Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Seven (Part 1 of 2) ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Seven
Part 1
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Special Help by: Zofo and Dragon77 (who love to review for my fanfics), and Little-Washu (a new friend of mine, along with his advice)
and by: Dori Productions
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
To Reviewers: Thank you for your wonderful reviews, and thanks to Julesie, who happens to read this story a little, for your encouragement. While I am hitting writer's block, this idea popped out of my head while watching / listening to a few cassette tapes I made myself. It was a bunch of plots, weird fantasies and whatnot, but this weird one came from the last one called, “If I Dreamt of Him.” It inspired me. So, this is a two-part between their relationship, and a thrilling shock will have you all on the edge of your seats. Hint O . O!!!
To Others: Thank you all for your wonderful reviews. Like I said above, I hit writer's block, but this one popped out of my head. Like I said, a dramatic twist that will leave you on the edge of your seat. This is a two-part. So look forward to the next part.
I opened my eyes as the first rays of sun came over the mountain. It was so bright out. I can easily remember yesterday now. I think I had been being drugged the whole time during my pregnancy, it was only meant to weaken me, not anything else. I guess I expected too much of that stupid lizard. He used a technique that I could easily remember and read through, trying to kill me, weaken me; but my body easily cooped enough to survive for as long as I did.
I can also remember the dream I had last night. It was like Vegeta was all alone, that no one cared for him, and he was standing in darkness, wishing for someone to come and save him. I could hear him, like he was yelling forever, on an endless black cloud that never ends, and I couldn't reach out to him. He was gone before I could, and I couldn't hold him, I couldn't save him or comfort him, only watch as he cried out for me to come. I couldn't even answer him. I could only watch him from a distance as Freeza stole him from me. I saw my prince scream and fight with him before the dream disappeared and I woke in sweat. That was during the middle of the night.
Later, after I returned to the darkness that sleep gave, I saw my prince. He was crying, his lithe body below that of Freeza's, but he didn't call out my name anymore. He wasn't even fighting, just staring at me with tears. The only way that I tore out of that was the moment he questioned me, “why won't you save me, Kaka?” I shot out of the dream, panting.
I haven't slept since. I just stared at the ceiling, trying to pretend I was in my prince's position, being taken up the ass by that hard rod that Vegeta feared. He hadn't had any trouble with me inside of him, he rather liked my soft, gentle hands on his body. He enjoyed my touch. Could I really enjoy Vegeta's touch if he were to take me? Would I really enjoy the touch of my mate if he were the dominant? I don't know.
I heard Piccolo clear his throat. Looking over in his direction, I realized that he had heard what I asked Vegeta last night. “The deal was, you'd be gone by morning.” I smiled lightly, but noticed the others were sleeping as well. He trailed away, standing on his own. “I heard you last night. You didn't get a nice sleep, huh?”
I lowered my eyes. Why can't I sleep? There is nothing wrong with me anymore and I only wanted to see my prince's past, not his pain. If I could understand his past, I could understand his fear and pain now. Was I having doubts about our child? No. He was having… I looked at him in shock to find his face contorting in pain, and his brows were creased, his forehead showing perspiration - he was sweating. I immediately shot up, “Piccolo!” He turned to me in shock, and both boys woke up, a little startled. “We need lots of nutrients and… and… we're going to need some water, fresh water. I also need a few blankets.”
“What's wrong, Goku?” Trunks asked, his eyes narrow in wonder. Realization dawned on him at the seriousness in my voice. I needed stuff for Vegeta. “He's… He's miscarrying the baby?”
I lowered my gaze to him, placing a hand on his cheek. He's cold. No. We can't lose our child now. You have to keep up your health, Vegeta. Please…! You have to keep fighting! I hugged him close, tears starting to form in my eyes. “Hurry, collect the Dragon Balls, Piccolo.” I reached in my pocket - having changed when we came to his cave - and threw the radar at him. He caught it in his hands and looked to me. “Planet Vegeta can wait a few minutes… No. We could just travel their by spaceship. If Vegeta miscarries the child, I'll never forgive myself.” He nodded. The two boys looked stunned that they weren't given orders. “Goten, Trunks,” I turned in their direction, “I need you to collect fruits and meat, protein will help.” They both nodded and got up to leave when I whistled, “don't forget that I need lots of blankets, and clean water, as well as clean clothes.”
“We didn't,” Goten commented, frowning slightly, “but I'm so sorry about all this, father.”
I smiled and waved at him lightly, “nah, it was bound to happen with me killing your mother and causing him stress.” They both took off, so did Piccolo, and I was left with my prince. If Gohan came - in his possessed state - and tried to kill me, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from knocking his little hide to kingdom come. I was too worried about my mate and his health condition to care about family relations. Gohan means nothing to me if he ain't himself. I raised a boy who loved everyone, including his father. I didn't raise this traitor. I huddled next to Vegeta and held his head to my chest. “I never meant for this to happen. I had hoped we wouldn't deal with this pain, Vegeta.”
His hand overlapped mine, alerting me to his awareness. “It's not a miscarriage… The baby's coming this instant.” My eyes were deathly wide, almost making my eyeballs pop out. He cringed, holding his swollen stomach. Before I could react, he started to sprawl out on the bed, presenting his stomach to me, and I continued to just stare, unaware of what to do without Trunks, Goten, or Piccolo here. “You have to give me a C-section, Kakarrot. Grab a blade and cut me open.”
“Cut you open,” my face suddenly became blue as that dream came back to me, and I nearly vomited. No. I couldn't harm my prince. /Piccolo,/ I used the link that Gohan had taught me, /I need you back here ASAP!/ The mere thought of having to cut my mate open made me scream in fear. I want someone else to do it. I don't want to be in here. Piccolo can deliver the baby. “Can't you do this like I did? The old fashion way?” My prince shook his head. /Piccolo, the baby's coming now. That's what it is./ I felt his ki finally move towards us.
I looked his and contemplated his response. Judging by the size of his body, he is right about not being able to do that. The baby would split him open, and we would need Senzu beans, which are not yet in growth. Damn it. I need more options. I can't just cut him open. I love my prince too much. I walked into the kitchen, however, and grabbed a steak knife, washing the blade with detergent and drying it off with a clean towel. It would need to be clean in order to deliver safely. Either way that I looked at it, I would be the one delivering our child. Piccolo was too far away, Goten and Trunks were still out, and Gohan was against me; so that only left me or him doing it himself. I'd rather do it by myself than if Vegeta did it for me.
I gulped, placing the knife on his naked stomach, after removing his shirt. He lay on his back, panting, smiling. I pushed the blade in slowly, watching as a bit of blood started to flow out, and I felt my heart beat faster. What if I hurt him? What if I kill the baby? What if I kill him? What if I faint? What if I fail!? What should I do!!? I DON'T LIKE THIS ONE BIT!!! My brain was fighting with me, trying to figure out what to do.
His hands came up and placed them on mine, “like this, idiot,” he stated as he started to push the blade in fully. He didn't even cringe, more pain coming from the fact the baby was about to trail through his tight canal than anything else. I know what that must feel like. Once he had the blade far enough in, he looked at me, “pull it `till I say stop.” I nodded, doing as he told me. I pulled the blade in the direction of his dick, and I just reached near his thighs as he said, “stop.” I immediately did, not wanting to harm him. I pulled the knife out and looked confused at him. “Put gloves on first.” The order was barked, but I followed his commands and did so. White, elastic gloves covered my hands, and he sighed. “Now, pull the baby out carefully,” he directed, “then use the knife to carefully cut the cord.”
I opened my mate, fully exposing the blood and gore to me. His insides were disgusting. I didn't want to see this. But something about seeing this meat, this flesh to devour, made me like the prince all the more. He had a healthy body, and his insides were fully perfect, even considering he drank too much. I found a small object inside, squirming ever so lightly, trying to get out. That's my boy. I smiled. I picked up the little boy and pulled him out, taking the knife as directed, and I held him firm in my arms, not caring about blood on my gis, and cut the cord. Once I placed him on the floor, I worked to fix my prince up, stitching him up. He made absolutely no reaction.
I laid later, after Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks had finally returned, and I watched our baby lull himself to sleep, his mother in a state all his own. I can't believe that I cut my prince open. How sick could I be to find that arousing? Perhaps it was my way of saying that I loved Vegeta for everything he was, even if he had no skin. Beauty is only skin deep… or so they say. I found this to be relaxing to the thoughts earlier. Besides, the thoughts helped me deliver the baby.
“Goku,” Piccolo's voice attracted my attention, “when I sensed that you had everything under control, I went and collected the rest of the balls.” I nodded lightly. I understand that he felt I could take care of my mate after the birth. “So, we have all seven, whenever you're ready.”
I smiled vaguely. I bounced the little one a little, making a silly face to relax him. His mother seemed not to notice the words spoken. “He's exhausted.” I noted this, and then thought once more about the voyage to Planet Vegeta if we went by spaceship. The first wish had to be to return Freeza to Hell, but how would he survive the long trip in his recovering condition. “How about we leave in about a week? Once the bandages can come off. Since we have to use the first wish to restore Planet Vegeta, the second to put Freeza back in Hell, and the third to restore his virginity plus our tails; we would have to take the long trip to the planet ourselves.”
“I see your point,” Trunks intervened, “you're concerned that father won't make it.” I nodded lightly. The purple-haired boy smiled, “I'm glad that he has you to care for him.” I nearly blushed at the comment. I mean, I know that Vegeta is lovely and all, but… he doesn't know the least about what he's doing. He's like a yo-yo, forever deciding between “I love you” and “I hate you.” It is like a never ending battle. I don't know if I could say I am here to care for him, more like love him. It is my job. “I suppose you want the wedding in the meantime.”
I eyed him carefully. While I knew the wedding would eventually need to take place, there were other matters to attend to. Bulma had yet to fully process the divorce papers for Vegeta. He had not signed them before this all happened. It happened so damn fast that he didn't have time to think it over. It was ridiculous how much we let our own matters overrun that of our family's. Chi-Chi had not taken me to court yet on ours. For I wanted her to sign them, but she refused. She had it locked in her brain that I was coming back… wait, she's dead.
At the thought / reminder, my brain played an image of ten Vegetas cheering me, saying, “way to go,” while one was giving me a lap dance, calling me a macho guy. I blushed deeply at the mere sight of Vegeta in the image. Wow. I had never had such fantasies quick like that before. Vegeta was always a fantasy of mine that I hid so deep down, imaging that I didn't love him for who he was - that mean, vile, disgusting creature that came to Earth and tried to kill me, even succeeding in crushing all my bones. That was who I remembered him as. That was who I loved him as. He maybe vile, disgusting, and prideful to the others - and may even seem way to arrogant for his own good - but that is the one I love. If you changed him, I would kill you for it, because I like him with the whole package.
I smiled deeply, feeling the pride well over me as I realized how much I loved him, praised him, and cherished him. It was something only a true mate could do. But was he my life-mate as Vegeta had mentioned to me before? In his description, he spoke to me, “life-mates are ones that you have strong, unbreakable bonds with. If you can feel your mate's pain, ki, or even if you feel a little pinch of what is happening to your mate, you are life-mates. But this process can never be determined. If you never find your mate, don't be upset, you aren't the first. I haven't found mine yet either. I hoped that possibly it would be you, but I could be wrong.”
I felt a heated blush come to the surface. He had been very upset that day and told me that as a joke. He had gotten a chuckle out of my confusion, but I was actually reading his words carefully, and I was trying to let my brain do thinking for me. I wasn't as dumb as everyone saw. So, maybe I was a little uneducated, but that was only because Grandpa Gohan told me, “I couldn't afford a school close enough.” Later on, I actually thought about the reason he didn't send me there to learn, considering I could just jolt there easily with my unusual powers, and then I realized it… Grandpa Gohan didn't want me to leave because he wanted to spend time with me. He was way to old. He wanted to spend his last moments with someone. That was, before I disobeyed him and looked at the moon, stepping on him as Oozaru, and allowed my inner Saiyan to destroy him.
