Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Truth Hurts More ❯ Trouble on the Night of the Full Moon ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

LES: Instead of going straight to `school the next day', we are going back to the Son family that night.
Chapter V: Trouble on the Night of the Full Moon
Chi-Chi wrung her hands nervously on her apron as she watched her husband and youngest son eat dinner.
Gohan's chair was empty beside the pile of food on his plate. Gohan had not come back from sulking in the forest, even going as far as to ignore the repeated calls from his mother that dinner was ready.
Goku and Goten both finished off their portions and, as one, reached for Gohan's. But they stopped when Chi-Chi, ever vigilant, hit them over the heads with the Instrument of Ultimate Saiyan punishment: otherwise known as the frying pan.
“Ow!” Both Saiyans whined, clutching their sore heads.
“What was that for, Cheech?” Goku demanded.
“That is Gohan's food.” Chi-Chi said simply.
“But Gohan's not here!” Goten complained.
“Don't talk back to me, Son Goten!” Chi-Chi threatened, and Goten flinched.
“But, Chi-Chi, that's how Master Roshi did it! If you were late for dinner, you didn't get any!” Goku pointed out.
“Well, I am not Master Roshi!” Chi-Chi pointed out.
“I wasn't saying…”
“Goku, you know where Gohan went. Get out there and find him now, or so help me, you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight!”
Goku's jaw dropped. But Goten was simply confused. “What's so bad about that? The couch is comfy!”
The statement was barely out of Goten's mouth before Goku had shot out the door into the surrounding forest.
Chi-Chi smiled to herself. Rule Number One for being married to a Saiyan: Keep a frying pan handy. Rule Number Two: If you can't sway one head, appeal to the other.
Goku quickly rushed through the darkening woods; the full moon was providing more than enough light to navigate by with Saiyan eyes.
Within minutes, he had made it to Gohan's haunt.
His son sat at the base of a tree, his knees drawn up to his chest with his arms wrapped around his legs and his chin resting on his knees. The young man was staring thoughtfully at the rising full moon.
A quick, and at first glance unidentifiable, movement caught Goku's sharp eyes. Something was moving beside Gohan, twitching every once in a while and steadily growing longer in length… a long brown something.
Goku nearly gasped in shock when he realized what the thing was: Gohan's tail was growing back… and at the worst possible time!
Goku stared up at the nearly-risen full moon in horror. The combination of the moon not being fully risen and Gohan's tail not being fully grown was delaying his transformation, but only for a few more minutes. If he kept staring at the moon like that…
“Gohan! Look at me now!” Goku ordered.
Gohan flinched. Goku rarely ever ordered anyone to do something, so that in itself was a shock. Gohan looked around. “Father?”
“Stop looking at the moon.” Goku said. “Your tail's growing back.” As he spoke, Gohan's tail stopped growing. It was now fully grown, and ready for a transformation.
“What are you…?” Gohan reached around and felt his lower back. Sure enough, his hand met with fur. “Whoa! My tail is back! It's been so long that I thought it would never grow back!” Then he realized the potential danger. He had been staring at the full moon without realizing that his tail had grown back. A few more minutes, and he would have transformed into a giant ape. “Wow. That was close. Thanks, Father.”
“Come back home. You've been out here all afternoon, and your mother is worried sick about you.” Goku said. “And keep your eyes down.”
“Okay.” Gohan said, joining his father on the walk back home.
Thankfully, they made it back home with little incident. Gohan made sure to keep his eyes away from the sky.
If Gohan had been raised as a proper Saiyan on the planet Vegeta, he would have learned how to keep the mad rage of his ape form under control. But, untrained as he was, he was a danger to everyone around him in his ape form, even his own father.
An untrained rampaging Saiyan is dangerous. It was in ape-form that a child Goku killed his adoptive Grandfather; nearly killed Bulma, Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong; and then later, he nearly killed everyone at the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament.
It had been so long since he had a tail that it felt at once foreign and familiar. As he had seen other Saiyans do, he wrapped it around his waist like a furry, brown belt.
Goku noticed this. As a child, he never hid his tail. At first, he thought that all humans had tails, and then when he discovered different, he realized that it didn't really matter to him after all. His tail shocked everyone he met, but to him, it was a part of him and completely natural.
“Gohan, I'm going to leave it up to you this time.” Goku said.
“What, Father?”
“Whether you want to keep your tail or not.” Goku said. “I could remove it right now, or we can go to Dende's and have PoPo remove it like he did mine. Or you can keep it if you want.”
“But you know that tails are such a liability.” Gohan said.
“Yeah, a Saiyan's tail has two major weaknesses: its sensitivity and the loss of control when we are in our giant ape forms. But I was all ready able to overcome the sensitivity when I was fifteen.”
“Really? There's a way?” Gohan asked. Come to think of it, when we fought against Vegeta and Nappa thirteen years ago, grabbing Nappa's tail didn't work at all.
“Yeah. Krillin tried to beat me in the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament by grabbing my tail. You can imagine his surprise when it didn't work.” Goku said. “But the training is really painful, since you have to manually build up your tail's strength and tolerance for pain.”
“But that leaves one major liability.” Gohan said.
“Actually, our fight with Vegeta years ago showed me that it is possible to gain control of yourself in giant ape form through the proper training. Saiyans living on planet Vegeta had to learn how to control themselves. Otherwise they would attack and kill each other every full moon.” Goku said. “I don't know how to do it since I was sent to Earth, untrained, as an infant. But Vegeta will know how to do it since he grew up on our home planet.”
“I'll need to think about it.” Gohan admitted. And Goku did not press the conversation any further.
To tell the truth, he was slightly jealous. If he had known all these things when he was training with Kami, he would have never permanently removed his tail.
But there was no use moping about it now. His tail had been gone for years. They walked into the house, and Chi-Chi greeted them at the door. “Oh, Gohan, there you are. Are you all right?”
“Yes.” Gohan answered.
“We did have a small complication.” Goku said. “Gohan's tail grew back.”
“What?” Chi-Chi asked.
Gohan unwound his newly re-grown tail from around his waist.
Chi-Chi sighed. “Are you planning to go to school tomorrow with that tail, young man?”
“Oh no!” Gohan gasped. As a home-schooled boy, having a tail didn't matter. He sat down at the dining room table with his face in his hands. “Everyone all ready knows that I'm Saiyaman and the Gold Fighter. Now everyone's gonna think of me as an even bigger freak!”
Goku looked confused. “You're not a freak.”
“Easy for you to say, Father. You have your tail removed when you were fifteen.” Gohan said.
“Yeah, so?” Goku asked. “I'm still an alien trying to pass himself off as an Earthling. Do you know how many times I've been called a freak? But you can't let it get you down. Saiyan is part of who you are. My son can never be a freak for being who he is.”
Gohan sighed.
“You could wrap your tail around your waist under your clothes.” Goku suggested. “As long as you don't get too excited or agitated, everything should be fine.”
“Yeah, cause nothing exciting or agitating ever happens at school.” Gohan said sarcastically. But, he had to admit, his father's idea was the best so far.
Goten stepped into the room, heading for the kitchen for the first of many glasses of water he would need during the night. He stopped in the doorway, staring at Gohan, or more specifically, his tail. “Mommy? How come Gohan has a monkey tail? Are we related to monkeys?”
Goku giggled and Chi-Chi moved over to her son. After all, Goku and Vegeta no longer had tails, Trunks and Goten had been born without tails, and the last time Gohan had a tail, Goten wasn't even born. “No, Goten. Saiyans normally have tails. But Gohan is the only half-Saiyan so far who has been born with a tail.”
“Oh. How come I don't have a tail, Daddy?”
Goku scratched the back of his head in typical Son fashion. “Well, um… since you are half-human, you only have a fifty-fifty chance of having a tail. It's just chance that you were born without a tail.”
“Aw! But I wanna tail too!” Goten whined. Gohan suspected that Goten only wanted a tail because he had one.
“Gohan, eat your dinner.” Chi-Chi ordered. She didn't need to say it twice. Gohan was on his food faster than a greedy villain on the Dragon Balls.
Later, Gohan found his father in the living room of their cozy house. “Father? Could you show me how to strengthen my tail?” Gohan asked.
Goku stared at him for a moment. “So, you want to be able to keep your tail?”
“If I can.” Gohan said. “Especially if I can learn how to control myself in my giant ape form. If I could do that, very few would want to conquer the Earth when they had to go through a transformed Saiyan first.”
Goku nodded in understanding. He had been in some damaging fights in his life, but none could compare to the damage he received when he battled Vegeta in his giant ape form. That was the only time in his life he had been left crippled and completely beaten.
“Okay, I'll help you.” Goku said. “But, remember, it will be painful.”
“I know. It's a sensitive part of my body. But I can handle pain.” Gohan said.
Goku stood up. He walked around behind Gohan and grabbed his tail lightly. “I'll help you at first, but the goal will be to eventually be able to do it yourself. Then you'll be able to withstand the pain and even become strong enough that it doesn't bother you.”
“Okay.” Gohan said nervously. It was quite harder to stand still than he thought. It was one thing for an enemy to take his tail by surprise and another to be calmly standing, waiting to be knowingly attack at your only weak spot.
“Gohan, I want you to remain standing as long as you can. Focus your mind. I am not your father. I am the enemy, and if you fall, you'll die. Use that as your strength.” Goku said.
Gohan nodded. “I understand.”
“Okay, on three. One. Two Three.” Goku squeezed Gohan's re-grown tail.
The pain was instant and overwhelming. It had been so long since someone squeezed his tail that he had forgotten just how much it hurt. Gohan's legs almost buckled, but he somehow managed to stop himself from falling just in time.
He heard his father's voice from a distance, sounding oddly sinister… oddly evil. “You are finished!” Goku hissed. “You are weak, Gohan. How can you protect the Earth when you can't even take a little pain?” Gohan felt Goku's grip tighten on his tail and he almost cried out in pain. But he grit his teeth and forced his legs to remain under him.
His whole body was trembling. He felt as unsteady on his legs as a toddler just learning how to walk.
He fought with all his might to remain standing. The pain was so intense that he was having trouble breathing. And then it was all over. He fell to the ground and he felt his father release his tail.
The pain stopped, but Gohan was still trembling as he unsteadily got up. Goku was at his side, helping the young man to his feet. “You did very well, Gohan. I didn't last half that long when I first began training my tail.”
“Father…” Gohan gasped. “How did you manage to sound so evil? I thought you really were going to kill me for a second.”
“Well, Saiyan instincts help some.” Goku confessed. “But it's mostly because after you've known Vegeta for as long as I have, you pick up a few things.”
Gohan chuckled weakly. “The universe would have been in big trouble if you have been raised as `Kakarot' on Vegeta.”
Goku shrugged. He didn't often concern himself with `how things might have been'. The important thing was that he enjoyed where he was now: his life, his wife, and his sons.
“That's enough for now.” Goku said. “The tail should only take so much abuse in one night. I'll stop by Bulma and Vegeta's tomorrow to see if he'll train you.”
“Thanks, Father.” Gohan said, backing away from the Saiyan. “I think I've got it.” He began to trek to his room.
“You sure?” Goku asked.
“Yeah. Good night, Father.” Gohan called.
The eighteen year old demi-Saiyan did not sleep a wink that night. He could hear his parent's pants and moans from the Master Bedroom, and could smell the pheromones that seemed to hang in the air like a thick fog.
Gohan knew that his younger brother wasn't affected in the slightest judging by the light snores he could hear coming from his little brother's room.
But Gohan sure as hell was affected! It was even worse than his earlier reaction because those pheromones had been old and these were fresh.
He tossed and turned, never able to find a comfortable spot. He grew even more uncomfortable when the potent Saiyan pheromones lit his blood on fire and sent him into a state of unfulfilled sexual excitement.
The human part of Gohan was slightly confused. He had never felt this way before because, while humans reach sexual maturity during their early teenage years, Saiyans don't physically mature until they are eighteen; which is why this was starting to happen to Gohan now. Most Saiyans choose their mate before hand and completed the bond once they were both mature. Goku was a prime example of this. He had just turned eighteen when he married Chi-Chi, so he just coming into his maturity and missed the unpleasantness of an unprepared Coming of Age.
Gohan got up and paced the room, growling to himself and his tail swiping from side to side in his agitation.
He was so aroused that he was in pain. He sat on the edge of the bed, snarling loudly.
Left with little option, he did something that no self-respecting Saiyan would ever do… he performed the purely human act of masturbation.
The teenaged Saiyan bit his own tongue to silence his moans of pleasure and growls of self-loathing. The human part of him had no qualms about doing this act, but the Saiyan in him roared with indignation; roared at him to find a proper mate.
Gohan bit down on his tongue harder as his movements became more desperate.
His strangely enlongated canine teeth easily pierced the flesh of his tongue, and the coppery taste of blood filled his mouth, which somehow seemed to arouse him even more.
Just as he heard the climax screams of his parents, he exploded himself, growling low in his throat as he bit harder on his tortured tongue.
He sat still on the edge of the bed, panting hard and shaking with indignation.
The crisis was over, but the aftermath haunted him. His mouth was still filled with his own blood, but it was no longer arousing, but it filled him with disgust.
He pulled back on his boxers and quickly rushed to the restroom, spitting out his mouthful of blood in the sink.
There was a soft tap on the door and it opened. Goten peeked in, holding his late-night glass of water. “Gohan, are you all right?” He asked, and noticed the traces of blood running from the corners of Gohan's mouth and staining the sink. “You're bleeding! Should I go get some of Mommy's medicine?”
Gohan flinched. The last time he had let Goten play `Doctor' on him resulted in an emergency trip to Kami's Lookout so that Dende could heal him. That was something that he would never allow to happen again.
“It's nothing, Goten… I just… bit my tongue in my sleep.” Gohan said.
“Oh! I do that all the time!” Goten said excitedly. “Especially when I'm dreaming about food!”
“I'll be fine, Goten. Go back to bed.” Gohan said.
“Okay.” Goten said. “See you in the morning.”
Gohan gave his little brother a small reassuring smile as he backed out of the restroom and continued to his own room.
Using his Saiyan speed, Gohan rushed outside, allowing his burning skin to be cooled down by the cool night air. He had his eyes closed in order to prevent himself from looking at the full moon, but it didn't matter to him. He knew the forest like the back of his hand, and could navigate it blind-folded if he had to.
This time, however, the woods were not his destination. Instead, he jumped up and landing on the roof of his house to mediate until morning.
It was clear to Gohan that he would be getting no sleep inside the house, so he would take the time to sort out his raging emotions.
He did not move a muscle all night.