Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Vacation (Series) ❯ Goten's Discovery ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Vacation

By Rebs

Chapter 11: Goten's Discovery

After a few hours of searching for clues, everyone was ready to give up. It is not that they did not find anything. They found plenty; plenty of dead ends. For one thing, they found three large circles in the center of the village. They were made up of rocks that crudely formed a circle. They found a large building with many tables. On quite a few tables there were plates with the remains of very old rotted food, overturned drinks and many chairs were lying on the ground. It looked as if whoever had been there left in a hurry. There were no bodies, no graves, and no personal belongings of any kind. The village was a greater mystery than it had been before. It was getting very dark and everyone decided to head back to their camp. That is when it happened.

Goten Son tripped and fell. He did not hit the ground, however. Actually, the young Demi-Saiyjin fell right through the ground. After he had fallen a few hundred feet, he finally hit solid ground. This ground, however, was not rock. The ground was smooth and cool. Goten groaned as he stood up. 'Ouch, I can't believe I forgot to fly.' He thought as he looked up. He could easily levitate out of the pit, but he was curious about it. He powered up and his aura cast enough light for him to make out where he was. He turned, looking at the walls, until he noticed a single passageway. The passageway was cut out of stone and reinforced with steel like walls, floor and ceiling. He stepped into the passageway and the whole place suddenly lit up. 'Must be a motion sensor or something like that.' He thought. He was about to venture further down the path when Corin and Trunks levitated down the pit and landed behind him.

"Goten, you okay? I felt your KI rise and followed it here." Trunks said.

"I'm fine. I just needed some light for a second." He answered as he powered down. "Look at what I found." He said gesturing down the passageway. "Wanna take a look?"

Trunks smirked. "Hai, of course I do. Let's go." He said taking control and heading down the passageway. Goten and Corin exchanged glances, shrugged and followed their Prince.

After walking for a while and finding nothing, the three came to a cross in the passageway. It continued forward and also broke off to the left and the right. "What do you two say we split up and see where these paths go?" Asked Trunks. (In a this-is-not-really-a-question, more-like-a-suggestion-that-we'll-do anyway, so-it-might-as-well-be-an-order tone of voice.)

"Hai, why not. It will be quicker that way." Answered Goten.

"Hai." Corin agreed.

So at this point, they split up. Trunks took the path down the center. Goten took the right while Corin went left.


Corin walked for a number of minutes before he reached a doorway. Written in the language of his own people was the words 'Education Center'. He pushed the doors open and walked in. There was a large room with computer-like consoles in the center. To either side and directly in front of him were doors. Corin walked to the computers and turned one on. He noticed the scouter like devices hooked up to the computer and put one on. He was prompted to choose a program, and given choices such as language, mathematics, science, history, and (surprise) fighting techniques. He skimmed a few programs and in moments learned all about the Battle of Trogs, where Vegeta-sai was actually invaded by lizard like creatures who actually almost took over, but were finally defeated by some great hero whose name had long since been forgotten. The Saiyjin race was not noted for keeping the best historical records, if any at all. He also learned a new ki technique. 'I think that this equipment would benefit all of us.' He thought as he removed a storage capsule from his pocket and opened it. He carefully unhooked six of the computers and loaded them with all of their parts into the capsule, before encapsulating it again and returning it to his pocket. He decided to look through the doors. The door to the left led to a pod like device that was actually for newborns to be placed in and 'trained'. In Corin's opinion, those machines were more or less for conditioning purposes. Teaching an infant what to do and be (based on it's class…elite, third or second) and how to act. He found nothing too interesting and left the room to check the door on the right. Behind that door, he found a lab. 'Must be for science stuff. He thought. Corin, understanding scientific stuff very little, left to explore the final door. Stepping through, he found himself in an elevator with only two buttons: up and down. Being up, he pressed the down button and after a few moments, the doors opened and he stepped out. The path led to the left and Corin followed it. Along the way, there were many doors. Corin opened a few to find empty living quarters. Once more, there were no personal belongings left anywhere. Finally, he came to a large hall. It looked like it was a meeting hall of some sort. On the walls were pictures of all of the Kings of Vegeta-Sai. Corin wandered around the hall looking at the pictures until he heard voice behind him. "Find anything interesting?"


Like Corin, Goten walked for a few minutes finding nothing before the passage suddenly ended at a door. Above the door were some words, written in a language that Goten did not know. He stepped through the doors to find a room with a large table. On the table were small monitors and on the wall there was a large one. There was also a controller setting on the table. He picked it up and pressed a few buttons. Suddenly all of the monitors flickered to life.

The large monitor showed a map of the area up above (the surface). There were three red 'blips' nearby. 'Must be the girls.' He thought. He glanced at the table and noticed that the monitors did not all show the same things. He wandered around the table looking at all of the different monitors. Some showed radar-like images of space. One screen showed pictures of aliens that Goten had never dreamed of, along with more of the finny words he could not understand. He pushed a button on that screen and was surprised to see the images change, showing more strange aliens. He pressed another button and the picture on the screen changed to show the aliens skeletal structure and had graphs and certain areas of its body were circled. From the circles were lines leading to small writing. 'Damn, what does it all mean? Maybe these aliens were their enemies or something. I wonder… ahh yes, there it is.' He looked at the monitor itself, and finally noticed a small slot on the back of it. He opened it up and removed what resembled a mini disk. Goten then turned to the other monitors and removed all of their disks. 'I'm sure that Trunks can figure out something to do with these.'

Goten looked around the room again and noticed another doorway, which he stepped through. Inside the room was a machine that resembled a regeneration tank, only it was twice as big and it had a device inside that fit over the entire head, not just the face. Goten stepped inside the 'tank' to take a look. He picked up the helmet device and looked at it. "Wonder what this is for." He said to no one. Goten shrugged and placed the helmet device on his head. As soon as it was completely on, Goten found himself unable to move, he barley registered that he heard the door to the tank close behind him. The tank filled up with some kind of fluid and Goten lost consciousness.


Trunks walked until he found a door. The door was closed and sealed, but there was a small screen on its side with the picture of a hand on it. Trunks placed his hand on the picture to see what would happen and to his surprise the doors slid open. He stepped through and they slid closed behind him. He looked around the room, noticing its simplicity. There were four pillars, one in each corner of the room. In the center of the room was a stone slab. On the slab was writing, Saiyjin writing. Trunks found himself pleased that his father had bothered to teach him his (Vegeta's) native language, though even Bulma did not know that Trunks could read, write and speak it fluently. He stepped up to the slab to read it.

(Translated from Saiyjin)

This is the whole of Saiyjin Law:Whatsoever the King of Vegetasai says is the law. The Kings' word is to be followed without question. The son of the King, the Prince of Vegetasai is also law. His word, too, shall be followed without question.

Whoever breaks these laws shall be punished.

This is the purpose of the Saiyjin Empire:To remain the strongest warriors in the Universe. To expand throughout the universe. To bring other races to serve in the kings empire. To protect all races within the empire. To destroy all who oppose the Saiyjins and keep peace and order throughout the universe.

"Keep peace?" Trunks mumbled to himself. He was confused now. His understanding was that the Saiyjins were only bloodthirsty warriors who destroyed planets and people. But from the looks of this place, it has been here since before my fathers fathers time. Perhaps the Saiyjins changed when that Frieza thing started telling them what to do. He looked around and saw only one other door leading out. He walked to it and it opened for him. He walked into another room and when the door closed, he felt the room moving down. 'Must be an elevator.' When it stopped moving, the doors opened on their own and he stepped out. Upon exiting, he found Corin wandering around looking at the walls.

"Find anything interesting?"

Corin spun around surprised. "Hai, Trunks. I did. I found some computers that I encapsulated to look at when we get back to camp. Where is Goten?"

"I don't know. Follow me and lets find him. It's getting late."

Trunks led Corin back to the elevator that he had taken down. Once again he had to use his handprint to open the doors. They went back up to the room that Trunks was previously in and followed the passage back to where they had split up. From there they followed the passage that Goten had taken until they found a large machine with an unconscious Goten floating in it.

"SHIT!" Trunks shouted.