Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Vacation (Series) ❯ A few New Twists ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Vacation

By Rebs

Chapter 16: A Few New Twists

For over a year and a half, the SSJ Discovery had been traveling through space. The 'crew' of the ship was some of the universes finest and most powerful warriors. Kalee and Corin had quickly become comfortable with their new family. Trunks and Pan remained friends, though they spent much time together, exploring the possibilities of a romantic relationship. Bra and Goten were accepted as 'mates' of sorts, never to stray from one another. After 'dating' for six months, Bra moved herself and her possessions into her love's room and they consummated their relationship. Trunks was pleased with his brother in law and had reassured Goten that his father, Vegeta, would not kill him. He was after all a strong warrior, perfectly capable of taking care of his family.

One Friday night, 8 pm earth time, Trunks sat alone in the rec. room. Corin and Pan were training in one of the gravity rooms and Goten and Bra were alone talking somewhere. Kalee walked in to find him watching an old family video on the television.

"What are you watching Trunks?"

"Oh Kalee, I was watching a video of my sixteenth birthday party."

"Mind if I watch with you?"

"Iie, sit down, I'll tell you who everyone is."

Kalee sat on the sofa with Trunks and began watching the video. "Is that Pan, Trunks?"

"Hai, that is Pan, and that there is Goten," he said pointing to the cake with a spiky haired head hovering inches from the sweet frosting, "Chichi, his Kasaan, is about to come and chase him away, watch, it is the best part."

"Why do you have it muted?"

"Trust me, you do not want to heat Goten's Kasaan, or mine for that matter, yelling." Just then, Chichi ran up next to Goten and yanked him away from the cake. Kalee could see him cringing from the woman's yelling and silently thanked Trunks from having the volume off.

By the time the video was over, both Trunks and Kalee were having trouble breathing, they had laughed so hard. Kalee had learned much of Trunks family, who her King was, his wife (Queen Bulma). She learned just how dysfunctional the Sun (and Briefs) family was. All in all, the two had a wonderful time.

"Trunks, may I ask you a personal question?" Kalee asked as she wiped the laughter-induced tears from her eyes.

"Hai, Kalee, you can ask me anything."

"Well, um, it's just that, well," she blushed "I've had such a wonderful evening and all and I always enjoy your company, I was just wondering, um, are you and Pan, you know, um together, I guess is what I wanted to ask?" She quickly looked down at the floor, finding a spot very interesting.

Trunks took a moment to think over what Kalee had just asked him, but he decided he should answer her when he noticed that she was getting tenser as the moments passed.

"Well, Pan and I explored the idea of a relationship, but to tell you the truth, I think we were just meant to be very close friends. I could not really imagine having that kind of relationship with her. I love her, but I love her too much like a sister to, you know, sleep with her. " He noticed Kalee relax a little and continued on. "I have had my eyes set on this other girl for a while, but I did not think she was interested."

Just as he was about to continue Bra rushed into the room. "Trunks, Kalee, good, I found you two. Oh good, just sit right there and don't move." With that she rushed out of the room. Kalee and Trunks looked at each other wondering what was going on and where Bra ran off to.

"Trunks, your sister, is she all right?"

Trunks shook his head and started to answer when Goten ran into the room pulling Pan and Corin behind.

"Trunks, Kalee, good I found you!" He glanced around the room and asked if anyone had seen Bra.

"Hai, Goten, my sister ran in here, said good, she found us, told us to sit here and left." With that he shrugged. "What is up with her Goten?"

"Okay, everyone sit down. We need to talk about something."

That said, Pan and Corin sat in two of the chairs in the room. Just as they were seated, Goten ran out of the room, shouting something about being back with Bra in no time.

Kalee, Corin, Pan and Trunks sweat dropped as Goten left and everyone started wondering what the hell had gotten into the two of them.

After a good fifteen minutes, Goten and Bra returned. Bra was beaming and could not sit still for anything, and Goten, well, he had the most cheesy Son grin imaginable.

"Goten, Bra?" Trunks asked.

"What the hell is going on?" Pan finished.

"Well, Trunks, Pan, everyone, um well," Goten began, but Bra cut in and finished form her mate. "Goten and I are going to be parents. I'm Pregnant!"

At that, Pan jumpped up and hugged her best frind and uncle, Kalee and Corin congradulated the couple and Trunks passed right out.

To be continued……