Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Three
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
Warning: There is sexual content in this chapter. If you are under 18+, please avoid the fruity bits. If you are 18+, read at your own leisure. Thank you for reading this warning.
To Reviewers: The title will not change. There are some Japanese words in here that you will be familiar with, others will be explained by Goku's own thoughts. However, I am not sure on what some of them mean, for I repeated some from fansubs of “Air TV”, but you should recognize some of them. Thank you all for reviewing, I will update whenever I can or finish. I am not rushing this one.
To Others: If I did not respond to your reviews, it means that you do not have an e-mail for me to send back, so here you are. Thank you so much for reviewing to my fanfic. I appreciate your devotion and some of you for labeling me as your favorite author. I will attempt to update as soon as possible. I am not rushing this one.
“I think you did something wrong, he won't wake,” I heard a voice in my sleep. It was hard to hear what the conversation was, but the warm I was surrounded in was confusing me. Could I have been wrong about this whole operation? Was I going to wake or am I stuck in that thing they all call a coma? “Are you sure it should only be a few more hours till he's recovered, Gohan?” That's Vegeta's voice. He's looking after me. Thank the Heavens. I was hoping I had not died and left Vegeta pregnant like a whore.
Suddenly, I felt the power in me to open my heavy eyelids. I snuck out of the darkness and joined the light once more. As my pupils slowly gained access to vision again, I noticed that Vegeta was crying on my shoulder, whining about something in another language. I recognized this as Saiya-go. “I'm alive, `Geta.” I looked at him with a small smile. “Ai wo ka.” He looked almost confused. Did that not mean I love his care? Oh, that means love is sweet. I am so stupid. “Ai wo nai, shinee.” I just said that I didn't love death. Well, that's what I thought.
“You would rather die?” his eyebrow was quirked. I suck at Saiya-go. “If you wanted to say I love you, it's aishiteru.” I stare in shock. Are we speaking Japanese or Saiya-go? No, he's right. Ai means love. I nodded at him, telling him that was exactly what I was looking for. He sighed. I actually thought he looked relieved. “Well, the operation was a complete success. You should be fine now.” He turned to the door, my boy standing there with a dark look in his eyes. “Our agreement was that Kakarrot would be healed. Then he would return to your harpy throughout merely the pregnancy, yes?”
“That is correct,” my boy answered. What!? No. I would not return to that bitch if my life counted on it. But as I stared up at my prince, I saw that it was not my decision as I had hoped. “Father shall be fine within four days. The stitches shall be removed by that time. Then he can leave.” He turned and prepared to walk out the door when I screeched to him with merely my voice. I did not call a name out, only screamed. The scream pierced the air around us, alerting everyone of my awareness. He turned to me in confusion, having not seen that I was awake. “Father?”
“I do not want to go back to Chi-Chi,” I told him strongly, “that child ain't mine. Ask for a paternity test. It isn't mine.” I tried to get up, but a firm pain shot me back down. I cried out, trying to grab the area of my pain, but my mate's hand closed over mine. I gripped his hand as I would the wound. “I—I want to stay with my pregnant mate.” My son's eyes widened in shock. He had not known of Vegeta's pregnancy. Just as well that he didn't know about it before. I held that hand close, kissing the palm. “Can't you see that Vegeta needs me? He has never gone through a pregnancy before.”
My son looked to my mate in wonder. “Is this true, Vegeta?”
I saw my mate look at me with the spotlight, but I couldn't answer for him. Gohan would not listen to my words as he had once before. “I admit that I am pregnant and never gone through it before. But there is something else I want to admit to you.” I looked at him, but he was staring at Gohan instead. I had thought he meant to tell me something about the pregnancy or cancer. But when I saw the challenge in their eyes, I knew they were fighting for the right to have me. They both wanted to have a piece of me. My son knew that he would always have me, but Vegeta wasn't so sure. Considering how I treated him in the beginning, I wouldn't doubt that he felt insecure that I would stay this time. I caressed his hand, losing the hard grip I had had. “I—I could always smell other men on your mother. On your birthday, I smelt Yamcha on her. Later on, during the seven years Kakarrot was dead, I saw a man hanging around her whenever I went to check whether Kaka had decided to come back, but it wasn't him. It was a man named Mizuki. He left early in the mornings.” I was suddenly shocked. “She wasn't faithful to Kakarrot even when he was dead. He had thought she was.”
“I always thought…” I spoke, tears leaking from my eyes, “…that I was her only. That those kids were mine. But she forever lied to me.” I sobbed, my hand fisting by my side. Gohan said nothing as he left, given up on his hope for me to return to his mother. He had seen the truth. I was not the one who drove her away, she drove me away. She had done everything to push me away and destroy me, but it would not work. I had never known she went behind my back with another man. It was so disgusting. “I can't believe I devoted myself to a slut.”
“It'll be okay,” my mate smiled lightly, trying to brighten my spirits. I couldn't help the look that crossed my face at his words. It would not be okay. I had woken up today with hopes that my stress would be gone, that I would not die; but apparently, she's already done that. His other hand caressed my cheek as his lips connected with my forehead in a gentle manner. He was so sweet to me. “Everything will be okay once you are better.” I couldn't fight the feeling of security and happiness that went through me throughout the few days we spent in that hospital room.
The day that they carted me out of the room in my wheelchair, I felt like a new man. I had been cared for to no extent by my mate. It was unlike the way Chi-Chi had treated me when I had first been here. After Vegeta left the first time he came, having crushed all of my bones and most of his, I had been lying in a hospital bed, not even allowed to go to the bathroom. Only now that Vegeta was the one taking care of me, he helped me up, but did not say I couldn't do things. When I had nightmares, he didn't slap me over the head and yell at me for waking him. He actually stroked my hair and hummed lightly.
This new behavior was starting to confuse me, but he told me, “my mother used to do this before my father forced me from her arms.” I had stared at him in surprise. The way he made his father sound, I was afraid to wish the brute back. I suddenly looked at the calendar. It was close to the time I had to find the Dragon Balls, but Gohan said that I shouldn't do any odd activities for a while. That left it up to Vegeta. If I played my cards right, he would do it to make me comfortable. “When I first saw Freeza, she used to stroke my hair after my nightmares and hum a lullaby. I was scared that my father was going to give me to Freeza. In the end he died to take me back when Freeza stole me.”
I admit that I couldn't help but feel sorry that he never knew the truth. Raditz had told me all about it when I asked King Emma for a little talk with him quite a while ago. The great King had given his son to Freeza so that it would be a diversion for their attack. In the end, the King had fallen, dead. All the soldiers scattered and when my father tried to warn them that they would be destroyed, everyone laughed at him. He took on Freeza himself. Raditz knew because he watched from the window of that hellish ship.
Since they were not Vegeta's memories, Fusion would teach me nothing of that past. I just listened and tried to picture my prince's horrible circumstance. I wish I could go back in time and change how I handled Freeza. I should have let him lay there with that little amount of ki he had. He had had nothing left to even fly with, but those words he spoke - begging me, tugging at my soul - I couldn't refuse them. Like a poor boy begging for change, I couldn't refuse it. I had done the most idiotic thing. That's why Vegeta hated me so. I spared the enemy who fucked him senseless against his will.
Hadn't I just done that not too long ago? Fucked my prince senseless? No. That wasn't against his will, he even asked me to. “Vegeta?” I spoke out, trying to get him to halt my wheelchair. He did not, just sighed in wonder. “Stop.” Instantly, the chair stopped rolling, all I heard was the sirens of the ambulance. I heard his breath against my neck. He really was shorter than average men. No wonder he felt like a submissive male. “I want to tell you something.” I closed my eyes, hearing coughs from the lobby, magazines were flipped, and old people used canes to walk around - not exactly the quietest place. “Can we move to the janitor's closet?”
“I don't think - “ he started to argue, but my face suddenly turned. My eyes burned with fear, regret, and tears. They streamed down my face as I stared at him with a pleading look. He gripped my chair hard. “Sure.” He forced a smile for display with the elders around, but his eyes hid no signs that he wasn't frightened by my look.
We slipped past the information desk and right down another hall, reaching our destination. I opened the door for him and he pushed the chair in, stepping in the closet himself. “Shut the door,” I instructed him, which he did without a word. I heard a daring gulp from him as the click of the door boomed in my ears. He was scared that I was going to say something that would break his heart. I knew by the harshness of his breathing. He didn't have to be scared of what I would do or say, it had nothing to do with breaking his lovely heart. “Earlier you told me that your mother used to sing to you?” His nod came slowly, but his eyes looked rather worried for what I would say. “You also said that your father was trying to help you?” He once more nodded with fear. “You were wrong about him.” Suddenly, he understood the complex that I was entering. His eyes weren't as frightened as before. “Raditz told me the truth, and I watched it through his mind. Your father made a deal with Freeza and gave you to him.” I finally closed my eyes in sorrow. “I'm so sorry, `Geta.”
“That can't be true,” his denial started to reach out. I know that his father was the figure he took after, brave, strong, and daring to go against any obstacle. But in those shadows hidden from my prince were the dark places his father's heart hid away. During the time he knew his father, my prince had yet to question the man's loyalty. So did I. “You are lying.”
I reached out with a hand to him, but I did not smile. This was the time for me to say everything was okay. “Take my hand and I will show you too.” He took my hand with his small hands, shaking desperately in his frightened state. Oh, poor Vegeta, you will be heartbroken once you see this. I slowly trapped my mind with his, creating the dark memories in his own eyes.
Shadows, that was all I could see for a few seconds, then the memory became clear. The King and his servant, sitting in the throne room, Raditz hidden behind the main chair; it was all clear as day. But a shadow lurked in the far corner. “I expect that you will deliver him in three days.” Freeza's voice made Vegeta gasp in surprise. He knew suddenly of what Freeza meant, even though they had not said his name yet. “You will deliver little Vegeta only in three days, no arguments, correct?”
The King looked long and hard at the lizard, but I could tell that he was about to blast him. I had wished he would. “As you wish.” The memory suddenly faded as Raditz looked away from the scene in awe.
I opened my eyes again to find light there, slowly fading out to black, and I heard the janitor door open. I did not find my mate beside me any longer. No. He wasn't that upset, I could tell that between our bond. I used my hands to slowly push myself out of the closet and into open light. I was surely amazed that he was beside the door, his eyes full of hurt and tears. He had never cried so openly before. “Raditz told me not to tell you, but I thought you should know.”
“Thank you,” he spoke in a harsh whisper. He was really hurt by his father's betrayal. He had always thought the man loved him. “I'm—I'll be fine shortly.”
I smiled as I saw him laughing lightly. He was laughing at his father, I suddenly realized this with a soft look. “Good,” I replied to his words, “I hope so, my Prince.” I may not know Saiya-go and I may know nothing of my heritage or where I came from and I may not be perfect for him, but for him, I would sure as hell try to be perfect. If just to lie in his arms and hear him hum again. If only to make him happy.
“So, that means you guys will be making babies, huh?” I heard Chi-Chi's voice invade the beautiful silence. I turned my head as best I could in the wheelchair to stare upon her. She was old, more than normal. Her round stomach was packing on a few pounds, telling me that her baby was definitely growing. Now that I think about, Chi-Chi and I never had sex since Goten was conceived. That was a clue the baby was another man's right there. “Little Gohan told me that you got your stitches removed and that little Vegeta is going to have his way with you as soon as you get up. I guess he's really a guy who loves anything.”
I looked to Vegeta with shock. He said that… to Gohan!? I suddenly caught on the suffix she used for my eldest son's name. I looked at her with a dark shaded scowl. “Gohan ain't little anymore. You don't need to call him little!”
“He will forever be my little boy!” she fought against my words. Where does she get off with this shit? It's time to teach her a lesson. “Besides, you didn't give birth to him! Neither did that slut you call a mate!” That's it!
I got out of the chair in one motion, too fast for Vegeta even to follow. I socked her. Right in the jaw. I slammed my knee into her stomach so hard that the shape disappeared. The next time I appeared, I was behind Vegeta, holding him close to me in a sensual way. Her body plummeted back until she hit the wall hard enough that a crater appeared. She coughed blood all over her clean clothes, causing the nurses to gasp, but no one could prove it was me. For no one - not even my mate - saw me. “That's what you get,” I whispered low enough for him to hear in his keen ears. I pulled him with me as we fled the scene to the information desk. “Let's check out. I suddenly want to go home now.”
“You're not mad that I told Gohan that?” he tried to question me. I turned to him with a stern look. With the proof that Chi-Chi had about our divorce, I could easily get arrested if we were around. He shut his mouth as he saw the look, knowing I was playing around with this. “Okay.” He took his hand from mine and walked ahead of me. As he signed the papers, I watched his eyes follow the paper he wrote on, I watched his lips move as he spoke to the nurse, and then I watched how he moved his legs in impatience, making his firm ass dance before my eyes. I couldn't help it, I felt myself harden at the sight. It is impossible to think that Vegeta does not have the body of a God. The way it turns me on so quickly and so hard, I would say that he was a God. He suddenly finished and walked towards me, holding out his hand to me. “We're all done.”
“At last,” I smile, pulling him alongside me. We exited, everyone in disbelieve that I could recover so fast from the threat of cancer. I ain't human, I accepted that long ago, when I met Raditz. But I do have strange qualities that go beyond this. But no one but the people who watched the Cell Games saw that part of me. My inner Saiyan reached out and played, toyed with Cell until I found I was powerless to stop. That's how it went.
We returned to the house and opened the steel door of the vacant capsule Bulma had left for us. She had put electricity and everything on the tab we would pay later on. It looked almost like—like… I opened my eyes wide in realization. “Looks like she was a few steps ahead,” Vegeta snapped me out of my thoughts, “giving us a honeymoon suite.” He turned to me, looking a little lost as what to make of the situation. “Do you want me to go get another capsule from her?”
I looked around the room. It was everything I dreamed. A king-size bed built for two, lily drapes on the windows, vinyl carpets, a TV with all cable channels, bathroom and separate shower, and it was for us only. It was my dream honeymoon since I married Chi-Chi. Since I met Vegeta even. It was my dream place to be when I got married. “No,” I replied to his question, “I like it.” His eyes were unsure as I looked down at him, caressing his shoulders lightly. I kissed his broad shoulder, removing the straps of his tank top. “I wish we were married before she gave it to us, but that's okay. It's fine. I like it. It's everything I've ever dreamed, my Prince.” My eyes were sincere as they looked into my prince's with a smile written upon my face. “Even if I hated it, nothing would change. I love you.” That was all I said before I kissed him.
Our tongues were in a battle for who was strongest as my feet were in a fight to get him closer to our new mattress. He seemed oblivious, but he broke the kiss rather uneasy. “You still—You still need time—time to heal. We—We shouldn't do this r—right now.” Wait a minute, was he skipping out on making love? Vegeta was the one who wanted to make love in the lake, even pulled Trunks into it. What changed his mood all of a sudden? “We—We should make sure you don't really—really have gotten rid of—of the cancer.” Why was he stuttering so much?
“Flat out say it, Vegeta,” I told him strongly, pulling away from him, “what is wrong that you don't want to make love again?”
His voice was hushed as he spoke to me, “I'm just… I don't think that we should jump so far in. You told me to distant myself from you a little bit so you could think everything over. Am I not doing that?” I watched as tears started to form in his eyes. I don't get it, what is wrong with him? I gripped his shoulders and pulled him to me, wrapping my arms around his smaller form. His sobs reached my ears, drowning out the sound of anything else. I am so confused. “Kakarrot! You aren't going to leave me, are you?” He looked at me as he asked me this, looking like a little child as he gripped my shirt, “I'll be good to you. Just don't leave.”
“What makes you think I want to leave?” I asked him. I was so damn confused to why he was so pained by our return. Even as I held him, which usually calmed him down, it didn't seem to work this time. He was sobbing harder. “I'm not leaving. Even if I did, it wouldn't be because of you.” Even hearing this, his body shook harder. I was growing worried. What if I gave him that disease? What if I gave him cancer? No. Most cancers were contagious. So what was wrong with him? “Vegeta, I am not going to play a guessing game with you. You have to tell me flat out. What is wrong with me?”
“You're going to do the same that you did with your harpy,” his voice was muffled, but I heard it clearly, “you're going to love me, and then you'll leave me to oppose some bad guy just to die. You won't return!”
My eyes stared in a wide state, understanding what he was getting at. I sighed, slowly lowering my eyes, a small frown coming to my face. “You're afraid that I'm going to disappear, aren't you?” He nodded into my clothes, his snot getting all over my nice new pair of gis. The pain of his hands clawing at my back didn't work to drown out the pain in my heart. I pulled him with me and entered our house, shutting the door. Our honeymoon suite. “Then I'll make sure that doesn't happen.” He looked up suddenly, confused. I kneeled before him, holding his hands in mine, staring up at him with a warm smile. “Marry me.”
I watched for the next few minutes as his eyes went from wide to wider. His mouth went agape in shock. His form stopped shaking, merely sobbed with a couple of seconds between. I could tell I reached him this time. And I meant it. His mouth opened and closed a few times, then the only sound he could make was small whimpers. His head nodded to me. I stood once more, taking this as a yes, hugging him to me. “Yes,” he gave me a firm answer.
The rest of that night was a blur to him as I cooked a meal for us. Chopping carrots and broccoli wasn't what I had thought, especially since Vegeta was over my shoulder at all times, staring to make sure I was okay. I told him over and over again that I would not die so easily, but he didn't back down. I figured this was his way of showing he's had a mental breakdown. I guess he was holding a strong front through my operation and afterwards. I never knew he could hide it so well. I served the hot food with a small smile, “eat up.”
He picked up the chopsticks and took a bit of rice, gobbling it down like it was his last meal in this world. I smiled and watched him eat. A few minutes after he finished his meal, I had yet to touch mine. I laid him down in the bed and covered him up, kissing his forehead. “Kakarrot?” he looked at me in confusion.
“Sleep,” I told him, “you'll need sleep for the wedding.” We had so much planning to do before we could get married, but he nodded and turned over, slipping into a state of unconsciousness. I finally frowned, worried. He's never broke down like this, even when he went Majin. I don't know what to do but call Bulma. I picked up my cell and walked outside. I got better reception outside of the house. “Oh,” I looked at the list of numbers on speed dial, “she put her cell on speed dial.” I pressed the button and called her.
“Hello, this is Bulma speaking,” her voice answered the phone with a cheery sound to it, “is there something you need?”
“Vegeta had a mental breakdown,” I told her, breaking off her string of questions. She quickly shut up and it sounded like she was removing something in the background. I heard a dozen noises before she finally murmured understanding. “I mean, he was crying and scared I would leave. He even sobbed. He kept watching me all through dinner, even after I proposed to him.”
“Proposed?” she repeated in my ear, sounding a little confused. I heard something snap in the background of the phone. “Yamcha - I mean, Goku, maybe he's just a little worried.”
Yamcha? She was… I hung up the phone quickly, not even daring to crush it. Just a little worried wouldn't lead him to cry as hard as he had. He was sobbing harder than my son did when I left last time. He wasn't worried, he was frightened. I returned to the inside of the house after I hung up and looked to find my prince still sleeping peacefully. My hand ran along his cheek into his lush hair, slowly massaging. “What should I do about this? I can't ask Gohan about this. Then I have to do the next best thing.” I placed two fingers to my forehead, disappearing swiftly. “See you in a few seconds, my Prince.” Then I was gone.
I flew through time and space until I came out of the vortex. I avoided a ki blast that was shot in my direction, narrowing missing me. “Son!” Piccolo's voice boomed in shock. “I didn't feel you coming. That Instant Transmission is becoming a nuisance.”
“I know, I know,” I laughed a little, scratching the back of my head in a habit. I suddenly caught this movement and placed my hands back at my side, looking up at him slowly. “I had trouble with Vegeta.” His face became understanding as he caught his own blast, forcing it to vanish. We lowered to the ground, sitting on a high cliff. He did not look at me again as I sat merely a few inches from him. “I—We got home just tonight after they removed my stitches. I started to get him in the mood to make love again, but… he started crying and telling me not to leave. He was even sobbing harder than I ever seen in my life.” Piccolo looked at me with shock. It wasn't often you got the Saiyan no Ouji to cry. “I proposed to him. I asked him to marry me. I thought I was getting through to him when he said yes, but he kept watching me make dinner. He even wanted to chop the broccoli! He didn't stop shedding tears even as he ate.” I looked to him for support. “Then I called Bulma, and I found out that she was sleeping with Yamcha. I hung up rudely on her. I don't know what to do about this, Piccolo.”
“Son, ask yourself,” he recommended, shifting his meditation position, “what did you say to Vegeta earlier that day or week?”
I looked up at him, “I told him that I needed space to think, I told him that his father gave him to Freeza, but that's it.” My eyes suddenly went wide with recognition. I looked at Piccolo, who didn't seem shocked that I had missed this. “He thinks that I will break it off with him. I told him to stay away… I am so stupid,” I cursed myself, placing a hand on my forehead. “I didn't think of how he would react.”
“You expected him to sit there and smile at you, like a little bitch would.” His words stung my heart when I realized just how much I saw Chi-Chi's good side in Vegeta. His caring and devotion had been all I truly wanted, now that I see. “You still plan to collect the Dragon Balls to make that wish, yes?” I nod with a glance in his direction. His meditation has stopped, for his eyes are on my face, his hands rustling with his discarded cape. “I got some for training, just to see how fast I could collect them.” He pulled out three balls, showing them to me. “The Two-Star Ball, Three-Star Ball, and Six-Star Ball; that should give you a head start.”
“Thank you,” I appreciated his help with this mission of mine. I took the balls from him and held them before my face to glance into their orange depths. “I wonder what'll happen once we do return to Planet Vegeta.” Piccolo did not answer this time, and as I looked to ask him why he knew about the wish, I found him gone. I was confused as to whether it were an illusion, but the balls in my hands were not. I smiled lightly and looked to the sky with hope he was still in the area, but I could not sense his ki. “Thank you, Piccolo.”
I slowly lifted myself into the air, determined to find the balls before Vegeta woke up. I felt a little faint as I lifted higher, playing against the small gravity of Earth, but I did not waver as usual. I flew around the Earth with little ki, pulling out the Dragon Radar I had stolen from Bulma. I don't like her as much as I used to. She's not a friend to me anymore, but her gadgets come in handy. I clicked the button and right away, the seven balls appeared. I had three, one was up ahead, in the mountain area. It was too cold to look for these things without clothes really on.
I flew quickly back to the house, landing on the ground, dispersing my ki. I saw Vegeta standing there with a worried look on his face. I quickly hid the balls behind my back, slipping them into my boxers. I had to hide the fact I was searching for them. I shoved the radar into my pocket as fast as I could, noticing he was approaching. “Vegeta - “ I tried to call to him.
“You're home,” he slipped his arms around me, interrupting me. Instinct forced me to hug him back in his most unnerved state. I don't understand how he could be so worried, he can sense ki. He pulled away from me and smiled at me with his hidden feelings. I never knew he could look so cute when he smiles. “Now that you're back, would you like something to eat?”
“Back?” I repeated in confusion. My eyes were locked on his, even as they turned away, walking towards the door of our house. I can't understand this shit. Is he having a relapse of something. I suddenly remembered what Piccolo had said about that. I had told him to keep his distance. “Vegeta!” I called him back outside. He had entered the house to make food, but suddenly came out panting. I stalked towards him and placed a hand on his cheek. “I didn't mean this distant, Vegeta. I just want you to wait until I feel certain things can be done. But now that we're getting married, there isn't a distance to keep anymore.”
He stared in shock, but did not say a word. I think I finally broke the ice in his eyes. He nodded. I swore that he almost looked sad. I rubbed his cheek until he smiled brightly. “You kind of scared me when you told me to stay away from you.” His eyes hit the ground out of shame. “I guess I overreacted to it.”
Phew. That's the Vegeta I know. Now that he was back to normal, I need to find the rest of the balls. “Vegeta, could you do me a favor?” He looked up at me in hopes that he would get something for this favor. Oh, he would get a reward all right, when I made the wishes. “I'm going to get dressed for some searching. I'll be bringing back food for to last us a while. Can you cook some vegetables? I'll be bringing Bra back with me.” His eyes lit up at the mention of his only daughter.
Looking down, his hands played with the end of his long shirt, almost looking embarrassed. I have recently found this rather cute. I slowly let that hand on his cheek fall to a lower region on his body, stroking his hip lovingly. I had wanted to make love with him earlier, but could I do it now? I would need his permission. “Kakarrot,” his voice was husky, shocking me. I had never heard him use my name other than the normal dark tone or loving tone. “Are you sure you have time to do this… right now?”
I found my head nodding as I took his lips in a deep kiss. I swirled my tongue in his mouth, drowning out another argument from him. I did not wish to do this anymore at this moment, but considering with returning to Planet Vegeta and all, I figured that he would be too busy to deal with me later on. I wish it wasn't like this, but I love him too much to neglect him like Chi-Chi had me. I slowly pushed him into the house, then proceeding to pick him up, hauling him into the house. I shut the door and locked, not breaking the kiss. I could feel my lungs giving way, but I did not wish to let go yet. I walked towards the bed and placed him lightly upon the mattress, finally breaking our heavenly kiss. I climbed onto his smaller frame and stared down at him, instantly becoming hard as I realized his face was flushed with pleasure. He enjoys my touch this much? “I'm more than sure,” I told him strongly.
“But you just said that you had an errand to run,” he tried to put this off. I needed him. I wanted him. I needed to love him. I hugged him close to me and ran my hands along his hips, racing down towards that area of secrecy. In one motion, I clamped my hand around his penis, a little harder than I had intended, but his face just flushed more. Even his ears were becoming red. “Kaka, I don't think that we should…” he didn't continue the sentence as my hand stroked it. Running up and down in an ancient method that had even me - in certain times - withering with pleasure. I would sometimes pinch and play with the head through the cloth, making him give out a half-choke between a sob and a whimper, but I could tell that in a mostly primal cry, it would be a moan. He was enjoying this attention. You could possibly tell by the way his back kept arching as I removed our clothes. I did not realize that I was in 4th form again, I was too sidetracked.
