Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Repentance ❯ expedition party ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer : as it's the weekend I can't see lynx's grin but he assures via email that it is still there he also assures me that he doesn't own Dragonballz which kinda makes me wonder what he's actually up to though.

Repentance Chapter 6 : Expedition Party

"King vegeta we have gathered as per your earlier orders what new counsel have you for your people" said bardock

"So bardock you are the group representative then"

"Yes my lord"

"It seems they must have gotten more intelligent while in hfil then at least you can speak to me without fear all the others just cower at me"

"Training in hfil does have some benefits lord it was a pity we could not spar more often though"

"Yes it was, though being king of hfil's evil wariors does take up a lot of one's time"

" of course lord so what have you decided regarding earth then"

"I Shall lead the party bardock with you as my deputy"

"Thank you for this honour lord"

"Do not thank me bardock if anything thank your son kakkarot or goku whatever he calls himself because it's because of him that the dragonballs are still around"

"Do you think then that he made the wish lord"

"No probably not but he might know something about it"

"So who else are we to there expect lord"

"My son vegeta"

"He is there too what of your daughter vanessa lord does she still live"

"I don't know she wasn't in hfil,we have no access to heaven to make inquires and no means of finding out from the earthlings before going there"

"Why is that lord?"

"They would not know she exists, kakkarot would not know of her and vegeta would think her dead in the explosion of vegeta-sei for he would know that she was to young to be sent out to purge"

"Hmm yes good point so who else will accompany us lord"

"Radditz and nappa will also come as they have both been there before and have things to patch up also your mate and mine will make the journey that will be a total of six"

"Very well lord though who will lead the saiyan-jins while we are there"

"Marshal Pine your 2nd in command will lead them do you think we should tell the earthlings guardian of this yet'

"Not just yet lord they will still be rather shocked at us being alive let them wait until morning"

"Very well bardock we will leave then after we inform them, how long will it takes us to get there"

"From what I checked up yesterday it should take us a week though this will give us time to train"

"Excellent get the preparations in order,now you and me have some sparing to look forward to"

"Piccolo are we drunk yet"

"No dende we've only had 6 bundy and cola's each"

"Damn I don't want to be sober I don't want to be sober"

"Don't worry dende the double vision will come"

"Yah double vision two pink piccolo's yah"

"Umm you sure you're not drunk yet dende"

"Yah dancing pink piccolo's 'hic'"

"Oh shit"

"Your little sister your kidding right I mean gohan warned me you try to freak people out but your little sister you've got to be kidding me"

"No I wish I was but there is no one else that necklace belongs to, it's one of the few remaining memories I have of my sister"

"Hey vegeta I thought you said that you and dad were the only ones left after radditz and nappa's deaths where have you been hiding her."

"Fool boy I did think that kakkarot and I were the last left, I believed my sister had died in the explosion of our home planet."

"Why wouldn't she have been of purging planets or something"

" No she was the saiyan-jin princess she would not have been expected to fulfil such a menial task she would have been trained to fight but not expected to, I was only sent out to appease freiza ,besides she would have been only eight when our planet was destroyed"

" So what your trying to say is that my mother is your little sister, a princess and a trained fighter"

"Well her training would have been incomplete but otherwise yes"

"So that makes me a princess too doesn't it uncle"

"Huh uncle"

"Yeh uncle your my mother's brother that makes you my uncle and from the looks on gohan's face he's as shocked as you are"

"Yeh I never imagined you an uncle vegeta"

"Quiet boy that's my, niece isn't it, and the princess of our race if she hadn't chose you as her mate you would be very flat right about now"

"What do you mean chose"

"The fact you accept and acknowledge him as you boyfriend can only mean that you have chosen him your saiyan-jin side would not let do that if you hadn't hmm I wonder what the others will think of this"

"Others, oh please vegeta don't get my mom started again the first time was bad enough I can still remember her wedding song"

"No she wasn't who I ment dende just told me before I came her that's why I was so quiet during that presentation I was thinking"

"Thinking you it must be serious then"

"Ohh it is boy and this will really make your day someone wished the saiyan-jin back and our home planet maybe you and videl would like to go there for your honeymoon"snicker snicker

"Saiyan-jins back oh shit /* dende what's going on */

/* pretty pink piccolo's dancing in a tree one fell down and then there were three*/

Well dende's got the right attitude at least he's totally plasted up there"

" so the little green snotball finally got it on ehh good to see I wonder if he'll still be plasted tomorrow"

" oh why"

"He wants us saiyan-jins to hold a council up there to decide what to do about the fact the saiyan-jins are alive again"
"that means I'm included to"

"Yes videl it does anyway will your father be at home"

"Umm yes but what do you want with him"

"Just to ask a few question come on this thing is finished I tell bulma were leaving videl you can fly all model of capsule jets right"

"Umm yes"

"Good wait outside for me I'll be there in a minute"

/*/ bulma i'm just going with gohan and videl to see hercule i'll ment you at home love /*/

" okay were is a bit of a field"

"Over here uncle"

" i'm going to have to get use o that right so do you think you can still fly this"

This turn outs to be a suped up sr91 Aurora.

" how did you get that vegeta"

"Easy gohan someone has to make them and the airforce trust capsule corps just like everyone else beside when I have to fly with bulma in a plane we're both damned if we are going to spend all day wasting time"

"Wow is this vtol uncle "

"Yes bulma specifically modified it"

" right well strap in boys this won't take long"

20 seconds later

"Told you it wouldn't take long hey are you airsick gohan"

"No just not used to traveling in a confined space at that speed"

"Fair enough lets go see my dad then"

"Hello sweat pea how was your day at uni ahhh your with that boy again get away from him he scares me"

"As much as I scare you"

"Ahhhhhhhh don't kill me I swear I never try to hit on your wife again never please just don't kill me"

"Ahh good to see i'm remembered no I wont kill you today I just want to ask you some questions about videl's mother"

"Why what's videl to you"

"My niece you see her mother is my younger sister"

" your sister ahhhh hic hic oahh" passes out

"Huh vegeta I think he's had a heart attack"

"Hmm call a medic then brat he's not dying without giving me some answers"

Bwhahahahaaa I'm evil yes truly evil still your getting a post so you can't complain anyway a question do you want shorter post ie 1-2000 words every couple of days or 3 -5000 every few 3-5 days I need the longer time to think of more to write i'm good at short chapters so far but if you want me to deversify I will

Anyway next chapter vegeta will get some answers and the rest of the z-sensei will begin to panic and mabe a bit of drancing pink piccolo's for amusement.