Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Truth Hurts More ❯ The Hunted ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter IIX: The Hunted
(About one month ago…)
In the deep reaches of space, a planet wavered on the edge of destruction. The planet's core had been destroyed and it was literally falling apart at the seams.
Down on the surface was a hell. The alien inhabitants could only watch in horror as their home was destroyed from the inside out. They had the technology necessary to escape, but what they did not have was the time. The attack had come out of nowhere and it would all be over within one, maybe two, minutes.
A single ship left the atmosphere, only large enough for a single inhabitant. It was a simple design that every alien race in the four galaxies recognized and feared on sight: a Saiyan Space pod.
Inside was a single Saiyan Warrior, bruised and beaten… his body crushed and nearly useless. The ship's built-in life support system was the only thing keeping him alive.
“Damnit!” The Saiyan hissed. “Not another one!” He punched in some random coordinates, just like he had been doing for the past four decades. He no longer cared where the ship took him because nowhere in the known universe was safe, not for a rogue Saiyan Warrior… or… the last Saiyan Warrior.
The Saiyan moaned and leaned back, content to listen to the sound of his pod's engines for the moment. Had it really been almost forty years since Freeza destroyed Planet Vegeta from which he narrowly escaped, but left him permanently disfigured?
Gone was his once handsome face, replaced by an unrecognizable mass of torn flesh. He couldn't even recognize himself in the mirror any more, and being constantly hunted did nothing to help with his recovery.
It seemed that, even in death, Freeza's arm was long, since his henchmen had been after him ever since. Normally, he would fight any number of Freeza's lackeys, but with his ruined body, it was almost impossible.
The thick Saiyan blood running through his veins boiled at the indignation of running like a coward, but his life, however pathetic, meant more to him at times like this than his pride.
He closed his eyes. And, as always, his mind was plagued with planets and races, destroyed one after another. The latest victim was the planet he just left.
The people there were a peaceful race who believed that even the worst of deeds could be forgiven if you showed enough repentance. They had initially shunned and tried to force him to leave their planet, having heard the many stories of Saiyan brutality. But they eventually listened to his story and had given him a safe haven.
He had lived there nearly a year, and had almost settled in to live the rest of his life there when they found him. They wasted no time in turning the planet into a hell because the people harbored the Saiyan traitor.
He groaned painfully as he leaned forward to engage Suspended Animation. Suspended Animation would put him in a dreamless, painless sleep; the dreamless part being the most important to the Saiyan. The Saiyan Warrior could handle pain. It was the dreams that haunted him. The past, present, and future became one in his dreams, and it was sometimes enough to drive him mad.
He felt his body begin the shutting down process as he went into Suspended Animation. Before he lost consciousness, he heard the computer calculating his possible landing place.
“Calculating possible trajectory.” The computer said in a monotone. “Calculations complete. Current trajectory: Planet Earth. ETA: One month. 71.11% Water, 28.89% Land. Dominant race:…” The Saiyan Warrior lost consciousness. The computer continued on without him. “…Humans. Status: Unknown. Dispatched Saiyan infant Kakarot. Subject never retrieved. Saiyan Kakarot reported as dead and the mission a failure.”
The Saiyan flinched slightly, but made no further movement.
A safe distance away, the doomed planet and its peaceful people exploded with the enormous force of its own failed core. The dying screams of several million doomed aliens fell on deaf ears. The explosion jarred the Saiyan ship slightly, but then the computer recalculated its course and shifted until it was back on course automatically. The ship disappeared into the endless night of space.
Behind, a much slower ship followed in the Saiyan's wake. A dark, shadowy figure stood on the bridge, watching the retreating ship. “Running away again? And to think my fool of a father called you Saiyan monkeys brave.”
Another figure approached and bowed. “My Lord?”
“Is it possible to overtake the Saiyan craft?”
“No, Sire. Saiyan Space Pods are much faster than our own ship, and he's got the head start.”
“Then give me a possible trajectory, you moron, instead of excuses!”
“Yes, Sire. According to our calculations, unless he changes course, he's headed for a small planet called `E-arth'.” The henchmen said, mispronouncing the name. “It is known for having one of the most diverse ecosystems in the universe and a Class 4 civilization.”
“Class 4, huh?”
“Yes, Sire. They have several technological advances on the ground, but only localized spaceflight.”
“Sounds like a dull, cut-off race.” The leader said, nodding. “Very well, set a course from this E-arth place.”
The henchman bowed again. “Yes, Sire.” And then he ran off.
The mysterious leader sat down on his throne-like seat. This is no ordinary Saiyan that I am dealing with. All the other fugitives have fallen under my assault, but not this one. He is always one step ahead and leaves a planet before I can destroy it. Is it possible that he has forewarning? Impossible. He no longer has a Scouter.
The mysterious figure snorted with laughter. “Oh well. I'll be sure to ask him… before I snap his neck!”
(One month later, AKA: The Present)
Gohan was resting peacefully now. Bulma had given him some medicine to dull the pain and help him sleep, so he was having a much better night's rest than you would expect someone with a broken tail would.
It was morning, so the rest of the Briefs family was up, and Bulma was fighting off her son from bothering Gohan.
But something was about to bother Gohan and, though they didn't know it, Goku also.
Goku sensed it first, stepping outside his house and gazing up into the sky. Chi-Chi noticed her husband's odd behavior. “Goku? What's wrong?”
“Something's headed this way.” Goku said absentmindedly. “It's Saiyan… but it's not a bad energy. And it's weak.”
“Saiyan? Are you sure? I thought Vegeta always said that you two were the last Saiyans alive?”
Suddenly, a voice called from inside the house. “Mommy! Daddy! I'm hungry! And where is Gohan? Why isn't he back yet?”
Chi-Chi sighed and went over to her youngest son, leaving Goku confused. Goten doesn't sense it? Even though it is weak, he should be able to sense it. Maybe it is just in my head.
He shrugged off the feeling and decided to go back inside for breakfast.
A few minutes later, Gohan opened his eyes because he was now sensing the same thing his father had: a weak Saiyan energy approaching fast.
He tried to get up, but his tail throbbed painfully, and he collapsed onto the bed again.
Since he seemed to be incapable of movement for the moment, he flared his Ki to get Vegeta's attention. It was a common signal among the Z-Warriors.
A few minutes later, Vegeta stormed into the room. “What is it, brat? I was eating.”
Gohan stared at Vegeta in confusion. “You don't sense it? I'm picking up Saiyan energy headed right for us.”
“Who? Kakarot?”
“No. It's way too weak to be my dad's. There aren't many people out there who could beat my dad enough to lower his power level this much. In fact, there's only you and m, and neither of us have done anything to my dad recently.”
Vegeta reluctantly agreed. He hated to admit it about a low class Saiyan, but it would take a lot more than this planet had to offer to beat Kakarot. Besides, he could still sense Kakarot at his house.
“I think you should check it out, Vegeta.” Gohan said.
“Why me?”
“Well, I'd go myself, but I can't move.” Gohan said. “I think a Saiyan's energy signal is worth investigating.”
Vegeta sighed. “Very well, I'll go. But I'll have to wait until I sense it too.” Vegeta honestly thought that he wouldn't be going anywhere. He knew that he and Kakarot were the only full-blooded Saiyans left. Every other Saiyan was accounted for, either because they were on the planet when it exploded or they later died in battle.
But then, on the edges of his senses, he found it: a very weak, but definitely, Saiyan energy. But—but how? No other Saiyans survive! I'm sure of it! “Okay, I've got it. I'll go check it out.”
“Thanks, Vegeta.” Gohan said, going back to his rest.
Vegeta stepped out of the room and yelled, “Woman! I'm going out!” before he took off.
He could tell that the energy was coming from space, and that it would be arriving soon, and not too far away.
