” his voice drifted through the room. His dark orbs stared at me, questioning me. “Or have I tried for years to tell you shit?” I suddenly grew concerned at this note of advice. He tried to tell me what for years? He slouched into his comforters for a second, then burst up, sitting in his futon, looking directly in my yellow orbs. Why couldn't I drop out of this form? “That's right. I used Bobbidi as a means to show you that I was in love with you. I wanted you to pay attention to me, but you ignored me even when I asked you.” I stared for a moment to let the words sink in, but when they did, I shot up in shock. You lied to me and said you were possessed. You said you hated me. “That's right, Kakarrot. It was all out of a lie to gain your love. But maybe it was all for nothing. All those people died for nothing.” With that, he slumped back into his bed.
I wasn't about to let the flame of hate die. I grabbed his sleeping t-shirt and pulled him up to face me. “Are you insane? Just like that, you want me to accept you like a little whore?” I knew that I was putting this out of proportion, but he killed people just to admit he was in love with me. That was wrong. He released a small groan and smiled at me sweetly. “What have you done with the Vegeta I know? The one who hated me and wanted to kill me? The one who didn't let his pride or honor fall to but a third-class soldier? Is he gone?”
He smiled at me once more and placed a hand upon my own, “I ask you once more,” he spoke lightly, “do you love me?”
I stared for a moment before releasing him from my grip. He slumped back to the futon with a confused look on his face. Did I still love Vegeta, even though he admitted this dark secret to me? Did I have a choice on this? No. I had no more places to go. “If you go back to the way you were before, I love that you. I do love you.”
He smiled again, cupping my face. In the moment that his body approached mine, I experienced my first kiss with the one I truly loved. I experienced true love. My eyes shut as my cheeks burned pink, my blood raging to life, my ki burning, and that musky scent multiplied. I felt myself melt into him, holding him close to me. His warmth washed over me and enveloped me in heat. I wanted to eat him or melt into him. I wanted to do something like Fusion with him. I wanted to mate him.
I lay him down on the bed, crawling over his submissive body. He looked a little scared as I kissed him lightly. I trailed the kisses down his neck, removing his nighttime t-shirt from his burning body. I stared upon the scars of his past, ones that Zarbon had inflicted on him during whippings upon Freeza's ship. I had seen the past of my prince before, and now I knew of what had happened. I felt so sorry for him. I ran a hand down his chest, tracing each scar slowly. It was like watching the past all over again. I wish I could have saved him.
His eyes stared into mine as I removed our pants and hugged him close. I gently cupped his ass and groped him until he was blushing with embarrassment. I slowly flicked my tongue over one of his perk nipples. His head slowly slipped to the side as that blush came back, but out of pleasure this time. I slipped two saliva coated fingers into his tight hole, slowly scissoring until I was sure he was going to be okay.
When I positioned myself at his entrance, his eyes were closed and cheeks flushed, but he was completely oblivious to what was happening. I found this to be the moment that I could take him. I slammed into him in one smooth thrust. His cry echoed in the woods as I held myself still. I moaned lowly as his walls contracted around my newer, more grown dick. I watched his face as he adjusted to me. Every time I saw those eyebrows crease in annoyance to the pain, I would stroke his dick lovingly to bring him back into the moment.
Once his eyes finally became normal, staring at me with lust. I started moving, watching his face for whether he would find pain in this, but I saw none. I continued on, loving the ecstasy I was in. Each thrust brought me closer to reaching the Heaven that I wanted so desperately to be in. I watched through narrow slits as his face changed completely. His face was a look of pleasure as I thrust deeper into the velvet Heaven that was his ass. I slowly changed our position so that he was sitting upon my dick. I bounced him up and down swiftly, watching as he came hard, spraying his royal seed all over my body.
He was marking me before I knew it, and I marked him back as I came inside his body. We fell asleep that night in each others' arms. He was so tired that he didn't even say he loved me again before he went to sleep.
I leaned close to his ear before I went into unconsciousness, whispering, “I love you, Vegeta.” Then I accepted the darkness.