I hated Kakarrot. He was always within me, scheming a trick to get me to obey him, so he could kill my friends, and somehow, he is the one who killed Chi-Chi. I wanted to kill her, so therefore, I gave into Kakarrot's demands. The most I could remember of the past is when Grandpa Gohan picked me up, looking at me, and smiled strongly when he saw my tail. All that up to when I hit my head, it is still - and will always - remain blurry. I can't remember who I really am. That's what Vegeta hates about me so much, is that I can't remember the truth that I am the strongest, and my Saiyan heritage was supposed to be unable to reach my level. He hated me for what I am. I praise him, trying to make up for the fact that I can't remember what I am, and he yells at me more. It is how it was supposed to be. I am a peasant.
But Kakarrot was too. From the moment I realized that Kakarrot was real, and that he lived inside of me, I hated him. He always talked in my head, giving me migraines, headaches, and sometimes, nausea. He was a disgusting pervert who wanted his prince. From the second that Vegeta stood there, smirking at me, tempting me to fight him, Kakarrot spoke to me, telling me to go over there - and to my surprise, I did half of it - and fuck his brains out. At the time, it seemed that I was stronger. But I was faithful to the woman I pledged my life to. I had not realized everything was so damn bad. It made me realize how much of a true Saiyan I was.
It all started the moment that Raditz showed up on my doorstep - more like Kame-Sen'nin's - and said, “hello, brother.” So darkly, that he did speak that way. He was not the type of brother I wanted. But after I killed him, I realized how desolate I could be without someone of my family to care for me. My son did, but no one else gave a damn I was dead, except Kuririn. He was always there for me, since day one. Like Raditz had said before, “about twenty years ago, a huge comet collided with Planet Vegeta, and the only ones left were those of us on a purging mission at the time. The only ones left are the four of us; you, me, Nappa, and our Prince.”
I never understood what I was, no matter how many times - or easy ways - they told me. It made no sense to me. I don't get how I could be Saiyan. I seemed human, but I did have strong powers, more than a normal human could ever ascertain with just training alone. They would have to be immortal. But, over time, I started to accept it. As I accepted the fact Vegeta lived here, breathed the same air as I did, and was kept under control, I realized I was becoming calm around him. Sooner than I thought possible, I already loved him. I felt complete when we trained and when we would talk man-to-man sometimes. It was a real, and most lovely, moment for the both of us once Majin Buu had died.
After that, we didn't see each other for years. Goten and Trunks slowly grew, falling for each other all along the way. Goten tried to stray away from it, for he liked girls, but he couldn't hold back his need to be with Trunks for long, and they ended up together. I even remember hearing their moans the first night my son took Trunks's virginity. I remember because I laughed as I heard my boy grunt, telling Trunks how tight he was, and I also remember because I had a lovely dream about Vegeta that night. I realized how much Goten and Trunks's mating affected me.
I wanted to mate Vegeta even more after that night. I was restless every time I went over to his house and talked with him after that. When we reached certain issues, I would tell him I remembered something and had to leave. He was tormenting me with his scent, his beautiful, lovely body, and his heart was wide open now, making my inner Saiyan want to crush it. It got to be way too much for me to handle. I started to stray away.
I talked with Piccolo on the matter and he had told me it was normal, that all males went through this, whether they be alien or human. Most of the time, it was males wanting women, but in my case, he was rather… not shocked. It was as though he had only figured it would be a matter of time. I can still remember his words.
I had just come to him, landing on the patched ground of flowers, watching as pedals went flying, and I stared at him. My eyes waned a little, shaking - even in their sockets - on what I should do. What would I say to Piccolo? Would he laugh? He was the only friend I could count on who was alien enough to understand without talking to my prince at all. He didn't say a word to my arrival, lost in his meditation. It was amazing that him and Vegeta could still train even in all this peace. “Piccolo.”
