Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Repentance ❯ Veggie's surprise ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
chapter 4 yessss what can i do to gohan hmm let me think hehehehe

Disclaimer : I don't own dragonballz though lynx did have a funny grin on his face when I asked him about it.

/* thoughts */

*/* telepathic communication */*

Repentance chapter 4 : Veggie's surprise

Gohan was really bored now half hour into the Arts faculty's welcome and he was nearly asleep he was almost wishing for some excitement almost was the key word he wasn't quite that bored. He knew what dende would do him if he started wishing for excitement trunks and goten would turn up and start to fight in the auditorium he'd get busted and videl would have to try to sort the whole thing out /*thinking of videl what was it he had to do oh that's right vegeta was turning up later and would no doubt spot them in the crowd not even dende if he was trying to be nice to him could prevent that and knowing videl she would try to get vegeta all riled up so he would want to blast her so that I have to step in to protect again actually there was something along those lines he could do he could start his 'this is how to act around his royal pain in ass if you want to survive' talk and it wasn't as if he was actually doing anything important otherwise.

"hey videl you asleep yet"

"not quite gohan though it is getting that way"

" do you want to do something useful instead of sleeping then"

"I don't know what did you have in mind" smirking.

"I was thinking about a crash course in surviving vegeta 101"

"gohan I have had some experience around vegeta remember the last world's martial arts tournament I was around him the pretty much the whole day there and he didn't try to kill me or anything"

" vegeta wasn't concentrating on you then, he was more interested in fighting my dad then in what anyone else was up to today is going to be different story you're with me and he is definitely going to try to annoy me"

"oh how come is annoying gohan vegeta's favourite sport"

"well that is one major reason the other is that poor old vege can't sit still for any length of time unless he's training or eating so when he's forced to accompany bulma to one of these functions his temper is on a really short fuse and when it blows it really blows"

"so how do I keep vege's fuse from going pop"

" ahh the magic question to answer that you have got to know when vegeta will use his three favourite phrases once you work out when he is going to say what you have half the battle won.

"and these favourite phrases are "

"oh yes I was getting to that the first is his introductory speech


No one ever does just act a bit cowered and he's happy

The second is when he needs to blow off a bit of steam he will try this on me today for sure

YOU ME SPAR NOW! He loves that one

But the last is definitely is favourite it short but then so vegeta so it suits him well

DIE KAKARROT!!! He really loves that one he uses it every chance he gets so how are going with vegeta 101 so far "

"not bad gohan but we are going to have to shift the lecture is about to finish"

"oh great now we have to wander around uni again"

" oh come on it's not that bad"

" if you say so videl"

"Dende dende wake up all you all right"

"Mr Popo is that you what's happening was that all some big horrible dream"

" no unfortunately not dende since that one time when you got drunk on vodka you haven't had any dreams like that at all"

"on no Mr Popo that means it's true there is more saiyan-jins and there coming here were can we run to Mr Popo we got to run away they'll kill as all"

"now now dende I don't think that's going to happen not with goku, vegeta and the others here they probably just want a family reunion"

"even so Mr Popo we still need to warn the others I wonder what their all up to "

"yes we should warn them I 'spose hmm who can we tell though goku would just forget or laugh it off piccolo would just make some dire comment that would send everyone into hysterics it's not really krillin and the other humans problem and that only leaves ''dramatic shuddering'' vegeta"

"Mr Popo you can't be serious get vegeta to spread the message that the saiyan-jins are coming back everyone will think the bad old days are back to haunt us"

"of course but we've had a little too much peace since buu a little excitement always nice"

"Mr Popo you haven't been into my vodka have you"

" Dende what ever makes you think that * hic * "

"right well I'm going to tell vegeta now no funny business while I'm talking to him understand "

"yes dende * hic *"

*/* Vegeta this is Dende I have some information that I'd like you to distribute round it will be of particular interest to you */*

*/* oh why is that you little green snotball I have to accompany my mate on some damn junket this afternoon I haven't got time to run errands for you */*

" same old vegeta" */* you haven't got to run any errands for me vegeta I'd just like you to pass the information on to gohan so he can run it round he'll be at the junket your going to with bulma */*

*/* oh will he now, now I can have some fun so what is this information anyway is the earth under threat again */*

*/* umm not really a few years ago it would have been but now I think they're just coming for a pleasure visit */*

*/* who's coming for a pleasure visit damnit */*

*/* your race vegeta the saiyan-jins some-one wished them back we still don't know who Ares was talking to us about 4 hours ago and suggested a party be sent here to see old friends we thought you should be the first to know as goku would forget and it doesn't the humans */*


*/* umm vegeta */*

*/* yes dende that was just a bit of a shock it's not everyday someone tells you your extinct race has been brought back to life */*

*/* so vegeta would you tell gohan then and maybe turn up here tomorrow morning so we can figure out exactly what is going on */*

*/* I spose is the brat and kakarrot invited to this figure things out session too */*

*/* yes */*

*/* right I really going to have fun today then I see you in the morning */*

" right woman where this damn vehicle we have to travel in to this junket of yours "

"it's bulma it's not a junket and it's out the front and we're leaving now so get your ass into gear vegeta"

"yes bulma" /* boy do I have some surprises for you */

"Mr Popo well I just told vegeta Mr Popo what are you doing "

" *hic * this good vodka dende we'll *hic *have to get some more "

"nooooooo not my vodka"

yes I know I said I'd do more but you want the post don't you

besides I got no net for the next two days so on Thursdays(us) I should have at least one more post ready maybe two beside the look on gohan's face is going to be priceless oh and reviews would be appreciated in the meantime