Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ That Blissful Day ❯ Nevakou? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Trunks- 20



Marron- 15

Uub- 12

Bra- 8

Pan- 6

Me: I do not own DBZ but Nevakou is my character just to let you let you now. * grins *

Trunks: You just had to eat more sugar didn't you.

Me: For your information I didn't have any sugar today. I'm just naturally hyper. ^_^

Trunks: I should have known, I'm stuck with a hyperactive demon. -_-

Me: * death glare * Don't make me hurt you * powers up *

Trunks: * gulp *

Gochi: Tsun, shouldn't you be finishing up chapter three?

Me: I guess you're right. Enjoy the fiction! ^_^ * powers down *


"So your timeline is almost like ours. Am I correct?" Trunks asked. "This timeline is like how it used to be before, peaceful and prosperous. Before Nevakou came." Gochi replied with hatred in her voice when she said Nevakou's name. "Nevakou? Who she?" Uub questioned.

" A demon with no heart who loves to see people suffer, to see people in pain begging for mercy, to hear their bloodcurdling screams, and to see them fear in their eyes when they see her. Earth in my timeline used to look exactly like this. Until she came, she ruined everything. It's horrible. Life now isn't even worth living. " Gochi explained with sadness stopping in her tracks. " Then why didn't you do something brat? You seem strong. You're stronger than your father and I…… You're scared aren't you? You weakling. What kind of saiya-jin are you? If life is so horrible in your world than why didn't you do something instead of watching all those people suffer? " Vegeta asked not trusting her the least. " Don't you think I've tried! I've tried! Life isn't even worth living there. I would have killed myself if it wasn't for my mother! I can see that I am strong, but not strong enough! I can't stand seeing people suffering. I've tried many times and I failed. I've searched for her weak points, weaknesses, and just everything I could think of! Nothing worked. I tried going head on but she created an energy force field electrocuting me. I wasn't able to move for a month. I tried again when I was completely healed, I tried again. I still failed because she threatened to kill Gohan. So I couldn't go through it. " Gochi cried. Vegeta just "humph" and continued flying back home. Goku looked back at his future daughter then flew to Vegeta. " Vegeta, what was that all about? " Goku questioned wondering why Vegeta didn't believe Gochi. " There is something about the girl. Good or bad I will not put my guard down. How do we know she isn't lying? Did you see how strong she was Kakarrot? She could kill us all! You and the other may be gullible but I am not. We don't even know what this Nevakou looks like. What if it's her? She could kill us when we least expect it. " Vegeta exclaimed as he continued to fly back to Capsule Corp. Goku shook his head sadly knowing that Vegeta did have a point but if she said she was his daughter then he would believe it because something in her eyes said that she wasn't lying and looked back at his future daughter that was coming closer then smiled. " Come on you guys hurry up back there! I know you can go faster than that! " Goku urged on to go faster. " We can, since we don't want to be late for dinner and mom throwing a fit were going the fastest way we can. We're going to IT (instant teleportation or so I think it is) ourselves home." Goten replied with the others hand on his shoulder. " See ya home dad. " Goten said as he disappeared into thin air. " They aren't getting away from me that easily." Goku replied to no one in particular. Soon Goten, Gohan, Gochi, Uub, and Trunks reappeared in back of Capsule Corporation and then followed by Vegeta and Goku. " We're here, finally, come on let's go in. I'm starving!" Goku explained holding his stomach because of his hunger. Everyone was about to come in when they noticed Gochi was just standing there not fidgeting a bit. " Gochi, aren't you going to come in? " Uub questioned in curiosity. " I'll come in after everyone else. Maybe it's best you all introduce me first." Gochi said sheepishly. Vegeta just raised his eyebrow and offered, " Than I'll stay out here with you." "Very well." was all Gochi she said as the others walked in. " Goku, Gohan, Goten, you're all ok! I was so worried!" Chichi replied as she ran to hug her family. They were asked all sorts of questions. " Trunks you're ok!" Bulma and Bra said in unison. " Trunks, where is your father? Oh no. He isn't dead is he?" Bulma shrieked in fear. " Of coarse not mother, he's just standing outside." He assured his mother. " Oh thank Dende." She thanked as she ran outside expecting to see Vegeta alone but she also found a young teenage girl with long waist length raven hair that was pulled into a neat ponytail, dark blue eyes, a black gi with a mysterious sign, and the orange pole that Goku used to have. Bulma's eyes widen in shock seeing the mysterious girl just standing there leaning against the tree. Gochi then bowed down in respect while Bulma was able to mutter up, " Whhoo arreee you? " she stuttered. Just then the others came out to see what was wrong they saw a girl bowing down and slowly stood up. " My name is Gochi. I am from the alternate future. The daughter of Goku and Chichi and little sister of Gohan, younger twin of Goten." Gochi introduced herself. " I have a daughter? " and Chichi soon fainted from the shock. Everyone else except Gohan, Goten, Uub, Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta were just shocked stiff. Gochi just stood there not faltering one bit.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* An hour later while Chichi had revived from her faint, Gochi explained what happened to her timeline and why she knocked Goten out *

" So that's why you knocked me out. "

" I'm sorry Goten, I was in a hurry." Gochi implied. " It's ok, I understand." Goten replied. " Oh you poor thing! " Chichi and Bulma said in unison feeling sorry for the girl for what she had to go through. Then ran to Gochi squeezing the poor teen to death with their amazing death grip. " Uh, Grandma Chichi? Grandma Bulma? I think you should let go of Auntie Gochi cause she's turning into the color that looks like Bra's hair." Pan said softly while everyone was laughing their butts off. " Oh dear! " Chichi cried as Bulma and Chichi slowly let go of the poor girl. Gochi took this time to catch her breath. " Are you okay hon? " Bulma questioned feeling sorry for squeezing the girl to death. " Yes, I'm fine Bulma-san." smiling wearily and then heard all the saiya-jin's stomachs including her own rumble. " I guess it's time for dinner. " Videl, Chichi, and Bulma said in unison sweat dropping. "To the kitchen girls." Chichi said leading the other wives to the kitchen. "No wait! I'll cook for tonight. I want to repay you all for letting me stay and helping me. Please? While I'm cooking, you three can relax and take a shower. That should give me some time anyway." Gochi pleaded. "Well, what do you say girls? We need the a break anyway." Bulma replied. "Isn't that a lot of food for one girl to cook through?" Videl answered. "Don't worry I'll be fine. You three should go, relax and leave the cooking to me. Don't worry Bulma-san, I won't blow up the kitchen so you have nothing to fear. Remember, I'm not your ordinary girl so I'll be fine." Gochi assured. "Let's give the poor girl a chance. What do we have to lose anyway? We need the relaxation away. Why not? Okay Gochi, we'll let you cook." Bulma responded. "Thank you Bulma-san! I'll go start right away." and took off. The three women smiled then headed upstairs to the shower. "Great, now what are we gonna do while Gochi cooking? I'm too hungry to fight right now." Trunks whined. "Hey everyone, how about we watch Gochi cook? It's better than doing nothing but starve." Goten suggested. "Eh." everyone said in unison.

* In the kitchen *

" Hmm… what to eat? Sushi? Tempera? Steak? I guess I should make a bit of everything then since I'm cooking for eight saiya-jins including myself and a small group humans." Gochi sweat dropped. "Now where is the shrimp in this place?" searching for the ingredients for their so-called dinner. It was more like a banquet for a large company. As she gathered all the ingredients for the meals she began to go to work. "Hey Gochi. You don't mind if we watch do you?" her twin replied. "Of coarse not. I don't mind." Gochi smiled.

* Exactly two hours and thirty minutes later * ( A long time to relax ne? Well you would too if you had a saiya-jin for a husband and for off springs.)

After a relaxing bath and massage Chichi, Bulma, and Videl followed their noses to a luxurious smell downstairs and to the kitchen. Funny thing was instead of seeing a long table full of food was seeing the saiya-jin males sitting against the wall holding their rumbling stomachs. "What happened here?" the three wives said in unison.

"Thank Dende you three are here."

"Oh? Why is that?" the three woman asked curiously. Before the men could reply Pan answered for them.

"It was really funny mommy."

"Really? What happened?"

" Grandpa Goku, Trunks, Uncle Goten, and Daddy kept on eating the food so Auntie Gochi got really mad and kicked them all out. Bra and I saw it all to." Pan said with a giggle.

"Uh huh, Panny and I were playing with Marron and we saw it all." Bra added. Videl, Chichi, and Bulma looked at one another and started to laugh so hard that they had tears in their eyes. "It isn't that funny." Goten replied. "Yes it was." Pan simply added. Soon the metal doors began to open, "Dinner's ready!" As soon as the saiya-jin ears picked up those two words they reappeared to the table faster than you could say baka. "Um, dig in?" Gochi asked sheepishly.

Me: You didn't think Veggie would be THAT nice did you? Especially to Kakarrot's spawn.

Vegeta: Don't call me Veggie, EVER!!

Me: Ok, ok. No need to yell geta.

Vegeta: My name is Vegeta woman! Not Veggie, NOT geta,

Me: Not even * whispers to veggie *

Vegeta: * blushes * Especially that!

Me: Fine, be that way.

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* Hands you a cute lil DBZ character plushie *

^_^ ENJOY!! ^_~