The moment he heard his name, he looked up at me with a glare. I shouldn't have bothered to come, but I sat down anyway. I was way stronger than him, so I knew that if he went out of line, I could take him. But… there was also the fact that I was insecure with how I felt for Vegeta. If I didn't talk to someone, I would burst. I wanted desperately to pounce on him and fuck him, if only to delete the need. “Is this about some family matter?” I shook my head. My eyes darted back and forth, feeling unsure of how to react if he fully figured out. “Something bothering you that you have to talk to only me about?”
I nodded lightly, “it's about Vegeta.” As soon as the name left my mouth, I sensed uneasiness from Piccolo, but I also sensed a thought cross his mind. He actually wondered - or so I think - if I finally realized my passion for my prince. I looked away, opening my mouth, but I closed it again, not knowing what to say. If I told him that I wanted to fuck Vegeta, he would burst away with that purple blush he made - mostly because of his green skin. I had to tell him the whole story. “A couple of weeks ago, I heard Goten and Trunks… mating.”
He turned my way, finally wondering the details. He had not known about Goten and Trunks becoming an item. “Goten and Trunks? Won't Vegeta be livid if he finds out about this?”
I smirked a little, but it turned out to be more like a worried smile, “not if he hears what it did to me.” The remark made the green man shut his mouth in wonder. I had never stated something so seductive before. As though I was hiding a huge secret behind my eyes, and even more shocking, I was. I was hiding that I dreamed of my prince in a sexual way. “Afterwards, when I fell asleep, I had a dream. It seemed okay at first, like Vegeta and I were going to spar, and then… I don't know what happened, but… we had sex in the dream. I enjoyed the effect of it. I realized later that it was brought on by Goten and Trunks's moans.” I finally finished by placing my head in my hand, covering my eyes. I was frightened at what he thought.
He remained quiet for a while, and I thought he left, but then he spoke, “why couldn't you just tell Vegeta?” My eyes went up to meet his, and we exchanged glances. His was strict and firm, yet mine was uncertain and regretful. A sudden realization took over that reflection, making me realize that he finally took the hint. “You took Vegeta's ass, huh? That's why you are afraid to tell him, because you were the dominant. Am I right?”
I looked down, nodding. I felt insecure about even talking to Piccolo about my sexual dreams. My desires to mate Vegeta came from my Saiyan nature, Vegeta had nothing to do with it. I couldn't blame him for the way I see him, or feel about him, all I could do was hide it. He would hate me if he knew that I dreamt about fucking his beautiful ass. If I could just get his face out of my head, I could stop the image of me kissing him. I couldn't believe how much I wanted to force myself on his body and take him the hard way, fuck him senseless; but afterwards, I would stay, raise our love higher than the top plane of Heaven, and I would enjoy my time with Vegeta. I looked over at Piccolo. “I can't take much more away from him, Piccolo. According to him, I've already taken his pride, honor, and right of freedom as a Saiyan; what else could I take?”
Piccolo didn't answer, merely closed his eyes. I felt as though I had just judged Vegeta for who he was. I mean, if it was ever possible, the only thing other than those things would be the one thing I still had - my virginity. If that was what he held, then I was going to cause him more harm than good. “Perhaps he's a virgin. I don't know what to tell you, Son. But I do know that what you have told me… we all figured it was a matter of time before you started to see it.”
I looked up at him. My mouth was dry, and my throat felt scratchy as I questioned him, “what?”
He smiled softly, “Goten, Trunks, Bulma - they all knew. It was only a matter of time before you finally realized your attraction to Vegeta. I mean, come on, you spend seven hours of the day with him, and you talk about him all the time with your wife, you even defend what little honor he has left. You look at him in the shower and everything, you spend too much time with him. It was only a matter of time before you realized that you wanted to have sex with him, Son. It is perfectly normal.”
I scowled, “yeah, you could think that, Piccolo. But what will happen when I tell Vegeta?” My eyes darted back and forth again, shaking with fear, trying to sense whether Vegeta was near. If he ever heard of how I felt about him, he would freak. He respected our new connection, but he had many weird parts to him. He loved his son, and if I told him that Trunks was mating with Goten, it would make him lose his temper. He could possibly become like when he was Majin. “I don't think I can tell him, Piccolo. I'm too afraid of what he'll do after I tell him.”
The man laughed at me, his face looking rather amused. What is so funny? I don't understand. I watch him with confusion. “He would possibly allow you to take him, Goku. He isn't that stupid. He would want the mind-blowing sex, Goku.” Even upon hearing this, I doubted his words to the brink of destruction. Vegeta may want sex, but he would never want it with me. Such a forbidden act is nothing he should put on my prince's conscious, because he should never be plagued with it. My actions will never change my feelings for him. “I'm sure he wouldn't mind being the submissive if you gave him a good one. Allow him to be on top.”
My eyes connected with Piccolo's, a dark blush crossing my face. How could he say that? I don't understand what he is talking about. How could Vegeta be on top of me and still be submissive? (This was back when I didn't know about the many, many positions for sex.) “What do you mean? I can't have sex with Vegeta with him on top of me and still be submissive. It is impossible.”
His eyes became wide, realizing I truthfully did not know what he was meaning towards. He made a long chuckle that soon turned into harsh laughs, making him hold his side in pain. It was the most enjoyable laugh of his life. When he calmed, he looked at me once more, wiping his eyes. He then laid on his back, positioning his legs as though he were to do sit-ups, but then proceeded to draw out a picture with his hands. I was confused, but he started to speak right after. “Okay, you lay like this. You put your legs up like this and then instruct Vegeta to sit on your dick, right here. In this position, he has full control over what happens. That is what he would most likely want in this whole thing.”
I nodded, understanding, but even after I left Piccolo's place, I was confused. Why would Vegeta want mind-blowing sex? What was to gain from it? I never had much with Chi-Chi. It was only a little stinging in my dick, and then this white liquid would leave. I started to wonder what it was. If I had sex with Vegeta that way, would it be more lovely than when I had sex with Chi-Chi?
So confused, I went to Vegeta straight afterwards, and I met him outside of his building. I had avoided him for two weeks now, ever since the dream, and he seemed upset. His chin was on the palm of his hand, his eyes showing no interest, and his mouth had a small pine leaf hanging. He looked like he wasn't in focus, off in space. I started to wonder what those lips would feel like, and what his taste would be like. “Vegeta?” His eyes did not move, nor did his mood change, he still remained in that position, staring out at the lake. “Look, I'm sorry I've been avoiding you for days now, but I…” I held off as I realized I couldn't speak, but I forced myself to continue, “…had a weird dream. And I was afraid that you would hate me, so I wanted to put some distance between us.”
He made no reply, but his eyebrow did lift a little, and his posture shifted to the other arm, figuring that his one arm had fallen asleep. Was he playing the silent treatment with me? I can't believe that he yells at me all the time just to do this to me!
“I heard Goten and Trunks having sex (Goten being the dominant) and…” he didn't let me finish, for he slapped me directly across the face. I landed on the ground, holding my cheek, shocked. What the hell was that for? I don't understand what I said wrong. I was coming forward with him, right? “Vegeta? What did I say wrong?”
After the incident, Vegeta left without a word. I walked home, not even daring to fly, even over the water. I walked, using little ki to allow myself to graze slowly over water. When I returned to the house, Goten came in, his voice rather angry. He slapped my harshly, and for the first time, I realized that Vegeta had slapped me because Goten was my son, and his son was royalty. He still saw the past in his boy's eyes, still saw the protectiveness, and he still saw me as an enemy.
“How could you tell Vegeta about my relationship with Trunks?” his voice echoed in my head, as his hands locked in my gi shirt, forcing me face-to-face with him. I was actually scared of my own son in that moment. He didn't seem the least bit happy about it.
Then, before I knew it, with therapy (plus a little man-to-man talk with him), Goten finally understood the reason I had told Vegeta. He offered the camping trip with me, and I took it. But, even in the woods of our home, I raced off and took care of myself, trying to forget Vegeta and his lovely body. I needed to get his image out of my mind. For (you see) I had recently gone over to apologize and tell him that Goten finally understood boundary, I saw Vegeta bathing. His body glowed, and I felt steam around me, making me horny. I had grasped my erection and raced off.
After I realized with Chi-Chi that I needed someone who could appreciate who I was, and what I was, I left. I can never forget our first mating, nor can I forget the steam we had around us, the heat we went through. He felt good and… he made me feel good. Didn't those dreams prove enough that I was in love with him?
After I had talked with Piccolo that last time, I went to do research on my body, figuring that if I didn't know what something was, I better know before I fuck Veggie. I looked up various information online at Gohan's house, telling him it was a project for Goten that he couldn't figure out. Gohan had insisted that he help, but I told him it was for his sex-ed class. He took the message very well.
After searching Google, I learned that the slang word for that white stuff was “cum” and it was normal. It wasn't like it was weird. I also learned that it was actually seed, or the other term, sperm. I read that when you put it in the female body during her fertile time, it could produce a child. My eyes widened at that, knowing that this was the answer to how I have kids. Later, I started reading about various sex positions, and I found out about foreplay. I read about sexual intercourse with men, and I read everything, not skipping over a detail. I wanted to show my prince how trained I really was. I read over all sensitive parts of the body, including how much my dick was truly sensitive. It was actually more sensitive than any part of my body. It explained how to touch it, how gentle touch could really make you harder faster, and I found that trying these techniques were rather enjoyable.
Eventually, I figured that I would try them on Vegeta, or another male if he happened to come along. What if I decided to fall for Trunks instead of Goten? Would he slap me then? Finally, the page showed up, and I read one thing really disturbing. “If you are the dominant in the relationship, do not boast it to anyone. It results in your partner becoming unstable… and could cause him to leave…”
I realized my error right then. The reason that Vegeta slapped wasn't because of any of those reasons, only because I stated that Trunks was submissive and my son was dominant. It mattered not that it wasn't about us, he slapped me. He rejected me because I treated him like a fool.
As I stare down at him now, our baby asleep in my arms, I realize just how much I needed him. I realize how much of a fool I am. That's why, whatever it takes, I want to make my prince happy.
Piccolo and Goten went out to search for firewood, while Trunks remained, more concerned with how I was taking the news. He seemed wondrous to how I could have known enough to tell his father. I remember enough of how it was to speak to Vegeta that day. It was as though… he had been expecting me to confess love. He had staged it all out so I would realize he was my life-mate, and I ignored him. Was I insane? I couldn't see what was right in front of me.
“Goku,” Trunks's voice reached my ears, making me turn to him, “you do want to marry father, right?” I nodded slowly, gazing back down at my sleeping prince. I love Vegeta in every way possible, even if he didn't want sex. I don't care about the awesome, mind-blowing, Heaven-sent sex. I may enjoy it so much that I see Heaven, but I would not dare stay around just for that. I love Vegeta for who he is, and what he is. I don't care if he transformed to Majin again and raped me, I would still love him. “If you want to be with father that much, I will permit you to leave for Planet Vegeta.” My eyes suddenly connect with that of Trunks's in shock. “I know it sounds like I'm his father instead of the normal way… but my father is the only one who loves me. Mother got too wrapped up in her work, even told me that she wants nothing to do with me now that I love Goten, and she doesn't want me to take over the company, instead, she wants Bra to do that.”
“I can understand,” I stated out loud without realizing it, but quickly covered up, “because she wants another who can be as bossy as her, and even Vegeta has seen that in Bra.” When I saw Trunks's next face, I sighed, “yeah, it's all horrible.” I, quite frankly, saw Bulma's side to it, but to say that she didn't want anything to do with Trunks anymore… that got me a little. How could she say that? I know that Goten and Trunks are having sex, that they have bonded as mates now, but to say such a horrible thing… it was unheard of. I respected Goten's words to me. “I don't mind, you know,” I looked at him again with a soft smile, “that you and Goten are mates.” I gave him a bright smile, and I almost looked like I was smirking in the dim light of the cave. “I had the same problem when I found out that I was in love with Vegeta. I panicked when, after you two had sex (plus the fact I had the displeasure of hearing it), I had a sexual dream about him. I didn't know what to do. I went to Piccolo. He said it was natural with the way I spent seven hours of a day with my prince.”
Trunks's sigh echoed across the cave. “Yeah, I know. You and father train so much, not even caring about anything else, but that has nothing to do with what I meant.” His voice is solid and emotional, “Goten and I grew up together without even knowing you. I didn't even see you. I call you uncle all the time, yet I have no disregard for the fact you're not my father's brother. It mattered not to me, cause the way Goten spoke, it made it out that way.”
I smirked this time. “If I was his brother, why would I have sex with him?” The question lingered, even after dinner, not even an answer from the boy. I didn't expect such silence, but I was a little shocked at how I handled my relationship with Trunks. I had expected him to be overly angry and punch me or something. I had not expected acceptance from him. That was the last bit of the road. I guess I had not known Trunks well enough. “So,” I began a discussion with Vegeta, having changed his bandages, “what do we name our little baby?”
He looked at me, quite surprised I hadn't named the little one yet. No. It was my prince who dealt with the pain of delivery that deserved to name our child. “I don't know.” He looked away, staring at the ceiling. Why is he so bleak? He looks depressed. I wonder if he heard me talking to Trunks earlier. “You name him. I don't care.” He shifted and pulled the covers up to cover his mouth, and then, with caution, proceeded to sleep. Why was he ignoring me? “Aren't you going to name the child?”
I looked down at him with a pitiful stare, “you're doing it again. You're pushing me away.” His eyes were emotionless at me. I don't understand what I did wrong. “Why are you pushing me away again? There is no place left for me not to see. I know what is going on in your mind.” I swallowed nervously. “I am one with you, you're my life-mate… you can tell me anything.”
He stared, rather interested how I knew it was such a deep connection, but nodded. “It is… with Trunks.” I frowned. I figured something was wrong with the family. The only times he never tells anyone about something is when something is really wrong. He doesn't trust just anyone and say that everything is okay. He has to love them truly. “I mean, the boy is in love with your son… and we are getting married. It's just, I think that we shouldn't, Kakarrot.” My eyes widened. Was he saying no to my proposal? How can he choose our sons over his happiness? Over our happiness!? “I think we shouldn't get married.”
I couldn't listen anymore. I made my way out of the cave, taking long, menacing steps on the hard rock. These sounds made him shiver, for he feared a punishment for his words, but he heard them retreat instead. He watched as I exited the cave, taking a sharp right turn at the entrance. I didn't want to be around him right now. After everything we've gone through to realize true love and he doesn't want to get married. He is… I hate the way he is when he's so emotional like this. He is a bastard.
I placed my head on the palm of my hand, stopping anyone from seeing the tears ready to fall. I can't hold it back much more. I wanted to be with him. Arms wrap around me, and I feel someone rub my scalp in a calming matter. I realize the scent of my son, Goten, is a soothing smell. He held me, making sure that I was okay. He didn't want me to be alone at this moment. I can't believe that I didn't stop Vegeta from saying the words. No more wedding. We're queer. We're in love. According to him, we don't need a wedding. We're two men who love to screw each other till death.
Harsh sobs wracked my body, and my son held me, whispering loving words to me, telling me that Vegeta still loved me. But if that was true, why would he backstab me? I can't believe I went through all this trouble to have my heart broken again. I won't do it again…
Author's Note: Within the next two chapters, we should reach Planet Vegeta. Don't hate me, please. (Begs to audience.) I am trying the best I can. This is basically a two part. This chapter will continue into another, but not from this very point, but afterwards. I didn't want to continue with this, and I thought it would leave you spinnin' for answers. I mean, even I wonder what the hell I'm doing.
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions