Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Four
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
Warning: This chapter contains mention of incest.
To Reviewers: Thank you for your wonderful reviews. Here is my next installment to the story. Enjoy.
To Others: If you have reviewed / flamed my fic and have not left an e-mail / messenger I can contact you at, here is the reply to all of you. Thank you for all the wonderful reviews. Here is the next part of my story. Enjoy.
Important Note: I am working on another fanfic with my cousin Kindle at the moment, so don't expect updates often on this one for quite a while. And do get out the tissues for the end of this one.
^ . ~ Love,
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions
I awoke in the early hours of morning. The clock on the nightstand said it was merely five am. I was amazed I had slept from seven last night to such an early hour. I looked to my prince to find him asleep, not even bothered by the rays of sun that came in through the windows. We had forgotten to roll the curtains over and shade ourselves from that. No. I had forgotten.
Our sweaty bodies were attached - or so it seemed. I got up, nearly taking him with me as his seed - so sticky as it was - allowed our bodies to mesh together. I nearly laughed as I realized how much Fusion would do that for us, rather than be one being. But with two people, we have our own personalities and we can fit together differently. We could feel complete without our souls and bodies being fused together, as long as we held our hearts together, if we loved each other with all we're worth. That was, in its own simplicity, the only thing we could do.
Fusion merely lasted thirty minutes and wasn't worth being bonded the way the Kais were. We could never come to adore that sort of union. Vegeta could never stand to be one with me for even thirty minutes. But if another opponent like Majin Buu showed up, he wouldn't hesitate to join bodies with me for that amount of time, for he would have ultimate strength.
I suddenly found myself going back to what he had said last night. He claimed I was an Angel of Heaven, one of the legendary few who fell from Heaven. But I would have to be dead before Raditz. I suddenly remembered when I had fallen on my head, how much I changed after that incident. From that moment on, I had been a loving, good-natured boy. Did I die and no one told me that I came down from Heaven? I don't understand how I could be an Angel of Heaven when I have already been wished back to life. Wouldn't I have wings too?
I found myself urging on a headache as I pulled completely away from my prince, sitting on the edge of our king-size bed. I suddenly realized how sore my body was due to our activities. I forgot that Gohan told me not to make love with Vegeta for a week after the stitches were removed because of this factor. No matter what pain I felt right now, I had a mission to go on. I had to find the Dragon Balls.
I looked at the mystic balls on the table, finding their orange glow in the morning light to be rather disturbing. Were they watching this entire time? I often wondered if Shen Long could see everything that went on around him from inside the balls. I did not look away as I placed a hand on the bed and lifted myself.
Taking a deep breath, I made my way into the bathroom to shower. I would also need clean clothes and perhaps a breakfast before I go. I closed the door as I entered the bathroom, not even bothering to pick up clean clothes. Was there something wrong about walking around our home naked? No. He had seen everything I had to offer, there was nothing left to be hidden.
I gripped the knob and turned on the scolding hot water. Steam instantly filled the room, fogging up the mirror, but the heat didn't even hurt me as it should. I rather liked a human's version of steaming hot. This would normal burn a mere human, but to me, it was like heat to ice, melting around my feet. The sticky mess on my abs was slowly pulling away from my rock hard skin, the sweat fading from my body, and his scent drifted away, but his mark did not. I closed my eyes and smiled lightly at the lovely feeling of melting into this feeling.
When I felt like everything was gone, I gripped the knob once more and turned the water off. I figured that there was plenty of water left for my prince to shower in a few minutes, but for now, the hot water was used up.
I grabbed the longest towel in the closet. It was in an unusual place, considering it was inside the bathroom and not outside as usual. I dried my hair first, ringing out the water. Once I was done with that, I ran another towel around every curve of my body. I placed both towels in the laundry basket, trying to respect the fact he was so clean with his house. He had taken care of me in such a fashion, so I should do the same for him.
I opened the door and stepped out, completely naked, but shut the door behind me. I should keep the steam in the bathroom for now. If I wake him up, he might be angry. I stepped slowly over to the dresser and opened one of the drawers, pulling out a change of clothes. I dressed as quickly and quietly as I could without messing up. When I was done, I hid the Dragon Balls in a safe place and shoved the radar into my pocket.
I walked over to his side and placed a kiss to his forehead. “Don't forget to do those things I mentioned yesterday.” I reminded him of this carefully, trying not to wake him but merely remind him.
I stalked out of the house and slowly clicked the door shut silently. I sighed as I realized I had not woken him as I had thought. I took to the air and gazed around the landscape, finding the trees above the clouds to be a rather nice sight. It was foggy out, a perfect day for a break from training, but I could not stop. I grunted and held my stomach, pain traveling up my spine. I shouldn't have done what I did last night. I shouldn't have let myself go. I hurt myself. Just to make him happy. What the hell was I thinking?
I knew there were going to be some consequences, but I did not expect to find dark pain from it all. I don't really know what I was thinking, but it wasn't good. I slowly fell towards the ground, trying to keep my ki under control. Damn it. I guess this can wait a little bit.
I landed on the ground and stalked into the dark room that was our honeymoon suite, staring at his limp form, that was - before I noticed his eyes were staring at me. I was shocked he was up at this hour. I thought he slept through breakfast like I usually did, but my body was trained for some difference in my life. I closed my eyes and waited for the yelling I would get. I knew that he would be angry for not waking him. But I did not expect his words.
“Good morning,” he told me casually, smiling brightly at me. I stared at him, my black eyes nearly sparkling in the light. I had forgotten once more to close those damn curtains. He shades his eyes and groans. “I think I've got a hangover.”
I caught his words with shock. Did he just say a hangover? “Vegeta, did you drink yesterday?” I sound very confused. That doesn't even start to explain it. Was he pregnant or not? He isn't supposed to drink booze while he's expecting. I didn't have to hear that from Chi-Chi or anyone, I read about it before I took Chi-Chi to her birthing class. “Surely you didn't drink beer or whatnot yesterday, did you?”
He looked up, finally catching onto what he had said. His hands quickly covered his mouth, shocked that he had said such a thing. “I mean, I feel a little sick.”
I turned away, covering my forehead with one hand. “I can't believe this. You joked about the child. You've got a drinking problem.”
“I do not!” he denied my words. He can't say it isn't true. He pulled away the covers, showing me that full Godly body, in all its greatness. I couldn't express my shock at his lovely body. He is a complete God in human skin. I have never seen someone so beautiful. Not even I measure up to my prince's beauty. I wanted to embrace his beauty and hold him forever. If only to become one with him for all eternity. “I do not have a drinking problem, I merely wanted to try that new wine that came out. Gohan gave it to me before I was completely certain of my pregnancy, but I didn't truly find out if I liked it. S—So I tried it again. Last night. I guess the result was a little more than expected.” He looked down at the silky sheets and smiled warmly, “considering we made love.”
I am more than speechless at his words. Is he sure of what he is saying? Wait! What if I am not the Angel of Heaven he was thinking of? What if he was the Angel? What was an Angel of Heaven anyway? “Vegeta, before I yell at you, what is an Angel of Heaven?” I asked, truly curious. This is the first time I have asked him of anything from our culture. I want to know of our planet and what I am to expect. I wish I could watch our planet through his eyes.
He sat upon the bed and stared directly into my dark eyes, actually looking upon the very depths of my soul, but I could see the lost look in his eyes as well. He was searching for an answer in the back of his mind, in the direct link to his horrid past. I could tell by the way his face became blank, but his lips curled into a small frown, merely making me wish I wasn't in pain this moment. He was so sexy. I wanted to touch him and caress his skin and claim him once more. “An Angel of Heaven, or a Heaven no Tenshi, is a fallen angel from Heaven. He / she is chosen from the many people in the world to serve Heaven's needs. His / her duty is to return Angels of Hell, or Hell no Tenshi, to Hell. They are immortal and can never die. Once they claim a mate, that person is also allowed to become a Heaven no Tenshi, but he / she will not become a servant. He / she is used to create another generation for the angel.” His hands slowly creep around his stomach in response to his words. That isn't what he always wanted from me, was it? “You see, once God decides that you can move on and become a spirit, you give up your wings, along with mine, to your son or daughter. They take up the task from there.”
“Immortality?” I finally gasp. I have known that he has always sought it before, but now - if he was right about me being a Heaven no Tenshi - he was immortal. If that was so, I have fallen. I have destroyed everyone's lives because of my stupidity to believe Vegeta loved me. I turned towards the bathroom and raced into it with a huff. I closed the door and locked it, slumping upon the floor in hate. “I have disgraced everyone due to my stupidity! If Vegeta merely wants me for - “
“Kakarrot?” he attempted to open the door as he called for me. I do not answer his call. I was too upset for a talk like that right now. “I don't get what is wrong with it. I love you, Kaka. I'm not about to kill anyone, I promise. If I do, I will go to Hell; don't you realize that?” I looked up in shock, confused. What did he say? “If we kill, pillage, or rape; Heaven no Tenshi are sent to Hell. We are supposed to be angels that do nothing but good. That is the reason I went to Hell.”
I shook my head. No. I will not listen to his lies anymore. I was about to make wishes to go to Planet Vegeta, but now I'm not so sure. If I go there, I can see my father and my planet, but if I do, I will forever have to be around my prince. That would not suffice. “Just leave me alone for now.”
“I'm going to pick up Bra as you have ordered,” he told me, the sound of water running in the kitchen, “if you wish to eat, just order a pizza, I'll only be about an hour.” The sound of rustling clothes did not faze me, but once he laid his forehead upon the door and sobbed lightly, “please, do believe me, I would not cry for shit. Even you know that.” With that, he pulled away and grabbed his set of keys, opening the door. “I'll see you in a few,” he must've waved, but I didn't see, only heard the door close.
I pulled the door to the bathroom open swiftly, thinking over his words. He was right! I know Vegeta. He would never cry in his life, even if he were going to die! “Vegeta!” I called to him, slamming the front door open. But I missed him by a few miles. He was almost across the mountain, climbing over the horizon, out of range. He would never hear my voice that far away. I slumped to my knees and let tears fall down my cheeks. /Wait!!/
I looked up as I heard my own telepathic voice call out to him. I forgot completely about that part of our bond. How stupid can I be? /Did you just call me, Kakarrot?/ he asked me back, his voice almost paralyzed in place. He sounded as shocked as I looked at the fact I had called out to him. /Did you want me to come back?/ I smiled and looked up to find him standing before me in wonderment, his dark eyes staring into my own. “I thought you were mad…”
“So did I,” I replied weakly, “but, as it turns out, I misunderstood everything.” He stared at me in his silent reply to my words, completely understanding them. He knew that I took some things the wrong way, especially the day he told me that thing at the tournament. He said something about it was all about the package or something. I can't remember. All I know was that I felt like blushing. Which I eventually found myself doing such. I know that I am stupid and—and I can't understand everything… but - ! “I love you!” I am sure that I love him. If there was any doubt, I would have to die. “I truly love you. And I do fully intend to marry you!”