For once in my life, I was too lost to hear or see anything but my prince, and I was enjoying it. I held him in my arms and swirled my tongue around one of his perk nipples. The Dragon Balls can be found tomorrow. I want this… now! He looked down at me with a pleading gaze in his eyes. Oh, he so wanted more. I like Vegeta in this way more than anyone else. I can't believe that he likes me this way. I never would have guess that Vegeta, a prince who hated me so much, would want my body so much. I reached down with two slick fingers from his mouth and pushed them into his ass. So tight and hot. I can't believe how good it is.
I slowly prepared him with sensual touch. My hands were so gentle as they touched his body, forcing him into the mood for our loving. I needed him so bad… no, I need to have him right this moment. I watched as his eyes go wide in shock. He had not expected me to go so fast. I couldn't resist him any longer. As much as I wanted to pull away and find the Dragon Balls to make our wish, I couldn't pull away from the need and want, the want to love him. He was mine forever. I had years and generations to make love with him. But given the rate we went at, we hadn't made love since the night I made him mine.
I removed my fingers and stared down at him with wonder, silently asking him if he was sure he wanted to do this now. I would not take him against his will. Not like Freeza had. He nodded as I started to enter him, pushing against his inner walls, sliding in like butter. I couldn't help but moan at his tightness, my hands clenching the sheets to stay like that. To stay still, like I wish time would. His face was flush with pleasure, telling me right there that he wasn't in pain, but I just wanted to savor it.
The feel of his walls around me, the feel of dark, slick heat and slick juices caressing me… it was better than anything I could ever dream of. My prince was a God. I held his hips as he attempted to move. I want him to savor the feel of me too. My hardness inside him must make him feel so much pride, to have the strongest Saiyan alive mating him, it had to draw out something in him. He was a prince, he deserved only the best, all of what I had to give. And I would give him everything I was.
I slowly, gently, pulled out, pushing back in with the same amount of touch. My hands on his hips clenched as his walls clamped lightly around mine, forcing a dark moan from my mouth. How does he do that? I kept using that slow pace to tease him, holding myself back as best I could, sometimes slamming my hips in response to his need. He kept using his walls to infuriate me to go faster or harder, but I didn't, showing self-control.
I could feel heat all around us, like steam was blurring the mirror in the bathroom after a shower, the heat trapped within the closed doors. Our breath just worsened this heat, our sweat made the whole house smell of disgust, but the sound of slapping skin and leaking juices made me realize just how wet he was down there. The darkness in the room was slowly becoming white. I was drowning, our panting pronouncing our condition. His eyes were closed, his hips desperately trying to get out of my grasp, but I didn't allow it. The Dragon Balls I had collected lay on the table, staring at us, watching our union without a word. I felt like I was a show, but I cared less.
I felt the coil in my body about to snap. I was losing control at last, too much pleasure for me to handle by myself, the Saiyan in me wanted some too. I held his hips and slammed my own against his, striking his hidden pleasure spot within. He withered in response, his back arching against my hands as I played with his tail spot, lips against his. I swallowed almost every one of his cries, ignoring the sound of our lovemaking otherwise.
My Super Saiyan powers burst out as the coil became tighter, ready to burst as well, I was going to give my prince more of who I really am. The true me hidden behind this innocent mask, the one who demanded sexual attention; but I would not harm him. I could never do that. No matter how hard I tried.
Yellow light surrounded us, the bright ki not helping to cool our heated bodies. I held my prince close and cried out in sheer joy. I kept forgetting that he was a Saiyan too, he could take such pain like my inner Saiyan wanted. I pounded into him with all I had, nearly screaming as his walls closed around me in ready to reach ecstasy. I held him close and didn't let go, no matter how much I wanted to hold his hips and fuck him senseless. We weren't going through rut, so I wasn't about to give him an emotionless fuck.
I let the coil snap throughout my body as my prince's erection faded, his seed upon my abs. I cried out in only bliss as I came deep inside his body. My hips did not stop moving my erection that was slowly fading even after I came. I figured that this was a reflex, and I could tell by the way I was shaking still.
I lay upon his sweaty body and smiled sweetly. Our lovemaking had drifted through the house, giving off a sense of heated pride. Our house was marked with our scent. I lifted my head up, still feeling the energy to look for those balls, but I saw my mate's frown. No. I would wait for tomorrow. My mate would probably not be near me much once we get to Planet Vegeta. I need to spend as much time as possible with the mother of my child.
I placed my head upon his stomach and listened for an unheard heartbeat. It had only been a week, possibly, since our child was conceived. There was no way I could hear its heartbeat after such short time, but I felt like showing compassion, showing that I wanted it, that I loved it. I love its mother already, so I will love my child to the extent of my abilities as well. I would make up for my stupidity all these years.
I looked up at my prince as his fingers massaged my scalp, ringing through my hair gently. “Are you okay?” I finally asked him. I keep forgetting I had forgotten to ask him that the first time we mated. But we fell asleep that time, but not this time. “I wasn't too hard, was I?”
He smiled and shook his head. I swear, I've never seen him so happy before. It makes me happy just thinking of how much he feels as though he is in Heaven. If only he could truly reach there. It is so beautiful, he would love it. “Tell me, Kaka,” his voice attracts my attention, “do you think that we were merely created by God to reproduce?” I stared, having not expected this question. When it came to God and religion, I would usually tell my boys and friends to ask Chi-Chi. She used to go to church, I would usually fall asleep or find a way out. He looked up at the ceiling. “All of us humanoid creatures, even animals; you don't suppose that's what He intended, do you?”
“I can't answer that,” I told him, laying upon his stomach once more, “honestly.” Why did he have to bring up God at a time like this? I hadn't done something sinful, had I? Well, according to what Chi-Chi said one day - and I did read this later on in the Bible - homosexuality is a sin. Loving another of the same sex is a sin. I always wondered why. “I think that perhaps God has His own little plan that we should not attempt to figure out. We have already committed sin, Vegeta.”
He looked down at me with a lost look, “I know we have.” I did not respond as he answered me. I know that he could not stand being a prince mated to a lower class soldier, but I felt it was important to not go too far with this. I didn't know how much the prince could take. He broke down earlier, which he rarely did. He suddenly chuckled lightly as he found something amusing that I could not imagine. “Yes. We have committed a dark sin, Kaka. We have mated and created a child together. God says that we shouldn't be able to do such, as two males.” I am suddenly shocked at his way of looking at our creator. “He created different humanoid creatures for a reason, but we do not know why,” he sounded calm as he spoke this time, “for if we did, we would have damned Him for some of the pain we go through. He blessed us with feelings and whatnot, that is why I do not follow His orders anymore. I pretty much stood aside when I fell in love with you, knowing that I could not resist the urge to be with you.”
I am shocked by his words. Could someone really damn God? I picked myself up and stared into his onyx eyes through the darkness of the room. “You knew all along that it was fate that brought us together, didn't you?” I know I sound pathetic, but as we all know - destiny, fate, and soul-mates crossed time of their own will. If fate brings you together, you are to be together forever.
“I figured it was one of God's plays, but later on,” he spoke, lowering his voice a little bit, “I asked Him for a sign. All He gave me was you. You stayed by my side. You didn't hurt me the way Freeza did.” I remember that on Namek, Freeza had shattered Vegeta's spine… or almost did. By the time I showed up, his ki had been vanishing. Was he referring back to then? Was that his sign? “Your golden aura warmed me when you saved me,” he is referring to then, he claimed I turned Super Saiyan, “I believed that to be His sign. Call me crazy, Kaka, but I couldn't exactly accept something like love easily. So I pretended to hate you.”
My mouth was dry, “you moron.”
He smiled lightly and cupped my face in his hands. “I know, that's why I call myself crazy. How could I damn a God who sent me a Heavenly angel?” I am so taken aback by this that I can even move as his lips meet mine. I completely forget the question as I lay upon the bed with him, covering our bodies with the blankets and velvet covers.
I can't help the sleep that overcomes me as I think of his words, and how much they meant to me. I couldn't be an Angel of Heaven, could I? That was merely a myth on Planet Vegeta, that's what Vegeta told me. I do not understand. Darkness became the only thing I could see, but my mouth was curved in a smile. I could stand being his Angel of Heaven, if only to see him as happy as he was this afternoon.
Author's Note: A quick reminder that I said I might change the name of this fanfic, well I have decided not to. It seems that the story is folding out nicely. As you can see, I did put some things about God in here. I have heard a lot about the Bible, but I have never read the complete thing, so I did not force everything in there. It kind of goes like that episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond”, a little of “why are we created?” in there. I felt like doing this part to show that later on at the Chapel how close and far Vegeta is from respecting or understanding his God.
Thank you for reading this author's note and I shall update you in the future on what will happen in this fic.