Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of the Androids ❯ Two Fightes from Afar ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



Tien stood up.Vegeta was still lying down.His veins bulged,and he looked sick.
"Better leave him....."Tien said.He was on Earth.Yes,this was Satan city.He heard voices and,changing his mind,dragged Vegeta behind a dumpster.Tien,very suprised,recognised some voices;
"I cant wait for the grand tournament!Can you,Gohan?"Tien knew that was Videl.
"Yeah,I cant either.Hey,its Yamcha!"That was Krillin,and it looks like Yamcha had appeared.
"Can we get a move on?"someone growled.
"Alright Vegeta!"
"Yeah...lets go."Tien recognised.Vegeta,Bulma and #18.But what timeline was this.Where were they all?
Tien's question would soon be answered,as he silently followed the group,dragging the sleeping,heavy Vegeta with him.They were in the "Buu" timeline,if the androids never came.This is what was meant to happen,if Dr.Gero had not intervined.
Piccolo's fate was different.He was alone in this place and time,which would make his journey much harder.Or would it?.He too stood up,to see a little green speck dissapear.The portal was gone.Where was he?
Luckily for him,Piccolo had landed on Earth.In the exact same timeline.He was standing atop a mountain.Down below,the androids stood,watching 3 people.
"So thats the androids.And.......Cell.But where's Gotenks?"The fusion,unkown to him,had worn off.They were now two fighters.Piccolo looked to his left,to see #18 lying down,looking dead.Above,two fighters stood.
"Goku!"he said."If its only a hunch,I'll go with it.This is our present timeline."Piccolo whispered to himself.He decided to contact Goku through his mind.
"Goku?Goku are you there?"he thought.
Above,Goku was bewildered.Was that 20 talking to him?It didnt sound like 20.It sounded like.......Piccolo.But where was he?
Piccolo,reading Goku's thoughts said;
"Down here!No!Dont look.Dont give me away,yet.Look,I've got some bad news.Very bad."
"Okay."Goku said.
"Can we begin our fight now?"20 said,impatiently.
"Give me 5 minutes!"Goku told him.
"Okay,"Piccolo said."Up in the Hyperbolic time chamber,Vegeta went a bit strange.He went...violent strange.He almost killed me and Gohan,and destroyed the door.
"The door?Then....how did you get here?And....Gohan and the others!"
"I know!Anyways,Tien decided to take him on.Vegeta eat the whole bag of Senzu beans.I gave one to myself and Gohan,and Tien had one,before Vegeta ate them all and became super-strong.Luckily,he became even more cocky and very slow.He did something with his hair....it grew all long,golden and wild.His power increased greatly and he lost his eyebrows."
"He did what?I didnt know anyone else could..."
"Never mind"
"Okay.Anyways,he fired his Big bang attack and opened up his portal.Tien accidently threw him in,and,in a sense of bravery,followed in to save him.With the door destroyed,I figured I should go with him.The rest followed.I have no idea where they---"
"HA....."Goku said
"What the?"20 said,staring into the sky
"That...power!"Piccolo said,amazed.
Down below,the androids all stared into the sky.The almost dead Trunks and Goten looked up from the floor,after being beaten by Cell.Cell,stooping over them,ready to administer the final blow,slowly turned round and stared.#18,lying down hurt,just about lifted her head in surprise,as two people appeared in the sky.
Meanwhile,in a different dimension,Yamcha,Krillin and Gohan woke up.They were on the floor of a desert.
"Krillin.......Yamcha.....where are we...?"Gohan asked,wearily.
"I dont know..."Yamcha said puzzled."I only remember flying through that green portal.I only saw this silver shadow thing."
"The what?"Krillin said.
"I dont know.....must have been my mind.Forget it,come on,lets explore."Yamcha replied,uneasily.
The fighters started to walk forward.Crumbling buildings were everywhere,and a sandstorm was raging.They saw an old man in ragged clothes huddled round a door.
"Who are you?"he said.
"We....we are travellers"Gohan said.
"There are no travellers.........since they came."
"Who?"Krillin asked the old man.
"These two people.Android fighters,called 17&18.Brother and sister I believe.**cough**.Sorry,I'm....feeling a bit sick."
"Who,may we ask,are you?"Gohan said.
"Me?Once the greatest scientist on Earth,now a door-warden to the greatest."
"Gero?"Krillin asked
"ahahaha!No,your wrong there.My name is Dr.Briefs."the man said
"Bulma's father?"Yamcha shouted.The man fell silent.
"What do you have to do with my daughter?"he said,scared.
"We'll explain.It all started with Vegeta in the....
...and then we arrived here.As a scientist you should know."
"Yes,Gohan,I do.Now that you have explained,come.Down here is Bulma and you Gohan."
"Me?No one else?"Gohan said astonished.
"Dead.If I can put two and two together,Trunks' little travel in time went back to you,didnt he?"
"Yes.....I remember.When Cell appeared,this boy came.He said he was Trunks from the future.That,I'm afraid was 9 years ago."Yamcha said
"Did it turn out successful?You see,he has just left."
"Well,yes.Gohan here beat him."Krillin said,patting Gohan.
"Quite the fighter you are,Gohan.Just like you are now.Come!"Dr.Briefs told them
"Dead?All of them?"Gohan said
"Dont you remember?Think back 9 years ago.Did Trunks' tell you of the situation?"
The Z fighters thought hard.
"Yes"Krillin said finally.
"To this day,the androids are still at large.Only 1/5th of the population remains."
They reached the bottom of the stairs.Bulma was looking over a machine,Gohan behind her.
"Who is that dad?"Bulma said,not looking up.
"Some travellers.I have some news....."
Down in the present dimension,the battle traingle,Trunks+Goten vs.Cell3,continued to rage.Cell kicked the oncoming Trunks hard into the ground.Goten fired a small Kamehameha,but Cell jumped backwards and it hit Trunks.Trunks,lying almost dead,was crushed by Cell,who jumped on him.
"Get............get off me you big red goon!"he kicked Cell up.From above,Goten kicked him down.Trunks fired a huge beam,and,with Goten,jumped above him and fired at the same time.
"Yeah!Now that fool doesnt have his little android friends,he's not so tough.Hi-five!ha!"Trunks' said,high-fiving Goten.
"Whoa!Trunks.........can you feel that power?"he said,turning round to see in the distance,two fighters landing.Trunks and Goten stared up,amazed.The androids,hungry for power,flew up,ignoring Cell.Meanwhile,up above,one of the fighters spoke.
"I do not think we hid our power well,Kibito."said one
"For anyone in our world,we would be considered weaklings!"the other replied
"Hiding their power?And their still this strong???!!!This could be our miracle.....or our curse."Piccolo said.
18,still very weak,just managed to lift her head in suprise,before concking out again.Android 22 stopped in front of one of them.Goku saw that he was a man dressed in very good robes,with earrings and rough,pink,wrinkly skin.
"Such.........lovely power!"22 yelled,stretching out his hand.The fighter simply ripped it off and threw it down.It landed next to 18's body.22,shouting in pain,clutched a bundle of wires and flesh,the remains of his arm.The flesh and wires melded together and made a new hand.He this time went for the other fighter,but this time he was even more unlucky.This fighter twisted his leg around 22 and flung him down next to the smoke and rubble that Cell lay in.
Trunks and Goten watched amazed,as 22 skidded along the dust,making great clouds of it.He was buried deep.In the smoke,Cell lay.
"Oh,silly little boys,but I do have my androids to help me...ahhha!"Cell instantly translocated himself into the tunnel that 22 was in.He was just getting up.
"Cell..........so glad.Help me."
"If you insist..."Cell said,greedily.He had accquired Piccolo's stretching skills,and stretched his tail right to the bottom.22 looked to see a gigantic big tail,wide open,almost covering him,and then saw.......no more.A blast of light came out of the tunnel,and screams could be heard.The two fighters dissapeared,and landed on the ground next to the white light.Trunks and Goten stared.Cell suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.He used his tail like a whip and knocked them back into the ground.But the two fighters had joined the fray,as,up above,another fighting triangle had begun,as Piccolo landed by Goku's side,ready to do battle with the androids.
Meanwhile,Tien,tired from dragging Vegeta through the streets,had left him lying in a dumpster.
"He wont be too happy about this......."Tien said,smiling,as he flew off,leaving Vegeta in the alleyway packed full of Dumpsters and built on top a sewer.He reached a large stadium,watching people enter.Gohan was dressed in strange,superhero-type clothes.Tien hit the ground and tried to get himself a seat in the stadium.He saw Goku.He had a strange golden circle above his head.........a halo.In this dimension,Goku must be dead...........then.
"Aha!"Tien said to himself.This has to be the dimension where Goku has the heart attack,like Trunks said.........that means...........yes!Urani Baba must have wished him back for the day.Tien had a strange feeling about two large,tatooed men.They filled out their names to enter the tournament,as Spopovitch and Yamu.Tien shuffled into his seats,and intentivly sat down to watch.
But Tien's predictions were far off.........it was Yamcha,Krillin and Gohan that had to suffer that fate.......................................

SO how will the 3 groups of Z-Fighters fare in the war against the Androids?2,trapped in different dimensions,stranded with their own enemies to face,while the real war takes place back in our Dimension.
For every group,full effort must be used,or the natural order of the dimenstions may be disrupted...........