Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Phantom Of The Opera: DBZ Style! ❯ The Interruption ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or the Phantom of the Opera. 'Nuff said.

(Everyone, *like the last three chapters* are practicing for the play).....

(All of a sudden, one of the doors to the auditorium fly open and the person who opened the door is none other than...)

17: (in a black cape with a copy of the script in his hand) *running to Katie* I'm here for the auditions for the Phantom! I WANT TO BE THE PHANTOM, GODDAMN IT!!!!

Everyone: *blink...blink*.....(In the background you hear teenage guy in the hallway say: "Aw shit!")

Katie: Uh...17, I hate to brake it to you...But I already chose who's going to be the Phantom.

17: You...You did?...*growls* Who's the fucking asshole who took my part?!!!

Vegeta: (in the Phantom's costume) *jumps down from the stage* I'm that "fucking asshole". And another thing....It's MY part!

Heather: Ooooo....Vegeta's pissed...

Sam: O.O *nods* Uh-huh....

17: (one of his eyebrows are twitching) *looks at Katie*....V-Vegeta's t-the Phantom?

Katie: *mimicking 17* Yes, V-Vegeta's t-the Phantom! You're too late anyway.


Goku: Vegeta has the part, and you don't so.......

Z-Fighters (excluding Vegeta): Deal with it.

Katie: I could not say it any more clearer.

17: So are you asking me to leave?

Everyone: Yes.

17: Oh.....

Heather: Will you just get your Android ass outta here?

18: *looks at Heather* Ahem...

Heather: ^.^' No offense to you, 18.

18: *nods in acknowledgment*

Trunks: Yeah, 17, get the f-

Katie: I think he gets the picture, guys.

17: Ok...I'll leave...*glares at Katie, then looks at everyone* But you all are going to regret I was not chosen to play the part of the Phantom!! BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (disappears when he covers himself up with his cape)

(Long pause)

Sam:....That guy went off the deep end.

Gohan: No, really? *Sam smacks Gohan upside the head* Ow! (Goten chuckles at the scene)

Bulma: He kinda scared me....

Chi-Chi: Yeah. 17 sounded pretty serious when he said that we're going to regret it....

Katie: Oh come on! Did you actually believe him? He's probably all talk.

18: My brother IS all talk. Trust me, he isn't going to do anything.

Katie: See? Even 18 knows that 17 is full of bullshit! So, let's get back to work, shall we?

(Everyone goes back to work) [Bet you weren't expecting that, huh?]

Goten: *to Katie* You're right, 17 is full of bull.

Katie: Yeah, I mean, what can 17 do anyway? *Goten and Katie laugh*

17's voice: (voice is in a very mysterious tone) Go ahead and laugh....But soon I will be doing all the laughing!

Woah, what a scary statement! Will 17 actually do something? Will everyone regret that 17 isn't going to be the Phantom? And....Hey, I just realized this: I didn't add anything Eminem related! OH MY GOD!!!! o__O ....Oh well. *shrugs shoulders* PLEASE...LEAVE...ME...A...REVIEW!!! Thanks in advance! ^.^