Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Dance ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Dance By: The one and only, me!

A/N I won't bother you with a note. Just go read it…


*Previously* "Trunks, it's alright if she goes with us," Goten interrupted.

"No it's not Goten! I don't want my little sister hanging around me while we're there! Do you know what would do to my reputation?" Tears started to well up in the small pools of blue that were Bra's eyes. Then, she just ran out of the room crying.


Bra ran down the stairs with her hands covering her face. (How could she see? Ah, it's just a story…) When she reached the kitchen, she stopped crying because she realized that she'd run into someone very muscular (I wonder…). She looked up to she Vegeta looking down at her with a concerned expression (Awe, he loves his lil' girl. Okay, I'll stop talking…).

"Trunks is being mean to me Daddy," Bra said in her `I'm innocent' voice. Vegeta glared at Trunks, who was coming down the stairs with Goten and Pan. Trunks looked at Vegeta who was glaring at him (Again. Okay, don't throw a fit, I'm going!).

"What did you do to her?" Vegeta asked. Trunks looked surprised.


"He was mean to me Daddy, honest. He wouldn't let me go to the dance that you and Mommy said I could go to." Bra whined. Bulma walked out from her lab and noticed her two children standing around Vegeta. She also noticed Goten and Pan, sitting on the stairs, having their own little conversation.

"What's going on here?" she asked getting everyone's attention.


After her family explained everything to her, she said that they'd settle in later. "Would you two like to stay for dinner?" Bulma asked Goten as his stomach began to rumble.

"Yeah!" he answered scratching the back of his head. "I'll take you home when we're done. Alright Pan?" Pan nodded.


After Goten had helped Trunks and Vegeta eat everything in the kitchen, he decided that he should probably take Pan home. After all, she was already asleep, and Videl and Gohan would be fuming if he brought her back any later then it already was. "I better get going," Goten said picking up his sleeping niece.

"See ya tomorrow Goten!" Trunks said as Goten shot off towards his destination.

"Finally!" Goten said after flying for, what he thought, seemed like an endless flight. Once he lowered to the ground he knocked on the door and heard padded footsteps coming to answer it.

"So, you decided to bring her back after all," Videl said in a sarcastic tone (Nice to see you too…).

"Oh, sorry about that…" Goten said handing Pan to Videl. "Oh, can I talk to Gohan for a sec?" Videl shook her head and pointed at the couch. Goten peeked inside to see Gohan fast asleep on the couch. "Oh, I see… I should probably be going anyway; I have a lot of homework."

"Alright; bye Goten." Videl said as she went to go put Pan in her room. She then came back and put a blanket on Gohan and went to bed herself.


(Friday morning at the Son house. I know I skipped Thursday, it's my fic, so if I wanna skip Thursday I can!) Goten was trying unsuccessfully to comb his messy hair. "I have way too many tangles! How am I `posed to look good with hair like this? Maybe if I put more gel then---hey!" For a second, Goten thought he sensed Goku nearby. "Nah, it can't be. I'm imagining things again…"


"Dad's back? No way!" Goten walked down the hallway and peeked around the corner.

"Hi Goten," said the man in the orange gi once he noticed Goten around the corner. Goten smiled sheepishly.



(Capsule Corporation) When Vegeta was sure that Trunks was out of the house, he turned off the gravity and headed towards the living room.Vegeta sat on the couch next to Bulma who was reading a magazine. "I take it you want breakfast?" Bulma said getting off the couch.

"Wait." Bulma turned around and stared at Vegeta.

"What is it Vegeta?"

"I need to ask you something…"


Bum, bum…BUM! A cliffhanger…from me? Wow, I don't really do cliffies very often. If you want the next chapter, then you'll havefta review. You+review=updates!