Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter One
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
I woke in the early hours of morning the next day, not even realizing that I was sweaty or that I was no longer in Super Saiyan 4 form. I opened my onyx eyes to look up and find the prince staring down at me. I was confused for a second before I saw his naked body above my own. I remembered last night with a small smile. “We're mates,” I told him strongly, emotionally.
He smiled and nodded. “Yes, we are now joined for the rest of eternity.” He wasn't the Vegeta that I loved that hated me and attempted thousands of times to kill me, but he was Vegeta. I could love him only if he were my prince. Suddenly, that body was pulled from my grip, heading for the bathroom. I almost wondered why he was avoiding the conversation that usually came with the afterglow, but then I noticed the stickiness on my own body. Compared to his slick frame that was doused in sweat, I had raw male cum all over mine. “You joining me, Kaka?”
I looked up at the nickname. That's the first time he's called me anything different than Kakarrot. For the moment, I felt like I should avoid him and think over my feelings. I had to come to a truce with myself. I shook my head and watched as he pouted cutely. “I feel like eating first.” I stumbled into the kitchen, then stared upon the metal stove. I gasped. My hands grasped my black locks in shock. “I lost my Super Saiyan 4 transformation.” Was it because I mated Vegeta? I looked towards the bathroom to find the prince there, staring at me in dismay. I sighed to myself. “Vegeta, do you love me?”
His eyes slowly connected completely with mine. His voice was stern, “I do.” I couldn't believe that he could say such a simple sentence, yet it meant so much more to me. When at my wedding with Chi-Chi, I was forced by her to say that I wanted to marry her. The two simple words that I spoke: I do. They were shallow to me and seemed as though they didn't fit right. But as Vegeta spoke them to me, I saw truth for what it was. A hand was placed upon my shoulder and his body rested against mine. “I love you, Kaka. I wouldn't have made the choice last night if I didn't.”
I couldn't resist it. I trusted his judgment and his love. I accepted his arms around my neck, his voice in my ear, his warmth, and his comfort. I accepted his company. I smiled brightly.
“Want food?” I asked as I turned to him. It was uncommon of me to ask him this, for I could not cook, but if I was ordering takeout, I might as well know. He shook his head again. I sighed rhetorically as I realized he still wanted that shower. “Okay, okay, shower first, then food.” He actually smiled and nodded this time as he pulled me towards the spring near our new house.
The spring outside brought back memories of Grandpa Gohan and the way I met Bulma. I hadn't planned to ever leave this place. I had planned to die here. In this little cabin in the woods, all alone, but I had survived through learning. I learned how to hunt and fend for myself. I cleaned and cooked and… I stopped as I realized I could cook. I had learned how to cook during one of the man times that I decided to hunt. I had never known that Saiyans could eat raw meat till I got to know Vegeta. That was after he tried to kill me on Earth the first time.
We waded out into the spring, not bothering with looking for our sons' ki. It was merely the next morning. I felt a little bit afraid of committing to him completely. Was it just the fact that I was afraid of him? What was my reason for staying here on Earth besides Vegeta? I stared up at the sky and pondered this in wonder. Was there ever a doubt to loving Vegeta? He pulled me into the spring, swimming out to the shallower waters all his own. I couldn't bare to be any closer to death that I already was. I didn't want to go in further. I wanted to show the world my body, for merely remembrance I was here. If no one could see me, was there a point?
But he could. He always saw me. For who I was, a gentle, stubborn, thick-headed Saiyan; I was understood by a prince, whom was of my own race. He understood why I treated him with such eloquent manners, even though I acted stupid sometimes and told him not to do something. His words: The weak will perish and the strong shall survive. I am strong, no? So, shouldn't I command him, the weak? He was a prince, but a weak one at most. He was stupid and annoying… and I loved him. I still do.
When he turned Majin and told me those cold words, my heart tore apart. I miss the Vegeta that never gave up, that told me those words. But before, they were playful almost. That time, they were cold and serious, as if I was dying inside. He didn't have to tell me that he did it on purpose. I trusted the sight of that huge “M” on his forehead. He had betrayed me, yet I still cared for him as though he were my own flesh and blood. I treated him with respect. But during that fight, I gave into bloodlust and joked around with his pitiful brain.
A Saiyan merely thought of killing during battle, nothing else matter. That's why he hates me so much that redemption is not possible. I think on emotions. I love this planet and its people, so I protect them out of love. I don't defend them for some pitiful reason as the Saiyans did. They fought merely to better themselves. I understood why Vegeta was so rude and disgusting when we first met.
Look in a mirror at the monster of his past. Freeza. That one name could make you shiver in fear or anger, and yet you could do nothing. But I did. I kicked his ass back to his daddy, yet I narrowly escaped all my own. I tried to make up for trying to kill Vegeta without reading his emotions when he first came here, but he wouldn't let me. So I stood aside, as he wanted me to.
All this time, he was begging for me not to. He was using the silent approach to get to me. He was a different person that I had thought. I guess I was too stupid for my own good.
His body had disappeared underwater a few moments ago, slipping beyond the waters, reaching the bank of the spring. He looked so beautiful in the first rays of true sunshine. He was a work of art. From his toned chest down to his six-pack abs that tempted me to nuzzle them. I felt desire coarse in my stomach, but I held fast to it, watching him look at me in wonder. His eyes, so full of darkness, being a look of raw black, stared at me. “You going to join me in here or stand in the light waters?”
Confused by what he meant, I walked into the deeper waters, letting it travel up my legs to my pale abs. Two different skin colors as we were, we blended together as we embraced lovingly. I stared out at the scenery with curious eyes. Why did I sense something watching us? I ignored it as another one of those things that Chi-Chi called crazy. I was just hallucinating. I hugged him close to me and wished our bodies could melt together in the rays of morning.
“You two are happy,” a voice called out to us, shocking me. I turned sharply, holding him close for protection. I would defend him with my life. The purple hair the masked our intruder alerted me to who it was. “What? It's me, Trunks.” I nodded sheepishly and released my death grip on the prince's body. He waded over and hugged his son lightly. Feeling rejected, I waded further into the water, watching as Trunks looked to me with wonder. “Is he okay?”
He looked to me in confusion, daring to bat an eye at me. “Just jealous.” He snorted lightly and smirked suddenly at me. He leaned towards Trunks's ear and whispered something in it. I could not hear, even with my Saiyan hearing. He pulled away merely three minutes later to smirk at me, making me a little confused. What had he told Trunks? “Want to do it, boy?” he looped an arm around his son and bite his ear lovingly. “It's not a bad thought, huh? I mean, you do like him, no?”
“Vegeta!” I accused him. I waded into the deep waters more, until I vanished into the dark waters. I didn't want to surface again because of the way he had treated my trust in him. I had hoped that he changed just a little. I have always been wrong about him. Was that how this all began?
I breathed in sudden to sigh, but I suddenly realized I was still underwater. I resurfaced with a dark gasp. I looked around to find him and his son gone, panting. My heart was rapidly beating in my chest as I swam there. Someone was suddenly touching me below, their hands slowly resurfacing from the water below, wrapping around various parts of my body. A hand wrapped around my limp member, trying to ring it to life. I ignored the two hands that were around my hips, merely confused at how four hands were on my body.
I wondered for a moment of whom it was, but I didn't bother to pull them away. I recognized one scent that still lingered in the air. Vegeta. He was still here, but that other one, was that Trunks? I grasped the hand upon my own, pulling the person to the surface. Purple hair turned pink in the sunlight that surrounded us. I couldn't stop the fear that entered my system. I screamed.
Deer ran away, cowering in fear at my voice. Rabbits scurried back as it echoed through the forest. Everything was quiet after the echo faded into the darkness of the hidden woods.
Vegeta surfaced next to Trunks, staring in awe at me. He had not expected me to make such racket at this early in the morning. But Trunks scared the shit out of me. How did he get around me without my knowledge? I don't understand, but I will try. I looked at him in wonder. What were they planning? “Did you have to scream?” he questions me darkly. “Geez, we were just playing a joke with you.”
I snorted darkly, looking away with a death glare. “You think that this whole thing is a joke?” I asked him with a stern look. I waded out of the spring, not bothering to power up and dry myself off as I made my way to the house. “See yourself inside.” I waved him off and entered the shack, slamming the door rather harshly.
I pulled a towel over my head and ruffled my hair until I was sure it was dry. Pulling a yellow t-shirt over my head, I patted it down and fitted it into a pair of my gi pants. I tucked it in and tied it strongly, making sure neither would loosen. No one greeted me as I left the room, entering the only other room in the place. The bed stared at me, even though it had no eyes. Our mixed juices lay in the middle of the huge bed, soaking through the sheets.
It was only last night that I gave my heart and soul to my prince, and he acted as though I was a sex tool he could just use. He had hoped to have his son do a threesome with me. How stupid was I? I picked at the sheets, not hearing the door open and my mate walk in. I was too upset over this to want to care about that little moment. Hands slowly held onto my shoulders as his face caressed my neck. His breath was slowly traveling down my neck. My cheeks flamed. “I'm sorry for joking.” His words were soft against my ear, as was his hands, so gentle against my skin, crawling down my arms. “Do you forgive me?”
I breathed in harshly, realizing I was growing hard again. No. I couldn't allow myself… His scream echoed through the entire house as something transpired I knew nothing of. I looked at him in shock only to notice my newly longer bangs. I was shocked that I had turned Super Saiyan 4. Wait a minute. I looked down and noticed my erection poking through my pants. “Certainly I don't transform whenever I'm turned on.” It was not a question or a statement. This could not be happening. When I got to mate Vegeta, everything was supposed to feel good and it was supposed to be perfect. We were supposed to be the perfect match for each other. What was wrong with the relation?
“Not uncommon for Saiyan dominants to feel threatened by different blood,” Vegeta's voice ringed in my ears as he spoke. I turned my head to glance over my shoulder at him. He folded his arms and tilted his head to the side. “Since Trunks is half-human, Bulma's blood flows within him. He has tainted blood, therefore, he is a threat. That is what you - no, your Saiyan nature - sees him as.” The facts seemed correct, but something was missing. Why did I transform before? When I came here, I had transformed without warning, confusing Vegeta. How could that be possible? I needed to concentrate ki in order to transform. “In any case, you are jealous of him even if you don't notice it. He is my son, he will forever have a closer relationship than you and I.”
I didn't like the tone he stated that in. So cold and heartless. It stole away the cheery expressions that usually crossed my face during these times. Was he stating that we would not be more than we are right now? I want to marry him and possibly have kids, if Saiyan men could. I want to be with him forever. Is that not what he wants? “Vegeta,” I stared at him, turning my body completely in his direction, not concerned with my erection, “when you say that, are you meaning that you don't wish to make us more than a couple? You do not wish to go beyond sexual relief and simple love or lust? You do not wish to marry me or have children?”
He stared at me for some time before he unfolded his arms. His hands were clenched as he looked away, his eyes almost looking as though he were about to cry. Did I say something wrong? His breath quickened and I could almost hear his heartbeat rage in the air, just by listening, I could hear his panting. What had I said that made him so uptight? “Kaka,” he used my new nickname again, “I love you, but I'm not ready for such a leap yet.”
“Bulma,” I stated with a sigh, looking away suddenly. Jealousy came easily with that name. Bulma still clouded his mind even though she kicked him out and threw all his bags at him. He had loved her since before the Cell Games came around. I felt that his heart was more of with her than me. Even though she kicked him out and cursed him out, he still held feelings for her. Just like I did for Chi-Chi. I ducked my head, hiding my eyes from his view. “I understand.” I would give him the two weeks to plan everything through before I would keep him all to myself. “If you want me to, I could go see Bulma and tell her I need a capsule house. I just need to tell her that Chi-Chi kicked me out. She'll understand.”
“No, I don't want anything around that will remind me of her,” he sounded almost painful as he spoke this. I looked at him again, regret shining in my newly golden eyes. I knew that he was hurting inside and that he didn't need anything else that would remind him of his past. Just like with Freeza. He threw away his scouter and his armor, not keeping his crown even. Eventually, they all ended up in storage at Bulma's place. The only thing to remind him was the body full of scars. “I left everything at her house but a few clothes that I picked up from the store with her card. She left me no money, no place to go once I told her I loved you, and she kicked me out. Like I was always shit to just be used and left.” His hands covered his face as tears slipped from his eyes.
I knew that this pain was forbidden and I wasn't supposed to see it, but I did. And I wanted to comfort him. But as in Hell, he did not wish for such console. I could not reconcile with him to do such. But when he looked up at me, those sad eyes made me lose control of my body. I instantly wrapped my arms around him, holding him close. I comforted him through his pain, crying all my own. My pain melted into his and dispersed from our hearts as we lay upon the undisturbed futon, holding each other. It was the only way we could tell we were alive.
But as we were just recovering from our little time of pain, Trunks entered our shack with a sad look on his face. “I'm sorry that I frightened you, Goku,” the boy apologized with a bow. He learned such respect from his father. But I doubted the Vegeta knew much about the word considering the way he used to treat me and everyone else. He even treated Bulma that way, but she was a bitch in her own way. I always knew her to be a bad woman, but to do this kind of damage to Vegeta… He hadn't been given a chance to recover. “Father?” the boy looked to his father, who was sitting in my lap. Their eyes connected firmly, almost as if fighting for dominance over who would claim me. I didn't mind Vegeta fighting for me. I love him. I want him. “I understand that you love Goku and I will not come between you two.” The boy turned slightly with a small smile upon his face. “Goodbye, Goku, father.” He left without another word to either of us.
I didn't bother to question his good intentions, but then figured he heard us talking. He heard Vegeta's pain with Bulma. I found myself rubbing my mate's back, slowly finding myself in my normal form again. Thank God. I can't stand Super Saiyan 4 as much as he could be happy as Super Saiyan all day. I found it offensive to people who could not attain such levels.
I let go of him a few moments later and proceeded with the cooking. I had not trained myself with such an old stove and I was rusty. Chi-Chi had always done the cooking in our house. I had never done such trivial things, not even dishes. I merely set the table and sat down - and I rarely did that. But for my prince, I would make a gourmet meal just for the two of us. I didn't want to seduce him, just cheer him up.
“If you want to do something, I did pick up some DVDs from the house for us to watch,” I tried not to sound as though I knew he was here. I had not sensed his presence in the area until he came out of the shadows and shocked me. “The TV's in one of the suitcases and there's some VHS tapes… oh, that would all be in a… capsule.” I was a little worried on this note. I had not thought of Vegeta's feelings when I entered a zone that included Bulma. But his eyes were emotionless as he opened one of the two suitcases I had packed. I worried as he did not speak, merely put on one of my uniforms instead of his clothes. “You sure that ain't too big?”
“Nope,” he said lightly. He tied the sash and stood there, flaunting it to me. I smiled lightly and nodded. It wasn't half-bad if you considered it showed his erect nipples. He really had to tuck it in to make it fit. “I look ridiculous.”
I shook my head swiftly. As much as it was funny, he didn't look the least bit ridiculous to me. “If it's good enough for your mate, why not you?” I asked incredulously. Did he not like the clothes I wore? /How mean of you!/ I yelled at him through our bond. I suddenly backed up as I realized we hadn't used this bond before. We had not used telepathy before. I knew we had it, but I was so rusty since the years flew by since I talked with Kaiou-sama, I had forgotten all about it.
The bond had been created when we first fused as Vegerot. As we called it for short, Vegeto. When we first fused, our brains didn't respond correctly and we didn't agree as the Kaiou-shins' did. Their brains agreed and responded the same, but ours were separated. We disobeyed one another and filtered through many options. I wanted to finish Majin Buu off quickly and Vegeta wanted to play with him. I wanted to punch him, Vegeta wanted to kick his ass to kingdom come. We did not act in sync, so the Fusion was destroyed. Once we agreed upon one thing out of the many things, absorbed within Majin Buu's body, we split.
But even split into two beings once more, we disagreed. He wanted to go that way and I went in the opposite direction. Thank God we fought as a team. But trapped within Buu's mind was a place you wanted to be. With fake versions of the people you loved against you… it wasn't pretty. And then came the halt that always made me question his feelings for me.
At one time during our fight inside Buu's mind, we managed to work together. His cheek against mine, hands placed together, and our bodies nearly melded together in a type of Fusion; then we shot at Buu with all the power we had. It was as though we were making love without actually being naked. In that moment, my heart melted into his arms. I wanted him to hug me and say that he loved me. So I knew someone missed me.
But he didn't. His pride got the better of him yet again. And now that I look at it, where is his pride now? Had it disappeared along with his hate? He still had that attitude, that's for sure.
As I looked at him once more, I saw the him that I had always rather spent my time ignoring or looking away from. He was a sad man on the inside even though he tried to not say it. His eyes gave away everything that he held deep inside. He attempted to lie and say we didn't see it, but I did. For who he was. He hated me truly for what I made him feel. He wished I would lay down and possibly die. He was fighting with himself, not sure if he truly wanted me to die or not. I didn't speak to him for fear of this sometimes. When he was like this, he was very frail. If I spoke, he would become fragile and break. I would make him cry again.
For the rest of the time, I cooked slowly, not paying attention to him at all. He didn't speak after I mentioned about the capsule. I figured the he could use time to himself. I gave him privacy as I left to find another pair of knives in which to cut the food. That reminds me, I should keep him away from sharp objects. I came back out to find him missing from his place on the floor by the TV that was now out to stare proudly at me. Where had he gone?
“Kaka,” I heard his voice penetrate my ears, making me look behind in wonder, “where is the remote for this stupid thing?” He was searching through the box of things I had packed inside the capsule, trying to find that dreaded thing. I stared. He opened the capsule without me even knowing. Was I so lost that I didn't realize? “Kaka?” he looked up from the box in wonder.
I pointed towards the floor next to the box, seeing the black thing clearly. He looked over and nodded, grabbing it. “I don't have cable or satellite I let you know. I don't think I have electricity…” I stopped suddenly and slapped my head. “Vegeta, I need to get some stuff from Bulma. If I don't, we won't be here long.” He looked up and almost looked regretful as he nodded. We needed electricity and supplies. “Oh!” I pulled my hand back as I realized I had touched the hot pan without gloves on. I didn't stop to think about that. I slipped my hands under the faucet and turned the cold water on. Immediately, the water splashed upon my burned hands, sizzling with relief. “I nearly burned myself. What was I thinking?”
He looked in my direction, smirking. “You're not thinking of me, are you?” His voice was seductive and romantic stirred into one. How odd. /At least you think of my welfare./ His voice was subtle and low, but I heard it in my head. I smiled at him and approached him with my wet hands. I brushed them onto his face, not even thinking that he would get wet. I found that his eyes were my sanctuary of want and love. I slowly placed my lips upon his and accepted his tongue into my mouth. Warmth surrounded me as his arms wrapped around my waist. I didn't realize as he grabbed the mitt stuffed into my pants and shifted the food in the pan a bit. /Almost done, Kaka. The food, I mean./ He didn't even have to tell me.
/I'm not done with you,/ I whispered to him through our connection. I forced him away from the pan, careful not to take the spoon in the pan with us. I just wished we didn't have to worry about the food. My newly grown tail wrapped around his waist and held him close. The musky scent that traveled through the room remained a mystery to me. Was this scent supposed to be a turn-on? /This scent, Vegeta, could you explain it to me?/
He broke our kiss and made his way towards the stove. He finished cooking the food without a word, not even bothering to bat an eye over his shoulder in my direction. Why wasn't he responding? “It could be that you wish to make a kid, that your Saiyan nature is telling you I am… in heat.” His eyes slowly looked over his shoulder at me in shock. He suddenly turned the burner off and stalked away from the stove. “Food's ready.” I stared in concern. Had I done something wrong? “Do you know where the dishes - “
“They're in yet another capsule,” I noticed that his face fell flat again. Bulma still meant a lot to him, more than I could measure up. I frowned as I ate from the pan, not looking in the prince's direction. “Just eat out of the pan.” I sipped from the baked grease, wallowing in the lovely taste. I rather enjoyed the taste of what I had cooked.
We ate from the pan, making sure to not burn our hands. When we finished, I changed the sheets on the bed and lay his body upon it. I handed him a Nintendo DS Lite with a game I loved to play in it. I didn't say a word to him before I left out the door. I needed to find Bulma and get electricity up for us. If I couldn't get that, maybe a house.
I flew faster than I usually would. I felt that maybe I should be a little faster through the city, for fear of being caught by the humans. They would automatically recognize me from the Cell Games. I had wished they hadn't aired that all over the place, it wasn't nice. I mean, camera crews had been stalking Chi-Chi and Gohan long after that. Thank God they were okay after I died. But it wasn't.
Goten had been conceived during the night before that she and I had made love yet again. I didn't realize when I left that morning that I would not come back. I didn't think of Chi-Chi and the possibility that I had gotten her pregnant. But when I watched in Heaven, staring down at her form in that bed, crying so desperately for me to return, I saw that blue sign that told me yes.
And I felt fear come into my mind. I was so afraid when I saw that. I had left her with something she could not get rid of. It would forever be there. At least she kept me in her heart if nothing else. She could never fully hold my seed in her forever, not unless she died. Then it would wither away and die inside her fading carcass. I would see her in Heaven then. If that had been so, I would have apologized for causing her such pain.
It had been my duty for years to protect Earth. I was sent here as a baby to destroy it, but I found its beauty to be rather fond of my nature, and it came with all the natural things I missed on Planet Vegeta. It had a subtle scent about it, and it welcomed my heat cycles, not to mention my normal needs. Food was always my main concern, but I no longer needed to worry about it. Thinking back, when I hit my head when I was little, it welcomed a whole new world for me.
I never remembered who I truly was, but that was fine with me. I didn't wish to remember who I had been. That me had died and… I had been programmed by bastards to destroy everything and everyone whom I love. They all became so much to me. I couldn't kill them even after I remembered the programming.
My memory lapse suddenly ended as I reached the Capsule Corporation lawn. It hadn't been mowed in a while. I could still see the sprinklers from up here, but barely. The grass had grown, nearly burying everyone who was in the place. I could see that Kuririn was having fun with Goten, who seemed bored. I was confused at what they were doing, and wondering why I wasn't invited.
I landed quickly and hid behind the house, watching their little party go on. I could barely hear their words as they spoke, but as I heard their voices, my heart clenched. I saw Bulma standing there, listening, laughing. She was laughing at Vegeta. I watched as Gohan entered as well, but he didn't defend Vegeta's honor as I had hoped. There was nothing we could say to Bulma that would change her mind. She was joking at her relationship with Vegeta. It wasn't something to be laughed at.
I growled, attracting their attention. They all looked surprised to find me there. I walked out from my hiding place, forcing the grass down as to allow me through. “Don't talk about Vegeta like that.”
“You could hear us, Goku?” she sounded almost afraid as she spoke. I looked dark and dangerous, my ki flared in annoyance. How could she not say that? Vegeta was probably sneezing right now, knowing that they were speaking of him. She held her hands up as if in defense, “we didn't mean to offend Vegeta, if that's what you're thinking.” She was a little afraid as she looked over her shoulder at Gohan, who stood beside her. “Look, he told me that he loved you and he left just like that.” My eyes snapped wide upon her note. Left. He just up and left. She didn't kick him out. “Whatever he told you,” her voice, she knew that I was with Vegeta, “he's wrong. He left, I didn't kick him out.”
Damn you, Piccolo, for telling her. I knew I felt a presence when we were in the spring. “So Piccolo told you about what he and I did too?” I asked her darkly. She looked almost confused at me, but I found it harder to ask her about the sex. My mouth was suddenly dry. “Um, that thing we did… earlier… yesterday…”
“I didn't talk to them,” Piccolo's voice came from behind me. I turned sharply, nearly getting dizzy, and gazed upon my past rival. He looked good in his young age. Like me and Vegeta, he didn't age, neither did Pu'ar or Oolong, along with No.18. It was weird to gaze upon the same man who I hadn't seen for almost three years. Just yesterday I would be in my bed with my wife, watching her sleep and thinking of how much I missed the battles, and here I was, divorced, living with Vegeta, making love with him. It wasn't healthy to change everything so fast. I felt dizzy. “Son?” I slipped in my footing and fell forward, being captured by the green-man. “SON!”
I saw darkness in my eyes as I slipped into unconsciousness. /Vegeta,/ I called to my mate with the last bit of power I had. I couldn't tell who was holding me, but their arms were warm and loving. It reminded me of Vegeta. Where was he anyway?