Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Sixteen ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Sixteen
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Inspired by: Julesie
Dedicated to: Julesie, Jodie, Maria, Little-Washu, and Zofo (also teiboi, Dragon77, and others)
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
To Reviewers: Thank you for all your wonderful reviews. I know it's been so long since I've updated this fic. I know some of you who had interest in this have lost it, but I swear I'm almost to the end. Surprise comes in this chapter. Not a long chapter. I had to remember where I left off. No smut or nothing in this chapter. Enjoy.
To Other Reviewers: Thank you for all your wonderful reviews. Another chapter up. Enjoy.
To Flamers: If you have flamed this fic and say horrible things about me - and not the fic - that aren't true, you can go to Hell. I'm tired of taking bullshit from ya'll. I tried to be nice, but my Ne-san will have to take over for me. Bye!
To Julesie: This chapter is a little off, but enjoy, Ne-san.
To Jodie: I am so sorry, but I'm not sure which chapter is the next one of your fanfic that I'm beta-reading. Can you tell me?
To Little-Washu: I'm sorry, but I haven't read your new chapter yet. As you can see, I barely get my own chapters out within three weeks now. Writer's block has done that for me. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I know how much you love my story. :sweats: You still have it printed, don't you?
To Zofo: Well, I got your message. Yes, I do plan on finishing this soon. This one has almost reached the end. But I might do a sequel. About the whole Brolli x Goku thing, I'm a little bit of a fan, but no one writes fanfics about them having sex, only fighting. How mean. As for your doujinshi translations, I finally managed to scoop out one line at the beginning. Reading kanji is so damn hard. Well, I'll get back to you with more.
We all sat in the huge dining room at the castle. Chi-Chi and Bulma were at the opposite end, while Brolli sat next to Piccolo, who sat next to Gohan and Goten on one side; but the other side went in the order from Chi-Chi to me by this: Raditz, Bardock, Trunks, and King Vegeta. Meanwhile, Vegeta sat next to me, a worried look on his face. Bulma had not turned her gaze away since she laid her eyes on my man once more. Boy, the tension sure is thick. I don't think a word from me will help.
I know that I should keep quiet, but Vegeta and Bulma never got the closure they deserved. He is still hung up over hurting her so damn much. I should've figured that Chi-Chi would follow me here, but for Bulma to wish the witch back, that was idiotic of her.
Suddenly, Chi-Chi dips her head in a bow. “I'm sorry for my actions before.” All of us stare at her, but only me, Vegeta, Piccolo, Brolli, and Trunks gawk at her in shock. What did she say? I must have heard something wrong.
Everyone looked at me as I rose to my feet, chair slamming to the ground. My hands slammed on the table for support as my voice echoed in the large room. “THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!?” I yelled at her. She screwed her eyes shut in fear.
I felt a tug on my shirt, gazing down at my mate with wonder. Vegeta? “Sit down, Kakarrot.” I do as ordered, placing my butt in the chair. His gaze is directed towards Bulma once more. “How did you get here? And wasn't that harpy dead, woman?”
Bulma scowled. “Well, excuse me for loving someone!” She folded her arms and swung her nose in the air. “For your information, I wished her back.” She sighed. “But that isn't the fully problem of why we came here.” My eyes met hers in wonder. Problem? I didn't sense anything when we left. “When I wished Chi-Chi back to life, Kuririn came to us. He told us that you guys had safely reached here… but once Chi-Chi and I got back to our houses, a few days later, some white-skinned man attacked Chi-Chi. She called me up after she narrowly escaped with the help of Yamcha - who was hanging around the yard incase one of your kis came back. She claimed that he was white-skinned with red eyes and purple lips, while his tail was long. She didn't know who he was.”
That description. “Chi-Chi…” I call to her, making her look at me, “…do you know who it was?”
She shook her head. I guess I don't know it then.
“Freeza.” Vegeta's voice rattled us all. What? I look at him with shock. “It couldn't be. I mean, we wished for him to disappear completely. No way could it have been him, but he's the only one who fits that description.” I shook my head lightly. “Cooler was obliterated, he isn't a candidate for this.” I frowned. I wasn't meaning towards that looser, damn it. I meant towards the father. What if it was King Cold? “Wait, I think I read your eyes now. King Cold, Freeza's father; that's what you're trying to say.” I nodded with a joyful smile. “Naw.”
I nearly fell over. “Damn it.” I made it so I could sit fully in my chair. King Cold was the only other option, unless Freeza had more relatives. “Perhaps we should look into this more, Vegeta.”
King Vegeta placed a hand on my shoulder. “You're wedding is tomorrow. You can't afford to take off. I spent too much money on this.”
Bulma and Chi-Chi both looked up at the mention of this. While Chi-Chi knew of our relationship and our child, no one knew it was that serious. “Wedding?” Bulma's voice screeched in shock, as if she hadn't expected it. Her eyes looked at Vegeta with shock. “You never said you would go that far!” His eyes shut, while his mouth was a scowl, and I noticed that he had the total look of regret. No way. “You told me that you only wanted a child.”
“Kakarrot means more to me than you think,” Vegeta whined, “and if I had told you that I wanted to marry him, what would you have done?” The question seemed to shut her up easily. She said nothing towards the words of her former husband. “I signed the divorce papers right after I told you I loved him.” Shock littered my face upon hearing this. He did all of this for me, that's what shocked me. No one had ever done something so noble. His hand embraced mine with a smile on his face. “I knew the day would come when my pride would eventually fall to love. I had already planned it out. But I didn't know when it would happen.” I would've possibly yelled at him for being how he ended his relationship with Bulma so early, but the way he spoke, he was so shy. “I'm glad he accepted me as well.”
Chi-Chi frowned. “Only cause I let him go.”
Vegeta looked up. He looked at me with a frown on his face. “What does she mean by that, Kakarrot?” he asked me. His hand left mine this time as his hollow heart accepted what was coming. “You mean… all this time, that woman is the one responsible for our meeting in the woods.”
I sighed. “Yes. But if you recall, I told you she kicked me out.” His face showed recognition upon hearing this. He remembered. /I should have told you what had transpired from the very beginning./ Eyes wide with shock did no justice for how he must've truly felt inside. He felt played. I could read it like a book. I shot up, knocking my chair back in total shock. All finally locked eyes on me.
Not once since we mated had I felt so sure of Vegeta's feelings. It wasn't that I couldn't feel them before, I just didn't try to read them. Now that I have, I can tell that Vegeta has always hidden a mountain of debt behind those lovely onyx eyes. He has forever wanted to repent for his sins, from killing all those people and drowning everyone in doubt. Darkness littered his mind completely, but it would forever manifest into something he couldn't control. The hate in his soul burned deep. He could read the very moment that Freeza was mentioned, even before the mention of attack. He was that in sync with the disgusting bastard. But it wasn't his choice, the bastard had whipped him until he broke through to the man.
I knew what I had to do before I would even react, and I knew how it would affect Vegeta. “King, I'm so sorry, but you're money is wasted.” All of them gazed at me. Vegeta's eyes were wide with shock, as though I had just broken our relationship. “I have to take care of this bastard. If it is Freeza, I'm sure your son won't be able to rest until he is taken care of, right?” I looked in my prince's direction to find that he looked pale. At the very mention of the dark lord, he would always freeze or attempt to run away, but he would never fight the bastard. It made everyone assume he wanted to be raped, while he didn't, and that is what he was so afraid of with admitting he loved me. “If I destroy that bastard, Vegeta will no longer have nightmares. I know it's a long shot for finding him, but I don't plan to spend forever in the same bed as my prince.” His eyes widened. “I can't sleep with Vegeta whenever I want. Once I marry him, I must take the oaths to the court and everything. I can't keep rubbing his back.” Everyone in the room seemed to get the message except Brolli, who seemed confused. However, Gohan looked almost dreadful. “Once I delete the source of his fear, perhaps he will rest easier and everything will be normal. As long as that beast exists in either world, my prince will always fear him.”
The King placed his chin on his one palm, a frown on his face, rubbing his beard with his other hand. His eyes said it all. He understood fully. While in the past he had always placed things first that truly mattered, this time he had nothing to say. His son was in danger as long as Freeza still existed in this world. I thought we had deleted him, but then again, he could've done something before the wish that didn't allow him to die. “How are you sure it is him?”
I scowled at this. If my prince was scared, wasn't that proof enough? I guess not. In the past when Vegeta was scared, it didn't seem right to assume it was Freeza who made him that way, for there were more enemies to worry about. But now that I know what happened while he was under the lizard's hold, I know the truth behind it all. If he looks so scared by just the mention of his name, something would've defiantly spooked him. “It was Freeza. I know because Vegeta wouldn't have had Brolli rape me if he didn't feel threatened.” Shock littered everyone's face but Vegeta's. I hit the mark.
Vegeta didn't say a word. As the meeting finished and we went our separate ways, Vegeta still stayed silent, not saying a word to what I had said. I suppose he's given in to understanding. I know more than he could ever hope to change. Vegeta has always been here, so I knew everything about him that I could possibly try to understand. There was no one around who was as close to Vegeta as I was. /What you said at the meeting… take it back./
My lips didn't move, but I turned to him, shock on my face. What? “Take it back?” I repeated. I frowned. Shaking my head, I looked away at last, unable to look him in the eyes. “No. I can't.”
“I want to marry you tomorrow,” he admitted, “I don't want to wait another day, month, or year. I waited too long just for that date.” But if I go back to the King now, he will be upset. “Tell my father you just told him that cause I was unsure, having Brolli's child in me and all.”
As I rushed to catch up with the King, I realized just how much things had changed. I know that I love Vegeta so much it hurts, but when darkness had clouded his eyes the moment he made Brolli take me, I was prepared to destroy him. Now I trust him once more, and I do so with my life as well. I noticed the King was exiting one of the chat rooms with a frown on his face, as though he had just lost all hope.
“My King!” I called to him. He looked at me as I panted, having finally reached him. I keeled over, holding my knees in each hand as I braced myself for support. “Listen,” I told him, “Vegeta's pregnant with Brolli's child. He made a rash choice. He has decided that he will move the wedding date back up to tomorrow.”
The King smiled brightly. “Good. I don't have to tell all of them that the wedding his canceled then.” I nodded. Right away, darkness was throughout the room. I could sense Freeza's dark, twisted mind somewhere nearby. No way. He was here. “Is something wrong, Kakarrot?”
I scowled. “Yeah.” I ran away from him, unable to deny the dark, dreadful feeling I was getting. Please don't let me be right. “Gohan and Vegeta, they are in danger.” I rushed down a few halls, searching endlessly for Vegeta. No. Our child's in danger too. As long as Freeza is here, I am sure that he will attack us. I reached our room and swung the door open swiftly. Vegeta backed up in silence, startled by the movement, but he made no word to what had transpired. “Are you okay, Vegeta? Did anyone come in here besides me?”
He frowned at me. “No. But Raditz did escort be me back here.” That name once again troubled my senses. My brother had just presumed to admit love for Vegeta, but was his love as deep as mine? Did he have the power to kill Freeza? The answer to both of these was… no. “I don't understand why you would ask, Kakarrot.”
I turned away. “I felt a dark aura nearby.” At the mention of this, I felt him freeze next to me, in the fear that Freeza would harm him. “At this exact moment, I am trying to figure out what I can do. I don't want to start an alarm if I'm wrong, but what else can I say.” The dark corners of his eyes didn't help. “I guess I could just call upon Goten and Trunks to handle this one. But with possession over Gohan, Freeza has a head-start.” I placed a hand on his cheek as a bright light entered my eyes. I love you. “I don't want anything to happen to you.” Light, and love filled my eyes, a certain passion for him that I had never known before now. “If he hurts you, he won't get no mercy from me as he did the first time we fought. Not only that, but Hell will have no mercy for him.”
“Kakarrot,” my prince disturbed my train of thought, “you speak as though it is truly horrible.” My eyes connect with his as shock soon becomes wonder. Is he saying that he is happy Freeza is here? No. My prince would never give in so easily. “Your son has already lost his innocence to Piccolo, so why worry?”
I scowled darkly at him, my voice rather high for someone who normally didn't get angry. “Because he's my son!” I frowned and walked towards the window, a little bit of hatred in my system. “If he hurts my son, I will never forgive myself.”
Vegeta seemed to understand, for he smiled a little. “That sounds just like you, Kakarrot.” His voice was calm as he gazed out the window, directly behind me. “Oddly enough, I don't feel Freeza's presence like you. I think it's someone else doing the works this time.” He looked at me, pointing at the little boy on the bed. Our son was sound asleep, his baby hands curled into fists as his legs were closed to his chest. Fetal position. “Vegeto senses darkness. I assume some of our friends have been acting odd, yes?”
“Gohan… and Raditz. That's the only two I can think of off the top of my head.” Wait. What if that bastard gained control of Gohan and tried to reach Piccolo. I think I know the first place this monster is going to strike. “Listen, your father is okay for now, so trust him. Have Nappa escort you from now on.” His eyebrow lifted in wonder. “Trust me. I know that you can't truly trust me because you haven't seen this monster yet, but I have to go do something, so I can't protect you. Have Nappa reach here immediately. Raditz can't be trusted.”
My mate sighed in wonder. “Are you sure that someone is here in the castle?” he asked finally.
I hate to say it, but I'm more than a little sure. It must be Freeza.
Stabbing pain when through my chest all of a sudden, and nothing prepared me for the gruesome fall to my knees, but as I held my chest and breathed harshly, my mate rushed to my side. His arms were around my neck, as if to help me sort out what I needed. I held my chest, right over my heart, as if attempting to breath, but I couldn't. Nothing could save me now. Darkness came behind my eyes as I welcomed the pit of the abyss.
Only thing I heard was my mate's screaming voice.
Author's Note: I know what you're going to say: “Oh my God! Goku! He just had a heart attack!” Yep, he did. Stress can cause this. Let me explain where we are at so far.
He just got raped by Brolli because he was paid by Vegeta to do so.
Vegeta apologized and bounced Brolli's child from Goku's stomach to his.
Brolli has confessed true love to Goku.
Raditz wants Vegeta all for himself.
King Vegeta has set up their honeymoon suite.
An evil force is somewhere in the castle.
And their wedding is tomorrow.
Ya follow me now? I mean, Goku is so stressed about everything, including his son being taken over by Freeza, that he is having problems.
Next chapter will still be worse, but I'm getting to the end now.
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions