Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Resident Evil: NextGenZ ❯ What Happened? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resident Evil: NextGenZ

Chapter 5: What Happened?

"Pan?" asked Trunks looking at the raven-haired woman. He knew something was wrong as soon she looked up at him. Instead of the warm brown eyes he was expecting he was met by shocking pale blue orbs.

"Trunks?" called Goten.

When Trunks turned his head slightly towards Goten's voice, Pan lunged at him. He fell hard on his back slamming to the floor.

"Trunks!" yelled Goten jumping up from his seat, he froze, "Pan?"

Trunks had his hands full with Pan, as he struggled with her. Whatever had happened to her made her super strong. He managed to get a leg under her stomach and kick her off. Pan hit the doorframe and quickly got back up. She ran at Trunks only to fly back against a wall with a bullet hole in her head. Trunks was on the ground blinking rapidly and breathing hard. Goten was staring at Pan in shock and grief before sinking to the floor. Marron was kneeling behind the couch shaking. They all turned their heads slowly to where they heard the gunshot come from. Standing in the doorframe, gun raised, clothes torn and bloody stood Bra. Tears streaming down her face as she lowered her Magnum.


"Hey," she croaked falling to her knees.


"What happened to you guys?" asked Trunks.

Everyone was sitting on the couch except for Goten. He was sitting beside Pan's finally still body. His niece was dead, his Team was dead and there were only 4 people left alive in South Capitol City.

"We came, we saw, we got slaughtered," said Bra, "Beginning story short: we landed on the roof, came into the Police HQ and it was crazy. They were overrun by zombies and monsters. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it. We helped them board up windows and try to keep them out. And then we suffered heavy casualties from the Lickers; I saw three at the most but there could always be more. That was the beginning. Soon pretty much everyone had been killed, bodies and blood everywhere. Some of us made it out to the sewers, that's when it happened……


1½ ½ Hours Earlier……

"Thank Dende, we're out of there," said Pan jumping down off the ladder. Bra, Pan, and Jersey were the only members of Bravo to make it out. The local officers that came with them were lost along the way. The trio made their way through the tunnels until they reached the sewage control room.

"No one's here," said Jersey.

"Why would they be? Everyone's dead," said Pan, "or undead."

"Where do we go from here?" asked Bra looking around the only way she found that went out was a ramp that went down. The three loaded themselves onto it and went down. Jersey took point, followed by Bra, who was followed by Pan.

Halfway down the hall, the trio came to a stop as they heard footsteps fall from the opposite direction and they were getting closer.

"Who's there?" called Jersey reaching for his gun. Before he could do anything the footsteps sped up and a gunshot rang through the air. Jersey fell to the ground dead, a bullet lodged in his skull, the shooter disappeared into another junction right off the hall they were travelling down.

"Son of a bitch!" yelled Pan as she took off after him.

"Pan wait!" shouted Bra as she looked down at Jersey. Blood was pooling around his head, his death was quick; he didn't suffer. Bra swallowed the lump forming in her throat and took off after Pan.

When she found her, Pan was looking over the edge of a railing.

"Pan what?"

"Here," she said tossing a little disk to Bra.

"What happened?"

"Said his name was Dr. Garo or something like that and accused me of trying to steal his G-virus whatever the hell that is."


Pan chased the man through a set of doors, when she entered through them he was gone. She looked around and had her gun shot out of her hand. She jumped and turned around ready to fight. Pan was taken aback when she saw that an old man had her at gunpoint.

"I know what you want," he said, "you won't get it, you won't take it!"

"Okaaaay, crazy old guy please put down the gun," said Pan.

"Crazy old guy? You don't fool me Assassin."

"I'm not an Assassin!"

"Deny it while you can you'll never take it from me, I've infected this town to slow you down but you have still somehow managed to find me."

"What the hell are you rambling on about?"

"I," said the crazy old guy, "am Dr. Gero creator of the T-virus and its successor the G-virus, Red Ribbon had me make it for them, but they planned on stealing it and killing me, though you know all about that don't you Assassin."

"You infected South Capitol?" asked Pan.

"As an attempt to hide and maneuver my way out of this hellhole, you're going to die like the rest of the people in this town," said Gero.

"All that's been happening here is your fault!" raged Pan, "what kind of person are you?"

"You're about to find out," said Gero taking aim with his gun.

Pan lunged at him, forcing the weapon above them. As they struggled Gero was shoved back against the railing, like him it was old and frail. It crumbled under the force that Pan sent him into it, and he fell to his death. Two things dropped to the ground as he went. The girl looked over the ledge to see what had befell the doctor, his skull crushed on a pavement slab far below. Pan started to leave when she heard a crunch of glass beneath her foot. She had stepped on a small vial, the purple liquid oozing out of the crushed glass.

"Eww," said Pan looking on the floor. She found a small disk.


"He dropped a disk?"

"Yeah and whatever was in that smashed vial over there," said Pan.

"There was a computer back in the station." said Bra.

"We're not that far. Jersey?"

"He's dead. It was quick."

"Just us," said Pan.

"Just us."

The two young women walked through the tunnels, back up through the ramps, and finally through the manhole in the kennel, that they had used to get away.

Unknown to them, far below on the concrete, something forced its way through Gero's back. Dazed and bloody, the baby monster stuck its tongue into Gero and sucked him dry. The Tyrant grew five times its original size and slipped into the water unnoticed.

Soon the girls were back in the Main Hall, where there was a working computer. Bra sat down, put in the disk, and booted it up.



"It needs a password," said Bra.

"So hack it," said Pan.


Pan turned her head sharply.

"What is it?"

"Thought I heard something, I think I'm finally losing it."








PASSWORD: :%L^frvkjsp94$$234mCtrl+Alt+Delmode=00193ACCESSMain+drv=001

< br>


PASSWORD: [65776]=Main+Com=pass-compl.46991,;[over0ciu55334789MAIN=Acce


"Yeah well you knowaaaaaaaah!" screamed Pan.

Bra turned around, in time to see a zombie bite into Pan's neck. The raven-haired girl, elbowed him in the stomach, and ripped herself from his grip. Grabbing his arm she flipped him over the counter.

"It bit me!" she screamed, moving her hand to inspect her neck, it came back bloody. When the zombie got up and came back into view Pan made sure he wasn't going to be getting up again.

"How bad is it?" asked Bra rushing over to her friend, "let me see."

"Hurts like hell," said Pan ripping off one of her sleeves and pressing it against the wound, "I knew I heard something."



"Half an hour later she could hardly walk I had to help her along, there were dark circles forming under her eyes, and she was burning up. Pan knew she was turning, she told me to either shoot her or leave her. We made it to the sewer terminals when we heard a helicopter, the one you guys came here in. When I turned around her eyes were blue, we fought and then she took off."

"Do you still have the disk?" asked Goten, it was the first time he spoke since Bra's arrival.


"Didn't this happen at the Mansion too?" he asked, "it was RR then too wasn't it? No one believed them but we have proof."

"I still don't know what's on this," said Bra.

"I have to believe it's going to bring them down, Pan can't have die for nothing."

"We have to make it out alive first," said Trunks.

"What are we waiting for?" asked Goten standing up, "let's go."

With one last look at his fallen niece, he led the way through the door.


A/N: Okay I'm sorry I killed Pan, but it was either her or Bra so I flipped a coin. This was never planned to be a happy story as it is: Resident Evil. Just so you know.