Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Dance ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Dance By: Me (who am I?)

A/N Ch.2 is here! N-joy!


*Previously* Goten was about to sit next to Paris when Jason came over and she started flirting with him. Paris realized Goten was behind her and slowly walked over to the angry half-Saiyan. "Umm Goten, could I talk to you for a minute…" She looked over at Trunks, who had been watching the whole time. "…Alone?" Goten nodded and Paris led him away from the cafeteria.



"What is it?" Goten snapped. He wasn't trying to sound so harsh; that's just how it came out.

"What's with your attitude? Here I am try to break up with you the nicest way I can, and---"

"What?!" Paris, realizing what she just said, looked just as surprised as Goten. Goten hung his head and started towards the cafeteria. The shadow of his hair covered his eyes (It's what all the anime characters look like when they're depressed).

"Goten, wait!" Paris called out, but Goten kept going. (Paris, how could you?! You will pay dearly for hurting him!)

(Back in the cafeteria…) Trunks looked inside Goten's lunch sack to see if he had any goodies inside. He saw Goten coming his way and pretended like he never looked in the bag. "What's wrong?" Trunks asked noticing his best friend's sad expression.

"Oh, nothing. Everything's fine," Goten said faking a smile. He was about to eat the sandwich his mom had made for him, when he noticed Trunks drooling (Not literally. It just means he kept looking at it as though he wanted to eat it). "Here, I'm not hungry…" Goten said realizing that what Paris had told him had really hurt him and he didn't feel like eating anyway.

"You don't want it?" Trunks asked taking a bite outta Goten's `former' sandwich.

Goten made a face then smiled. "Not anymore!"


(Other World) "Goku, come here for a second."

"What's up King Kai?" Goku asked confused. (Poor guy, he's always so confused.)

"I need to talk to you about Goten." (What's this all about? Only I know…^_^)


(Son house) Ring! Ring! "Now what? Jeez, I'm trying to study…" Goten picked up his cell phone. "What's up Baby?" Goten said in a sexy voice.

"Goten?" said the person on the other line. To Goten's surprise, it was not a girl on the other end.

"G-G-Gohan? Why the hell are you calling my cell?"

"Pan and Videl told me you called today."

"Get to the point. FYI Gohan, I'm trying to study."

"You wanna take my five-year old daughter to your school dance?"

"The dance's for all ages. Don't worry, I'll watch after her."

"What about your girlfriend Paris? Won't you being hanging around with her?"

"I don't have a girlfriend…" Goten said sadly. Gohan, hearing his brother's sad tone, decided to stick to the main subject.

"I guess it'll be alright. If you don't watch her, you'll get it from me and Mom."

"Yes sir!" Goten said getting his normally cheery voice back.

"I'll be in a meeting that day, so you'll have to come pick her up."

"Mom's coming, gotta go!" *click* Chi-Chi came in the room and saw Goten quickly (and clumsily) hanging up his cell phone.


"I was talking to Gohan! Honest!" Chi-Chi looked at him as though she still didn't believe him. "I'm so sleepy, do I havefta finish this?"

"It's your fault. You could be sleeping right now, but you decided to procrastinate." Goten sighed and got back to studying.

(Morning) "Goten are you up yet?"

"Huh?" Goten answered in a sleepy voice.

"Get up, school starts in 15 minutes!"



(Orange Star High) ~Goten's running late again, ~ Trunks thought to himself.

"I'm here!"

"Mr. Goten, do you mind? Your class mates are trying to take an exam."

"Sorry Professor," Goten apologized handing the teacher a tardy slip from the office. Goten took his seat between Trunks and Paris. (Oh, her again…)

After the exam, Goten reached into his bag to get out a book. When got the book out, something slipped out from one of the pages. "What's this?"

On the letter, it read: `Goten, I'm really sorry for having to break up with you like that. It's just that Jason's rich, and well…you're not. Love, Paris'. (Well, that was really rude)

`What was that all about?' Trunks wrote on a separate piece of paper.

`You read it?!' Goten wrote back.

`No, just the *Love Paris* part'

`Oh, that's good…'

`Well, what she'd want?'

`Nothing. Just talking about the dance.'

`So, can I read it?"

`Hell no!'


(C.C.) "Remind me again why we havefta train at your house. Your dad might kill me before I make it to the gravity room!" Goten exclaimed.

"Why would he do that?"

*Sweatdrop* "Well, he's not exactly fond of my family."

"You're turning into your mom; a worrywart. It'll be fine!" Trunks said pulling Goten by the arm and dragging him in to the house. "Wow, there's something new."


"Normally when I come home, I either hear glass breaking or my parents arguing, but today…nothing." The two demi-Saiyans turned their attention towards Bra's room when the heard little giggles inside. Trunks slightly turned to knob to Bra's door.

"Hi Trunks!"

"Hello, Uncle Goten."

"Hey Pan." (Who, in their right mind, would name their daughter Bread?! They never cease to amaze me…)

"Daddy said that I could go with you to the dance, Uncle Goten."

"He did? That's great!" Goten said trying to sound like he didn't already know that information.

"Mommy and Daddy said that I could go too!"

"What?! Bra, I think you misunderstood them!" Trunks exclaimed, praying to Kami that she had. Bra shook her head.

"No I didn't."

"C'mon Bra, let's go find Dad," Trunks said grabbing his sister by the arm. "Dad, where are you?"

"He's not here…"

"Huh, where'd he go?"

"Mommy made him go buy groceries. She said she'd shut down the gravity room for a month if he didn't."

"Trunks, its okay if she goes with us," Goten interrupted.

"No, it's not Goten! I don't want my little sister hanging around me while we're there! Do you know what that would do to my reputation?" Tears started to well up in the small pools of blue that were Bra's eyes. Then, she just ran out of the room crying.


What an---wait, if I say it, I will die in the hands of Trunks lovers everywhere. So, I won't say it, even though I really want to! Why am I even sticking up for Bra? I hate her! That was my longest chapter on any of my fics, and I discovered that I like writing long chapters. That means, expect more long ones. Don't forget to review! Ja ne!