Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of the Androids ❯ Blood,Guts and Wires ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Cell3 seemed to become more lifeless.His lips stretched and lengthened.He grew taller.He was the Cell after he had absorbed #17.His red skin turned dark maroon.He became bulky and super strong.One of the fighters jumped forward and started punching Cell3.Cell3 easily dodged,and pulled of a superb backflip.
"Master Kioshin.I shall help!"So the names of these fighters were revealed.In a short time,Goku and the rest would learn their names too.But for the moment,Goku and Piccolo were bracing themselves for the fight with the other androids.
"Well,Goku,green friend,we seem to have come to the final fight."said 20.He was twitching furiously.
"Goku,"Piccolo whispered."I'll take the rest,you take 20.I dont know whats happened to him........but its bad.He's strong."Goku,confident in his friend,stepped aside without pride,letting Piccolo take on the others.He began to power up.
"This is it,Goku..........this is your end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"20 yelled.He ripped off his overcloak.As it fell,black rocks fell from it.
"Arumite.......the strongest materiel in Hell........feel my power?"he began powering up.Piccolo stumbled and fell on the unconcius 18.
"Ugh........Piccolo?Goku........you........power........ugh........ where..........20...?"she muttered
"Get up!We've got a fight on our hands.Its for Goku........its for the Earth.If you wanna sit here and sleep,feel free."Piccolo began to take off back up,but 18 pulled him down.
"For Goku,"she said,looking up admiringly,"Anything....."Piccolo looked at her.........could it?No.He dismissed the idea and pulled her up.They both jumped up to the ledge.20 suddenly jumped on Goku and kicked him.He punched 20 back,just as 18 took on 21&23,and Piccolo started pounding 24.
"Master........let me....."25 said.
"No!"Gero said,knocking him back."This is my fight!Take on that green fool....."he said,wiping a trickle of blood oozing from his mouth.He kicked Goku into the cliff wall and started firing large purple spheres,which on impact destroyed large parts of the cliff.
Down below,the two fighters,Kibito and Kiaoshin,were both in furious combat with Cell.
Behind them Trunks and Goten were dragging each other behind a large boulder.When behind,they slumped down,leaning against it
"aah........Gohan,I'm spent........."
"Come on Trunks,we gotta do the fusion dance...!"
"Whats the point Goten?Did you see his power?The others we saw will take care of them.....lets just sit here........and.........oooohhh........sleep......."Trunks said,yawning.A giant explosion was heard.
"Trunks........its time to fuse!I dont like this.....you want to make your dad proud,dont you?"Trunks thought hard.He had a strange feeling,like his father was gone,so he gave in to Goten.
Far off,Dr.Breifs finished his tale
"And thats the story......or so they say.No matter!I trust them."CRASH!
"Oh no!"Future Gohan said.
"The death twins!"Bulma said
"huh?"Yamcha said,staring at Bulma
"Thats what we call them...."Dr.Breifs said."I suppose it wasnt their fault.It all happened those--CRASH!!"
"Arent we going to do something?"Gohan said.
"No......."the future Gohan said."They dont find anyone these days.We just have to hold it out........I will face them.Some day....."
"As I was saying,"Dr.Breifs said,"it happened all those years ago.When the planet was....happy,shall we say.A young pair of smart,hardworking people applied for a job at my successful,becoming more successful company.They were brother and sister,and soon became rich and happy.They started becoming too rich........the money I was paying them was no where near what they were buying.......the brother loved cars and had quite some.They had no surviving relatives and their perants had died long ago in a fire.They acted strange.Looked tired,started to become bad temepered,started to look sick and took time off work.
Although I didnt know at the time,they were doing dealings with that nasty Dr.Gero.He was gathering dark followers to himself,and supposedly built a labaratory in a mountain.He built another in a desert,but that has never been found."
"That underground one!Hidden in the sand.......from our dimension.......oh,sorry Dr.Briefs"Gohan said.
"Anyway,one day they just dissapeared.Never came back.They were rumoured to have been captured away in the night.Their house was still full,nothing was stolen.What I reckon,was that he was paying them to be experimented on.Though they probably tried to escape,they were carted off to his lab and turned into the ruthless evil monsters they are today."he finished.
"Not entirely.Well,not with 18.She is good at heart,and it showed......."Krillin said.
"What?They can never be.....good"Bulma said,outraged
"Well Bulma....I married her"Krillin said
"YOU WHAT??!"Bulma shouted
"No Bulma!Calm down!Its highly possible......she could have been shown the kindness she needed to overcome the evil Gero planted in her brain."
"Thats them again........"The older Gohan said.
"Oh no!"The older Gohan said,jumping up."They've reached one of our hideouts........that had about 1000 people in there!No!!!!!"he powered up and charged out of their "hideout" and called out.
17 jumped up from one of the holes in the ground.
"Look sister,its Gohan again........we almost defeated you,if it had not been for that pink-haired little fool."17 smiled and kicked Gohan into some rubble.As it started to rain,the rest of the fighters came out,just as 18 appeared from another tunnel.Gohan brushed off the rubble.
"Go SSJ Gohan!!!!"Yamcha shouted.
"I cant........."he called back,trying to fight off 17,but losing.His clothes were ripped and he was cut and bruised all over.He knelt down to catch his breath.17 kicked him into the ground,digging in his heel.
"Ahhhhhhh........"Gohan shouted.17 kept digging it in."Ahhhh...........ah........."17 used his foot like a spoon,cupped Gohan up and kicked him high into the air,firing a huge beam which made a big black cloud.The younger Gohan jumped forward and kicked 17 into his sister.Yamcha and Krillin jumped forward.18 took on Krillin and 17 took Yamcha.As the smoke cleared,a body fell to the ground.Bulma,Dr.Briefs and Young Gohan ran over to him.
"Gohan?"Bulma asked,shaking his body,"Gohan?No Gohan........the Dragonballs have gone!No you cant die your our last hope......."
"Not entirely!"The younger Gohan shouted.He became SSJ2 and joined the fray,in which Yamcha and Krillin were barely holding up.
"Krillin,Yamcha.......get out of the way!!!!................YYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Gohan yelled,firing a gigantic beam,which completely destroyed a huge part of the land and 17&18.
"They're gone........forever........"Dr.Briefs said,staring at the huge crater.A gigantic orange portal was growing in the centre.
"What is.........?"Bulma said,looking at the the portal.
"Thats our ticket outta here!"Yamcha said."C'mon Krillin."They took off into the sky where Gohan was floating,his soggy clothes fluttering in the air.
"D'you think that portal will take us back...?"Yamcha said to Gohan.
"Maybe.......lets see what Dr.Briefs says........."they flew back down and landed next to Gohan,Bulma and Dr.Briefs.The wind was strong and loud,the water heavy.
"Dr.Briefs!What...do you think about the portal??!"he yelled through the wind.
"Well.........Judging from your story I think it is.But why it appeared when you destroyed the androids,I dont know.I suggest taking it,theres no other way to get back."Dr.Briefs replied.Bulma stood up.
"Not entirely.What about the--a strong gust of wind jolted her forward--about the capsule corp. time machine...?"
"Maybe....."Krillin called over.
"No!"Dr.Briefs said."Were in a different dimension from them,remember?They'll just go back to our past.Trust me and go!"he shouted.He grabbed Bulma.
"Lets get inside!"he said,dragging her arm.But she just stood,staring at the older,lifeless Gohan on the floor.
"Now!"he pulled up both the bodies."Happy?come on,the danger has passed........we are free to live and rebuild the world........thank-you,Gohan......"
They hurried inside.
"Well?"Yamcha said.
"Lets do it........take the risk!"Krillin said.All three took off to see the portal.It was still there.They darted down and through and started falling through.They landed on hot,baking sand,just as a red figure flew above their heads,crashing into something.
Tien stood up from his seat.The two suspicious looking people had pounced on Gohan and had held some kind of vase to his side,and his power was falling.
"They cant do this!!!.......but what if I'm seen........I could change the time space continuim.I'll just have to sit it out."he said to himself.The two fighters took off and two others,with Videl,Vegeta and Goku,entered the ring.One of the unknown fighters bent down and Gohan's power was higher than before.He stood up and after a short conversation,all took off.Videl,a bit later,took off too.Tien too flew off,trying to hide himself.
"This doesnt make sense.......Trunks never mentioned all this........think Tien,think!tut........no he didnt.This isnt that dimension."he suddenly jolted to a stop.And lowered his power to as low as it would go,seeing the two fighters,far ahead,land in front of a ship.Another fighter was there too.A small person appeared.All of the fighters landed.Tien saw the little person kill Yamu and Spopovitch.
"Are these with each other or what....did he kill his own man?Sounds like something Freiza would do...."Tien pondered.The small one looked at his ship,when a gigantic,super-powerful fighter came out.A huge red person.Tien sensed horrible evil.The three people all went into the ship and just before the door closed,Goku,Vegeta,the two pink fighters and Gohan all jumped in.Tien wondered where Videl was.......
Tien,as quietly as he could,prized open the door.As it fell off he saw Vegeta standing in front of one of the fighters.
"Galllliiicccccccc-gun!!!!!!!"it completey destroyed him.One of the doors opened,and guards emerged.The Sai-jins fought there way through until they got to a very dark room.A giant creature stood there.As it opened its mouth,Goku's power began to drain.
A large pink fighter flew over Gohan,Krillin and Yamcha,following the red body that crashed into the rocks behind them.Up above,Piccolo,18,Goku and the androids were in close combat.The rock that was behind them was suddenly thrown high into the air,as Gotenks stepped out from behind it.It was all too much for the Z fighters
"C'mon lets get outta here.A little trick my dad taught me."Gohan said.He gripped Yamcha's arm.
"Grab Krillin!"Gohan yelled.Yamcha did so,and they teleported outside of the mountain.
"Uh.....?"Gotenks said,puzzled."Was that Gohan?"but no sooner had he said that Cell had teleported in front of him,and kicked him into Kaioshin.He jumped up as Kibito tried to punch him.Kibito flew past and knocked into the other two,making a heap of fighters.Up above,Goku and 20 were fighting it out superbly.Both were showing no signs of giving up.Goku was still SSJ2.He fired his Kamehahmeha,knocking 20 into the floor.He fired a large red fireball down which started to burn the sand.It started to melt away.20 fell through into a cavern hitting the floor.
"Uh...?"Goku said.Piccolo flew past him,fighting 23 and 24.Goku teleported down to see an old man bending over 20.
"Ahhh....!"he screamed running away.
"Myuu.........."Goku said,coldy.
"No!"Goku yelled.He fired a single beam from his finger and Dr.Myuu fell to the floor.Kibito and Kiaoshin hit the ground with a thud sending whirling clouds of sand.Goku sheilded his face,and,as the it cleared,he saw up above Cell clutching Gotenks' ankles.He looked knocked out.
"By the power of the evil wizardry,Buu and Babidi,seal them in forever!"Cell yelled.Goku shot up,but the sand covered the entrance and sealed them in.Goku fired a huge beam,which simply dissapeared upon hitting the sand.
"nooooooooo!!!!!!!"he yelled.
Outside,#24 landed beside Cell3.
"You imbicile!You trapped our masters in there.........Cell?Are you even listening you big red oaf?"he said.But Cell was looking at him with a hungry smirk on his face.His now very long tail slithered silently through the hot sand and came up behind 24,engulfing him.He wriggled and squirmed,then stopped moving.Then he went into wild rage,attacking Cell's tail.It exploded,flesh flying everywhere.Cell,weakened and confused,bent down.
"grrrrr......"24 said,wiping off blood from his face.He kicked Cell in the face,promptly knocking him out.Chunks of red and green flesh littered the sand.Blood was still spurting out blood from his tail,staining the ground.24 sat down on top of Cell.He began wiping the flesh off his robes,when a small bird appeared.It hit the ground roughly,breathing heavy.#24 could see it looked hurt.
"Are you hurt little bird?"24 said,ready to stamp on it.He kept watching and realised.He put his hand out and healed the bird,which began chirping appreaciatively.He began pecking for food,and was soon joined by another.Soon a group of birds were helping each other forage for food among the small shrubs and plants that grew in certain places.He looked long and hard between the bird,which was nestled on one of his legs,and Gotenks.He grabbed him and teleported behind a mountain.He started to heal Gotenks' sore face.Up above,Piccolo had just used his special beam cannon on 25,who dodged.
"ahahah!Whats wrong you green goon?Are you actually going to land a punch on me anytime now...?ahhaha!"he shouted.Piccolo punched wildly into the air,but 25 quickly dodged and kicked Piccolo from behind.He smashed into the path of 23.#18 turned to 25 and used Barukmahima,a bright blue wind which was superbly effective.The wind swept over the unsuspecting android.He became rigid,as his circuits froze and his power supply was cut.He gurgled a few seconds before falling,without anyway to stop himself.23 jumped up and fired a huge fireball down to the hurt,frozen 25.It exploded on impact with him,although it was very weak,managing only to melt the ice and get the circuits going before he smashed into peices on the floor.He landed next to Cell with a thud and fainted.Piccolo came up behind 23 and fired a huge green beam which made a gigantic explosion.#18 came up behind Piccolo and fired once more.
As the smoke cleared,a body fell to one of the cliffsides
"aah...."he whispered.
"Goodbye"Piccolo said,smiling.
"noooooo!"23 shouted,as Piccolo fired a large beam which destroyed him.
"Well",Piccolo said,"thats one less android for us and Cell to worry about."
They both stared at each other,laughing.

Now that Cell and #25 are down for the count,24 seems to have redeemed his ways,20 is trapped down a hole,who is there for the Z fighters to fight?
Well,Tien and Vegeta still have some bad guys on their hands,most noteably,Buu,who can reform after he has been destroyed.......Who knows that fate of these brave fighters?Time can once again only tell.........