Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ That Blissful Day ❯ That Blissful Day... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: Angel of Death

Fan Fiction: That Blissful Day

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own DBZ… * pouts * * then goes down her knees and begs * PPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE don't sue me! I'm innocent I tell you, innocent!

Trunks: Yeah, sure you are A.O.D, sure you are. Anyways don't sue her cause she doesn't even have a cent, seeing how she spent it all. * smirks *

Me: Well you didn't have to go and tell them that! * frowns *

Trunks: * still smirking *

Author Note: Later on in my fan fiction, I'll tell you who the mystery girl is. Also, I'll give the ages of the characters. ^_^ Enjoy! * Mutters under breath * hopefully…* sigh *


Far, far away…………

In another timeline………

In another dimension………..

On a planet that used to be peaceful and prosperous……..

Now the once peaceful planet is nothing more but a graveyard full of

slaves controlled by one person…..

The one name that will bring chills up your

spine and haunt you in your dreams…..

And that name is………



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So many fear her. One whisper of her name would bring chills up your spine. So many have died under her wrath. Many planets have been destroyed or conquered because of her. Little children that used to play peacefully by the lake with their friends are now her slaves. Doing her biddings and making sure they stay on her good side. It seemed she had every race as her slave. All of them tried to defeat her, but all had failed. Even when they knew they couldn't win, they would still be fighting to the death to protect their loved ones. She was so pleased with her new slaves and conquering every planet she stepped on that she created a portal to cross to different timelines. She wanted everyone to fear her. To know who was their queen. Oh, but you didn't think she would leave her thrown did you? No, she sent her minions to do her dirty work.


All of her so-called minions didn't 't have a choice. She would choose the strongest warriors and make them work for her. It's sad really. When they would decline, she would kill one of their family members in front of them and she would do it again if they were to decline, but then again she would kill the one that wouldn't cooperate with her for the second time and then kill their entire family. You must be wondering where Goku and Vegeta are and why they aren't doing anything. If you're thinking that they' re her minions then you' re wrong. They were the first to go. Two of the world's strongest fighters were the first to go. Now, who will be their savior? The other z senseis were either too weak to fight her or they were killed for trying. All hoped seemed lost, but they would never tell the little ones that. They would sneak into the little ones part of the slave room and tell stories for them at night that one blissful day, Nevakou will be defeated and everything will go back to the way it was. Then the little ones would drift away in a peaceful slumber. Dreaming away about that one blissful day……….


Somewhere in the dark, damp castle………….


" Arg! Where is he! He should have been back by now! I have grown impatient! Where is He? Brat! Come here now!" Nevakou screeched. Just then a figure came out of the shadows. " Yes mistress? " the figure replied with disgust. It seemed that the figure was a teenage girl at the age of at least 19. She had long waist length raven hair that was pulled into a neat ponytail, dark blue eyes, a gi that she was made to wear, to show that she was a Nevakou's minion, a tail wrapped tightly around her waist, and an orange pole strapped on her back. " Where is he? " She demanded. The girl smirked, "Whatever do you mean my queen?" Nevakou's anger began to grow. " Enough games! You know exactly what I'm talking about, what is taking him so long?" " I do not know your majesty but I am sure he will return soon." The girl assured. " Little one… Do you know what the penalty is for making me wait for so long? Death! Since you are one of the strongest here and you're my minion, how would you like it if I killed, oh I don't know, your mother in front of you for making me wait?" Nevakou smirked. "No! Please no! I will personally bring him back here. Please, no." the girl pleaded. "Fine, but if you' re taking this chance to escape then you are sadly mistaken. Remember little one, I still have your family." Nevakou warned. " Yes, your majesty." With that, she walked away into the shadows and to the portal that would bring her to her………..

'Who does she think she is? One of these days Nevakou, I'll get you. For everything you've done to me. I'll make you feel my pain, and all of my sorrow. I'll get you. Don 't you worry Nevakou, one of these days. I'll get you…' she thought as she stepped onto the world that was her home before Nevakou ruined it. A silent tear made its way done her face as she remembered how peaceful and fun life was before Nevakou had to ruin it all. Now, life wasn't even worth living. She quickly wiped her face and returned to what she came here for. Nevakou…… because of her, she didn't have much of a family left. She growled at the thought. She just wanted to get this mission over with and hopefully Nevakou hasn't killed her mother. Her mother……….

* flash back *

"You disrespectful brat! I'll show you for being disrespectful to me!" The guard said and took out his whip. As she raised her hands over head to defend herself she heard her mother yell, " No!" crack! Her mother had taken the hit for her. Blood was gushing out from her mother's back. " Mama, mama, are you okay? Mama? Mama? Are you okay mama?" she cried.

* end of flash back *

Her mother was unconscious from the hit. Luckily Dende was there when it happened so he was able to heal her mother back to health. It's amazing how her mother could take so many beating and still be alive now. 'Arg, enough! Who knows what Nevakou is doing to my mother right now! I better finish this now before it's too late.' She then took out a crystal, specially made to find what she desired. It's been a long time since she had used this crystal. She only used it when she desperately needed it because if she had overused it, it would lose all it's magic so she used it wisely. "Crystal, I call upon you to show me where to find the one I seek!" The crystal began to glow and it rose from her hand and pointed to where she could find him. Since she didn't want anyone to get any ideas when they saw her flying, she lowered her ki and ran in the shadows to the one she was suppose to retrieve in the first place. She carefully ran in the shadows so no one could see her. When the crystal came to it's destination, it stopped glowing and fell to the ground. 'Already?' She bent down to pick the crystal up. ' This can't be right.' "Hey Goten! Trunks." Marron greeted. 'Huh? Goten? He's here? I better do this right now.' As she watched from behind the bushes, she began to put her mask on that only went from halfway of her nose and down. So it covered her mouth, that way, it would muffle her voice. "So Goten, how was your…." Just then she jumped out from the bushes and knocked Goten out cold then carried him off. "Goten!" Marron screamed. "Huh? Goten!" Trunks exclaimed as he powered up. "What is all the commotion about kids?" Bulma asked. " Some girl just jumped Goten, knocked him out, and carried him away." Marron said on the verge of tears. "What?" everyone said in unison. "What are we waiting for, let's go." Goku commanded. " Right." With that Goku, Uub, Vegeta, Trunks, and Gohan flew after the culprit while the others stayed at Capsule Corp. "Why would someone want to kidnap Goten?" Gohan asked. "I don't know Gohan, but we'll find out why soon enough." Replied his father(Goku). 'Goten, hold in there buddy, we're coming for ya.' Trunks thought to himself.

* In the mountains *

'It's about time we headed back.' She thought and began to remove her mask. "Whoa? What happened?" Goten asked. "Ahh, I see your finally awake. About time you did." She said. "Huh? AHH! Who are you?" he yelled as he jumped in a fighting stance. "Ha-ha, very funny.…" she replied and right then she noticed that he didn't have a scar on his right cheek. Her eyes widen in shock and she flew away. " What?" Goten asked himself. Just then Goku, Uub, Vegeta, Gohan, and Trunks landed right beside him. "Goten are you alright?" Gohan questioned. "Yeah I'm fine, never felt better." Goten implied. "What happened?" Trunks asked. "Nothing, I asked her who she was, she laughed, then she looked like she saw a ghost or something and flew away." Goten replied. "Really?" Uub questioned. "Yeah" Goten said.

* somewhere far away in the forest *

'I don't understand, where is he? I'll just have to use the crystal to find out.' "Crystal, show me the Goten from my timeline, I command you!" She demanded. Just then the crystal began to glow and show a picture of Goten lying on a surface of a distant planet with a sword through his heart. "No, no, NOOOOO!" she screamed. Her rage began to turn into raw energy. Her power level began to rise higher and higher until a red bolt of light began to hit her forehead and circled around her, and then she pushed it away with her energy. Leaving her in her final form, which was as if she transformed to SSJ 6. Instead of green eyes, her eyes were blood red, her hair was golden and spiked down with red streaks, and she was surrounded by a red aura instead of a golden one. Her humongous energy level left a gigantic crater in the area and all the trees that surrounded her were now gone and obliterated by her energy.

* back in the mountains *

The Z sensei's eyes began to widen in fear. "It's her. Let's go now before she gets a chance to attack a nearby city." Vegeta warned. "Right." They said in unison as they powered up and flew to where the massive energy level was. "No! GOTEN!" she yelled with anger and sadness. Then she fell to her knees and broke down crying, "GOTEN!" "What?" the z sensei stopped where they were and powered down. They quietly flew down and hid behind the bushes and watched her cry. "No, no, no. He can't be dead. No. No!" she cried as she pounded the ground. Then she yelled in the air, "Goten, how could you! You promised me you would never leave me! Even when Gohan, mother and father die, you would always be there with me. You liar! I hate you! How could you do this to me? Why did you have to go? Why?" The Z senseis were just sitting there listening with their eyes wide.

Author note: So…… what do you think? Pretty good for a first timer or do you think it needs some work? I'll do chapter 2 when I get some reviews so until then my fan fiction stops here.

Trunks: It sucks if you ask me.

Me: Well I didn't ask you. You're just jealous because in the first chapter, Goten has a bigger part than you do.

Trunks: Humph, don't be foolish.

Me: Uh, huh.

Mystery girl: Uh, A.O.D?

Me: Yes?

Mystery Girl: When are you going to tell them who I am?

Me: Soon, don't worry. I'll tell them.

M G: ok, whatever you say.

Me: Hey, could ya'll help me and see what that little box with the word review does? Thx! ^_~