This is a time that Instant Transmission would be useful. Vegeta thought to himself. I should really beat that technique out of Kakarot next time we spar. Vegeta made a mental note to himself to do just that.
The place where it seemed the `Saiyan' would land was not too far away from West City, so Vegeta made it with time to spare. But he also found out that he was not the only one there. The Namekian, Piccolo, hovered in mid-air, gazing up into the sky.
“Namek, what are you doing here?” Vegeta demanded.
“I suppose the same thing you are doing here: investigating the Saiyan Space Pod that will be landing here in a few moments.” Piccolo answered.
“You think that it's Saiyan too?” Vegeta asked.
“I know that the Space Pod is Saiyan, at least.” Piccolo said. “Saiyan Space Pods have a unique sound. What about you?”
“Kakarot's brat and I picked up the same thing a few minutes ago: Saiyan energy.” Vegeta said.
“The `brat' does have a name, you know.” Piccolo said. “Would it kill you to use it?”
“Just because you are soft on the boy, Namek, doesn't mean I have to be.” Vegeta said.
Piccolo smirked. “I forgot who I was speaking to.”
Vegeta did not respond out loud. Why does that Namekian have to butt into Saiyan business?
They waited together in silence. But a minute later, Vegeta pointed into the sky. “There.”
They could both see it now, a fiery object entering the atmosphere and crashing into the ground at high speed only two hundred feet away.
They approached together. In the center of the large impact crater was a single Saiyan Space Pod, still smoking from its violent entry.
“Vegeta, you should be the one to go. If it is a Saiyan, then they should recognize you as their prince.” Piccolo said.
Vegeta was all ready floating down into the crater. It had been so long since he had been treated with proper royal respect. Kakarot thought he was a joke, and so did his mate and son…
“Are you a Saiyan?” Vegeta asked loudly in his native Saiyan language. There was no response, and Vegeta glanced into the window. “Oh, damn!”
“What is it, Vegeta?” Piccolo asked.
Vegeta opened up the pod with practiced movements and gave Piccolo a good look inside. The Namekian gasped out loud in shock.
Inside was a single man who was completely messed up, so much so that even if he was a Saiyan that Vegeta had known his whole life, he would still not be able to recognize him.
Vegeta spotted his trademark Saiyan tail. “He is definitely a Saiyan, and something… or someone… really beat him up good.” Vegeta fell silent as the broken warrior stirred.
“Ugh… who's there?” The Saiyan demanded, staring blankly at Vegeta. Vegeta could tell by the look in his eyes that he was nearly blind. The Saiyan Warrior could probably detect movement, and not much else. “Where am I?”
“You are on a planet in the North Galaxy called Earth.” Vegeta said. “My name is Vegeta.”
“Vegeta?” The Saiyan stirred. “That was the name of my home planet, my King, and my Prince.”
“I am the Saiyan Prince Vegeta.”
The Warrior started. “Another Saiyan? My Prince is alive? I thought that I was the last…” The Saiyan Warrior bent at the waist with his hand in a fist over his heart in a gesture that Vegeta recognized as Saiyan fealty. But he couldn't manage it; he grunted in pain and leaned back in the seat, smiling feebly. “My Prince, forgive me.”
“Yes.” Vegeta said automatically. “What is your rank and name?”
“I am a Low-Class Warrior.” Vegeta almost snorted with contempt. Another Low-Class Warrior? How was it that all the elites besides him were dead, and a couple of Low-Class Warriors (AKA: Kakarot) had cheated death? “My name is Bardock.”
LES: Cliffy! I'm so evil!
Fans: How dare you do a cliffhanger! We hate you!
LES: Don't worry. The next chapter is in the process of being written. So, what's going on? Is the Saiyan Warrior really Bardock? And, if he is, how the freak did he survive; and how will Goku handle all this??? Find out next time on the next exciting episode of “The Truth Hurts More”!!!