Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Resident Evil: NextGenZ ❯ On the Edge... ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resident Evil: NextGenZ

Chapter 8: On the Edge...

Trunks helped Goten stagger through the door. It lead to a small, dusty corridor with wires and pipes plainly visible above their heads. Bra and Marron came up behind the two men.

"Where are we going?" asked Bra.

"Wherever this leads us," said Trunks.

The four started walking, or in Goten's case, half dragged.

"It's getting hard to breathe...," panted Goten.

"There has to be a cure, if there's a virus there's always a cure," muttered Trunks.

Scrape. Scrape. Unnnnnnnnggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh

"More zombies."

"I got us covered," said Bra stepping out to lead the group. When the undead slid around the corner the shots hit dead on (no pun intended). Silence was not regained after the close zombies went down. Faint moaning and footsteps could be heard. The four were on alert.

When they came to the end of the hall, they were met with a fork. Path to the left, path to the right.

"I'll check them both out," said Bra taking the left quickly. As she rounded the corner, Trunks and the others heard shots fired from her gun, a few minutes later, Bra was back talking about zombies and a dead end. The only other way was to follow the right hall; so that's what they did.

At the end of the hall they came to a ladder, getting a weak and dizzy Goten up was going to be fun...


"What is this?" asked Bra, "a control room?"

When they came up the ladder, the group was in a small room. There were metal terminals aligned on the walls. Buttons and dimmed out lights covered their surfaces as well as screens and keyboards.

"Looks that way," said Trunks, he was opening the door on the other side of the room, "guys look at this!"

Trunks made his way outside, helping Goten along with him. Marron and Bra weren't far behind. Outside there was a lonely stretch of concrete with a large, black hole in the centre. There were stairs that led down to another door below the hole. The descending platform was already at the bottom...

"The factory," said Marron.


"On the wall, says 'Factory Map'."

"There's a factory in South Capitol?"

"I don't think we're in South Capitol anymore," said Marron, she had moved to the edge of the platform and looked out at their surroundings.


And lots of them.

The remaining STARS and the lone secretary were high atop a concrete base surrounded by a dense forest, no city could be seen. Even from the height that they were at...

"Gueff we commed pritty fur in suer hey?" slurred Goten.

"No kidding," said Trunks.

Bra grabbed the map off the wall and came over to the group. The hole heads down to the Factory, but...there should be a platform..."

"So it's already down?"

"Yeah we have to," Bra walked over to the platform's edge and saw the stairs, "down there." She saw the door, "there should be a control room to bring up the platform."

"Right we'll go," said Trunks, "Marron, I'm taking Goten back to the Control Room, I want you to stay with him and DON'T move. Got it?"



"Goten you're going to be alright," said Trunks leaning his friend against a wall inside the Control Room.

"Ya, don ya don no that..."

"We'll be right back."

"See you soon," said Bra, she leant down and kissed Goten on the cheek.

"Stay here," said Trunks to Marron, "no matter what you hear."



Outside the room, Bra and Trunks made their way to the huge gap in the floor. The two headed down the rusted stairs and across the narrow path to the huge steel door.

"Just think about the story we're going to have when we get back home, hey?" said Bra.

"Yeah, just like dad's stories."

"What do you...wait..."

"Remember dad telling us about that mansion incident?"

"A bit why?"

"Gero. He was responsible for it, just like now."

"Gero. Garo. Gero, that's who Pan met..."

"Marron saw a fax he sent to South Capitol's police chief, Red Ribbon is back and they've got the city blocked too."

"I thought our guys did?"

"I wouldn't doubt that RR killed them and took their places just to keep us here. Have you noticed how we can't reach anyone outside the city?"

"Great. So you think there might be a way out from the factory?"

"I hope so," said Trunks, "Bra, what kind of factory is this anyway?"

"I don't know, what if it's where they made the virus?"

"Then we'll find a cure for Goten."

"How are you so sure?"

"I have to be. We've lost too many already, and I'm not losing anymore."

"What's going to happen to him?" asked Bra, she opened the steel door and the two of them went inside.

"It'd be like Pan wouldn't it?"

"It was different..."

"What?" asked Trunks

"Pan was bitten, whatever was in that vial infected Goten directly..."

"So in other words what Goten was infected with was pure..."

"And Pan's infection was..."

"Diluted. Great."

"His symptoms came on faster than Pan's. What if this doesn't make him a zombie?"

"Dad said the T-Virus changed people into Bio-Weapons, I'm guessing that he decided to one-up the G-Virus...make it perfect...if that's what was in that vial..."

Trunks trailed off as he and Bra followed the hall to the control monitors around a corner. It wasn't working.

"I'm going to go back, act as look out, just in case," said Bra.

"Right, I'll get this going," said Trunks, "he's going to fine Bra."

"Thanks big bro."

Bra turned around and headed down the hall. When she rounded the corner, Trunks set work. Looking around for something to turn the system on, he found a key.


Trunks tensed and listened.

"Bra?" he called.



"I'm good!" came her reply.

Sighing in relief and shaking his head he turned the key in its slot. The control pad came to life. As did the monitors...


"Whut, take s'long..." muttered Goten.

"I'm sure they'll be back soon."

Goten coughed weakly, "Thi'sucks why me? Sfupid feets..."


"Trip. I tripped, glath, cut, cut hand."

The scaley black veins that appeared on his hand had now made their way up Goten's entire right arm. They twisted and turned and appeared right under the skin. Some of the veins were almost over his neck and upper chest.

"I wish I could say something to make all this okay."

"I mow, me too."


A/N: Here's chapter eight! Not so much action, but some talking about events. I don't know what else I can say except the monitors coming alive for Trunks, sort of a pseudo-foreshadowing...

Disc: see chapter 1

REVIEW! the more I get the more I'll be inspired to write!