Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Dance ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Dance by: Me

Here's a fic about Paris and, my fave character, Goten! I was gonna use Marron

instead of Paris, but decided not to. Well, have fun reading! ( )-author talking

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, they belong to Akira Toriyama. I do own Jason who will be mentioned later in this chapter.


(On school bus going towards Orange Star High School) "So Trunks, who are asking to the school, dance?"

"I don't know Goten," Trunks answered looking up at the ceiling of the bus.

"Whadda you mean `you don't know'?! The dance is at the end of this week!"

"So what? Anyways, five days is plenty of time for me to find the right girl. And besides Goten, you never told me who were taking."

"I didn't?" Trunks shook his head. "Oh, well I'm taking Paris."

"What about Jennifer? I thought you were going out with her."

"No! I broke up with her last week!" The bus reached the school and everyone unloaded. "What about Marron?" Goten asked as they got of the bus.

"Nah, she's too young."

"Yeah, well I think she's kinda cute."

"Actually, you guys would make a good couple."

"And you wouldn't because…?"

"Who said I wouldn't? I go good with any chick. It's that you guys are closer in age."

"Trunks, you're only a year older than me."

"Yeah, but your `mommy' said that girls like cute guys, and look at you, you're so cute," Trunks teased pulling Goten's cheek. (Trunks are you saying that you're not cut?! What's wrong with you! Wait, what am I saying? I love Goten).

"Dude, let go, that hurts!" Trunks let go and Goten rubbed his sore cheek.


(Inside C.C.) "Hi Twunks," the blue-haired child said, happily greeting her brother.

"Hey Bra, where's Mom and Dad?"

"Daddy's in there," Bra answered pointing to the gravity room door. "And Mommy's in her lab. She and Daddy had another fight today…"

"Again? What happened this time?"

"I dunno; you know how they are…" Bra sighed. Just then Vegeta came out of the gravity room and walked past his heirs and towards the kitchen. He walked up to the fridge and grabbed somethin' to drink.

"Hi Daddy!" Bra said smiling at Vegeta with those weird happy eyes (She looked like this ^_^). Vegeta glared at Trunks. Trunks hated it when he did that; it made him feel like he was in trouble for something. Vegeta turned his gaze towards the gravity room and left to train.

(The next day at school…) "I'll be right back, stay here."

"Where else am I gonna go?" Trunks asked sarcastically. It was lunch time, Goten noticed Paris sitting alone and was gonna see if she'd like to sit with him and Trunks.

Goten was just about to sit next to Paris, when Jason came up and she began flirting with him. Paris realized Goten was behind her and slowly walked over to the angry half-Saiyan. "Umm Goten, could I talk to you for a minute…" She looked over at Trunks, who had been watching the whole time. "…Alone?" Goten nodded and Paris led him away from the cafeteria.


A/N So, what does Paris have to tell Goten? I wonder…Okay, I have a new fic that I'm working on. It's called "Vegeta's---"…well, actually I don't know what it's called, but it's all about Veggie-chan! I hope you like this one, and will like my Vegeta fic. Review and tell me how this chapter was. Ja!