Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Eighteen ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Eighteen
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Dedicated to: Julesie
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
To Reviewers: Thank you for all the lovely reviews! Not telling you what's happening in this chapter, but he's still alive. :whispers: Of course, the story is in his POV! :smiles: Enjoy!
To Other Reviewers: Thank you for all the lovely reviews! I'm not telling you what goes on in this chapter.
To Flamers: If you think you have time to tell me that I am gay, fuck off. I've got enough of that with my friends. First of all, I'm a girl; second, you might just do it cause you're gay too. Otherwise, why are you in the Goku x Vegeta section?
Other flamers that have questions or hate the story and not me, feel free to review. I will answer questions that you have. I don't cock an attitude unless it seems so with the way I write.
To Julesie: I'm working at your chapter, Ne-san. I think I've got the ending all figured out on this story, that's what's taking so long. I think I might finish this one first. You don't mind, do you?
I finally awoke hours later. I was in a hospital bed again. I had another heart attack. I thought I had died that time. I didn't even reach a complete orgasm before it happened. I pushed myself too hard. I made Vegeta happy at least. That much I was sure of. He has nothing left now. I guess I am better off dead if I can't even please my mate.
“You've gone too far this time, father.” That voice. I look up, realizing that Gohan was standing there the entire time. How long has he been there? Vegeta. Where is he? I clutched the sheets close to my body, frightened. The heart rate on the monitor sped up. “You are to die right here and now. I can't permit Vegeta to have you.” He climbed on the bed, his hand fisted in my shirt, and his other lifted, a ball of radiating ki in it. “I will not let you fall to some dumbass prince. You are mine!”
I shook with fright, unable to defend myself against my own son. Realization crashed me down to earth. No. It couldn't be. “You are the one who gave me the cancer.” He smirked as I realized how I had gotten it. “You put something in my body and it gave me the cancer.”
“I actually gave you a shot.” What? “You see, cancer is a basically when cells keep forming but your body can't coop. So, I just injected you with a medicine for that. A drug, you might say.” No. My own son wanted to kill me. “I wanted to see you dead. I will not watch you fuck with another. You will always be mine! You are my father first and foremost!”
What is he saying?
“Dad?” I hear a part of our past together in my mind. The image is unclear, but a small, teenage Gohan stand before. His smiling face is soon in a scowl. “Good. He's drunk and drugged.” No way. I feel pleasure cascade through me as the boy sits upon my erection, which he created by licking and tormenting it. I flail endlessly with my hands for something to hold onto. His ass squeezes my erection lovingly, as if to show affection in some disgusting way. No. My son did this to me during the training we did in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. “Yes, dad. Oh, that's so… this isn't what I thought it would feel like. It doesn't even hurt with you in me.” I don't want to see this. Why did you have to do it, Gohan? Why did you have to be like that? You are my son, not a fuck tool for me, so why did you do it? I thought you were different. I thought that you were my son, but you aren't. You couldn't be. My son wouldn't have done this. “Ah, dad! I'm so close! Are you too, dad?” My mouth remains shut. No moans leave, only a look of utter discomfort. How dare you do this? I can't bear to look at it any longer. “DAD!!! I'M CUMMING!!!” (I know that “cumming” isn't a word, but I don't care anymore.) Before I could help it in the “supposed dream,” I came inside my boy's body. I let out a small moan, but it wasn't like having sex with Vegeta. The boy didn't even know how to speed up the tempo, so it didn't have the effect he had thought about.
I can't believe I even came. Well, I had an erection, I'll let him take that as a good thing. At least he cared enough to get me ready for the ride. Still, he hated me so much. “Why did you do it? Why did you make me fuck all those years ago?” I asked him darkly. He once more smirked, but it was wider this time. “You did it because you were a bastard. You just pretended to be a perfect son.”
“Yep.” He forced me back on my back, a smirk so wide I could swear it was ear to ear, but I saw no form of confusion in his eyes. “I saw you as I grew up, and I grew to like this sexy body of yours. The first time I fucked you… or whatever you wish to call it, I implanted my mark on your neck. When Vegeta mated you, he marked over it, but he could never delete me, father. I am still yours and you will always remain as such… mine!” His hand strikes down on me, destroying the room with a loud thunder that only few heard. Vegeta had been down the hall.
The moment he heard the loud crash, he came running like crazy to check what had gone wrong, and realized Gohan was in the room. The beam had narrowly missed me, hitting the room behind me. I had ducked barely out of the way. Damn it, you bastard. I can't believe my son was never loyal at all.
“Dad… you are so tight,” I start to remember when he had me in the “surgery” room. His dick sliding in and out in a swift motion that made me squirm in need. My hands were holding the table as he rocked me back and forth swiftly. “Oh yes. You will always be my slut.” No. I'm not yours. I was never yours! I am Vegeta's! “Now, cum for your little boy.” No. My erection is let go as the liquid shots from my dick and onto his abs. He releases in me with a loud cry. “I'm cumming, father.” He descends onto my shoulder, resting his head there. A moment before he would move me from the room, he bit into my shoulder-blade, sinking his teeth deep into the flesh. Upon this, I was marked fully as his. No! It is true! I am marked as his first and foremost! “You are mine forever, father. I will not let you leave me for that bastard Vegeta.” You do not understand what you've done.
My fist burned as it clenched so hard I drew blood. How dare you do that? Call me a slut, will you, Gohan? Well, I will show you what your little slut can do! I charged up my power, becoming Super Saiyan 4 for a brief moment before my heart rate shot through the roof on that beeper. My chest constricted and I slumped over, holding my chest in pain. No. Please don't let me die yet. I want to live. I want to for Vegeta! I need to. He can't live without me. My breath quickened.
Vegeta made no move, knowing that if he did, Gohan would pull a fast one on me. Brolli decided that he wasn't going to stand behind Vegeta and watch me die of another heart attack. He took matters into his own hands. He quickly rushed to the boy and gave him one good smack to the back of his neck. No. Is he dead? He fell to the ground, lifeless. He's dead. “There. He should stay down for a few hours.” Oh, thank God. He's just knocked out. Brolli frowned, looking at me with worried eyes. “Is there a way to fix your heart?”
I scowled. “Gohan injected me with lung cancer. He gave me some sort of serum or something.” Vegeta looked shocked. “He was training in the field of doctors for a reason. He told me that he only pretended to be the boy that Vegeta and I knew. Just so he could have the thing he wanted… me.”
My prince crossed his arms and scowled down at the unconscious boy. “Sounds like he really wanted to do anything for you.” I shook my head. No. He wanted to kill me. My boy was a loving, caring father to Pan. No way could he have changed like this. I refuse to believe that Mirai Trunks's mentor was this disgusting freak. I didn't raise him like that. “But,” my prince continued, “perhaps there is more to why he is acting that way.”
Brolli seemed to get his meaning. “Didn't he mention a while back that Kakarrotto left for a long period of time?” he asked.
That's right. “I died against Cell. I was gone for seven years.” Could this all be related? I don't know. But if my boy is upset, he should just tell me. But… that vision. Did I really allow Gohan to fuck me while we were in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber? I don't know. But if it is true… I don't know what I will do. Gohan… you are turning into your mother. “Vegeta… could you come here? Brolli, take Gohan and put him in a cell. Make sure you put ki cuffs around him.”
The brute frowned. “I would need a liable reason.” I glared at the brute, the mere sight of it made him gulp. “Well, I can say he raped a little kid.” He quickly took Gohan and left the room without another word. He knew I still had enough power to put him down. I knew that since Brolli loved me, he felt the weakness that normally came with love. He couldn't harm me.
Vegeta approached, confused. He stood next to me, staring me down, as if I had something on my body. “Is there something wrong?” he asked innocently.
“Yes.” I can't lie to you. Not anymore. My eyes shut, unable to look at you. “I saw a memory - a flashback - of what happened during our training - Gohan and mine's - time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.” Confusion came over his face. He hadn't heard of anything to do with that part of my past. We had never talked about anything other than our time together before now. “It is something that relates to now.” His eyes started to widen in shock. He had already assumed what it was. “When I was drunk in the place, Gohan decided to drug me too. He made me fuck him. He put his ass over my dick, making sure to make me nice and erect first, and he made me take his virginity.” I squeezed my eyes shut, tears starting to form behind my closed lids. “My little boy was never the perfect boy I had thought. Even his touch in that flashback made me burn with need. It felt so good.”
Vegeta said nothing, unable to say a word. He was too shocked. Not only was he familiar with this kind of lust, but he had experienced it himself. While acting on that lust was different than just letting it pass you by, this one with Gohan was different. “You realize that family lust will last for until you die, right?” What? My eyes turned in his direction, shock written on my face. What is he saying? “Gohan feels a thing called family lust for you. It lasts until the peer's death. It isn't uncommon, but usually it is caused because of too much affection. Over time, when the peer finds another mate, the son / daughter chases like desperate after him / her. It usually ends up in murders or suicide. It depends on if the peer is willing to coup with it.”
No way. “You mean, if I don't die, Gohan will commit suicide?” A small half-smile covered his lips, but a nod tore me straight through. I can't live with that. He is my son. No matter how close Vegeta is, he knows he can never replace the love I hold for my son. “I have to stop him.”
“There is nothing you can do.” Realization will hit me later. “You are already dying. You need help. We need the Dragon Balls.” No. I can't live with my son on a tight rope. I can't bear to see him die. I shake my head. I do not want to see him die. A frown came upon my prince's face, and for the first time in a long time, I almost saw tears in his eyes. No. Please, don't cry. “You want to leave me here?” Sobs started to wrack his body as I held him near. I rubbed his back, trying to fight with a part of me that wanted to tell him to just swallow the pain like he had his pride. Another part of me wanted to see him happy again. “I don't want to be alone.” I know. “I want you here. I love you.” I know that too, my prince. “Please, don't leave me all alone again!”
My eyes snap open. Again? What is he meaning towards? Oh… When I died against Cell. That's what he's meaning towards. Oh God, I messed you up so bad that you are crying your eyes out. You used to be one full of pride who cared less about feelings. Now you are so torn up that you are crying like mad for me to stay. I wish I never left. “I should've asked Gohan and Kuririn to make a trip to New Namek to wish on the Dragon Balls there. I should have told them to bring me back to life. I messed up your life and my sons' lives. I am a dishonest person.”
His teary face glances at mine, and for the first time in a long time (once again), I see true love in his eyes. “No. You did the best you could.” Vegeta… Please, don't cry. I can't stand to see you like this much more. Your eyes are so teary, while the rest of you is clenched shut. Your mouth is open, and I can see two trails of snot that leave your nose. I can't bear it any longer. I wrap my arms around you, holding you as close as I can get you. “Kakarrot…?” you gasp.
“Don't cry!” I whimper. You gasp once more, but this time because of the harshness of the whimper. I tangle my hand in your hair, while the other is around your waist, holding you close. “Find the Dragon Balls and wish me back after the time is up.” His eyes are wide, and he looks at me with a sad expression. “I want to spend—“
“The doc said that your time has been up!” you gasp at me. I can't contain it. My eyes widen in shock. No… please, no. Don't be up. I need more time. “He told you to stay in the hospital. You decided to make love with me last night. You nearly died. The cancer spread faster.” Oh, no… what have I done? You will die without me. “I only have less than three days to find it all.”
I gasp. “Three days?” No! No! Please, no… There isn't enough time. I need to make the wish tonight. “I will contact Kaiou-sama. He can contact the Namekians and ask them to be ready. I will also contact Kaiou-shin. He will come pick you up.” I frowned deeply. “I have no more power. I can't teleport.”
You nod. If you fail, I will see you in Heaven. The death is of natural cause. Damn. “I will hurry.”
I smiled. “Thank you, Vegeta. Thank you for everything. If I die before you return, thank you for loving me. Thank you for caring. Thank you for throwing away your pride for me. I love you… always.” I kiss your lips lovingly. “Always remember me, Vegeta. Cause I will always be here with you in spirit.” I hope I don't die, but if I do, please remember this. I want to hug and kiss you for the rest of my life, but I can't. I know that my life is withering away. I can feel it. There isn't much time left. “Remember my words to you always. I love you, and only you, Vegeta. No one will take your place. You are the only one who could truly accept me, that's why I love you to death.” His face shows no signs that he is listening to my words carefully, but as his eyes release more tears, I know he is. “That's why, I wish you and Vegeto the happiest life you can have. If it was up to me, the Dragon Balls would be in our laps right now, but I can't do that. I'm so sorry that I failed you, my prince.”
His eyes are narrow as though he thinks I have planned to die. I do not. “Don't talk like that. Talking like there is no way to make you come back!” He held his face in his hands as he cried out, sobbing into his palms. I didn't mean to upset you, Vegeta. /Don't talk like you want to die. I want you to stay with me forever./ I want that too.
Brolli returned to the room, gazing at the both of us with confusion. “Shall I prepare a meal?” he asked. He didn't know what had transpired, all he saw was that my prince was sobbing, holding my clothes in a form of needing support. I hugged him close, frowning, and I shook my head. No. The doctor told me to stop pigging out. If I see food, I might not stop until I burst. “What is going on?”
“I was telling Vegeta that I shall contact Kaiou-sama - a friend of mine - and get him to tell the Namekians to prepare their Dragon Balls for us. I shall also contact Kaiou-shin - another friend - to teleport you both to the planet. You both will make the wish for me to live. Get rid of the cancer, whatever makes you happy. I just have to live. If I die, it will be of normal causes and I won't be able to be brought back to life.” This was almost the entire explanation of what I had just told Vegeta. “If you guys don't make it in time, I was telling Vegeta my last words to him.”
Brolli frowned. “Ah,” he closed his eyes, “that would make him very upset to hear.”
I smiled. “Yeah.” True. He was sobbing into my shirt right now. Now, I need to start with Kaiou-sama. /Kaiou-sama!/ I called out to him.
Shocked or startled by the yell, the man fell on his ass, a yelp of pain flowing through the connection. /Goku? My boy!/ I frowned. I am not his boy. I hate it when he calls me different names. /What is it that you need me for?/
I smiled. At least he cut to the chase instead of took his time. Thank goodness. /I need you to call the Namekians and tell them to prepare their Dragon Balls. Vegeta and a friend of mine will be coming soon./
He frowned, even though I couldn't see it. /Can you fill me in on why you need them?/
Oh well, might as well. /Gohan turned evil due to something and he injected me with a serum that influences cancer. I have lung cancer and only got three days to live. Vegeta—/
He cut me off. /Wait! Where are you?/
I nearly screamed at him for not letting me finish. /On Planet Vegeta! I wished the planet back as a birthday present for Vegeta. But I felt Freeza's presence on Earth before we left. We wished him away, so we didn't have another wish to spare on immortality. Vegeta and I became mates as soon as we got together. We have a child! I can bear to see his face when I die! I need to live, if nothing else, then for him! You have to help me, Kaiou-sama!/ I screamed.
He waved his hands in the air on the other side, and Bubbles stared at him in confusion. /Okay! Okay! I'll do what I can!/
I smiled. /Thank you./ At least the man still likes me as a friend. Phew. I looked away from Brolli, knowing that he could see my relief. I need to go to the next step. Kaiou-shin shouldn't be hard to contact. /Kaiou-shin?/ I called out to another connection.
On the Kai planet, I could tell that no one was nearby, so I shouted it out. The Kai ran right to the crystal ball with confusion. /Yes, Goku?/
There we go! /I need you to transport yourself to Planet Vegeta right away!/
A frown came upon his face. /I don't know where that is./
You have to be kidding me. A Kai doesn't know where a planet is? Isn't he supposed to be some sort of maniac with finding these things? He is the Lord of Lords! Damn. /Near the southern galaxy of the Lyra system. Can you remember where that system is?/
Recognition runs through him. /Oh, yes. I've got your power level down. I think it's yours. That or Vegeta's./
I smiled. /Good./ Another moment and I felt the energy of the Kai enter the room. All three of us looked to find the Kai standing there in his normal attire. “That didn't take long.”
He smiled, having not seen us in such a long time. “Heh.”
/Goku!/ Kaiou-sama attracted my attention. /They are ready for your appearance./
“Good.” I turned to Vegeta and Brolli, my serious tone shocking them. “Vegeta, you and Brolli have to go. I don't have enough power left to go with you, I'm sorry.” I looked at Kaiou-shin with the utmost importance. “Kaiou-shin, you are the one taking them to the New Planet Namek. You have to get them there. I only have two days and I don't know how many hours. Please, hurry.” I held my prince's face in my hands and kissed his lips gently. “Be careful, my love.”
He frowned. “I will.”
They all left, the Kai's energy faded. I hope that you make it, Vegeta. I don't want to die. I have too much I need to do. Please, my love, make it in time. Wish for something like immortality or something.
Author's Note: Sorry this one is so short, but that was the end of this chapter. The next one might be longer. Reaching the end means that things will change around. The next chapter might shock you deeply, so look out.
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions