Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Vacation (Series) ❯ Crayo's Secret ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Vacation

By Rebs


DISCLAIMER: Not making money and I don't own them…

A/N: I realized that I kinda jumped 2 weeks in the last chapter in one day. OOPS. I fixed it, though. Not very well, but it is fixed. Hope you are all enjoying. Please remember to review. For those interested in the time frame, The Demi-saiyjins left the beginning of January. They landed on Crayo, in the last chapter, in February. They will be there for six months. So they will leave in August. I think I may to write a few more chapters of the series before I write another interlude because I got a little ahead of myself. Nanee is not born yet in the series, so the interludes are already at… July.

Chapter 10

Crayo's Secret

There is a small planet in the Ola system. From a distance, it looks much like Earth, blue and green. There are dense jungles, tropical islands, the bluest seas that there have ever been. There are deserts and fields. Yes, it looks much like the Earth, from space. Looking closer, one might notice that the trees are older, stronger and not as green. In fact, they are almost blue. The flowers smell much sweeter and the fruits are tastier. This planet, Crayo, is what those of Earth would call Eden. Oh, but the poor humans could never live or even survive on this lush planet. The gravity is hundreds of times stronger than that of Earth. Many wild animals and unique birds reside on Crayo, but there is no sentient life. Well, there was not, until a ship landed. That ship carried four Saiyjin hybrids and two Saiyjins. For two weeks these young adventurers trained in a gravity chamber to prepare for Crayo's gravity, and though they were strong, it still took them nearly a month to become accustomed to the planet enough to go about their daily activities. For another two months, they trained and became even stronger.

Trunks, who by all rights was their Prince, and his best friend Goten were the strongest. Both were able to reach SSJ level two now with no difficulty, and they were very close to reaching the next level. Corin was also very strong, but he could not seem to breech the barrier between Saiyjin and Super Saiyjin. Kalee and Pan were nearly equals in strength, though Pan had achieved SSJ level one. Bra was strong and powerful, herself, though nowhere near the others levels. She was very fast though.

Trunks tried to train Bra, but she could not keep up with him. Secretly, she felt ashamed that she was lagging so far behind the others. She sought out Pan and asked her to train her in secret, so that she could catch up. Every night after everyone went to bed, Bra and Pan would sneak into the jungle to train in private. The training was paying off too, for both Bra and Pan. The girls trained like this for weeks and each night their power levels increased. Very soon, Bra too was at the SSJ barrier.


A/N: The previous section just covered the first four months on Crayo…


"Pan." Bra said as they walked into the jungle for their midnight training session.

"Hai, Bra?"

"I wonder, you know how the boys form Gotenks?"


"Well, I was wondering, if you wanted to, maybe we could get them to teach us fusion…"

"Me and you fused? That would definitely be interesting. I wonder who we would be then. But you know, they might not agree to teach us the fusion dance."

"Hai, they might not, but when they find out that I have gotten stronger and how close our power levels are, maybe they will."

"Hai, maybe we should surprise them soon."

"Hai." Bra said as she crouched down to begin sparring with Pan. Pan also crouched into a fighting stance and the girls began their spar. For hours the battled beneath the stars before Bra hit Pan, sending her into a clearing in the jungle that none of them had noticed before. Bra flew to where Pan landed and helped her stand. Once she was standing, they looked around and noticed that the clearing was actually the site of what was once a small town.

"What is this?" Said Bra. "There is no other life here but the animals and us. I wonder who lived here."

"I don't know Bra. Maybe we should come back tomorrow with everyone else and look around. It's getting very late and we should head back now."

"Hai. It is kind of creepy here anyway. Let's go get some sleep." That said, the girls returned to their cabins and turned in for the night.

********The Next Afternoon********

Everyone gathered for lunch the next afternoon. Bra was excited to show everyone how much she had improved and could not wait for lunch to end so that they could all spar. Luckily, Saiyjins were quick eaters. After lunch was over and the dishes were cleaned and put up they all gathered to spar.

"Trunks, Goten?" Said Pan.

"Hai?" The boys said in unison.

"Bra and I were wondering if you two could help us out with something."

"What do you need Pan?" Asked Trunks.

"Well, we were wondering if you two would teach us fusion."

"I don't know Pan. I'm not sure it would be a good idea. Bra is not powerful enough."

"Well, how about you let Bra and I spar first, then you can make your decision."

"Well, that sounds fair."

Pan and Bra stepped away from the group and stepped into their fighting stances. Before anyone could blink the two were exchanging punches, kicks and blocks. Everyone was amazed that Bra was keeping up. Actually, Bra was not just keeping up, she was holding her own. Pan finally had to go Super Saiyjin, and even then Bra was keeping up with her. After what felt like hours the two girls finally stopped.

Trunks was amazed. He could not believe how much Bra had improved. "Well you two," he said, "I think that maybe we could teach you fusion. You will have to practice, a lot, though. Goten and I kinda screwed it up a few times before we got it down."

"Thank you Trunks!!" Pan shouted as she threw her arms around him and hugged him. "This is going to be so cool."

"Oh Pan," said Bra, "we have to go to the jungle and look around."

"Hai, let's go. Hey, do you all want to see something interesting?"

"What?" asked Goten.

"It's a surprise. Follow us." Said Bra.

Pan and Bra shot off into the sky and flew towards the clearing. Everyone else followed, curious about what the girls had to show them. The girls landed in the jungle near the clearing and started walking towards it. Everyone else landed and continued following them. Once they reached the clearing, everyone stared in awe.

Before them laid a small town. There were stone buildings that were apparently living quarters. There were remains of a market and what appeared to be two small arenas. Between the arenas stood a statue that had no head. It's arms laid by its feet.

"Is that a tail on that statue?" Goten asked.

"Hai, I think it is." Answered Trunks. "I think we need to take a better look around. This is all very strange."

"Hai, it is." Answered Pan.

"Well then," Trunks continued, "lets explore."

That said, everyone headed into the town and started searching for clues about who had lived there.


Well, there was part ten. Yay! I'm so proud of me for getting this far. Please remember to review. Oh hey, someone tell me… I did get the fusion thing right, didn't I? I hope so. For those of you who are worried about who will hook up with who in a romantic sense, don't worry. Drama and adventure is the specific focus of this story. Eventually, I will get into the romantic aspects. Maybe I alluded to it a bit already, but hey… it's a long story and there is plenty of time for everything.