Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Vacation (Series) ❯ Introductions ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Vacation

By Rebs


DISCLAIMER: Not making money and I don't own them…

Last time:

That said, Kelof nodded his head and Bra, Kalee and Corin found themselves standing between the confused expressions of Trunks and Pan and to the back of a still ranting Goten. " Come on Trunks! We have to rescue her. She has been gone for nearly an hour. What if something has happened to her, huh? I just don't know what I'll do if.. if.."

"If what Son Goten?"

Goten turned around, shouted "Bra!" and took of running at her. Before Bra could blink, she was in the tightest bear hug of her entire life. "Oh Bra-chan, I was so worried about you." Goten whispered to her as he sat her back down. He then noticed the two people she came back with.

"Who are they Bra?"

Chapter 7


"Oh my," Bra said, "We have not really met. Kelof just introduced us and poof here we are. This, I believe, is Kalee and her brother Corin. They are Saiyjins and they lived their whole lives with the Gleffjin. This is Goten and his niece Pan and, of course, this is Trunks, my brother."

Kalee and Corin bowed slightly before Trunks saying "My Prince."

Trunks rolled his eyes. "No, please just call me Trunks. And don't bow either. That is just too weird. We're all just friends here. If you ever want to bow to anyone, try that one on my father. I'm sure he'll love it."

"Hai, Vegeta will go on a Prince of all Saiyjins power trip." Chuckled Goten.

"Hai, he probably would. On second thought, if you ever meet my father, just call him Vegeta, like everyone else does." Said Trunks.

"But Prin-err, Trunks, you are our Prince and Bra is our Princess. Our loyalty does lie with you." Said Corin.

Trunks smiles at the new Saiyjin. "So long as your loyalty lies with me, mine will also lie with you, as friends. Now, I suppose you two would like rooms. Good thing this ship has plenty of space. Pan and Bra, why don't you two give Kalee a tour of the ship. Right below your quarters, are more. She can chose the room she would like. Show her how to work the gravity room and where the kitchen is. Goten and I will show Corin around."

Bra, Pan and Kalee all left and headed towards the kitchen. Trunks and Goten looked Corin over and smirked at each other.

"So Corin, do you train?" Asked Trunks.

"Hai, you?"

"Every day." Answered Goten.

"Really." Corin looked Trunks and Goten over. Goten looked like a Saiyjin with his spiky hair, but Trunks, his own prince, looked like some weak species with his limp purple hair and his big blue eyes. "Care to spar you two?"

"Oh, hai, we'd love to spar, huh Trunks."

"Hai, follow us down to the gravity room and we'll spar for a bit, then you can settle in."

**********In the Kitchen**********

"So Kalee." Said Pan, "I bet it's strange suddenly being here, huh."

"Hai, a little, but Corin and I have never really been anywhere for too long. It's dangerous being Saiyjin. The remains of Friezas troops still hunt Saiyjins down and kill on sight."

"I thought that there were only two Saiyjins in the whole universe left." Said Bra.

"Hai, grandpa Goku and Vegeta were supposed to be the last."

"Oh, there are not many of us left. There are Corin and I. Father was killed twelve years ago. We never know our mother, she was killed when we were very little. I have heard that there is a small camp of Saiyjins, the very last besides your fathers and us. Their camp is said to be about a year and a half away, on a small out of the way planet with no moon. Corin knows more about that, though."

"More Saiyjins. Maybe we should go after them." Said Bra.

"It would be a dangerous journey, but a hell of an adventure. Is there anything to eat?" Said Kalee.

"Uh, didn't you just eat before we got here?"

"Hai, but I'm hungry again." Kalee said as she blushed.

"Hai, Pan are you hungry?"

"Hai, Bra. Maybe we should get dinner started for everyone. If I know Goten and Trunks, they will be in here in no time tearing the kitchen apart looking for food anyway."

Bra, Pan and Kalee got busy fixing a dinner big enough for two saiyjins, three half saiyjins and one quarter saiyjin.

**********In the Gravity room**********

"Okay, we'll start off light and just put the gravity machine in 100 times normal gravity. Goten, why don't you start off."

"Okay Trunks. You ready Corin?" Goten asked as he took a fighting stance.

"Hai, let's go." Corin also got into a fighting stance.

Goten was the first to attack. He charged Corin and threw a punch, but he was too slow and Corin was gone. Goten turned around to find Corin's foot heading right at his face. Goten threw up his hands, grabbed Corin's leg, swung him around and threw him onto the ground.

"Nice Goten, but that will not happen again." That said, Corin got to his feet and charged at Goten. He was moving so fast that no normal human could see him. Lucky for Goten, he was only half-human, and that half itself was not all that normal. Goten charged at Corin also and they exchanged kick after punch after block. "Humph. You are not that strong Goten. Your Saiyjin half is a very weak one indeed. Your father must be lower than third class scum. Kalee and I are the children of second class soldiers. Strength and good breeding is in our genes. You are only a weak half breed. This spar has no competition in it." Corin swung at a very pissed off Goten. His fist connected with Gotens cheek, but Goten did not budge. He only screamed in rage as his hair flashed gold and his eyes turned green. Before a shocked Corin stood a very pissed off super saiyjin Goten. Trunks was cracking up. He could not believe how stupid Corin had just proven himself to be.

"Oh Corin, I would not insult Goten like that. His father is a third class soldier; this is true. There is something you should know about his father, though. Goku, or Kakarrot, was the first to turn super saiyjin. He defeated Frieza on Namak and you would not believe how strong he is. Goten here is a hell of a warrior. He became a super saiyjin at a very young age and he is about to kick your ass."

That said, Goten planted his fist right between Corins shocked eyes and knocked him out. "That was fun." He said as he dropped out of super saiyjin. Trunks picked Corin up and carried him to one of the spare rooms and laid him down. "Hungry Goten?"

"Of course I am Trunks." Goten chuckled as they headed to the kitchen for something to eat.


A/N: That is it for chapter 7. I'm sure it was a bit short. Sorry. I do try to make my chapters longer, but they don't want to be. I'm going to work on my second interlude soon, too.


Chapter 7

A Slight Change in Plans.

More Saiyjins are somewhere out there in space and the crew of the SSJ Discovery has decided to find them. But first they have to figure out what way to go.