“You do not need to repeat,” he told me, breaking the mood. I have already proposed to him, I did not need to repeat it, but then again, I found it might be nice to do so. To reassure him was all I could, to better the situation, if only to make it better. He pulled me to my feet with one strong thrust, and I was standing before him, staring into his beautiful black orbs. I was transfixed. “I am assured that you will follow your word. Where have you not followed it before?” I nodded, remembering that my word was usually - or all of the time - a solemn promise that was guaranteed for life. I never made a promise if I knew I had to break it. It was my way. A simple mistake could alter the enter universe forever. Even Vegeta knew this, as well as everyone else, and when I made commitment, I stuck with it. “But I still have to pick Bra up. You stay and rest. I have noticed that you have tempted your stitches to reopen due to last night.” I blushed. He realized I was in pain without my word to him? He really does love me. I smiled warmly at him, giving him a dreamy look that almost told him silently I thought he was a God. It was his turn to blush. “Kakarrot… I know that I'm sexy and loving, but I am pregnant. I am only thinking of what's best for you right now. There is no stress as of yet.”
He led me back into the house and laid me down on the couch, placing a damp towel of ice-water upon my forehead, and turned the TV to a good channel, leaving the volume low so I could easily sleep through all noise. I watched him exit without a sound, but said nothing. Nothing had to be said. He had already pretty much said it earlier, and he took care of me so much. I felt like a King. He took so good care of me. And his body against mine is the best feeling in the world, even without sex, all I need is to feel him, to know he exists, and I am okay with it. Okay with all my decisions.
I started to slip into unconsciousness when I heard a faint knock on the door. I looked towards the door without turning my head, wondering who it could be. Sensing the dreaded ki, I lay upon the couch and did not answer, pretending no one was home. The door was locked, so surely she could not come in. “The spare key should be under that pot, as Bulma promised.” I heard this and shot up.
That bitch would not dare come in here! “If you come in here, I will not hesitate to kill you too like I did that fucking bastard child of yours!” Forget the fact I was cursing like mad, I hated her. And that smell… it was another. “Take your sluttish cunt and that bastard, Mizuki, and get off my property!! Otherwise, you will not find a God powerful enough to keep me away from your ass!!”
The key lock started to unravel itself as she fought with the lock. “He's just playing. He hasn't met you yet, so he's just a little worried to be jealous.” This ain't going to be a good morning after all. As the door was unlocked, she turned the knob. “Come on in and meet my husband. He's a little gruff because of our baby's miscarriage, but it should be fine.” The door creaked open and I instantly shut it upon her hand, shattering the bone and all, severing the flesh altogether. It was merely a hand upon the floor when I slammed the door shut. Her scream filtered the outside wildlife down to zero as she held her bloodied wrist. I watched with a satisfied smirk through the peephole, liking my work, for I did not truly wish to kill her. She may have betrayed me, but she was human. “How dare you, Goku!?” she called to me. “You will open this door right now or I will come in there!”
I was losing my temper. She either needed to leave or I would force her away myself. As soon as I was about to answer, a ki that felt familiar to me was speeding this way, along with three others. Vegeta's was among them. Vegeta, Bra, Trunks, and Goten. I was a little more worried about Goten finding his mother's new lover than about Vegeta and the catfight that would break out. I held in laughter as I thought the very word. /Vegeta,/ I called to him through our bond, /Goten is on his way here and I need you to stall him./
/Why?/ he asked, a bit curious. He wasn't arguing. He couldn't see through my eyes to know what was going on, so I couldn't yell at him. /Don't tell me that the harpy's there?/
I smirked darkly at his words, /bingo./ He scowled darkly, or so it seemed. He did not reply to me again, but I did hear something outside the door. I took a peep once more out the hole to find him standing there, staring at them. “What is he thinking?”
“You little bitch,” he growled darkly at her, disregarding her bleeding arm, “how dare you show up like nothing's happened between you and your husband?” He stalked towards the door and opened it, making me back up a few meters. I nearly slammed the door on his hand, but as soon as I saw his upright hair, I smiled and hugged him close. I would soon realize that mistake. Mizuki was not a man, he was a she, a female. I was almost completely speechless. Vegeta had told me he was a man. “This is Mizuki, Kaka, your wife's lover. She's a lesbian now.”
/You said she was a man,/ I regarded his words. He turned his head over his shoulder and stared at me, asking me silently to drop it. But I could not. I suddenly remembered what Bulma had told me before, saying that Vegeta admitted he was in love with me and left, not that she left him. I stepped back a few inches and stared into his eyes. /And with Bulma… You told me that she threw you out, and I found out that you just told her you loved me and left without another word. What's the truth, Vegeta?/
/If I told you it, you wouldn't want to marry me,/ I watched him look at me with his eyes starting to tear up, /because you would find me disgusting./
Was it so hard to tell me something I deserved to hear? I did not ask this to him, nor did I ask for it to be answered by my mind. Right now, the task at hand was keeping Goten from seeing his mother's stupidity. If he saw how bad things were, he would question my reason for Vegeta in front of her. I could not stand to hear her words. The way she twisted our relationship, the way she spoke earlier, and she thought she knew me well. But what she won't count on is the fact I am sick of her bitch ass comments. “Whatever happened in the past, Chi-Chi,” I looked in her direction, disregarding Mizuki's appearance, “it's over. Done. You need to leave it behind. It is you who is jealous of Vegeta.” I wrapped my arms around my mate's shoulders and held him close, not allowing another near him. “For you've always wished to be able to control me the way he does.”
“Mother?” I heard my son's voice utter. My wide eyes snapped in his direction, his form appearing before my eyes, wide eyes staring at her bleeding arm. I almost gulp as I watch his face turn worried for his mother's welfare. “What happened, mother?”
She snarled and turned towards me in emphasis. No. She would not turn my own son against me. “That bastard right there refuses to take care of his child!” She allowed Mizuki to help her up enough so she was staring her son in the eyes. “You see, this is my friend in class at college and - “
“College?” I repeated. I looked down at my prince with shock, almost as if I found he was lying. He closed his eyes and looked away. I resisted the urge to slap him silly there for the realization that dawned on me. He wanted to wreck my marriage with Chi-Chi for his own happiness. I unwrapped my arms from around his shoulders and stood before Chi-Chi with a stern look on my face. I could sense my mate was uneasy about this motive, so he was shaking, not resting still as he had hoped. “I'm sorry about your arm. I misunderstood. I'll come back, okay?” His eyes, I could not see what they looked like, my back was turned to him. I forced a smile on and extended my hand, “hi, I'm Son Goku.”
“Goku, nice to - “ she cut herself off as she gripped my hand, looking beyond me to the bastard behind me. I felt the rage building in my system as I heard his voice.
“Why?” he asked me in a hushed tone. How could he ask me that after what he had done? I slowly turned to him with dark orbs that nearly crushed all his dreams. But as soon as I saw his face, I realized how much he had given up in order to be with me. His eyes that were normally so caring and devoted, that sometimes were angered or disgusted, they now ran with tears and sadness. His form shook with sobs, but nothing told me better than the way he protected his child by wrapping his arms about his body. He had given up his whole life - his pride. “Why are you doing this to me!?” His hands shook as he held his shirt with a quivering lip. He didn't look away like he had before when I looked expectantly at him, wondering how he could say such things. “I did this all for you! I love you! Can't you see that!?”
My eyes snapped to Goten with worry that he would overreact for his mother's sake and smack my mate around without thought. I finally realized the truth behind his actions. Vegeta did all this so I would be bound to him forever. So that nothing would tear us apart. That—That pig! “I'm happy for you, Vegeta,” I heard my son's words drift through the air. My eyes were wide as saucers as my own son praised my mate. “Father is a loving man. He will make you happy. But don't hurt him, okay?”
His eyes were locked my son's with shock, “G—Goten…”
“Out of the question!” my ex-wife argued the point, pointing her finger at my face. “This bastard right here is responsible for the life inside me and I ain't going to let him fuck with some other man!” She turned to her son with the most disgusted look on her face. “I will whip and beat him until he decides to stay, you hear, boy!?” I turned in her direction out of mere shock. What did she say!? Her eyes became a dangerous glint as she stood there, looking upon her son. “He left for so many years and cared less about you two whipped bitches, only giving his life for a world that doesn't love him! He's more whipped that you two!”
I couldn't even defend my honor as her words struck home. She was absolutely right. This world did not even care about my welfare. It was all for a lie. I should have let our planet be destroyed. “Don't talk like you know Kakarrot! I love him because of what he did! Because he set me free!” A world that cares less about me, merely wants my body to caress it, and merely wishes to hear my words say that everything would be okay. “If it weren't for Kakarrot, I would still be down in Hell! His gentle hands are more than you would think. I feel like his soul is brushing against my own - “ his words, they're starting to warm my heart, “ - so don't talk like you know anything about him.” He stood firm and tall as he defended my honor. “He is not a slut! You are! So take that bastard child and get the fuck away from me and my lovely mate! If you don't, I'll kill you! I won't lose him again!” He ended it all with harsh sobs, dropping to his knees in sorrow.
He looked so damn pitiful and vulnerable, but yet, he also looked so sexy right now. He was… loving to me. He cared for me after the operation, he was the only one who cried for me, and he was the only one who truly loved me. He had destroyed my marriage with Chi-Chi, but I am just now realizing how much I am happy for it, and I see the top side of everything. My baby is within his womb, growing slowly, soon to become much like me and my sons, and he would be a strong Saiyan. A full Saiyan. Vegeta's pride and joy was to mate me, to love me, and to accept his weakness.
I can't.
I won't.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders once more and held him close, my head slung over his shoulder, breathing in his luscious scent. My lips were creased together, not bothering to move. No sound had to be made to answer her words. We were answering all our own. Our little moment sparked something in Goten, for he seemed to laugh lightly and cheer in the background, along with two new voices. Bra and Trunks had arrived a few moments ago when Vegeta was admitting his love for me. How many times must he say it for me to realize just how much he gave up for me?
Was that not how love went? To give up everything for something or someone that you love? I had always thought that that was the reason I killed Freeza, Cell, and Majin Buu. Because I loved. It mattered not if I loved Gohan, Goten, Trunks, or Vegeta… it was just a matter of I loved them all. There was no one person I could love. Except the one whom I would accept as my wife / husband in the future, once I had finally decided I had had enough of Chi-Chi's abusive behavior.
I had been quiet all these years, not allowing Gohan to stay around when she was in one of her moods, and I would eventually find myself being raped or beaten by her. I couldn't fight her, for she was innocent otherwise. She had not killed anyone. She had not harmed Gohan. Well, at that time, she hadn't. Later on, after we defeated Cell and I died, I watched from Heaven as her hand over and over again struck him. She pounded him into the wall sometimes, and even though his Saiyan abilities would not allow him harm, his feelings and his hope died. He hated me because he had to take my place, and that resentment led to how he solved it.
“Vegeta,” I can remember his voice so well the day he told Vegeta how to make me tick, “if this Bobbidi creature is as horrible and controls his people as well as Kaiou-shin says, let him control you.” Vegeta had looked at him that day with surprise. I saw all this in his mind during the Fusion, and yet, I could not believe my son would be so… so… disgusting. “If you try to fight father now, he will ignore you. But if he thinks you're the enemy, you'll have your alone time to make him yours. Fuck him, rape him, or kill him; I don't care.” I watched my boy in that memory world with dark orbs, allowing a scowl to always write my face at the mere sight of his emotionless eyes.
I had thought my boy - who I had devoted my life to and given life to - loved me and would always respect me. But that was a lie. He loved me, because he could harm me, even if he himself didn't truly wish to. While his betrayal hurt me, I did not show it, not even upon returning. I just acted like nothing happened, like I didn't see that memory.
Chi-Chi had twisted my son's mind for her own pleasure, and she would have it backfire. For a couple of years, even a couple of weeks ago, I allowed the issue to fade, seeing as how she was slowly going back to her normal loving mother duties; but as of lately, I had been sensing a foreboding in her. She was plotting this pregnancy so that she could tear me apart from my reality. When I left that house weeks ago, I told her that I loved Vegeta, that I wished to be with him, and that no matter what, I was not coming back. She had nodded and understood (chapter one) my words. Yet, here she was, demanding I come back or she'll harm my son again.
I had never truly realized how much I had been drawn to Vegeta's body, but to see his past, to see the horrors he went through, I understood his meaning. He couldn't trust me because he was afraid I would do like Freeza. He was always - forever - afraid that I would rape him and torture him, that I would give nothing towards his feelings, and that I would smirk in his face as I show the true me. But that me was non-existent. I had no other form of my innocence other than this mask showing right now, so therefore, I was just an innocent man. I had no intention of hurting him. As years went on, he suddenly began to realize this, for I did not pay as much attention to him as I had Gohan. He actually looked sad, but I could never understand why.
Until that one day…
“Kakarrot,” his voice had torn through the room when he entered the house, his eyes boring into mine, “fight me, now.” I did not respond, to taken aback by the fact he was oblivious to his nakedness. Did he not get he was completely naked? He was asking me for a fight now? He stumbled his way into the house, looking a little run down if I recall. All he did was walk towards me and his body instantly fell forward. I managed to catch him in my open arms, slowly lowering him to the ground, looking down upon him. Why was he even here in this condition? “Fight me, please.” I could never forget that word he spoke to me, that one plea that had never left his mouth before, only when Freeza killed him, and it was for something he could not possibly do in his condition. “Please…”
That day, I had taken care of him. I found out later that he was coming down with a fever lately due to lack of protein in his body. He had not been eating much since he had been so worried about the heart virus. It turned out that we didn't even fight after he was better, he merely left with a small smile touching his lips.
I never realized how much I harmed him because I could never see the truth behind his hate, the mere simplicity of his ways… I could never see his love for me. It always drove him mad and he did things he did not mean to do. He apologized, but I still held him responsible and punished him by ignoring him, but ignorance was always his bliss. To just see me was a way to keep him living, to keep his motor running, and to make him angry. To just touch hands with me kept his heart beating and his soul whole. To just hear my voice kept him alive. It wasn't the way I would see it… and I could never accept his love.
Until I saw it for what it truly was. He had given up his marriage with Bulma and his two children just to be with me. He had never given up something without taking risks, because he knew that if he took too big a risk, he would end up like with Freeza - dead. If he hadn't known that I would go to him, he wouldn't have left Bulma. He wouldn't have told me the confession flat-out like he had. Which meant that he saw my feelings for him during the Fusion. That explained some things.
“Chi-Chi,” I whispered her name darkly, not even bothering to look over my shoulder at her, “go away and don't come near me or my mate again, that includes my sons.” I turned in her direction, my dangerous glint in my eyes shocking her. I was deathly serious whenever I told someone to do something that would effect my family. If it weren't for Gohan getting cocky against Cell, we would've won and I wouldn't have had to die. But he had gotten that from when I placed the burden on him. His power had been too overwhelming. I admit that my new found inner Saiyan was overwhelming in a way, but I could still control it vaguely. “If I ever see you again, I won't be responsible for my actions.”
I pulled Vegeta with me and nodded to Goten, Trunks, and Bra to follow us in. I did not wish to hear her voice yet again. It was not something I was really happy of hearing. Besides, it was more about time that I learned of how much Vegeta thought about me during the years I've been dead. It was also time to catch up on the others feelings about this. Before I make a huge decision, I should at least console his family and mine. We entered the big house and I closed the door behind us.
Trunks instantly began to laugh at the place we lived in, “Mother was way ahead, huh, Goku?” He held his stomach as he bellowed, but I did not respond. I completely ignored all comments on our place, for we have just made love in it last night. This is where we have chosen to live, it mattered not what they said. Just so long as Vegeta liked it. “I'm okay with your love, if that's what you're worried about. It is not everyday that father leaves without warning. Just for love.” I saw the emphasis in his words even without him putting them up for bold print on a page. I understood his concern though. “But…” I saw Vegeta look in his direction, “…does that mean we have to call you both father?” I was shocked at his words, my mouth agape, my back to him. “That would be confusing.”
“I'm with brother,” his sister regarded. “That would be the most confusing thing. What do we call ya? Father 1 and 2?”
Goten laughed at her questions, but I did not. As amusing as it sounded, I figured that they would take this more seriously. “No, Vegeta's a mother now.”
I snapped at my son's words, finding it hard to avoid it when I yelled, “shut up! It's not all about Vegeta being a bitch in our relationship! This is about you guys feelings!!” They all froze in shock, the laughing dying. I was too upset. I was going all over the place, my blood pressure was through the roof with both Vegeta and Chi-Chi. I had to have some clarity. “Which way do you think I should go? Should I be with Vegeta or that bitch out there? That's all I want to know.”
“How can you still assume there is something left with mother?” Goten's voice shattered my panting breath. I stared at him, the shock making me hold my breath. What is he referring to? There is something left, a home, two children, possibly three, and a wife that will cook and clean for me. Isn't that something? “She just wants you to take the bill of the baby. That's all she came over here for. To split you two up.”
“Gee, this is reminding me of what Gohan told Vegeta to do,” I turned my head in his direction with emphasis. His eyes were wide, but a blush slowly crept to his cheeks. Why was he blushing now? That wasn't embarrassing, it was vile and cruel to play with me like that. I suddenly saw him playing with his shirt once again, the second time I've possibly seen him like this. “Wait a minute,” I choked, “you told him something else?” He nodded lightly. “What did you tell that pig!?”
“Pig?” Goten mirrored my word. “What do you mean? He's my brother, yes?”
I turned sharply, gripping my son's shoulders with a dark ambition. “Your brother wanted Vegeta to turn Majin on purpose and told him to kill me. He told him that my mate could fuck me, rape me, or kill me; he didn't care! That is no son of mine!”
“If I may comply, Kakarrot,” my prince interrupted my screaming, “Gohan merely told me that I should become Majin to be alone with you. He said that I could do those things, but I failed to do either. I only kissed you if you recall.”
“Kissed?” Goten was a little shocked at the words that left his new father's lips. “You two kissed? Piccolo didn't say anything about that.” I shook my head. I need to breathe. I walked towards the bathroom, leaving all four of them out in the kitchen. I turned on the faucet just as my son entered the room. “No pressure, father… but I want you to marry Vegeta.” I looked a little darkly in my son's direction. “I don't like mother. She beats up brother all the time… and now she's doing it to me. I want to leave. I've thought for months about running away.”
I splashed water on my face as I listened to his thoughts on the situation, understanding each one of them. It was too late to change my relationship with Gohan, but with Goten, I could still save him the pain and misery. But there were still some things I needed him to understand. “If I marry Vegeta, it will be out of love this time, not a promise that can easily be broken. I hope you realize that if I don't love him, I won't marry him. That will put you back with your mother by law.” His head slowly went up and down in a nod, understanding. He confirmed my words with a small smile.
I couldn't help it.
I cried.
I held him to my, on my knees, crying into his shirt. Hot tears coursed down my cheeks and pooled on the floor. His hands stroked my back and my scalp in a reassuring way. Nothing was heard but my sobbing in the bathroom. Only the fading sound of the faucet alerted me to the real world again. I suddenly let go of my boy and backed away. “I'm sorry,” I apologized for my actions.
“It's okay.” He turned away, his eyes silently telling me he was upset with my actions. I can tell by the sigh that comes from his mouth. “You don't truly love Vegeta, do you?” I nodded lightly. I couldn't turn back. Not once I mated him and made him pregnant. I forced this all on him. The kid was not planned out. “And if I am correct, he's pregnant too, huh?” I nodded once more. His eyes slowly closed regretfully. “I would have thought we could defy our God and our laws, father. I would have hoped you would feel the same way as I do.”
I was too shocked at the way it sounded to me. Had—Had he just claimed to want a relationship with me? As more than my son? “You are asking me if I would've looked at you… sexually?” The mere thought of my son and sex together made me sick to my stomach. I got to my feet as fast as I could and backed away harshly, hitting the edge of the sink. “I couldn't—I wouldn't even dare think of you that way!”
His eyes were down, almost looking as though he were depressed by my reaction to his words. I just didn't want to jump the gun on this. Goten was my son, not a person I looked at for sex or loyalty, even love. I was not about to even think such things of Goten or Gohan. I suddenly realized what Gohan's dilemma was with accepting me back into his life. The fact that Chi-Chi beat my kids while I was gone told me enough about the past to push me towards my son's benefit. “I see.” I looked up at my son as he spoke those words, but I wasn't given the time to see his emotions, just a harsh slap to my face. I fell back onto the floor, holding my abused cheek in my hand, and I truly looked up at Goten to see his dark face staring down at me.
The mere sight of his eyes, dark and ambitious as they were, they held no form of caring or love as they usually did. My boy was against me. “Goten, I'm so sorry that Chi-Chi did that to you guys. I will do all in my power to reprimand for what she has done… so please, don't hate me.” My boy looked down at me, then turned swiftly and left the room without a word. Vegeta's form lay on the floor, as if he had been listening in worry for something wrong happening. I could tell he could read the look in my eyes. I wasn't ready to go to Planet Vegeta with him just yet. I had more work to do before I could leave our home behind. My divorce with Chi-Chi wasn't truly final, for I had not signed the papers or gone to court with her, and even knowing that the moment she testified that I had hurt her before the trial, I would be arrested, I would do anything to be with my prince. Even worried as I was about his reaction to the surprise I had gotten a hold of at the hospital. During the four days Vegeta had taken care of me, one time he went to the bathroom, a nurse came in.
I remember asking her the question I longed for, “could you do me a favor and go buy a nice ring for my lover?” She was a nice old lady who I charmed very well with my smile and talk of true love. She had been married for twenty years with her husband before he passed away. I had felt sorry for her, knowing that Chi-Chi must've felt the same way, but given the fact that she was so demanding and hit my children, I didn't feel any sorrow for the woman. “Would you do this for me? He'll be back any moment and I want to marry him so bad. I love him.” She was a little shocked at first to find out it was a man I was meaning towards, but she said nothing. “Please?” I begged.
She smiled sweetly, even in her old age, and nodded. “Love comes in all shapes and sizes. Even men find comfort in each other, for they understand emotions more than women could hope to obtain with a man. Pride is more understood and respected. It is okay to love a man, even if you are committing sin.” The kind old lady took my money and returned later that day with a 24-carrot gold engagement ring. The box alone would make Vegeta sweat in worriment over whether it was for someone else or him. I had opened it to find diamonds in the top, the gold band was so inviting, and I felt transfixed. Here was the ring I would be handing to my husband-to-be. My lover, Vegeta. “It was merely 500,000 yen ($50,000 US dollars). Here is your change,” she attempted to hand me back the bills left, but I shook my head.
“You keep the change. Use it as you see fit. And thank you for doing this favor for me,” I smiled sweetly, even waving as she left the room. I hid the box in my suitcase, careful not to show I had moved from the position, but that little bit also allowed the scar to open a bit. I had decided against asking for more favors from the dear woman and just smiled at her. Even my smile seemed to brighten her day while I was there. So odd that a simple gesture could do so much.
I walked out of the bathroom to find that Trunks had already opened the drawer I had hid the ring in. I turned sharply in Vegeta's direction to find him looking at me in disbelieve. “How could you buy this?” he held out the ring. His arms were shaking, even though in the darkness I could not see his eyes. Trunks stood behind me, cracking his knuckles at me, almost as if threatening me. I know he loves his father, but there is nothing wrong. “Who did you buy this ring for!?”
“It was for you,” I admitted, “for our engagement.” His eyes suddenly changed, from shocked and frightened to understanding and excited. He had never found out about the ring even when we left the hospital. “I hid it for the right time to propose. But the other day, you were so upset about my asking you for distance, I didn't want to pull out that ring for another worry. So I really didn't get the chance to propose to you fully.” I took the ring from his hands and got on one knee as I had the night before, holding out the ring to him, his hand in my hands. “Will you marry me, Vegeta Briefs?” I used his humanoid last name because he wasn't fully divorced from Bulma yet, but it was okay. He didn't mind the name. I would soon abandon my last name too. I no longer wished to be called Son. It had a double meaning, calling me smaller than them. I was called Son after my grandpa, but he was no longer here and I had adapted to the name so well that I kept it. But now it was time for a change. “Will you marry me tonight?”
“But our divorces with our wives…” he tried to intervene.
I smiled lightly and hugged him close, slipping the ring on his finger, and I sobbed lightly. “I want to do it tonight,” I told him, “to make you fully mine tonight.” I was getting emotional again, because of the stress Goten had put on my shoulders. I was already feeling a little dizzy, but I needed a permanent marker to tell me I truly belonged. I needed to marry Vegeta. If I did, I would know for certain where I truly belong. I would be there for this child and many more, as I did truly love Vegeta for who he was, not for the being that I wanted him to be. “I want to know I belong, Vegeta. That I'm loved by someone in this world other than God. I may not even be loved by Him anymore now that I realize both my sons want to have sex with me.”
“Surely you wouldn't have guessed such a thing, Kaka?” he asked, looking up at me with confusion. “You had to have a solid answer on that one.” For once, he was truly wrong. I had never guessed that Goten had feelings for me that went beyond father and son emotions. I could never guess such a divine and forbidden act to be his only ambition with me. He never loved me, only lusted after me. So therefore, it was something that I could not have known. I had never seen Goten look so angry in all the years I was with him. “Besides, Trunks understands me, don't you?”
“Actually, I have always liked Goku more like a brother.” I looked up at the purple-haired boy in shock. I had never known he saw me that way. Of course, Trunks of the future had always seen me as though I were a man, a person who he could love, almost like Goten saw me, except with a more grown up desire. He wanted to love me, if he could, but he kept his distance because he was not part of this time. That's what I found so likeable about him. Is that he saw that he was not part of my life like he would've hoped. “I don't see you like Goten does either, father.” I smiled at him, but this time, I didn't receive a slap from another person this night, I received a small kiss, right on the forehead. It was a sonly gesture, a gesture of appreciation, and I accepted it. “I think of you more of as a father or a brother. I wouldn't dare see you in a sexual way, Goku.”
I smiled, turning in Vegeta's direction once more. “You are cute,” I told him lightly, but it merely got me a huge smack to my other cheek. It was an embarrassed instinct, so I couldn't blame him. But I could blame myself. “I guess I said the wrong thing again.” I picked myself up off the floor and made my way towards the door. I dressed into normal clothes quickly, making my way towards the door, “just four more balls to collect and we can go back, back to our planet.”
Trunks gasped upon hearing these words. “Back to your planet!?” he screamed at the both of us. Vegeta waved his hands around in an order to tell me not to mention anything else, but the boy gripped the collar of my shirt, and his eyes were completely serious. “He's my father! You can't steal my father away from me!” He shoved me back until he fell upon the floor as I had before. I was shocked to be flung so harshly by a boy whom was always so carefree and loving of everyone. What was it about this version of Trunks that scared me? “You will not go back home! He is still my father and he will stay!” The boy looked towards his father for advice on this matter. But I knew exactly how Vegeta would answer. “Right, father!?”
I never thought I would lose my mate the way I had. As I lay there on the floor, watching his eyes falter momentarily, I felt my hopes and dreams fading swiftly. How could he say what he did to Trunks? I thought he loved me. After the conversation with Trunks, we readied for bed. I slipped under covers on the couch, not daring to sleep with him in the same bed after what had happened. How could say that he wouldn't come with me? If he wasn't coming, that was too bad for him, because I would go. I don't care if he wants to come or not, he has no option in me going.
He was rather confused to why I was sleeping on the couch, I could feel his troubled ki, but I knew that he was faking. He never cared. But he was, as he said, pregnant. Whether it was my child or not was up to fate to decide. If it was, I would take care of it by myself. I worked too hard to build up a relationship with Vegeta to allow him to destroy it. “I said that stuff to Trunks because I don't want him following me and you. He never did approve of me leaving for far away places.” His voice broke through my concentration. I didn't look in his direction, but his words sliced through me like butter. “How is telling him no any different than you not telling your friends?” He's got me at that one. “I just don't want him to miss me. He's my son.”
My eyes narrowed dangerously. “Then choose, Vegeta.” I told him this harshly, my voice emotionless. My Super Saiyan 4 transformation was out of my inner Saiyan's turmoil. He was contemplating whether Vegeta would choose me over his world. Kakarrot was in me, trying to decide whether or not to force him to come. He was my mate after all. “If you love your son, I won't stop you from leaving me, but the kid is coming with me.” I was meaning towards the child in my prince's stomach, even he knew that. “If you choose me, if you truly love me like you have stated, then come with me. Do not hesitate.”
I pulled the covers up and allowed myself to lull to sleep without another word. His voice faded as darkness crept into my eyes. Whether or not he was coming, I would find the Dragon Balls and leave this shit load of a planet. No one wanted me here anyway. That's why I didn't care about Vegeta's words to Trunks as much as I should have. Because I was used to the ignorance. I was used to being neglected.
Author's Note: A couple of very quick notes. If you've read this chapter over again, you've realized that I have changed it. Incest just doesn't work for me. I don't like it because… well, because it is a sin worse than what Goku and Vegeta are doing. I mean, you get sent to jail for such a thing, right? So I changed it.
However, I'm working with my cousin Kindle on a one-shot involving my favorite couple - and possibly another couple in the future - but I will get back to this one in a short while. Don't expect an update too shortly.
Another note: The scene in the second rewrite for this story, or basically the pairing of Brolli and Goku, that might become true in this one to the point of what it was in the other rewrite. I just got too much into the Brolli movies, don't you think?
Note: My computer is on the fritz and I just deleted - by accident - my entire yaoi collection of Goku and Vegeta doujinshis. If you have any (or know of a place where I can get them on a library computer - my is on the fritz) let me know. I am slowly building it back up at Daiphyer in the request section. However, it would be helpful and maybe inspire another creation in this story. As you see, I'm trying to use Dragon Ball GT in the storyline too.
Important Note: While Goku becomes Super Saiyan 4 in the storyline, I don't believe that Baby will come into the picture, neither will the Dragons. Not sure if I want to include those parts to this story. > . > I'm too lazy to do so much for one story. If you catch my drift < . < I just like to do Vegeta and Goku, and maybe a few others. I will do a Goten and Trunks a little later on when they come to rescue them from King Vegeta. If you've read the first version and second one - read this message:
At the rate this version goes, it might take a while, but we will get to Planet Vegeta somewhere by the middle of the story. Or maybe it will be the beginning ^ _ ^” but don't sweat over when we will get to it, cause I swear that we will.
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions