Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Two
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
I woke in the later hours of evening, in a hospital bed. White sheets covered my warm body, but there was nothing odd about them. What was odd was how I got here. I looked around to find the heart rate machine at a normal capacity, showing signs that I was alive and well. I guess I fainted. I found that there was nothing attached to me but the heart rate machine's cord, otherwise, I was stripped and dressed in a gown. Who brought me here?
I felt weight upon one of my hands as I lifted them. I looked to my left hand to find my prince there, his head resting neatly upon my hand, shocking me. He was still with me. It wasn't a dream. I wasn't—I hadn't been in a comma, so what happened?
“Father,” I heard one of my son's call me. I turned to find Gohan standing there in a uniform that was fit for here. A doctor suit. What the hell was he doing dressed in one of those? As soon as I saw the needle in his hand, I jolted completely away. He knows I'm afraid of needles. The process woke my prince up, who was shocked that I was jumping onto him so swiftly. He looked from me to the needle within my son's hand and quickly understood. Gohan seemed to get that notion too, stuffing the needle onto the desk by the sink. “It's for another patient. There's nothing wrong with father. He's just got a slight fever that should go down with some ice.” Vegeta nodded, watching as I sighed and got off him, slipping back under the covers. I was embarrassed. How can I still be afraid of those needles? “It is common for someone to be frightened of these things. You should see us try to get little kids to get their shots.”
“They probably listen better than Kakarrot,” my mate suggested lightly. Gohan smiled a little bit, but patted my shoulder for the benefit of the doubt. I wasn't so inhuman about hating those things as I had thought. “So, he has a slight fever. How long would it take for that to go down?” I looked to my mate in surprise. He wanted to have sex again, I could tell by the look in his eyes.
I stuttered, but didn't let Gohan answer. “I think I should stay somewhere else during this. I could catch a different cold being as my defenses are so weak.” I didn't want to stay away from Vegeta, but I needed some clearance. I turned to Gohan with a pleading look. “This fever could be a touch of the flu. It is quite cold in the autumn time.” The boy didn't seem to catch on to my desperation. It was now or never to tell him that I need my space. “Look, Gohan, can I talk to Vegeta alone?”
The boy grabbed his needle and stared at me for a few moments, then nodded. “Just drink lots of fluids and eat some solid food. Don't have any stress for about two days and you'll be fine.” He left the room with a glance in Vegeta's direction. “You better not do anything stupid, Vegeta.” With that, the door was shut harshly, but we didn't see his shadow on the other side.
He looked to me in confusion, considering what could be wrong with his mate. /Is there something I should know about?/
I nodded swiftly, looking away. My mouth was suddenly dry as it had been before, trying to come up with something to say. My mouth opened and closed many times, but nothing came out. I had to tell him to fuck off or he would be here forever. I needed to let him off easy. I didn't want him to leave and never return, I merely wanted him to give me some space. “Okay,” I nodded to myself. I looked to his teary face, shocked as I saw it.
“You hate me, don't you?” he asked, hugging me with a sudden hidden passion, nearly pulling the breath from me. I was shocked to hear such words leave his mouth. How could he right away assume something like that? “I'm sorry I'm so pushy, I'll give you space, just don't say it.” I was shocked, finding that this was the wrong way to tell him, but I had to do something. He pulled away, taking the gown with him. It was a snappy movement that caused the gown to tear away. My chest was exposed to the air in the room, but also to his eyes. “You don't hate me, do you?”
I placed a hand upon his soft cheek, pulling his lips to mine. Removing the heart rate's plug, I wrapped my arms around him. Our tongues battled, fighting with each other, trying to dominate each other, but I couldn't avoid the blush that came across my cheeks. My ears flamed as well. I don't understand. I want him to give me space, yet I want to be so close to him that I can melt. Yet I am afraid of it. If I get too close to him, will I fall? I find a wall to scale and I keep doing it, especially when it was a monster or bad guy towering over me and I couldn't win, I would climb that wall without a second thought.
I broke the kiss without a word, coming down from the Heavens I had reached out to. Why did it always feel so good to touch him? I ran a hand through his hair with a small smile upon my face. “I merely need some space. That's all I wanted to tell you. You took it way out of proportion.” His eyes were wide, but his face slowly became happy. I smiled, hugging him close. “I just need to get things together before I make a big step that I will regret.”
“I understand, Kaka,” his voice was soothing against my neck as he spoke. I like his warm voice compared to the dark voice he had used in the past. He used to hate me so much, now he loves me so deeply. I care for him. I am his mate. He pulled away with a soft smile, wiping away tears of worry. “I'll give you your space.”
Why is he so emotional? Certainly it wasn't so scary to lose me. Was there something I didn't know about? I looked at him and placed each of my hands upon his shoulders and holding him close to me. “I want to know something…” he looked at me in confusion, “…what's wrong with you? Why are you so emotional lately?” His eyes were wide. I have never seen such a confused face before. At least not on him. He always knew what people were saying, even when it was behind his back. How could he be confused?
His eyes slowly fell in understanding. His hands instantly reached for the floor, pulling up a small box, handing it to me with a sad look on his face, and yet he didn't say a word. I opened the box and gazed in it. A pregnancy test lay within the thing. What was the point of this? “I went to the clinic and picked this up earlier when you left for Bulma's. I thought that after we made love, I should look to find this out.” He didn't look at me, almost looking dead, but his voice spoke to me so softly in its simplicity. I pulled the thing out of the box and gazed upon it. Blue. What did that mean? “We're—We're going to have a baby.”
Startled by the information, I looked at him. The white object in my hand fell in shock. I was too surprised for my own good. I should have suspected such a thing, considering that Vegeta was not human, neither was I. We were both too different. We weren't human, I should have known that we could do something like this. But to hear this information now, right after Gohan told me to relax, it was a tiny bit stressful. I suddenly felt dizzy. “A child.” He looked confused as I held my head suddenly.
“Gohan!” Vegeta's voice reached my ears, but I couldn't for the life of me open my eyes. I felt sleep encasing me as I slumped in the bed. “Something's wrong with Kakarrot!” His voice continued to rant in the background. It was merely two minutes later that I found my eyes opening to ice being placed on my head by my mate. I looked to him in confusion, stating I was awake. “Thank goodness. I thought you were going to die.” A hand stroked my cheek, but I took no notion to it. I placed a hand upon his abdomen, feeling our child even though it was yet to be born. He looked anxious to know whether I wanted the child or not. If I would say it, this was the kind of stress that Gohan was talking about. “Do you want the child, Kaka? I can still abort it.”
Abort? As in kill it? No. “No… I want it.” I would not let a life be destroyed if it still had a chance to live. That was how I dealt with my enemies. My hand slowly and gently rubbed his stomach in a loving manner. I didn't trail away from that stomach even as I heard a relaxing sigh come from him. I was so gently that a fly wouldn't even be crushed by my hands. “To think that in a few months this will expand with our child inside. It's hard to imagine that a child could come out of a man.”
“That's what the Tuffles said,” he remarked with a blank expression. Is he having a mood swing? Wait, this is reminding me of this morning when Vegeta didn't speak to me. He was planning on telling me. He had escaped because he had morning sickness. “Is something wrong?” I realized suddenly that I was a little shocked, my mouth was agape at him. I was showing true colors. Oops. I shook my head with a small smile, waving my hands. “I'm just worried that my body won't survive.” I looked at him, suddenly worried. I have never heard him say something like that before. He had never been worried for his life when he was with Bulma, just a little concerned that he wouldn't live to see the Super Saiyan. That he wouldn't live to become the strongest. He merely died twice. I died more than that. I put my life on the line for people that were so shallow. I treated them as they were my friends, but as soon as I destroyed the monster, they went back to their normal lives and merely cried once. I saw Vegeta. He cared so much about me. He cried more than once. He was about ready to give up on life without me there. It made me so happy that he gave so much effort to be with me. I hated seeing him so depressed. “If I don't survive, I will be separated from you. My life will fall.” His hands covered his face as I saw tears form. “After I gave so much to be with you. Trunks resents me, yet I did this anyway. I wanted to be with you. I can't live without you.”
I pulled his hands away and hugged him close, realizing that he needed comfort. I couldn't make up for the mistakes I had made by only caring of the others and the many people who lived on this planet, but I could try. Vegeta gave his all to let me know he loved me. That he wanted to be with me. And yet I pushed him away and ignored him like he was just my little pet. I hate myself for doing such a thing. “I know that you can't live without me. I've seen the way you react when I'm gone.” His body is frozen in my arms. He seems a little more than shocked at this statement. “I saw everything in Heaven. I watched helplessly as you attempted suicide and got yourself drunk and drugged. I didn't wish to just return for you because I felt like everyone hated me.” He didn't move or question my motives, merely lay here in my arms and listened. “Their love was shallow for merely my victories. My ability to save them drown out my love for them - in a sense. While Gohan resented me in the beginning, once I explained it to him, he understood. His mother never wanted me to return because she felt our marriage was already over.” I looked down at him. Without another word, I cupped his chin with my finger. “She was right.”
Suddenly, I heard the dreaded voice once more. “GOKU!!!” Oh great, speak of the devil. Her voice just made the whole moment go away. She burst through the door, panting in exertion. She wasn't the least bit worried, I could tell by the look in her eyes. She was pissed. Good. “I just found out something important from the security camera in your room,” she replied to the deathly look in my eyes, “Vegeta is having your baby, correct?” I nodded, holding him close for protection. What did she want? Her face was suddenly loving, clapping her hands. “Congratulations.”
My eyes were wide as my mouth gaped in shock. Did she just say a praise to me? Did I just hear that? I don't think I did. I must be going deaf. I certainly didn't hear her praise our child's welfare. “Pardon me?” I questioned her. “Did you just congratulate me?”
“Of course I did,” she replied, hands on her hips, “you big idiot.” I nearly growled at her for the nickname, but my mate smiled lightly. He hugged me closer, as if protecting me instead. She sighed and smiled lightly. “I know, Vegeta-san. He's your idiot.” She made her way into the room, not at all shocked by my surprised look. Standing before me, my mate held me tight, draining my oxygen nearly. I needed breathing room. “Can I talk with my ex-husband for just a moment, Vegeta? It is time we cleared up the past.”
Before I could say a word in edgewise, Vegeta let me go. He placed one kiss to the top of my head and proceeded to leave. I looked to Chi-Chi with a state of confusion. “What is it?” I asked her cautiously. Her eyes completely changed to a look of desperation. I almost threw up as I remembered she threw this look before when she wanted me back before the Cell Games. She had succeeded then. “I am not going to take you back. I am going to move on as you once said.”
“But the guy who got me pregnant left me and I need a father for the baby,” she begged lightly, holding my hand. “You've always been kind and caring. You've given your life for your sons. You will do the right thing, right?”
I shook my head. “Our divorce is final, Chi-Chi. I told you that I wanted to love Vegeta now.” I was throwing away my past by saying these words. I had to leave the past behind. It was time I do what Piccolo had inquired before. He had asked me if at Super Saiyan 3 whether I could've beaten Majin Buu the first time around. I could have. I didn't want to because the new generation had to. But in the end, I was the one to finish him off. It was time to think of myself and the Earth before allowing everyone to die because of my stupidity again. Vegeta needed me. I got him pregnant with a one-night-stand. I was stupid enough to mate him before my divorce was truly final. But now that it is… “I have a baby with Vegeta that I must take care of. He has waited too long for the day that I would return to his arms.” I looked in her direction with a half-smile, half-grin. “I owe him my life, Chi-Chi.”
Her face was a look of complete disgust. She didn't like my relationship anymore. I could tell by the scowl that painted her face. “Then you can forget about Goten coming to visit you.” I chuckled at her expense. He was almost eighteen, certainly he wouldn't stay with her afterwards. He resented her as much as I hated her. For the way she treated me. For the way she acted. “I know that he will be eighteen soon. But how will he take the news of his father being a prostitute?”
“I am not a whore,” I told her strongly. I got up. This was part of that stress that Gohan was talking about. I looked to the door to see that it was closed. Many employees and workers passed, including Gohan. “Gohan!” I called to him. Maybe he could clear her ass up. The man walked in out of a habit of rush. He looked a little confused when he saw his mother by my side, almost questioning her presence. “Tell your mother that I am not a whore.”
Gohan nearly dropped to the floor when he heard me speak the word. He could not believe his mother would say such things about his birth father. I was close to Gohan, maybe not as close as I was to Goten, but I respected my family. Never once did I call her such names. “Father is not a whore,” he spoke darkly, walking towards her, “you are.”
I was in total shock the way he spoke. So dark and emotionless. Reminded me of Vegeta's voice. That alone made me smile in this situation. Because I loved my prince. Her face was a look of total hate as she stormed out of the room in despair. “Thank you, Gohan.” The man looked almost hateful as he left. I wondered for an instance what could possibly be wrong. Did I do something that upset him? Yes. I have. My answer came through that door with a smirk on his face. “Yes, I told the bitch off.” I looked away with a suddenly regretful look on my face.
His hand properly stroked my cheek in a comforting manner, drowning out my regret. He was so loyal and loving. It was hard to believe that in just a couple of weeks I would be dealing with a hormone-crazy pregnant Saiyan no Ouji. That, I assumed, was my place in life. If not forever, then for the moment. “I was not going to ask you if you threw her out.” His voice was calm and soothing, one of the rarities about him. “I was smirking because she got what was coming to her. From Gohan, I mean.” I almost chuckled as I remembered the way he had handled it. He was something else, that's for sure. That hand slowly lowered to my neck and kept going. I was about to force him to stop when that hand went under me. A hug. So warm and comforting, it lulled me into a state of relaxation. I enjoyed being in this position with my prince. “Kaka, I hope that you can forgive me pushing you into this.”
“It wasn't you,” I tried to speak, but found it almost impossible. “You didn't force me to do this. I did it of free will. Because I wanted to do it.” I smiled sweetly and laid his head on my chest, looking at the TV that had yet to be turned on. Which reminded me… “Where's Bulma? I need to speak with her. I mean, we need electric at the house - “
“Taken care of,” he remarked, interrupting me. I looked down at him in shock. He didn't threaten her somehow, did he? “I sat down and had a talk with her. She agreed to keep us on our feet until we have a job and can afford this stuff on our own.” I didn't want to believe it, but I saw a small frown appear on his face. It was true, he had seen her, talked with her… said goodbye to her. I felt so sorry for him. “How soon can you go home?”
“Gohan!” I called to him for the last time that night. He came rushing in with a dark look on his face. “It's important this time. When can I get out of here?”
The boy's face dropped from annoyed to understanding. I hope he says that I can go home right away. I think I'm ready to return with Vegeta. If I can't live without him, how would I survive? All I knew was that he was here to stay. “You can leave once the tests get back - “
“Here you are, Gohan,” one of his nurses handed the paper to him. He snatched the paper out of her hands and read it, looking over his shoulder as the nurse remained there. “Oh, sorry. I'm going now.” She left in a real hurry.
Vegeta took a cautious approach towards Gohan, staring him in the eyes. “Is there something going on with Videl?” he asked. I nearly screeched as I saw Gohan's frown widen in hate. He had scratched a nerve. I mentally panicked for my mate's safety. /Don't worry,/ he reassured me, /Gohan wouldn't hurt me./ I wanted to believe that, Vegeta… but I can't. He is mentally unstable right now. I have no clue why. Earlier he seemed just fine. “You can tell your father, right?”
The man closed the door and put the clipboard down. Oh no, a cockfight was about to break out. This was bad. “Okay, it is Videl.” I stared in awe. He was speaking calmly to us. I was confused to why Vegeta would even question Gohan's mental stability. Did he know that Videl and Gohan's marriage was going through a rough patch now that Pan was five? “All she cares about is Pan and my relationship with the nurses. She thinks I'm cheating on her.”
“Son,” I motioned to him, attracting his attention, “perhaps you need to be more romantic.” I suddenly realized that I gave my own son sexual advice. It was something that I was known to be too innocent for. I never knew what sex was according to Bulma and the others. Only Gohan and Goten knew I wasn't an idiot. They saw the true me away from all the others. “You know, light some candles. Have some dinner in a fancy restaurant or something similar. Be sporadic about your relationship. Throw on your Saiyaman outfit and tempt her. That's how…” I cut off just before I was going to say Chi-Chi's name. “I read about that kind of stuff.” I could never mention his mother's name around my mate.
Out of respect for her good name at the time and place, I ignored her name altogether. At the time that I spent with her, she was so loving and kind. She treated me differently than I would've thought. As Vegeta had once said, love was a weakness. But in it, I found my strength. He had always been baffled by this. But to a person who was like Chi-Chi, who hated me most in the world… they could not understand the pain that I went through. The loneliness that surrounded me even though I was loved by everyone. I was never loved, only adored.
When I turned Super Saiyan 3 against Majin Buu the first time - before Bobbidi was killed - after I returned, completely out of breath, everyone spoke of how awesome I was. No one but Piccolo cared I was out of breath. Goten and Trunks even wanted me to transform for them. I was against two rocks with no way out. I told them that they would have to practice the Fusion in order for me to transform. Super Saiyan 3 was an awesome power, but it completely drained me of time. And the last regards I had were to tell Piccolo that if he too died, or if one of the enemies died, tell them to send my best to Vegeta in Hell.
Only when he returned from the land of the dead did I realize just how much hiding my true form hurt him. His feelings were a mass of crumbled rocks, like shattered glass that was about to fall, and yet he was so angry at me. He wasn't his calm self that argued with a hushed tone. Even Majin Buu thought we were an arguing married couple. In the time that I argued to make Vegeta fuse with me, I never once considered that Chi-Chi was dead. Her life meant absolutely nothing to me.
I shamed everyone right there and then when I admitted to myself how foolish I was not to see it all along. How he looked at me was very different than Chi-Chi. He stared with a gleam in his eyes that I could never fathom no matter how much time I was given. It was a hard stare that usually ended with a scowl. He hated me so much because I unknowingly rejected him. Even though he was the only bastard in the whole world who gave a crap about me, he hated me for my ignorance.
Over time, Chi-Chi became merely a reliability for food and shelter, nothing instinctual drew me to her as it once had. Sex wasn't even mentioned between the two of us. She was reaching her mid-50's by the time that she told me she was bored with her life. She told me that she didn't mind if I left her.
When I first met her, she was a little girl who was naïve as I was - except in the area of sex. She was my first. Even though she was, the memory merely drew back to when Vegeta and I… I suddenly realized that I was drilling off my thoughts. When I met her, Gyuu-Maou's daughter, I was shocked. At the tournament, I mean. She had changed from that small, bimbo into a full-grown woman. Her body was attractive at that time and her spirit turned me on. But something about her just wasn't… Saiyan enough.
Instincts told me that she couldn't go beyond normal human capacity for mating rituals. So, therefore, I avoided mating her. Out of grief when I died, I respected the space between Chi-Chi and I. I saw other women. Or, at least, their spirits. I couldn't imagine why our marriage was having a break. I was too shocked.
I returned seven years later to find a young boy like me hiding behind her. I knew that Goten was my boy from the start. I could smell me all over him. But I could also smell another man on Chi-Chi. It wasn't her father, I knew that scent.
It was right then and there that I knew what she had done. She had gone behind my back and fucked another man. I never did cheat on her in Heaven. I talked with some girl spirits, but nothing sexual. But to realize that she went behind my back like that, it drew me closer to Vegeta. I had hugged my son that day and ignored her words, except when she spoke to me. “I missed you, Goku.”
Her voice was like a menace that I could not get rid of, for I would not harm innocents. But if I could, I would kill her. I may not have been a loyal husband and would take off to save the world, but according to her, the studying that Gohan did were more important. I didn't deserve what I got. I didn't deserve to hear her say that when I didn't care for her at all. So, I wasn't the best man in bed. I couldn't satisfy her forever. So, I lied. For our kids' sakes. “No. I missed you, Chi.”
It did not atone for the pain I put Vegeta through to watch me say those words. I saw his snicker. I saw that he was upset I was ignoring him. But something in me felt as though it was sickening to think of my prince that way. Then I did start to think of him that way. My mouth would water over the many positions we could have sex in. It almost made me wonder if he really loved me. If it was all a game to bring me so high up and watch me fall. Like that asshole he was.
But during our fight, before Majin Buu was revived, when he chained me up to those rocks… he kissed me. Just once. And that only time seemed to last like eternity as I stood there in chains, accepting it with passion. I think it was the one moment that Vegeta accepted his failure as a prince. Because he told me that Bobbidi had had no control over his actions, therefore it would make him the general of his body. So, he kissed me.
Once that was over, he pounded me with his fists and acted as if nothing happened. But I knew. And I could tell that Piccolo knew. Even frozen in statue, he had listened to the whole fight. But he didn't tell a living soul, and neither did I.
I stared at them in my train of thought, only to hear Gohan call to me, “Father, are you okay?” His hushed tone drew me out of my state of reprieve. I looked up at his dark eyes in curiosity. Had I fazed out? I nodded lightly. “So, what you are saying is that Videl wants me to be more romantic? To show her what she means to me?” I nodded once more. I saw Vegeta look in confusion, but he was suddenly realizing that I wasn't the moron he had taken me to be. Gohan turned to my mate in wonder. “What do you think?”
I was about to laugh as I heard that question, but merely a chuckle came out. Vegeta wasn't one for emotions. He didn't quite understand how deeply in love with him I was. He was rather confident that he was my everything. But my family would forever come first. “I don't know. I guess you should maybe give her a talk about having more kids. Maybe adopting a kid. Get a puppy. Ask her what she wants for once in your life.” I stared flat as I heard these words spoken. He—He was… he sounded so… This was the man that I loved? I am amazed at how utterly romantic he can be. I never knew that Vegeta had such a heart for that kind of stuff. “She—She might be blaming you because she doesn't trust you. Get—Get her to understand.”
Neither one of us spoke as he finished his little confession. We were both too amazed at the result of his silence. He certainly knew of what he was saying. /I could never imagine you would be so romantic,/ I told him through our bond. I didn't see him, but I heard his gulp in my mind. He was blushing thickly on the outside soon after. I could see a bulge in his pants. I assumed that my voice must have turned him on. /Vegeta, I think we should go home now. I feel fine now that we're square on our relationship./ I wanted to advice my son some more, but by the size of that bulge, it could be done later. I turned to my boy with a soft smile. “Gohan, we're going to leave now.”
“Hold on,” my boy halted me, “you have to take one thing while you're sick. Take some Advil or try drinking lots of fluids. Dizziness will not go away on its own.” He looked to his future mother with ease, “that means no sex for a few days, okay?”
I was almost in a state of shock. How could making love with Vegeta stress me? Wait, now I know. When I turn Super Saiyan 4 without will, it puts a strain on my body, that must be what he is looking at. I can see it so clearly now. “Maybe he's right, Vegeta.” My mate looked over his shoulder at me. He seemed hurt, as if he had wanted to question my boy to death. /Have you not realized what happens whenever you turn me on?/ The question was not answered. But no noise came either. He knew. /I transform to Super Saiyan 4. That puts strain on my body. That is stressful to deal with./
My mate turned to my boy with a scowl. “You don't know of any other way…?” he cut off suddenly as he realized what the boy was saying. “You're not telling me he has cancer or something like that heart virus again, are you?” I am shocked to his words. The heart virus? Certainly I couldn't get that again, could I? That would be like going through endless nightmares all over again. I looked at my boy with hopes he would say no to this. “Is that what you are saying, Gohan?”
Gohan closed his eyes and silently picked up his clipboard. He looked at the sheets with a lost interest, but his face showed no signs I was in danger. He would have either had a frown or panicked. My boy loved me dearly, I knew that. “It seems that it is possible with too much strain on his body might have done some damage.” What? And he's not worried? What kind of damage could it - ? I suddenly remember my fight with Majin Buu at Super Saiyan 3 as I stare at my son. “It seems that he might need the antidote again. His heart beats irregular to what we would've hoped.”
“And you show no concern for your father?” my mate pushed the question that entered my mind. I looked at Vegeta with a small smile. He was worried. More than any of them could be. “Do you not get that he could've just said the hell with it and not fucked that harpy…?” Gohan looked up in a huff, his eyes a dangerous glint. I was about to warn Vegeta of his anger, but was too late. “He could've just said, “I don't want a kid”, then poof, you wouldn't exist.” My boy looked at me with a dark look in his eyes that I had never seen.
I heard a crack, but the movement was too fast to follow in my ill state. I saw Vegeta come out, slamming into the wall, his head to the side. Tiles were cracked and some were shattered on the floor. He was not harmed really except an injured jaw. I was shocked as I saw my son scowl at me. “You said that you loved us, father.” What was he talking about? Of course I loved him. Wait, he said us. What did he mean by that? I shifted, sitting up as I had once before, making my head spin. I suddenly found out why as I found myself staring at the opposite side of the room. I felt a stinging on my cheek. He didn't just… I turned back to my boy and placed a hand over my abused cheek in shocked silence. My boy who I had raised from a tiny kid to a grown adult had just slapped me. His own father! “You disgust me. The way that you treat our birth mother is ridiculous. I am so not okay with it!” He looked at Vegeta with the same murderous look he gave me. “You said that you wouldn't steal my father from me! Well, you have!” His face was a complete look of hate and disgust. Why didn't my boy love me? I don't understand. You're supposed to love your sons and daughters - your kids - so they will respect you. Haven't I done everything for him? I felt tears come to my eyes as his hands locked around my throat. I couldn't fight my own son. I felt myself choking, my strength draining, and yet, I couldn't fight back. “You hate mother! Why!?”
“I don't hate her,” I tried to speak through my fading breath, “she told me to go.” His hands tightened their grip. He meant business. “I'm not lying, Gohan!” I saw darkness in my eyes before my breath returned. I felt sincerity wrapped around me. I couldn't explain it, but I suddenly thought it was my mate. And I was right. I opened my eyes to find Vegeta staring at my son, his hands massaging the burn marks were his hands had been. “Vegeta…?”
“How dare you hurt your father?” my mate accused him. I held my hand out to stop him, gripping his forearm harshly, but not painfully. I didn't want anyone else to hurt each other. I was stressed as it was. Vegeta was hesitant at first, seeing as how my own son tried to kill me, but he soon sighed. “Have it your way, Kaka.”
I nodded, holding him gently. I heard Gohan stalk out of the room without another word, not even taking his clipboard with him. /What do you suppose got into him?/ Even though I knew right away what I had done, I had to ask. /He seemed way out of line./ My prince did not answer, merely turned to me with a depressed look on his face. I almost wondered what could be wrong, then he handed me the clipboard. I was confused as to the reason he was so silent, but when I read what the paper said, my eyes widened. “I have a warning for cancer, but why?”
“Perhaps Super Saiyans died because of the exhaust the transformation took on their body,” he spoke, “it was never proven of how they died. All we knew was that they died.” He stared me down as the nurse entered the room to retrieve the clipboard from him. He pulled the thing away from her probing hands with a dark look. “Woman,” he called to her, “tell me how Kakarrot could possibly get cancer!”
She sighed and pulled out my file from a folder, reading my information to him. Her words stung everything that I was as I heard the history of my sickness when I was a little boy. I had believed I just hit my head, but I had had more? I don't understand how this could've happened. Her voice was cracked as Vegeta started to power up, angered that I was slowly dying inside. “So, you see, Mr. Son is bad condition due to the lack of full care. There is a possibility that he could get cancer if we don't treat him right away. But for that, you need his son's clearance. He is Mr. Son's doctor.” She left with a frightened look after she grabbed the clipboard.
I stared at the closed door in shock. “My son's… approval.” This was not happening. “After he just tried to kill me?” Vegeta looked at me as I spoke those words, looking almost regretful to my hateful state. “He tried to—My own son tried to kill me.” My hands fisted, but one of his spread out on my own. I looked up at him. His face was hopeful that I would feel better with his comfort, but I wasn't. “Then you get pregnant. Now I hear that I'm going to die.” I looked down in regret. “There are so many things I could've done better.”
“I'll talk to Gohan and tell him the truth of what happened,” he spoke, “but you need rest. He said that you should stay away from stress. That's what you need to do.” He pushed me softly until I lay back with my eyes closed. Sweat broke out on my forehead, which he dabbed a towel in the water and placed it on my head. The cooling of the wet towel soothed my headache. He walked to the door, knowing that I was watching his every move. He opened it, the clanking of the metal making me wince, almost as if I was expecting a needle to poke into me in the next four seconds. But when he waved to me, I knew it wasn't going to happen. Not with him around. I nodded a little, making sure not to force the towel off my face. He shut the door merely after turning out the lights.
Darkness welcomed the room. The only light came in from the window on the door. I shut my eyes and tried my best to sleep with the knowledge I now had. Vegeta was right. I needed some rest. That would help my body. The only thing that frightened me was whether I would wake back up. I lay there for a little while, contemplating this. My eyes remained closed, and before I knew it, I was in a state of dreaming. The door to the room opened, making my mind jolt, but I could no longer move.
“Hey,” I heard my mate's voice, “they're going to prep you for surgery.” I barely managed a nod in my sleepy state. I heard a small chuckle. “You won't feel a thing, I swear. They put you on drugs for this.”
“Uh-huh,” I moaned. I was still in a state of dizziness.
I felt warmth against my cheek. I found that his lips were there, praising my face. I felt a smile reach my lips. “Sleep, Kaka.” I followed his command. I found Heaven in the darkness. And as he promised, I felt nothing of the operation. Only like I was floating on a cloud that I couldn't come down from. But would I wake up again…?
I need to get this out, since this chapter covers cancer and the heart virus… season 4 of DBZ Remastered has come out. I just watched the whole android saga. The only difference is that Goku will not worry about that according to this chapter. See? They prep him for surgery. I am trying to figure out about how cancer works, so if anyone knows about it and I did something wrong (or offended people who have cancer) let me know. Thank you for reading and please review (or flame)!