Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Seventeen ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Seventeen
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Dedicated to: Little-Washu, Zofo, and Julesie
Most reviews by… possibly: Zofo
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
Warning: This chapter contains sexual content between two men (or Yaoi). If you are under 18+, please skip over fruity bits. If you are 18+, read at caution. Thank you.
Note: I will not tell you anythingabout what is happening in this chapter. Guess. Only two or three more chapters to go. This one is almost done. Thank goodness.
To Reviewers: Thank you for all the lovely reviews. I'm not going to spoil the chapter. Just read.
To Other Reviewers: Thank you for all the lovely reviews. Not going to spoil the surprise, just read on.
To Flamers: If you feel like you have a few extra minutes to just say someone's gay, then fuck off. I'm tired of the stuff. If you have questions or whatnot, feel free to flame me. Only if you dislike the story and not me may you flame.
To Little-Washu: Here, this one is out to you. I don't want to spoil what happens. Take a guess.
To Zofo: Thank you for all your reviews. You are my favorite fan. Thank you so much.
To Julesie: Here you go, girl, another chapter. Lemon between Goku and Vegeta ahead.
I never dreamed I would ever be carted into a hospital after almost having a heart attack. After the searing pain finally stopped tearing through my chest, I realized just what I had been doing to cause it. I had been putting up with way too much crap. This whole wedding thing just went too fast for me. Vegeta hadn't realized it, nor had anyone else, but the stress caused an artery to block which stopped me from breathing. As soon as that happened, my body reacted harshly. My heart had planned on stopping if it weren't for my mate's quick ability to think.
He slumped over me, turning me so I lay flat on my back, and he quickly tore away at my shirt. Pumping my chest to make my heart beat, he gave me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Meanwhile, Vegeto's crying alerted poor Goten - who had been passing by with Trunks - and the two of them came in at top speed. Both of them yelled to anyone passing by for them to call a doctor. One of those people managed to get a phone and call.
It was so frightening to be so helpless like that. As I had fallen on the ground, I realized my life would be over. I came so close to death that I saw the gate that King Enma sat at. I saw it, and I realized just how far I've come. From that little boy that I started out as that fought the Red Ribbon Army, and sought the Dragon Balls, but grew up with Bulma, and defeated the Demon King, Piccolo; I had grown up. I was now a full-grown adult. I had made my first real decision when I left Chi-Chi. Before then, I followed oaths and made sure that everyone liked me, so I didn't follow my heart. I wanted their approval first.
Upon seeing all their hate for Vegeta when he returned, I distanced myself from him. If I kept my distance, I figured he might like that better. As time went on, his looks became loving and hopeful, but I still ignored him. Once I saw Gohan start to show more interest in my life, I believed my son was raised right. Kuririn and the others were okay with leaving Vegeta alone. But, for someone who wanted to be left alone, he always attracted their attention. Whether it be just plain rude, or planned out by himself, he always managed to make them pull their hair in hate.
The moment that I chose to be with him, to mate him, my son's behavior became different. I had never noticed the signs that he would change opinion. I just believed that I was just stupid. As soon as Vegeta announced we were wedding in the beginning, Gohan's face became harsh. He wanted me all to himself, but didn't believe in sharing his father for the good and happiness of the one he loved. He didn't back down once Vegeta stood up for me against Chi-Chi, all he did was stand there and frown at me. He never did like Vegeta.
“You're awake,” my mate's voice alerted me. I looked over at him, realizing that he had been there the entire time. I looked up at the ceiling, unable to look him in the eyes. I can't bear to see his face. I had done everything in my power to forget being mortal, but I am. I'm not like King Enma. Once I die, I won't come back again. I almost hit rock bottom. “Are you okay?” he asked, a small sob leaving his throat. I looked at him once more to see tears in his eyes. His face was not even mocking, just clear and an utter look of worry. He was really worried about me. I guess I never realized how close I had gotten to people. “I thought you would die. The moment you hit the ground…” he didn't continue, too afraid it would happen if he said it.
The doctor came in, his clipboard in his hands, but his stare at it didn't make me feel any better. Would I be okay? I know that I'm tough, but I'm really worried. I might die, and leave my mate here, with no one for him to hug. It would kill him. “It seems that the source of your stress is closer than I thought.” My eyes locked with his, confused. But as I looked at the meter, I realized that my heart rate was screaming. The doctor looked at Vegeta with a frown. “Sorry, Prince, but I think you need to leave.”
“He leaves, I leave.” I know that he is the cause of my stress, but with our relationships so close, I don't want to know anything unless Vegeta knows it too. “What could be so horrible?”
The doctor scowled. “As I said, the source of your stress is in this room.” My mate frowned, having heard this, and seemed to understand. I knew long before this that it was eventually going to happen. I would eventually suffer the mortality that I had. “You had a minor heart attack. But, even as minor as it was, the doctors think you should be watched for forty-eight hours. It's just to be on the safe side.”
Shock came to my face. Our wedding is in less than twelve hours. I need to prepare. “I need to go to a wedding, doc. I can't stay in bed while you run tests!” I wrapped my arms around my prince's form. “Our wedding is tomorrow. I can't afford to waste that time in bed.”
The doctor frowned, once more scowling at my prince. “However, Mr. Kakarrot, you are not allowed to leave this hospital.” He looked at his clipboard. “While you had a minor heart attack, there is also a risk it could be more severe next time.” I sighed. I had denied mortality for too long. Now I find out that my heart is bad. Great. “According to this, they've done a few scans for diseases in that past and found you've had the heart virus once.”
“A long time ago,” I spoke, “I did, but it was almost fifteen or so years ago. Right before I turned nineteen.” I had gotten married before I was eighteen years of age even. I had made a promise to Chi-Chi, and, like all my other promises, I had to keep it. I was merely fifteen when I walked down that isle. I never expected our marriage to end so easily. “I took medicine and it deleted the problem.” I frowned suddenly. “It isn't back now, is it?”
The doctor shook his head. “No. The cause of your heart attack was clot.” I raised an eyebrow in confusion. What was that? He sighed, a frown on his face. “Did you not go to school? A clot is a buildup of white cells (don't look at me, I suck at biology) in your arteries. It stops the flow of red blood cells to the heart.” Oh, so it is stress related. Is that correct? “While not stress related, it could happen again. Even a heart transplant wouldn't help now.”
You're kidding, right? “Does that mean I will die soon?” I can't. I have oaths and promises to take up. I have to find out what the hell is up with Gohan. And Brolli! What about him? If I'm gone, who will protect Vegeta from Freeza? This is too soon. I placed my hands on the doc's shoulders and shook him hard. “Listen up, doc,” I told him harshly, “you've got to make me better! I have too much to do. I can't die!”
“Not unless you eat better.” Upon hearing this, I backed up. What did this have to do with my eating habits? “I had to check on what you've eaten in the past few days, and I found that you have been eating not only too many carbohydrates, but you've eaten too much fat as well as grease. You've eaten way over your limit.” He closed his clipboard and placed it on the table. “A Saiyan should only eat so much. If you go over that limit, you endanger yourself.” I thought it was normal to pig out. “You need to eat healthy foods like ones with vitamins. Some of those and things with protein will strength your heart.” Phew, there is a way to fix it. “Your cholesterol was through the roof. Your blood pressure was okay, but your heart rate was so off. But, the only that got us, was your stress level. It was off the charts. It may have caused the heart attack itself, but it was not the root of the problem.” Great. My health insurance is through the roof because of everything going on. If it weren't for our wedding tomorrow, I would stay in the hospital. “I'm afraid that it is time to address that you have cancer.”
Shock waves went through my system upon the very mention of this. Cancer. It was the one thing that Gohan had said he fixed. But, back then, was he telling the truth. Vegeta seemed shocked to hear it too. It was a problem we have heard of before, but Gohan said he lied about the cancer so he could fuck me. Could something be wrong? Is that why the child he gave me failed? “What type of cancer, doc?” I asked with worry in my tone.
“Lung cancer.” No. That's the worst cancer I could have. “You have only about five to six months left to live.” He walked out of the room without another glance in our direction.
I turned pale. “Lung cancer? Only five or six months to live?” My hands quickly covered my face in disgust. “Everything's over!” I didn't see Vegeta's expression, but I could tell his feelings were hurt. I'd rather not marry him just to die in a few months. “All the hard work I did. All the things I tried to fix. And now I have to leave the one I desperately love behind.” I wrapped my arms around my body and slung forward, my entire form shaking with sobs. It was all for nothing! Everyone would hate me if they knew what was about to transpire soon. “I'm sorry, Vegeta. I can't marry you if you are going to shunned for having your mate die so young. It isn't worth it.”
A harsh slap alerted me. I looked at him, unaware he had just slapped me across the face. It stung, but it didn't hurt at all. I was already dying. “You are marrying me! You aren't going to waste my time, my father's money, or our anticipation to be a family! I don't care if you do die! At least I'll remember our last moments together were as a family!” I was frozen in place. He loves me so much as to not care what others think? I mean, I know that we will be shunned because he will marry a dying man, but he wants to do it anyway. “You aren't going to deny me of what I truly want, are you?” I can't, even you know that. I shake my head. His arms wrapped around my neck as his tears soak my hospital gown. He really does love me. He is so worried that he's shaking with it. I can't think of denying you what you desire. “Thank you, Kakarrot.”
I slipped out the window later that night, ignoring the fact it was storming heavily. I just had to reach the chapel. If I could get there, dry off, and dress before the wedding, it would still go on. I have to make our marriage work. I will not take the senate's no for an answer. I have to make my prince happy. If it kills me.
Once I was in the chapel, I quickly found the groom's room, dressing into the requirements. I dried my hair at the same time. There was a thunderstorm outside, making it the perfect cover for Freeza to make his move. After today, I hope Gohan realizes what he's done. He keeps doing it, so perhaps there is a way to stop his pushing. I won't listen to my thoughts any longer. It is time that I followed my heart. If it hurts Gohan - too bad. I've waited too long for happiness. It is time for me to follow my heart.
I dressed into the suit and walked out into the church. Upon the lot of people, I can tell King Vegeta hasn't told them to go home yet. Good. I walked out and took my place by the priest. “I am Kakarrot, sir. I'm the groom.” His face is expressionless. I figured. I glanced over and noticed King Vegeta standing there, his son peering through the door, realizing I was here. I smiled at my little prince's face, making him quirk up a little. As the King heard his son whisper something, he came towards me. “What's up?”
“My son would rather I fix your clothes. If you are crowned Prince tonight, you must wear the jewelry of a prince.” I see. Very well. I bow and follow him into the backroom. He messed with my hair, making sure that it was perfect and wasn't all unruly as it had been before. He placed a fake crown on my head, but it was made of perfect gold. A few necklaces went around my neck, made of perfect 14-carrot gold, as well as one was perfect silver. It was utter beauty as I looked myself in the mirror. He smiled at me. “You are beautiful, Kakarrot. You will make my son really happy.”
I am aware of that. I can't hide the truth. “My King, I am not perfect for your son.” His eyes glare at me from his place above, and I see it in the reflection on the mirror. “The doctor told me I have lung cancer.” Shock comes to his eyes, as they widen, but nothing stops him from starting to sweat. He is starting to understand. “I have about five or six months to live.”
The King frowned. “My son will be devastated.”
I sighed. “Vegeta knows. He was there as the doc told me.” His eyes widened once more, looking down at my transformation. My Super Saiyan 4 transformation had taken affect due to Kakarrot awakening again. “He said that he wants our last few moments together to be as a family. He told me that he doesn't care if he's shunned for it later.” The King smiled. “You still have time, father.” His eyes glare once more, but I don't care. “My father is still really willing to get together with you. You have to tell him how you feel.” I turned to look at him in the eyes, no longer caring for my reflection. “You must tell him like Vegeta told me. He told me how he felt right out. There was nothing to stop him before this but pure pride. He found that that destroyed him.” I frowned. “The more that you keep up this charade, the more you push him away. Don't do like we did. Tell him.”
He smiled lightly. I think he understands. I don't know for sure if I can guarantee his love afterwards, once he tells Bardock, but for the moment, I can only pray. “Thank you, son.” He unchained his necklace and wrapped it around my neck, hooking it in the back. He kissed my cheek lightly. “I want you to have the Necklace of the King. You will take my throne.” He sat on the chair next to mine, smiling a little. “When you first came here, I thought you were another Freeza. By the ki rating that my son gave me, I panicked. But as I saw your relationship blossom with my son, I realized that you weren't like him.” He leaned forward. “I can trust you with my son. I can trust you.” I didn't even bother to smile. I know that he means well, but I don't want his throne. “That's why, I name you my son.”
“My King,” he silenced me with his fingertip. He doesn't like that name any longer. “Father,” I continued, “I know that you mean well and all, but I don't want the throne. That's not why I'm marrying Vegeta. If you give me the throne, he will marry me… but when I die, he has to rule it on his own.” He frowned, shaking his head. “I can't pressure Vegeta like that, especially with the kid. You will just have to wait.” I unclipped the necklace and handed it to him with shaky hands. “I'm sorry, my King, but I can't accept it.” If it hurts Vegeta in the future, I don't want to force something on him. I am thinking ahead now.
“I see,” the King sighed. “Sorry to hear that.”
I stand out by the alter as I wait for my prince to walk down the isle. My tux is perfectly fitted and everything. I am ready for marriage. This is it. As I see Vegeta walk out into the open with his father's arm through his, I realize this is the last chance I have to back out. I do not move, unafraid of what will happen. I am more than sure that I want him. I want this. I need this! Nothing will stop us from marrying now.
We both stand before the priest, gazing at each other with smiles. Neither of us have any doubt. The man cleared his throat, alerting both of us to the fact he is even there. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony.” I would think he would've said “unholy” instead. Oh well. I guess we are a holy couple. We have yet to baptized in Saiyan holy water, but I don't care right now. We are only a few minutes away from becoming a family. “Do you, Kakarrot - Son Goku - take Prince Vegeta to be your lawful wedded husband?”
He looks beautiful. His tux is a dark purple, while his hair is - for the first time in ages - brushed, the knots of before gone. His jewelry is much like mine, only the crest of the King on the one necklace reminds me of what King Vegeta said. He told me that I should take his throne. Upon hearing the priest's question do I shoot my head up. “Yes.” There is no doubt in my heart.
The priest sighed, turning to my prince. “And do you, Prince Vegeta, take Kakarrot - Son Goku - to be your lawful wedded husband?” the man asked.
Vegeta looked at me, smiling deeply. “Yes.” We have nothing left to fear now.
Only this part of the marriage ceremony do we have to worry about. “Does anyone here have any reason why these two shouldn't be married?”
It echoed through the church, but no one makes an answer. I don't understand. I thought Gohan denied us our love. He doesn't say a word. The evil from before seems to dissipate as the world spins before my eyes. I think we are really going to be a family. It makes water come to my eyes.
“Very well.” The priest smiled a little, seeing as how this would go swiftly. “You may exchange the rings now.” We do as we are told. I slip one 14-carrot gold ring down his ring finger. Such lovely hands. He took my hand and did the same. We both interlocked hands. Only a few seconds now. We are already ready to kiss. “By the Saiyan law, I now pronounce you husband and… husband. You may now kiss the groom… or bride; whatever.” He closed his book and left.
As soon as we heard the kiss part, we were at it. Our hunger was nothing compared to what would come later. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, making quick work of his own. It slipped around mine in a loving manner. Everyone cheered us on, as if we had won an award. Balloons and party paper flew everywhere as the ceremony ended, going into the reception. We were still connected, even as the slow songs started to play. I swayed to the music, even though our lips were still joined. Can we die like this, Vegeta? I feel so damn happy right now.
As we exited for the ride King Vegeta had prepared for us, I smiled and waved to everyone. The driver saw us inside. As we left the chapel, I noticed Gohan was outside, his drenched skin had his clothes stuck, and I saw his golden eyes staring at me. His expression was plain, but just the fact his eyes were golden was odd. I'm sorry, son, but I love Vegeta more than I could ever love you. I smiled down at my prince as he snuggled close to me.
We reached our honeymoon resort, the one I had picked out, and we walked in, placing our damp shoes by the door. I made sure that I stripped of my clothes. I don't want to keep my prince waiting. He walked into the bathroom right away. I decided to seduce my little one.
I sat down on the bed and slung myself out in a way of submission. Well, we won't have our baby anymore. Now that I've got cancer, I don't think I can produce a child in my system. Oh well. I guess I planned things that won't work out. As he came out of the bathroom, he looked around for me, confused. “Over here, my lovely little prince.” He turned in my direction, a shocked expression as he saw my fully naked form on the bed, taunting him. I smirked seductively. He knew that I wouldn't hurt him, but I just feel like playing. “Aren't you coming in?”
He huffed, pulling his damp clothes off swiftly. As each fabric fell to the floor, I realized that we were a family, that there was no more modesty to keep. As he limped into the bed, I saw the mattress dip with his weight, and I smiled. I wasn't alone. Our lips locked in a deadly battle for dominance. As our tongues battled, I lay us back on the bed. He was on top of me, his one hand playing with one of my nipples.
This is it.
We shall now consummate the ritual.
We will be joined as one.
One soul, one mind, and one body.
There will be no two anymore.
Just one.
Kisses turned into touches, which turned into nips and licks, and finally, we were in a raw mating. My kisses and touches were soft and gentle, while his were harsh and rough. While pain and hurt turned me on, gentleness and kindness turned him on.
I trailed kisses down his body. As I reached his nipples, one of my hands played with one, while the tip of my tongue teased another. I heard a desperate moan as his hands gripped my hair. I twirled my tongue around it, occasionally nipping the tip, or sometimes I would suck on it. His head thrashed from side to side in utter submission to my touches. My hand changed. I switched sides, using my other hand to caress the nipple I had just left. I repeated the move, making him jolt with bliss. His hands clenched the sheets. We hadn't done much of foreplay in all the times we mated, so he wasn't used to this.
I trailed my kisses down his stomach and thighs, reaching the forbidden place of his body. I kissed each one of his balls, showing appraisal to his lovely form. Looking at the fully erect member, I smiled. I kissed the tip, tasting a bit of his pre-cum. I love the taste of him. I slowly licked the tip, dipping my tongue's tip a little into the slit, making him cry out with bliss. While my tongue could've easily hurt him pushing in, I was gentle and careful with him. My tongue slipped around his erection, shielding it as my mouth rounded it completely. I was on all fours, my mouth around his erection, and I was purring. It was lovely.
He quickly turned so he was opposite of me. His face was just below my erection, mouth wide open for me. His hands gripped my thighs and quickly inserted my erection into it. The warmth made me purr even louder. I worked up and down on his erection, not giving up the hope that I could make my prince cum. His face was pink with a large blush, but no more moans left his mouth, they were too muffled by my thick length. The vibration went through my erection every time, making me shake. I need to be in him.
I nipped at his head a little, making him jerk, a harsh moan tore from his mouth as he let go of my erection. I knew that would do something. I kept touching him, forcing him to accept pleasure beyond normality. His hands flailed in the air till they chose to hold my thighs in hopes of angling my hips to slam myself into his mouth. As both of us gave oral sex to the other, we were both in sync with the others' plot. Neither of us gave up the fight to make the other cum first.
In the end, I was the one who came first, screaming out loud as his teeth scraped my erection. Right over the head, for God's sake! It was a lovely sensation. I couldn't help it. I slumped as the rest of my cum left, but I was still turned on. No way would I leave my prince wanting some more.
He came next. With a loud shout of my name, he came in my mouth, and I swallowed it all. His taste is bitter, but it had a sweetness to it, almost like sugar.
Once we were in position again, I kissed him hard. Nothing felt better than my body and soul felt right now. As I continued, I pushed into my prince, fighting against the walls that had retracted over time. It had been a long time since we made love. His face was a look of discomfort, but no pain. I frowned. I didn't know that he would feel uncomfortable with this now. I moaned as his walls automatically contracted around my burning erection. Oh! That felt good.
His hands clawed at my back, forcing me onto him. He was ready. I sighed, feeling like I had accomplished the impossible. I moved. The thrust of my hips was slight and gentle - as always - which made him claw at my back even more. His fingernails drew long lines of red along my skin, but in Super Saiyan 4, you couldn't tell. His mouth was open as my thrusts grew in strength, size, and tempo. I went faster and harder now, feeling confident that he was okay, and the result was a strange yelp. Did I do something wrong? No. His prostate had just been hit directly. I smirked darkly at him. My prince is in Heaven. His face is pink with blush, while his eyes are shut tight in bliss, and his body reacts purely on instinct.
My body is reacting too. My hands claw at the sheets, desperate to hold onto control as long as I can. My face looks much different from the other times. While my golden eyes are lit with utter acceptance and love, my face is red with pleasure, and my jaw is slack. My tail sways back and forth with the tempo of my thrusts, my fur stands on end with each thrust that I deliver - and receive pleasure back, and eyes roll back into my head. Utter bliss. My mate is in the same state. My mind no longer works.
Harsh and fast, that's how I speed up. My thrusts shake the bed as my screams of bliss increase in volume. His mouth is open with a trail of saliva falling out, but I can tell he is happy by the screams of pleasure that leave his mouth. I can't hold on much longer. I am already loosing it. My hands clench his as they interlock, and I speed up as fast as I can go. Power envelopes us. I will not stop now. If I hurt him, I will take the consequences in the morning. The mating requires giving all out.
I see white in my vision as the orgasm I desire so much closes in. I finally snap my head back, becoming a lifeless shell as my body acts on its own accord, slamming my hips into the prince's. My erection burns so harshly that my skin is on fire.
“Well, Kakarrot, it's just the two of us.” I hear his voice. Where is it? I remember hearing that rough textured voice oh so long ago. “Too bad. I was hoping you would join me on the hunt.” That's right. When he first came to Earth. His armor, his blue spandex, and his attitude. I miss it. But… why am I remembering it? “I see why you don't want to return now! If you were on Planet Vegeta right now, you would be a laughing stock. Losing your tail like that. Tell me, did they catch you in your sleep?” His face, so majestic. I wish I could go back in time. “I don't need your help, Kakarrot!” Yes, you do. You always needed me, that's why I loved you so much; cause you are the only one who admitted you needed help. “I love you. That's why I pulled all that shit at the Budoukai.” Vegeta… I love you too!
My head snaps back as the pleasure finally cascades through me. It is blissful, if nothing else. “VEGETA!!! I LOVE YOU!!!” Right before I fully ride the waves of bliss, my heart beat stops. I expected that I wouldn't survive long. But at least I made you happy, my prince. I wanted nothing more but to make you happy.
His warmth fades. My mind starts to shut down as only my soul can speak now. “KAKARROT!!! KAKARROT, WAKE UP!!!” Your voice, it's fading. “KAKARROT, WAKE UP…!!!” I hear no more as darkness takes over.
I'm so sorry, my prince, but I had to do it. I wanted to see you truly happy. No matter what it took, I wanted to see it.
Author's Note: I wouldn't end it so easily. He just had another heart attack. Sorry that this one took so damn long. Actually, the other hasn't been posted yet. Just seems it to me. Hope you enjoyed the lemon in this chapter. Okay, next one or the one after that will be the end. Wait till you find out what is really troubling Gohan.
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions