Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ That Blissful Day ❯ Who is she? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Who is she?

Disclaimer: People, if I DID own DBZ then wouldn't even be writing this in the first place. Second of all if I did, it would be a hell lot different because my characters would be in it and right now, I would be swimming in my pool full of money. ^_~

Me: The madness continues! Mwahahaha! The second chapter of that blissful day is finally here! And to answer your question that just popped into your head right now is yes I am high. I just had two sour punch rope and sugar. Lots of sugar. ^_^

Trunks: eh, they could've figured that out themselves.

Me: Folks this is the chapter you've been waiting for! The chapter that will tell you who is the mysterious girl from the future is.

Trunks: * sarcastically * Whoopee!

Me: * rolls eyes *

Previously from chapter one:

They quietly flew down and hid behind the bushes and watched her cry. "No, no, no. He can't be dead. No. No!" she cried as she pounded the ground. Then she yelled in the air, "Goten, how could you! You promised me you would never leave me! Even when Gohan, mother and father die, you would always be there with me. You liar! I hate you! How could you do this to me? Why did you have to go? Why?" The Z senseis were just sitting there listening with their eyes wide.

"What? What is she talking about?" Goten asked himself no more than a whisper. Just than her head jerked up. Too bad Goten didn't know that she was a saiya-jin also, but it was quite hard seeing that she was in her final stage. " So you think it's fun to eaves drop on people don't you? I'll show you to eaves drop on me. Come out and fight me coward! I know very well that you're behind those bushes so come out now before I drag you out personally. Oh, and don't forget to bring your little friends out with you. You'll need all the help you can get. Escaping will do you no good also." She warned, standing there patiently for her eavesdroppers to come out, but it seemed that they refused to come out. "So you don't want to come out eh? Then the pleasure of dragging you out and all your little friends will be all mine." Smirking wickedly. Disappearing and reappearing in front of the eavesdroppers. That was her biggest mistake ever. Her eyes began to widen and her mouth was slightly. " What? " no more than a whisper. " You were saying brat? " Vegeta questioned as he stood up. Vegeta was just about to do some major butt kickin but Goku stopped him. " Who are you? What do you want from us? Please, maybe we can help you." Goten insisted. Somehow he felt like he knew her his entire life, and when he was with her, it was like she was his other half. Not as if she was his soul mate but just his other half. " Who I am is none of your business and what I came here for is gone. You don't need to worry and think that I'll go and destroy your planet because I won't be here to do so." She said with bitterness. " But there must be something we can do to help you. " Goten insisted again. For some strange reason, he felt her pain and sorrow. So he just had to help. He needed to know why all these emotions just suddenly appeared. "Don't make me laugh. There is absolutely nothing you could do that could possibly help me. Why do you want to help me? How do you know I won't kill you when you least expect it? How do you know I won't will your entire family and friends? Why do you trust me when you just met me? " She asked suspiciously. " She's right brat, how do you know she won't betray us and kill us all when we least expect it? " Vegeta questioned. " Let me ask her a question. Why do you have so much pain and sorrow in your heart? Answer my question and I'll answer yours. " "huh?" the z senseis said in unison.' What? How could he feel my pain? By the looks of this place he has never gone through what I had to go through all my life. How? How could he possibly feel my pain and sorrow?' "I don't know how I can feel you pain but I just do. I know I didn't go through what you did but I just do. All this time I felt so empty, but when I'm near you, I feel whole. Not in a lovers way. I just feel whole when I'm near you, like we are one, you're my other half. My twin." Goten explained. That's when it hit him. " That's it! You're my twin aren't you? I'm right aren't I? " Goten question with excitement. " I said no such thing. " she replied. 'Urg, why don't they just give up and leave me alone and mind their own business? Just then her eyes widen in fear. 'Mother!' Then just when she was about to blast off into the sky to fly to the portal, Goku and Vegeta had grabbed her arms and Gohan and Trunks held her legs so she couldn't fly off. Goten and Uub stayed as the backup. " Why are you trying to escape? " Trunks asked with curiosity. " Let go of me! I said let go of me! Are you death? Let go of me! " she screamed as pictures of what Nevakou could be doing to her mother right now for making her wait so long popped into her head. " No! Let go of me! " she screamed again. " Why? We won't let go until you tell us why you want to escape us. " Trunks explained. Her crystal began to glow and in her mind she could see images of her mother lying limp on the floor. Her mother's blood surrounded her and she knew her mother couldn't survive from all the loss of blood. She then gave up and powered down and floated back down to the ground. Her head fell limp and tears from the corner of her eyes began to fall. "Mother, I'm so sorry." She apologized silently. " Girl what are you talking about? " Vegeta demanded. She began to stand up. " Arg! Do you know what you just did! Because of all of you my mother is now dead! I have no family because of all of you! I'm alone. I had no one else but my mother in the other dimension! If you all had just let me go in the first place I could have saved her! Now she's dead. Everyone….. they're all dead. Everyone and because of all of you my mother is dead!" she yelled with tears falling down her milky skin. "How do you know?" Vegeta asked accusingly. "You don't believe me do you? Fine, I'll show you! I'll show you all what you caused! Crystal! I call upon you to show me my mother in the other dimension! I demand you!" she cried. A picture suddenly appeared in front of them, chichi was lying on the floor with her blood surrounding her, her clothes torn with whip lashes on her back, and around her neck you could see a rope wrapped tightly and it was cut. Showing that it was cut off after she died. " Because of all you, my mother's life was taken away from her. Yes Goten, you were right, I am your twin, my name is Gochi, Gochi Son. Which means I am Goku's daughter and Gohan's little sister. You and Gohan helped kill your own mother. Father, I hope you're satisfied because you helped kill your own wife." She explained. The others just stood there, too shocked to even move. More tears fell from the corner of her eyes as she raised her hand to her head. " I'm sorry everyone for yelling at all of you. You all didn't know. I'm so sorry. Goodbye Father, Gohan, Goten, Uub, Vegeta, and goodbye Trunks. I love you all. I'll miss you all. Just seeing all of you brings back so many memories. Too many actually. I'm so sorry. Please tell mother I love her and that she has a daughter in another dimension. Tell everyone I that I'll miss them, even if they never seen me before. " she said smiling sadly as she got ready to ki blast herself. Then, someone stopped her. " Gochi, don't do this. You have your life ahead of you. Don't end it now. You may have lost your family in another time, but you still have one here and this one loves you just as much as the other one. If not as much than even more." Goku replied in a loving manner. "Thank you papa." Gochi thanked while hugging her past father. " Hey don't forget us! You two aren't the only Sons here." Gohan and Goten said in unison as they joined the group hug. " Urg, enough of this nonsense. Let us go home before he onnas have a heart attack. " Vegeta demanded. " Vegeta is right everyone. Let's go home. " Goku commanded. " Wow, I can't believe I have a younger sister. Um… Gochi, in your timeline, was pan alive? Pan is my daughter. Was she alive in your timeline?" questioned. "Yes, and I know very well that I'm her aunt. Bra was also alive, and Marron, Krillin and 18's daughter." Gochi answered. "So your timeline is almost like ours. Am I correct?" Trunks asked. "This timeline is like how it used to be before. Peaceful and prosperous. Before Nevakou came." Gochi replied with hatred in her voice when she said Nevakou's name. "Nevakou? Who she?" Uub questioned.

Me: Ah… the second chapter of That blissful Day. Now all I have to do is do the other chapters. ^_^; Like I promised here are the ages.


Trunks- 20



Marron- 18

Uub- 15

Bra- 8

Pan- 7

Gochi: Finally, I'm not known as she or her now. Why didn't you just tell them who I was in the first place?

Me: Well 1 was because I didn't want to and 2, it made the story more interesting.

Gochi: I guess you're right.

Trunks: and that's the first time she ever was. * snicker *

Me: Do you want to be unconscious?

Trunks: I was a lil while ago…

Me: Well we just have to fix that won't we? * takes out her mallet of doom *

Trunks: Oh crap… * runs for dear life *

Me: Come back here trunks! * runs after him *

Gochi: ^_^; Please review! And this is a T/G fanfic. Tsunami apologizes if you T/P fans thought it was a T/P fanfic. Pan might not be paired up with trunks but she still has a big part in this fanfic. Again I'm sure A.O.D is sorry if T/P fans thought it was a T/P fanfic.