Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Vacation (Series) ❯ New Allies ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


By Rebs


Chapter 6

New Allies

A/N: Oh my, so many chapters yet to go. Do you like my story? I would not ask but that I'm getting a pretty good amount of hits per chapter, however, my reviews are becoming less and less. How can I make my story good if no one tells me what is good and what is not? I thank everyone who has written a review. Oh, I just made up a whole five year timeline and started my first interlude: Hell of a Party, the interlude takes place at Capsule Cooperation directly after Trunks and Bra leave and covers the events up until they leave. This will be a day one interlude. Hope you all enjoy it, though it will be short. Well, I guess I'll stop babbling and get on with the story, since I really didn't have anything to say anyway. (You may have to look in ff.net 'cause I don't have the Long Vacation (Interludes) uploaded here yet.)




Pan was worried, Trunks was pacing nonstop, fists clenched and a scowl on his face, and Goten; Poor Goten was livid. "KUSO! Trunks what were we thinking. How could we have let this happen?" Then he whispered to himself, "How could I have let this happen. Gomen, Bra-chan, I let you down."

***Meanwhile on the Gleff-jin ship***

Bra stared at the elfish man before her. "Well, Kelof, son of Gorlog, are we going to get this over with so that I can return to my ship?"

"Of course," Said Kelof. "But first, your name?"

"Bra, Daughter of Vegeta, Prince of the Saiyjins."

"Grog! Take the Princess here to the lab to be tested. Inform the doctors that if she is Saiyjin at all, they are to release her immediately, however, if she has no Saiyjin blood, then I want her to be locked up so that we may study her specis."

"Yes Master Kelof."

Bra was then taken down many long corridors and finally into a lab like room with machines and instruments everywhere. She was told to sit and while she did that, Grog spoke with the doctors. Finally, after a few minutes, one of the doctors approached Bra and looked her over.

"Well, she does not look Saiyjin, except that she has a tail. Hmmm. This should only take a few minutes. Please, place your hand on this screen." With that, he took Bras hand and laid it on a screen. Her entire body went rigid for a moment as she felt her skin burn for a moment then the pain was gone, her hand by her side and the doctor was reading the screen as information about the blue haired female was shown on the screen. "Well, well, she is part Saiyjin. And another species, too. One that is very similar to the Saiyjin, but it would have to be similar for breeding to take place. This is quite interesting. And royalty, too. You can always tell that one dear. Saiyjin royalty tampered with their own DNA a bit to make themselves stronger. You can see it in the DNA. A little too good. Looks like they should have just done what your father did. What race is your other half?"


"Hmmm. Saiyjins and humans do produce strong offspring. Intelligent too I'd bet. Or at least more so than the saiyjins were."

"So, I passed the test right. I'm free to go am I not?"

"Oh, yes, I am to release you right away my Lady, Princess Bra. We Gleff-jin still honor our treaty with the Saiyjins. As such, we will do whatever we can to help you. Before you leave, Master Kelof would have a word with you. Grog! Please escort the Princess to Master Kelof."

Ten minutes later, Bra was again standing before Kelof. This time, however, he knew that she was the Saiyjin princess, and he treated her as such. "Princess Bra, ever since planet Vegeta was destroyed, we have had a few of its people residing with our people. There are many dangers to the Saiyjins for the atrocities that they had committed in the past. Never did any harm come to our people, however. In fact, when our people were nearly wiped out, King Vegeta came to us and offered his protection and assistance in return for a truce that no harm would ever come towards the Saiyjin from us. We may appear weak, but we are not. The Saiyjins and the Gleff-jin were going to combine forces and grow strong together. We were going to over throw Frieza and his troops, but when Vegetasi was destroyed, so was the plan, but not the agreement. Enemies of their people have killed all the saiyjins who were living with us. There are only two remaining, and they are aboard this ship. They are young, Only twenty standard years. Please take them with you. They should be with their own people, their prince's and princess. It is only right. They may never have a family here with us, but on this Earth where Humans and Saiyjins can mix, I'm sure they will be happier."

"Oh, I don't know what the others would think if I brought more Saiyjins back."

"But they are your people. It would only be right. Corin and Kalee were raised the *ahem* Saiyjin way. They know about Vegetasai history and the legends and even that their loyalty lies with the throne. You are a princess of Vegetasai. They would be no harm, only good. Please. I finished raising them after their father was killed, and I love them like my own. They suffer here because they are alone. Take them with you Princess Bra."

"Oh, okay."

"Well then, Princess, there is one more matter and you may be on your way." Kelof produced a small disk from the folds of his uniform. "This disk contains star charts and information on millions of stars and planets, trade routes, territories of other empires and what not. It should be useful to Prince Trunks. There is also a signal for your ship on that disk. It will allow you access to anywhere in the Gleff-Jin jurisdiction." He handed her the disk and motioned for her to follow him. Kelof lead Bra to the mess hall on the ship. "Being the Saiyjins that they are, Corin and Kalee should be in here." He scanned the room until his eyes fell on two blurs at a table. "Ah yes, there they are." With that, Kelof lead Bra to two young Saiyjins battling over the last bit of some meat. "Ahem!"

The two saiyjins looked up to see Kelof glaring at them. They quickly pulled themselves together and stood before Kelof. "Princess, this is Kalee," he indicated the female of the two, "and her brother Corin. Kalee, Corin, this is Princess Bra, daughter of Vegeta, who is your Prince. You will be traveling with her, her brother and two others of Saiyjin blood. I have raised you two as my own and trained you to the best of my ability. You will be missed, but it is time for you to be with your own people."

That said, Kelof nodded his head and Bra, Kalee and Corin found themselves standing between the confused expressions of Trunks and Pan and to the back of a still ranting Goten. " Come on Trunks! We have to rescue her. She has been gone for nearly an hour. What if something has happened to her, huh? I just don't know what I'll do if.. if.."

"If what Son Goten?"

Goten turned around, shouted "Bra!" and took of running at her. Before Bra could blink, she was in the tightest bear hug of her entire life. "Oh Bra-chan, I was so worried about you." Goten whispered to her as he sat her back down. He then noticed the two people she came back with. "Who are they Bra?"

To be continued in: Chapter 7 Introductions