Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Twenty-One ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Twenty-One
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Inspired by: Julesie, Zofo, and Little-Washu
Help by: Kindle Suca (a.k.a. DarkRape)
Note to Rena-Sama: Kindle is a co-worker helping me, I would like it if you put his e-mail down next to my author name. Put down “by: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions & Kindle Suca” and put his e-mail next to mine. It is darkrape@hotmail.com He would appreciate that.
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
Spoiler: Death of a major character.
To Reviewers: Thank you for the wonderful reviews. Enjoy this next chapter. Like the spoiler says, death of a major character. Don't worry, this one's not done yet. Getting close though.
To Other Reviewers: Thank you for the lovely reviews! Here's the next chapter.
To Flamers: If you don't have time to do anything but say something horrible and not true about me, then don't bother to review.
If you have questions / comments / or something to say about my story, go ahead. I will answer all questions within a week.
To Julesie: Thank you for all the hard work you've done. Sorry to hear you're leaving soon. ::starts crying:: Wah! You are like a sister to me. I can talk about anything with you. ::smiles:: But we will keep in touch. This chapter is mean to your favorite character… I'm sorry. But the story hasn't ended yet. Enjoy!
To Zofo: I'm working at the Kanji still. Romanji is so hard to piece together that I might have Rena-Sama do it for me. If I can piece it together, perhaps I can solve everything. Just be patient with me. I'm working at it. In the meantime, enjoy this next chapter.
To Little-Washu: Hi, once more, glad you still like my story. Major character death in this chapter. Don't hate me. It's not one of your major favorites if I recall.
Just when I thought things wouldn't get worse, my father proposed to King Vegeta properly. The wedding was planned too fast, but neither cared. The King had decided to give me his throne without consent. It was in his will. He just smiled at me as we watched him marry my father. Maybe I should back up a little.
It was morning of the day after Vegeta and I had had that fight. I had woken to the sound of our kid crying, thrashing his hands about for something to hold onto. He was screaming for his mother, but Vegeta was nowhere to be found. I frowned. Oh well, I might as well take care of Vegeto since Vegeta's possibly busy with work. He is a prince. I walked into the hallway for but a moment, but no one was around. Raditz was not outside the door, and Nappa was the King's guard, so that would've left one of our sons. Now that I sense it, no one is around for miles. Where are all of them?
I sighed and entered our room again. I looked over at the crying baby with a mute silence. It was either change his diaper on my own, or deal with the crying and get absolutely no sleep. Not only that, but I would suffer from a headache later. I sighed. The changing sounded better. “Alright, Vegeto, I'm going to change your diaper.” Little hands fought with me as I tried to pick the infant up. Huh? I thought he wanted to be changed. “Is there something wrong?”
Suddenly, the room became black with darkness, and I noticed that Gohan stood at the window, gazing in at me. His dark orbs held a strange ambition. What is wrong with him? The glassy shook and my boy's ki rose in warning, shattering the glass. But when it fell to the ground, he wasn't on the other side anymore. No one was in the castle, but his ki was so strong, and it was strangely evil. “Father,” the boy spoke darkly, “you have pushed me too far.”
I looked up into the shadows of the dark room. His eyes were now golden with darkness, and the hate that shined in his mystic orbs held me still. Vegeto disappeared. I looked down, having seen my son disappear once more. As I gazed down at the ground, I saw my baby's dead body shattered on the floor. Blood was everywhere around him, even pooled into the bathroom. I rushed in, scared that something else was wrong. I stood there, frozen in time, and I gazed upon the dead body of my mate. My eyes widened.
I shot up in the bed, a hand reaching out for nothing that anyone could see. My mate was stirred by the yelled name. I screamed even louder, alerting everyone in the castle as I held my body and cried harshly. His hands smoothed on my shoulder and massaged, trying to calm my fear. I could tell that he was scared, for he was shaking all over. “Are you okay, Kakarrot?”
