Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Vacation (Series) ❯ On Their Way ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Vacation

By Rebs


On Their Way

A/N I should point out that this story is about Goten, Trunks, Bra and Pan. Their parents and the other Z Senshi are not in it really… but I will eventually get around to side stories about them and how they take the disappearance of the their children. IE. Bulma finds the letter, how they react to their Kis disappearing, what happens when everyone with Saijin blood suddenly has a tai. You will just have to wait for those.

Remember: This is an A/U fanfic do not get mad about age changes and any other change I have taken it upon myself to make. I wrote the story and I have every right to change. Anyway… Read and Review and tell me how you like it, what you do like, what you don't, but please don't flame. Constructive criticism is welcome but story bashing is NOT. Now on with the story…

As soon as the Dragon vanished, the four part Saijins promptly fell onto their *ahem* tails.

"Oh my," Bra said, "was this wish really a good idea Trunks?"

"Hai, Bra. Just wrap your tail around your waist then you can stand. You will learn how to balance sooner or later. We all will. Remember sis, we'll need our tails for part of the trip. Granted that part will not come into play for a very long time, but we had to wish it now. Besides, think of father. I bet he is happy. I think he's missed his tail for all these years."

"Hai, Trunks." Bra giggled, " Father probably is happy to have his tail back, but I bet mom is pissed."

"So anyway," Goten said while struggling to stand back up, "Wow! It's weird to have a tail, but something about it just feels…. Right." He then started flexing, waging and stretching his tail, to get used to it before wrapping it around his waist and standing upright. Pan, Bra and Trunks did the same.

Pan then noticed Trunks and Bras tails and burst out laughing. Goten followed his nieces gaze and laughed at the sight too. Trunks and Bra sweatdropped and looked at each other and then Pan and Goten.

"Uh… What the is so funny you two?" Asked Trunks.

"Gomen." Pan and Goten said.

"But," continued Goten, "it's just that when we decided to make this wish for our tails, I kinda expected us to all have brown ones. Pan and I just were not prepared to see you two with lavender and blue tails."

Trunks and Bra looked at each other noticing the others furry new appendage. "You two are right," chuckled Trunks, "Our tails do look a little funny."

Bra rolled her eyes, "I don't know Trunks. I think mine is kinda cute. Anyway, are we ready to go or not?"

"Hai, sis, its time to go. If anyone wants to turn back, now is the time."

"Iie!" said Goten, Pan and Bra.

"Well then," said Trunks as he pulled a capsule from his box, "time for you all to see my pride and joy. No one else has seen this and it took years to build." He pushed a button on the capsule and tossed it away from him. A large cloud of dust appeared and Trunks indicated towards it saying, "Time to leave Earth." The dust settled and an amazing ship sat before them.

"Trunks, man, you outdid yourself." Goten said in awe.

"Only the best for us, my friend. Let's get inside." With that they all followed Trunks inside the ship and the door securely locked behind them as Trunks punched in a code on a panel on the wall. He then led them to the main control room.

"I've already programmed a route away from Earth. After we get a few light years away, we'll find a place to begin training. We do have to be prepared in case we run into any trouble out there. There are also two gravity chambers two decks down. The girls' rooms are out the door on the right down the hall. You two can decide which ones you want. Goten, your room is the second to the left out the left doors. Mine is the firs. Each room has a bathroom. Kitchen is at the end of each hall. It wraps around so we all share that. I have capsule food for emergencies, but" with this he turned to Goten, "the fridge is stocked. The ship also charts where we are and where we have been, so we will never get lost. I've also put in the coordinates of a few places that were in moms' old notes. Maybe we'll look at where a few planets used to be one of these days. Ready to go everyone?"

Goten nodded and Bra and Pan said "Hai." Trunks pushed a few buttons and the ship lifted slowly off the ground. Bra walked to a window and watched as the lifted higher and left the earth's atmosphere.

"Gomen everyone," she whispered, "We will miss you, but we are not just human, we have to find out about out other parts, too. I promise, though, we'll be home one day." That said, a tear slipped down her cheek." "We love you."


Earth had left their sight hours ago, and yet Bra remained standing at the window staring at the spot where earth once was.

"Bra, are you okay?" Asked a concerned Goten as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder.

Bra blushed slightly. "Hai, Goten. I'm fine. It's just so strange. We did not just run off to some island or anything like that. Here we are in space. We left the whole damn planet behind us. Our friends and families. Our fathers. And for a very long time too." She turned and looked him in the eyes, "Don't get me wrong Goten, I really want to do this. I'm just worried that something may happen and what will we do?"

"Oh Bra," He wrapped his arms around her, "Trunks and I are here, and there is always Gotenks. I promise I'll always protect you Bra-chan.

Bra smiled up at Goten and kissed him on the cheek. "Arigato Goten." She smiled once more and excused herself to go find her room to rest for a while. Goten stood there with his hand on his cheek where she kissed him and watched out the window where Bra once stood. "Arigato Bra-chan" he whispered to himself.


In Chapter 5 Trouble

The young demi-saijins are well on their way into space when trouble finds them…