Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Vacation (Series) ❯ Do Dreams Come True? ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Vacation

By Rebs

DISCLAIMER: Not making money and I don't own them…

Chapter 9

Do Dreams Come True?

Trunks Dream:

Trunks walked into a field of poppy like flowers. (Think Wizard of Oz) A lone woman stood in the distance with her back to him. She had long black hair that danced in the wind, as did her silky blue dress. There was something familiar about the girl. Trunks knew he knew her.


He shouted as he ran towards her, but she never turned around. As he ran, a hand reached from the side and pulled Trunks around. He was now facing Corin.

"First, my prince, we must battle."

"Battle, now? Okay, if you want a challenge, we will battle, but first, let me see why Pan is just standing there." He turned towards Pan, but she was no longer there.

"The girl is waiting by the river for you Prince, but first we battle.

Corin smirked a Saiyjin smirk before he settled into a fighting stance. Trunks growled low in his throat and took his own fighting stance.

"What is this all about Corin?"

"Honor, my Prince." He said as he lunged for Trunks.

Trunks dodged and counter punched at Corin, but the punch was blocked. They began punching and kicking and blocking until they were performing a beautiful, but deadly dance. Corin was not a super saiyjin, but he was a very skilled fighter. They danced the dance of battle for hours or days, Trunks could not tell. Finally the two were beaten, broken and bruised. Trunks threw one more punch and Corin fell to the ground panting and gasping for air.

"Well, Trunks, my Prince, you are a fine warrior. And my family will have it's honor. Go that way, she is waiting for you still by the river." That said Corin vanished. Trunks ran in the direction the Corin had pointed and found the river, but he did not see Pan anywhere.

"Pan!" He shouted, but got no reply. Just then he looked out at the river and saw her head rise from under the water. 'Oh, she must be bathing.' Trunks got an evil idea and smirked before he began to strip. Once he had removed his cloths, he quietly slipped into the water and swam towards Pan. She never once looked behind her and within moments Trunks was standing behind her. He gently slid his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. Her scent was intoxicating and he closed his eyes to take her in. She truned to face him and gently kissed his lips. The kiss became more and more passionate and the two explored each others bodies with their hands and each others mouths with their tongues. When they finally pulled back from the kiss, Trunks opened his eyes to look at Pan. "Kalee?!" he shouted in surprise.

The sheer shock of the dream woke Trunks up. He was sweating and his heart was racing. He looked at his clock. 6:15 am. 'May as well get up.' He thought as he got up and headed for the shower. By 7:00 am, trunks was on his way to the kitchen for breakfast.

Goten's Dream

Chibi Goten and chibi Trunks were at a carnival walking around. Goten wanted to try all of the food and Trunks wanted to ride everything in sight. They came to a sign that pointed in two directions. On arrow said 'Worlds Greatest Roller Coaster', and in small letters it said 'the most thrilling ride of your life'. Chibi Trunks was beyond excited. He wanted to ride that roller coaster and there was no stopping him, but when he looked at chibi Goten, he saw his friends eyes wide and a bit of drool forming.

"Goten, let's ride the roller coaster."

"Iie, Trunks, the biggest doughnuts in the world are that way." He pointed in the opposite direction. "And that is where I am going. Why don't we just meet back here in a little while."

"Okay." Trunks said as he ran to the roller coaster.

Goten set off in search of the 'biggest doughnuts in the world.' After searching for a long time, he came across a lady who looked like a fairy. Rather that asking about her shimmery attire, little Goten smiled sweetly and asked, "Do you know where the big doughnuts are?"

"Why, little one, are you looking for big doughnuts?"

"Ummm, 'cause they are yummy."

"You think they will make you happy?"

"Of course."


"Until I eat them all. Do you know where they are?"

"Hai, little one. I know. But what if I could show you something that would make you happy for forever?"

"Is if chocolate covered, cream filled, giant doughnuts?"

The fairy woman chuckled at the hungry child. "Iie, little one. It is not food. It is something better than that."

"What's better than food?"

"Would you like to see?"

"Hai, if it is better than food, then I'd really like to know what it is."

"Then follow me little one." She led him to a giant fun house. "In here, are mirrors, little one. Find the right one and you will find what will make you happy for forever."

Chibi Goten walked passed the woman into the funhouse. He walked a while until he found the mirrors. He looked at each one. He saw images of his family and friends. He saw his childhood and the adventures he went on. He found a normal looking mirror that showed a room on a space ship that looked all too familiar. He stepped closer and placed his hand on the mirror, and he fell right through it. He stood and turned to look at the mirror and noticed that he was no longer a child but a man. He turned around and walked towards the bed in the room and noticed blue locks on the pillow. He leaned down and took a closer look. "Bra." He gasped, and woke up.

Goten got out of bed and wandered to the shower before heading to the kitchen. All the while he could not get the dream out of his head. Bra will make me happy forever? Is that what the dream meant? He wandered into the kitchen, still pondering the dream, Trunks, Pan and Corin sitting at the table while Bra and Kalee were placing food on the table. Bra looked at Goten and smiled sweetly at him.

"Good morning sleepyhead. Ready for breakfast?" Bra asked Goten.

"Maybe just a little, I'm not very hungry."

A dead silence filled the room, broken by the sound of silverware being dropped on the floor. Trunks and Pan were gaping at Goten. Bra was suddenly worried.

"Goten, what's wrong?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just thinking. I had such an odd dream last night."

"Hai, me too Goten. I had a dream that some man stepped through my mirror and was watching me." Said Bra.

"Really? That is a weird dream." Goten said as he sat down, forgetting that he was not hungry he began piling his plate high.

"I had a strange dream last night too." Said Pan. "I dreamt that I was in some kind of fairy tale land or something. I was supposed to marry Prince Charming, by I was kidnapped by some warrior. He looked so familiar, too, but anyway, Prince Charming kept looking for me, but he ended up hooking up with Cinderella or something. He never did show up and the warrior fell in love with me and we got married. Weird, huh."

"Hai, Pan. That dream does sound, uh, very weird." Said Bra.


*******2 WEEKS LATER*******

A computerized voice announced that the ship was about to begin it's decent into Crayo's atmosphere. Everyone headed to the control room to prepare for the landing. Trunks handed each of them a capsule.

"This," he said, "is a small one person cabin. There is a kitchen, stocked, bathroom, Yes Bra, there is a tub. There is a small living room and a bedroom. I figure we'll be here long enough, we all deserve a little privacy and a place to be alone, if we need it. I have a few more if any malfunctions occur, but the worst that can happen is the generator might go out, and your cabin would lose power."

As he said this, the ship landed. The six passengers of the S.S.J. Discovery headed for the door to look at the new home they would have for the next six months.

To be continued….