I found the courage to merely nod a little. I was frightened. That dream seemed so real. I thought Vegeta was dead. Thank goodness he wasn't. I almost lost myself to a heart attack. God, that scared the fuck out of me. “I just had a bad dream.” He frowned deeply at me. He could tell I was lying. I always did that when I was uncertain of what to say. “I—I don't know what to say. First it seemed like a normal dream… and then I saw Vegeto on the floor, dead. I walked into the bathroom, following a trail of blood, and I saw you in the tub, dead. I was frightened. My heart nearly stopped.” It was the dead truth. “I thought Gohan killed you… cause it was his voice.”
“You are frightened,” Vegeta finished for me, “that he will do something like this… that's why you are dreaming about it.”
After all, that was the first conversation we'd ever had about dreams. I exited the room with a sigh. When I entered the bathroom to shower, I noticed that the floor was not soaked with that rich texture. I frowned. That dream fucking scared me half to death. I thought it was real. Would Gohan go so far? I stepped into the separate shower stall, and I gripped the knob so hard it almost broke. The hot water scorched my body, but I didn't bother to care, for I gave no reason to care about it. I held a hand on the stall wall and just stood there, not even grabbing the soap.
“Kakarrot?” my prince spoke. I turned to look at him with confusion. “I just want to know… what happened between you and Brolli?” I frowned. Not this conversation again. I already told you everything, my prince. I am ashamed to even look you in the eyes after it. I know that I made the mistake of trusting him, but for him to leave me all alone like that. “Did you… betray me fully? Did you mark him?” Oh!
I turned to look him in the eyes finally. “No. We just fucked, that was it.” I knew that something had happened. But why did Kakarrot talk to me during it? I don't remember if I had an orgasm, all I remember is that I was reaching out for it when Kakarrot entered my mind. He threatened to lock me away. “When I woke up, Brolli was gone.” I feel like a piece of used flesh. I fell for Brolli's charms. Damn. “Kakarrot threatened to lock me up and return to you… but I told him, I can't stand the pain anymore. I…I was scared. I was afraid of losing everything. No one could replace you… but I just didn't want to face you. Never again.” His eyes are narrow with confusion. “I betrayed everything you gave me by just pushing everything aside for you. Eventually, I ended up with my own family problems. And… you didn't give a damn. You just rubbed my shoulders and reminded me of our wedding date. I was angry.”
His eyes widened at the mention of this. “You know it really wasn't me who fucked you during the wait for the Cell Games, is that what you are saying?”
“It was Paragus who took me.” He frowned. “I know, that doesn't make sense because I was a virgin when Brolli took me, but it had to be someone. Trunks said that it was a virus that was well-known in the future, but he didn't mention how people got it.” His face became slack with understanding. “In the beginning, I did wonder how it was Paragus… for it was later than the heart virus… but then I knew it. He had to have come to Earth before I got it.”
His face looked confused. “Are you sure it wasn't Turles?” he asked me with a raised eyebrow. “Or me?”
I shook my head. “I wouldn't have felt so betrayed. If it was you… somehow I would've forgiven you. Might be angry at—“ I froze in place as I realized that I had thrown a fit about it before. “Okay, so I did get angry and throw a fit… but I didn't know it was that bastard until Brolli—“ once again, I couldn't continue. “Maybe I just fell for the bastard's charm.”
His mouth dropped open. “What?”
“Brolli's charm. He admitted love to me, Vegeta. I couldn't just push it aside.” He scowled, even realizing I admitted defeat. “There you go again… blaming me for everything.” Confusion littered his face as his eyes connected with that of my teary ones. “You never… listen to me anymore. That's the problem with our relationship. You are always so demanding and you want everything your way. When do I get a say?”
He cleared his throat, attracting my attention. “How many times have I asked you what you want? At least fifty now. I asked you if you wanted that child, your son, and you said yes. So, I kept it.” I know, but still… “I asked you if you wanted to still return to Planet Vegeta, you said yes, so we did. I have asked you what you wanted before. You just follow what I feel.” Huh? “You are so used to people looking up to you for advice and everything, and you always following their orders, that when it came to me, you put me first. You are so used to putting others first, even before your health.” He's right. As much as I hate to admit it… Vegeta has a point. I always did place myself in the line of fire. I wanted others to look up to me. I wanted to save all of them. In doing so, I killed myself in fights and dealt blows that never worked, all for their lives. But I got no appraisal. Mister Satan did. I did all I could for them, yet they didn't even know I existed. The world forgot me. “It is an admirable quality, Kakarrot. But you have yet to break the habit. And in doing so, you find others to blame for your mistakes.” His words sting my heart, opening up the wounds I sealed so far inside. “You sought comfort in Brolli cause you were afraid to do something you would utterly regret.”
He's right! I wanted to kill Vegeta the day that I found out he had betrayed my trust, before I even knew about Paragus. It was the anger and humiliation that drove me to it. But instead of acting on my Saiyan impulses, I ran away, seeking some form of comfort in another. I always listened to myself when I thought about it. I acted on what I thought was truthful justice. I treated Vegeta like the only one in the world, but at the same time, my body tore apart. My headaches that usually came with Chi-Chi's frying pan returned, and I started to get vomiting every once in a while, as well as nasty moments where my emotions would become uncontrolled. It was horrid. I always learned to blame someone else. I used to… blame Vegeta. I can't do that anymore.
My head hung low as I gave up. “You're right…” I whispered. His eyes widened almost so much that they popped out of his head. “I always used to blame you for every mistake that I made… cause everyone else meant something to me… but it was all lies.” I sunk to my knees, tears streaming down my face in sorrow, and the scorching water didn't even harm me. I was broken too much. “I hate myself!”
He reached a hand out to touch my body, but the water scolded him. “Ow!” He reached for the knob and turned the water off. Leaning down, soaking his new pants in the water, he ran a hand through my hair. “Kakarrot.” My name, don't say it. It's not my name. I am a monster. “You are just insecure because this was the first adult decision you've ever made. You are so used to following that harpy's words that you lost sight of everything else.” That's true. But what do I do now? My life is ruined. “We are going to go to my father's wedding… and we will act like a happily married couple for the sakes of our fathers… and we will talk about this later. Please,” he whispered, “you need to be strong.”
I nodded. I have to be. After giving his father that stream of advice, I had better be strong.
In the church, Vegeta and I sat together, hand in hand. I just wouldn't let him go. As we watched the ritual go on, I remember seeing my prince and I up there, our smiling faces staring at each other, waiting for the magic words “you may now kiss the bride.” And I did. I married my prince. Our rings were there to prove it. We were happily married. Thank God I didn't listen to what the doctor said. I didn't have any problems with my body. It was all Gohan's fault.
“Does anyone object to these two being together?” the priest asked the crowd. No one stood up, not even Vegeta or me. My father smiled at me a little for letting him go. Just so long as it isn't a prank or nothing, father. Be happy, you two. After exchanging rings, the happy couple stood there, smiling, waiting for those magic words. “You may now kiss the bride.” They were on each other before the ceremony was even over. I smiled.
Vegeta's hand gripped mine in fright. I turned to him. By the pale look on his face, I could sense something was wrong. I gripped his back. What's wrong, Vegeta? I know that your father means a lot to you, but… His eyes closed, his hand almost gripping hard enough to break bone. “Freeza's here… somewhere nearby.” Oh!
“Here?” I frowned. “In the chapel?” Wouldn't God ban him? I looked up at the ceiling, but I saw no signs of him. Where was he? If he was here… No, Vegeta could always tell when Freeza was coming, no matter how far away he was. I looked towards the alter, merely finding the two lovebirds kissing.
It was then that I heard a voice. “Sometimes, those nightmares become truth.”
Where? I turned completely, looking around, but I noticed that Gohan seemed normal, as if the blackmail was gone. Trunks and Goten were baffled to see the King and my father kissing, but no one had heard that voice. It was cold and dark, full of malice. Nightmares…? Ah!
“Sometimes, those nightmares of yours become truth, monkey.” That's what Freeza said when I had a nightmare about the Earth being raided by him. Chi-Chi and all the others being killed. He was here!
A blast tore through the church, knocking tons of people off their feet. The blast struck merely the end of the church, but it was enough to knock me out with the force. I lost consciousness, but when I opened my eyes again, I noticed that the church was in ruins. King Vegeta and my father were fine, and most of the others were okay, including Piccolo. I noticed that Chi-Chi and Bulma were okay, despite a few scars. I looked towards the back of the chapel, more where the blast hit. Trunks and Goten were gone, along with Gohan. I gasped. I looked towards my side to find that Vegeta was nowhere to be found. No.
I blasted my ki and erupted in a roar of pain. Everyone looked in my direction, forgetting their pain. I blasted out of the church, not really caring about the ruined building. I thought that Freeza was dead. But he stole my mate! He will suffer. I winded my way through the many woods to find where this new ki was heading. It was large, but not too big. It was a cover-up for some bigger source. It stopped.
I slammed on the breaks as I came to a clearing. I saw my sons there, chained up against a wire mesh, their ki cuffs the only thing holding them from their struggle. Trunks was chained to a pole. While my prince was on his knees, pulled by a leash to please the masterful Freeza. His white tail wiped my young mate across his naked back. I can't watch much more of this.
“Suck,” he ordered demandingly, “and make sure you do it good, monkey. I hope you haven't forgotten how to please me.” Vegeta, fight him. I'm right here. I'll save you. I walked out into the open, my boots clanking against the metal of the ground. Freeza's eyes connected with those of mine, before the creature looked me down. “You've changed forms yet again.”
I smirked wickedly. “Super Saiyan 4 will put you in your grave.” Truth be told, the ki I felt seemed a little bigger than it had before. “Give Vegeta back.” To Hell with the others, they hadn't been wished back to life once like Vegeta had. They could be wished back.
He smirked, pulling my mate up by the leash, presenting him to me. “This?” He flung my mate to me. He landed on the ground with a thud. I slowly leaned down and reached out for him, helping him to his knees. He had no scratches or nothing, I could tell he was okay. His form froze as a beam of light reached out to the clearing. “Sometimes, those nightmares of yours become true, monkey.” His form was still frozen as the beam disappeared. His eyes started to close as his head dropped, and he coughed up pure blood.
I panicked. “Vegeta!” No. You can't leave me now. I looked up at the dark monster, his finger still pointing at my prince. How dare you? “You didn't have to shoot him!”
“Aw,” he complained, “monkey, you are as naïve as I remember.” I frowned. No. This can't be happening. My prince was supposed to be with me forever. A finger pointed in my direction, hanging right at my face. “You would want to join him, correct?” I stared at that pointing object, unable to tear my eyes away. If my prince dies, yes, I would want to. But I still have a chance. “Bye-bye, Super Saiyan.” The beam tore through the clearing.
My eyes widened in horror. I still have a chance to save my prince. I closed my eyes and switched positions with my prince, prepared to take the ending blow. But, it never came. My eyes widened as I looked over at where it had gone. It tore right through his chest as he stood there, taking the attack for me. I don't understand. You left me in the bed and didn't come back. Why are you defending me now? Brolli? “You—Why did you…?”
His eyes turned to look at me over his shoulder, staring at me with narrow eyes. “It matters not. If you don't hurry with him…” he finished his sentence with a small glance in Vegeta's direction.
My eyes were wide. You once tried to kill me, now you protected me. Brolli… I heard a cough from my prince's body once again. I looked down at him to find his face covered in the thick liquid. The memory of his face as he was dying in the beginning came back. His eyes were nearly closed as he reached a hand out to me, telling me to destroy Freeza at any cost, and his hand dropped in defeat. I can't let him die again. Not again. I turned to Brolli once again. “I owe you.” I rushed out the clearing, leaving Gohan and the others to Brolli's care.
I rushed out of the woods, right past the chapel, and straight into the hospital that had once locked me down. I rushed right up to the counter and slammed my prince gently onto the counter. The nurse looked at me, her old age must have been the reason she didn't react, but the second one did. “Oh my God!” She picked up her phone right away. “Prince Vegeta's in critical condition, sir!” Paramedics came like moths to a flame.
Vegeta reached a hand out and gripped mine as they placed him on the stretcher. “Please, be careful.”
I nodded, kissing his palm. No doctor moved, for they knew that I would be risking my life. By the prince's condition, they knew I would take revenge. They knew we were married. “I will, my prince. You just get better. Okay?” I dropped my hand and let them cart my mate away. “Please… live!” I hung my head in shame. I should have rushed back here as soon as I could, but I was so scared that the attack was going to hit me. Wait, what about Brolli?
I turned and rushed back out of the hospital, scaring the shit out of Chi-Chi and Bulma as my movements were tamed and quick. I rushed through the woods, finding my way back to the site I had left Brolli at. I made it to the clearing to merely see my boys lying on the ground.
I made my way over to them and touched Gohan's arm. He's alive. They're okay. “Gohan, Goten, and Trunks… they're fine.”
“Freeza got away.” I heard Brolli's voice. I turned to look at him, finding that the hole in his chest was more interesting. I reached out a hand to touch it. “It's nothing. Kakarrotto… this is where our time ends. I knew it was risky to place myself in front of that shot, but I did it anyway.” No. I owe you too much. You took care of me. You were there for me through everything that happened here. “I am so sorry that I raped you that one night. But nothing could ever repent for what I did.” What are you talking about? You already have. My hands splay on his neck, and I pull him close to me. “I was the one who mated you and gave you that heart virus. I'm so sorry, my love. I desired you so much, and when I found you, I told my father.” My eyes are wide upon hearing this. “It was my one desire to have you to myself. But when I saw that kid, I thought you had our prince to fuck. I thought you didn't see me. But now that I realize you are as wonderful as I remember… it was all worth the trip.”
My eyes started to shed tears like waterfalls. No. Don't talk like that. “There is still time to save you from your pain. I can still save—“
“No. This is my resolution, Kakarrotto.” Brolli? No. You were always here when I needed you. His hand cups my cheek, and the faintest of smiles reached his lips. He pulled my head towards him, lips locking, and his tongue started to play with mine. His taste. I will always remember it. He pulled away. The smell of blood was thick in the air. I realized that his stomach was cut completely open. “I leave knowing that you are happy. I leave knowing that you and the prince are happy.” His eyes started to close, and his ki is fading. No. You can't! “Thank you for that wonderful memory. I will always remember your face as the orgasm hit you hard.” Well, that answered one question. I did orgasm. Still… you need to get better. “It was… so… beautiful. To… be… inside… you…” his voice faded as his mouth hung open. He was in my arms fully now. His heartbeat was gone.
I cried out in pain. “Brolli!”
I walked back to the hospital with Goten Gohan and Trunks in my arms, while Brolli was slung over my shoulder. I listened in silence as thunder cracked in the sky. Lightening struck the ground nearby, slamming into the earth. I frowned. This was just perfect. Rain poured down in buckets on my form, but most of it was blocked by Brolli's huge form. I failed. I failed you, Brolli. I told you that I owed you.
As I entered the room at the hospital, having placed Brolli in a very expensive casket. I had cried to myself all the way back to hospital. Vegeta was okay. They had him connected to a breathing apparatus in order to stabilize his heartbeat. I am still in pain.
“Son?” my father approached me from his place beside the King. He placed a hand on my shoulder. “What became of Freeza?”
I swallowed thickly, holding back my tears. “Brolli chased him off… but he lost his life in the process.” The man let go of my shoulder as he saw my glassy eyes. Tears gathered around my thick lashes. “He… he told me that he left this world knowing that Vegeta and I are happy. It was his resolution. His last words to me was that he would always remember our only time together!” My hands covered my face as sobs wracked my frame. I couldn't help it. I had gotten so close to Brolli over the time we spent together here on this planet. I had kissed him. He had been a compatible lover. And he had changed.
I loved him… more than just like a friend. But… my prince still meant the world to me. If I could go back in time, I would've run instead of making him take that blast. “Son?” my father spoke. “You should change out of those clothes. You are covered in blood.” That's right. I'm covered in Vegeta and Brolli's blood. I nodded.
I smiled at my prince. I will honor your last wish, Brolli.
Author's Note: So, I am mean to Brolli, but someone inspired me. According to one of my fans, I am really making people love Brolli. I just wanted this story to end with a little horror. It's not over yet, but it is okay to an extent. Next chapter might be close to the last… or perhaps it will extend more.
However, next chapter might get a little more lemony yet again. It might be a little incest. I know a lot of ya'll like Gohan x Goku, but you never see it. Well, I might be getting into weird lemons soon. I know that some incest disgusts you, but I'm so glad that some of you are still interested in my story. Thank you!
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions