Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Vacation (Series) ❯ Trouble ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



PAIRING: (Trunks, Goten, Bra and Pan... but not in a sexual sense... they are just friends... well, thus far anyway)

RATING: PG-13 for some language

WARNINGS: some bad words Also, this is an A/U fic... I changed ages around a bit, if you do not like that.. please, by all means.... DON'T READ, otherwise, hope you like NOTES: will be a LONG story and I am stuck right now...


SUMMARY: Trunks is fed up with his job at CC... and decides it is time for the young demi-saiyans to go on vacation, but this will be no ordinary vacation


By Rebs


Chapter 5


A/N : Well, here is chapter 5. Gomen for taking so long, bug I have been stuck on this one. See, I know what I want to do, sort of, but just how to do it is where I seem to be having problems. Please keep in mind that this is an a/u fic and if you do not like that, then please do not read. Oh, I have forgotten a few disclaimers… my bad. Just remember:

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Dragonball (Z/GT) nor do I own any of the characters, though I wish a few were mine. I am making no money, nor do I have any, anyway.

There we go. I guess I'll get back to the fic now. Please be kind and review for me. It is not hard, just fill in the box below…

***Many light years from Earth and about two and a half days after they left***

All was quiet aboard the SSJ Discovery (that is the name of the ship, by the way) as the four young explorers slept away their exhaustion. Goten and Trunks had been making use of the two gravity chambers below decks to train Pan and Bra. Pan already was a good fighter, by human standards, but she was far behind the boys in both strength and experience. Bra, on the other hand, had learned to fly, and that was it. Well, not entirely. Vegeta had taught her a few little maneuvers in case she was ever in any trouble. However, these moves were just to buy her time for someone to rescue her.

The four had agreed that Trunks and Goten should not go easy on the girls, not that they would be hard on them, either. Trunks and Bra went to one chamber while Goten and Pan went to the other. Trunks got Bra started on stretching techniques she could do alone and then he showed her basic moves such as kicks and punches and blocks. Trunks even taught her to shoot a very small ki blast. It was a start. Pan on the other hand knew how to do all of these things, so Goten spared with her. Actually, Goten beat the crap out of her, and he felt bad for it, but Pan insisted that he fight her like she was anyone else. For a day and a half the four did this breaking only for food, bathroom and rest.

Now, as they are sleeping in their rooms, they are unaware of the danger that is approaching, until a loud shrill alarm begins ringing throughout the ship. Goten shot up, standing in a fighting stance on his bad, and went straight into super-Saiy-jin. He looked around, alert now, for the enemy who had awakened him, but found only a dark room. He dropped out of super-Saiy-jin and decided to head for the control room. In the hall, he found a disheveled Trunks also running for the control room and followed him.

"What's going on Trunks?" Goten yelled to his best friend.

"I don't know, but that alarm means that someone is nearing our ship. They can't detect our Ki's, but they ca detect out life signs. It could be nothing and it could be danger. I pray to Kami it is nothing."

"Hai Trunks, so do I." Goten said thinking that they were far from home and the safety it offered.

Trunks and Goten ran into the control room just as Pan and Bra entered on the opposite side.

"What's going on?" Asked a frightened Bra.

"Well sis, we're about to find out." Trunks said as he started pushing buttons. He pressed a button and a small monitor turned on showing a radar screen. On the radar, was a blip heading straight for the center. "Well, it looks like someone is coming our way." Trunks pushed a few more buttons. "The force shield is at full power, and whoever they are, it seems they want to talk to us." With that he hit one more button and a large screen scrambled for a moment before the picture steadied itself revealing an older looking humanoid with elfish characteristics. He was rather short and frail looking, but, judging by his Ki signature, he was very powerful.

"Greetings, I am Kelof (pronounced Key-loff), son of Gorlog (think gore-log) of the Gleff-jin. Who are you and why are you in our sector of space? You should understand that entering this area without our explicit permission is means for imprisonment, slavery or death, whichever we see fit."

"I am Trunks, son of Vegeta": hope this does not get me in any more trouble: "of the Saiy-jin. We were not aware of any such laws and apologize for our presence here. If you would grant us permission, we'll just be on our way and we'll cause no more trouble here."

"You lie! There are no Saiy-jin left alive, and especially none with purple hair. Do you take me for a fool? Now, if you really were a Saiy-jin, I would allow you to pass through. While the planet is gone, we Gleff-jin honor all treaties. However, sorry for you, there are no Saiy-jin. And to use the name of royalty, you should surely die for that."

"No, really, were are all part Saiy-jin. Two survived and ended up on a planet called Earth. One was my father Prince Vegeta and the other was a third class soldier, and Goten's father," with this he indicated towards Goten, "Kakarrot. They met our mothers and well, here we are."

"Hmmmm. I see you do have a tail. Saiy-jin are the only race I have come across with tails. But I am still not sure. One of you, the blue haired girl, will board our ship. We will do a DNA test to be sure of your heratige. If all is well, we will honor our agreement. In fact, we will share information with you, and if there is no Saiy-jin blood, you will all perish."

"No!" Goten and Trunks shouted. "Don't take Bra," continued Goten, "Take me instead."

"No, the girl is the least threat. We will test her. Rest assured, no harm will come to her unless the test is failed." With that said, Bra vanished from the room and re-appeared on the monitor next to Kelof.

""Bra!" Goten ran to the screen, going super-Saiy-jin. "Oh, Bra-chan, are you okay?"

"Hai, Goten. Don't worry, I'll pass this silly test with flying colors."

"What trick is this?" asked Kelof. Why did you change your hair color?"

"He did not change his hair color. He went super-Saiy-jin." Answered Bra.

"But we detect no Ki."

"Well, we're hiding it from some people, okay."

"Trunks, son of Vegeta of the Saiy-jin and Goten, son of Kakarrot of the Saiy-jin, we will return the girl in a few hours if she proves to have Saiy-jin blood. She will come to no harm in the mean time."

With that, the transmission ended.

To be continued….

Teaser: Chapter 6: New Allies Our young heroes make some new allies. Who are they and what have they to offer?