Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Vacation (Series) ❯ Dragonballs??? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Long Vacation

By Rebs

A/N: Here is chapter 3. Remember this is an a/u fic. Don't be mad. Just enjoy it for what it is. A story. Let me warn you, they will not be wishing for what you might expect. I promise this. And you may find the wish… odd. But I like the idea a lot and I'm writing the story. If anyone has a suggestion as to what kinds of adventures you would like to see our young half Saijins in email me. I have five years to cover, but I think I might make this basic general story with a few adventures and have more as storys that they tell their friends and parents when they get back. I know that this will be hard, since you do not know where they are going yet. Read on. I'm dropping hints (subtle ones, of course) but there will be one big one at the end.


Disclaimer: Don't own them and I'm making no money.

Chapter 3


Trunks drove with Pan and Bra in silence. They were all thinking about the wish that would soon be made and how the upcoming trip would change their lives. "You know," Bra quietly said, "nothing is ever going to be the same after today."

"Hai, Bra." Answered Trunks. "Nothing. You are not having second thoughts are you?"

"Iie, brother. Not at all. Just thinking about what might happen. Five years is a long time. We're going to become new people, in a way. Mother and Father won't know us when we come back."

"Of course they will know us. They might be angry, though. Father will understand, though. We will all find out who we are. We are, after all, half Saijin. Isn't it right that we learn what we can about our heritage? And what better way than this."

With that said, Trunks turned onto the small road that led to the land he had purchased nine months before.

"Well girls, we're here. I sense Goten already inside. I'm sure Goku's son is hunger, as am I, so since I had the fridge stocked, I say we fix ourselves a nice dinner and prepare before we call the Dragon. It will be a few years before we get a home cooked dinner again."

"Hai." The girls said in unison.

With that, Trunks pulled up in front of the house and they all stepped out before he capsualized the car. Then they walked inside. Goten greeted them when they walked in the door. "I'm hungry," then he sheepishly adds, "but I really can't cook."

"Neither can I." Trunks added.

"You two relax," Bra said, "Pan and I will fix dinner." Then the two females went to the kitchen leaving Trunks and Goten in the living room.

"I think," said Trunks, smirking, "that this is going to be a hell of a trip."

"Hai." Was all Goten could say.

"I need to run to my lab and get a few things, Goten. Care to join me? It's just downstairs."

"Okay Trunks."

Trunks and Goten headed downstairs to retrieve a few things for the trip.

***Meanwhile, in the kitchen***

Pan and Bra we blushing and giggling, all while making a dinner that no Saijin would ever forget.

"Oh Pan, can you believe that for the next five years, it will be just you and me and my brother and" Bra suddenly got a dreamy far away look in her eyes and she sighed the next word, "Goten"

Pan giggled and sighed "Yeah, Trunks and me. Together with only my best friend and my Uncle. Uncle? Oh no. Uncle Goten would never allow anything to happen between Trunks and myself."

Bra sighed again. "Hai. And my brother would never allow anything to happen between Goten and I."

Pan got a determined look in her eyes as she said to Bra, "We'll just have to see about that won't we. It should not take the whole five years to make those bakas ours."

"Hai, Pan. We will claim them."

***And in the lab***

"What are we looking for Trunks?"

"I have a few things I have been working on for the trip Goten. Surprises for everyone. Ah! There it is." With that, he picked up the box and opened it. "Yup, all here. Let's go see if the Pan and Bra are finished with dinner yet." Trunks turned to see if his friend was following him, only to find Goten standing there with a vacant look in his eyes.


"Huh? Bra?"

"No, baka, Trunks. Why would you…? Nevermind. Let's eat." Trunks rolled his eyes. He knew that Goten had a crush on his little sister, and that he was to scared to do anything about it. : We have five years, my friend. I'm sure you'll find the time to tell her: "You know I don't mind, right Goten?"

"Huh? Don't mind what Trunks?"

"You liking Bra. I don't mind 'cause I feel that way about a girl, too."


"Yeah, but don't tell her. I will when the time is right."

"Me too buddy."

The two hungry (or in Goten's case, very hungry) half-Saijins headed upstairs and to the kitchen. They heard giggling before they walked in, but found only silence when they entered.

"What were you two giggling about?" Trunks asked.

"Nothing." Both girls answered. Bra changed the subject quickly by telling the boys dinner was on the table. Trunks and Goten turned around to be greeted by a table full of food. They all sat down and began eating.

***20 minutes later***

"That was great." Goten said while patting his full belly.

"Hai, you two outdone yourselves." Added Trunks. "Now it's time for my surprises, then we get to call the Dragon.

Trunks set the box on the table and opened it up.

He pulled out two necklaces and handed them to Bra and Pan. "Put these on and don't take them off for any reason."


"Don't ask why Bra. I will explain in a minute. Just do it." He then picked up two watches and handed on to Goten. "And you put this on Goten." He said as he put his own watch on his wrist. "Ready?"

"Hai." Everyone said.

Trunks pushed a button on his watch and suddenly everyone's ki disappeared.

"What!" Shouted Goten.

"Relax buddy." he said as he pressed another button, which caused everyone to relax as they could feel one anthers ki again. "No one can feel our ki unless they are wearing a watch or a necklace. I've been working on them a while. Now let's go call the Dragon, make our wish and head out."

The four of them walked about a half a mile back into Trunk's property to a large clearing.

"Boy Trunks, you have been getting ready for this trip for a while now haven't you. Even got a clearing made so we could leave."

"Hai, Goten."

They laid out the dragonballs and called the eternal Dragon. The sky turned dark and lightening struck a few times and a great dragon materialized.


Trunks stepped forward, "Dragon, we wish for those with Saijin blood to have their Saijin tails."

"YOUR WISH IS GRANTED." The dragon said before he dematerialized and the dragonballs shot off around the world.


What do you think. Strange wish huh… and far reaching affects too L anyway review for me please. Remember, I do have a reason for the tails.. it just has not completely come to me yet….


Chapter 4: On Their Way

They have their tails and their transportation… where are they going and what will they do?