Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unending Tragedy: Part Two- Gruesome Injustice ❯ Corruption ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*a/n ...ive been a bit busy...but somehow i managed to put up a few chapters, great huh? well i only hope i haven't lost any of my faithful readers...>_< which by the looks of my reviews isn't very many c'mon people!! Where's all the readers? *sigh* oh well for those of that stuck with me thanks a bunch ^_~ back to the chapter.....this one is kind of *cough* interesting....it's very citrus scented
Five: Corruption
Vegeta was enjoying his rest yet only to be disturbed by a sudden shift in the bed's weight. Still in deep slumber, he had no idea as to what was really going on; so believing it to be Bulma while in their own bed in their home he groaned softly. "Damn onna, lay still would you."
The tempting female replied in a soft purr, "I'm not your onna . . . at least not yet . . ." A wickedly enticing grin played on her ruby colored lips as he stirred awake. She watche don as his eyes opened slowly, waking up all the more. Samara slid from thr large bed and stood before it admiring Vegeta's sleepy state. he wiped his eyes a bit as his eyes focused on the figure before him, as soon as he realized who he was staring at he nearly leapt out of the bed. Sitting bolt upright now, his gaurd up, he glared at the red haired saiyan before him. She held in her hands a bottle of what seemed to be red whine and a crystalline glass, while the other glass she held with her tail. "Good. You're awake finally. Have a nice rest?"
He growled dangerously at her, not trusting her actions in the least. "And just what do you want me for?" she ignored him and smiled cunningly while pouring out the crimson red liquid into one of the sparkling glasses. he watched her every move carefully, not knowing what to expect from her. She then poured some for herself and placed the two crystal glasses on a table beside the bed. Vegeta's sharp gaze was fixed on them for a brief moment before he narrowed his eyes at her. "Do you honestly expect me to drink that onna?"
She sighed with a small frown and sat on the edge of the bed. "Oh well then, I guess you can leave. I'm only treating you like the prince you are." With a satisfied grunt, Vegeta rose from the bed and padded lightly over to the door, while Samara stood over the night table and slipped a tiny vile from her shirt, uncapped it and held it over the glass of whine she poured for Vegeta while letting some of the contents drip into it. The sharp witted saiyan prince saw from the corner of his watchful eye what she did and growled low in his throat, trying to turn the knob of the door now; it was locked! She quickly tucked poured the rest of the vile in her own drink and tossed it away.
The two saiyans turned to face one another, Vegeta glared at Samara holding thr glasses of whine now in her hands. "Hmph, do you think a simple locked door is enough to stop me from getting the hell out of here? You don't know me as well as you thought I see."
She shook her head slowly, "No not really I guess. Well at least have a drink with me before you go, considering this would be our last encounter. Please . . ."
He smirked as she set the glasses down again, "Fine, one drink." He walked back to the bedside and reached down for the glass opposite the one she poured for him, assuming he took the one that hadn't been contaminated with whatever she had in that vile.
She couldn't help but grin wickedly as she took the the other glass and raised it to toast him. He snorted and raised the glass to his lips and they both took a sip at the same time. Samara set her glass down and watched Vegeta take another swig of the whine. His expression changed from a grin to a deep scowl. He gazed into the glass of red liquid and frowned deeper, his voice was rather monotone, "What . . . is this?" Dropping the delicate glass to the floor he stepped back as it shattered to pieces before him. As she chuckled devilishly, he held his head down breathing deep ragged breaths, she tipped his head back up to meet her cold endless onyx gaze. "I poured the serum in both of our drinks so either way you took it . . . and the best part is... i'm not in the least afected by it." He hadn't acknowledged her statement much now as he staggered over to the other side of the bed and sat down still holding his head in his hands right before he snapped it back and gave a roaring yell. The serum was already getting to him and it was waging war inside his mind.
Samara walked over to where he sat and gently pushed him down against the silk sheets. Vegeta bared his sharp canines at her, yet he couldn't concentrate hard enough to resist her, and for some reason almost didn't want to resist. The fiery woman climbed on top of him slowly. She placed his strong arms up by his head against the bed, and pinned them down as she lightly trailed soft kisses from under hs chin and along his neck.
Vegeta closed his eyes now, her lips were so soft against his heated skin. /No! I won't allow her to do this!/ He tried to free his arms from her grip but found all movement hindered. She was strong, he remembered this from that blasted dream he had the other night. Samara was going to seduce him!
The serum was growing stronger, while Samara began to pull his jacket off and then tossed it aside. His heart was picking up in beat and his body temperature was rising gradually. She ran her nails down the front of his shirt, tearing it right in half and leaving it to hang wide open exposing his well sculpted bare chest. She took her hands to him, tracing her fingers along the curve of every muscle and down to where his jeans were fastened. Leaning in now, she whispered in a breathy tone right by his ear, "Soon you'll be mine, the way it should have been to begin with."
He opened his eyes to glare at her with a deep scowl, "Onna! I suggest you get off me unless you wou dlike to find out what would happen if you don't." She laughed in his face, taking hold of his chin firmly. "Aww I don't think you'll mind what I'm doing once the serum has done it's job. In fact, I think you'll enoy it." Fire flashed in his coal colored eyes. "What?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Samara leaned in closer and brushed her crimson lips lightly against his. Vegeta turned his head away from her, /Damn she's persistent./ The red head frowned at him then still gripping his chin, jerked his head back to meet her onyx stare. Again she brushed her soft lips over his own, he tried to turn away but she kept her firm hold on him.
He spoke to her through clenched teeth; "You're making a grave mistake__" She silenced him, roughly pressing her lips to his, eventually softening the kiss and suddenly a wave of dizziness swept over him and for a brief moment he lost all recollection of where he was or where he should be. He forgot all about going to meet Goku for a spar, his fight with Bulma as well slipped from his mind with no trace, completely forgetting about anything that had happened over the past few years of his life. All he knew was what he was doing right then, what he felt as Samara passed her tongue throguh the barrier of his lips exploring his mouth, running it over his sharp canines. It wasn't until she caught it on his sharp teeth and he could taste the bittersweet red essence in his mouth did he start to think but not what he should have been thinking. For a moment he almost thought he was back on Vejitasei or on one of Frieza's ships, where the other warriors and his sholdiers resided when they weren't on missions for him. He was in his room with one of the few females that accompanied them.
Samara released him from his imprisoning illusion and broke the kiss, drawing back to gaze at him now. The look in his eyes was new, hinting at disorient, although he remained in a tranquil state; though this didn't last long as he recognized a sugary tasting substance in his mouth; blood. His fury broke free again, shattering the tranquility that saiyan succubus had put him in. A sneer crossed his fine features as he usd his bruth strength to sit up and shoved Samara right off him sending her to the floor. He spat the blood, or what was left of it to the ground and shifted his wicked onyx orbs to focus on her now. "Bakayarou! What did you do to me?" He threatened her, "I'll kill you!"
She halted him, "Ah ah ahh, that's not wise of you. I wouldn't do that if I were you." She stated with a cheeky grin, and removed the three pieces of evidence from her action sback at Capsule Corp. and held them out in her open palm for him to see. Vegeta's eyes narrowed and then widened considerably upon seeing just what she held. It was a lock of blue hair from his daughter, the blue bandanna from Trunks, and most important was the slender band of silver studded with diamonds; one of his mate's favorite rings. His tone of voice dropped, becoming unnervingly soft meaning he was beyond furious. The only way she could have gotten what she had was if... did you do?!" No, she couldn't have hurt them? Could she have actually harmed them? She made no effort to respond as she crawled back up on the bed, and to him flashing that same lustrous smirk. Yet as much as his insides were screaming for him to get up and set her in her place he didn't budge, soon that same spell of dizziness and unwelling sensation as if he was drugged overcame him rendering him practically helpless.
Seeing him unable to fight back she took the opportunity to lay him back down against the soft red satin sheets and finish what she started. He was battling against his own mind, his own body, trying to coax himself to get up and shover her away. /Get up you fool! Damnitt! What is she doing to me, this is rediculous./ He pulled himself together long enough to concentrate and form an orb of ki in his hand. Although Samara, thinking quickly, leaned in capturing his mouth in a wild kiss, and while he was occupied, her tail coiled around his wrist bringing his hand to her waist making him relinquish the ki and his concentration. That disgusted, nauseating feeling intensified, and then it happened again. He couldn't seem to remember anything that had happened to him over the past few years, since he set out for the planet Namek. Any other memory was he had ever once had that stretched beyond that frame of time was gone, his mind was clear of all but her. All he knew was her, and the urge to do more than exchange innocent kisses with her. He broke away, caught his breath and blinked at her several times. "Something doesn't feel right. . ." Though without a further thought about it; almost like he had no control over his actions, he layed back down, pulling her closer and begin to create a trail of soft kisses down her neck line to the rim of her shirt. He lifted the tight fitting shirt just above her naval kissing her soft skin traveling down to the dip in her mid-section, then slipping his hands beneath the tight red top resuming his kissing as he lifted the garment little by little to just below her breast line. Pausing a moment he peered up at her with an emotionless expression but his onyx eyes revealed to her an uncontrollable desire. She leaned over and cupped his chin with one hand and kissed him yet again while her other hand drifted downwards to his waist tugging at his jeans. He took this as his cue and took her hand guiding it, helping her unbutton his jeans. He stopped himself from going any further momentarily, sat up straight and layed her down beside him as he positioned himself so he was over her now. Yet he made no other move, something still didn't feel right. He studied the woman beneath him for a moment before a scowl crossed his face.
Vegeta was about to back up when the red haired vixen took notice of his actions. Her serum was not in full effect just yet. There was one thing left before it could be. She sat upright and took hold of the prince's mighty neck with her tail and rose to her knees. It was then he had the upper hand and grabbed her tail and forcefuly unwound it from around his neck making her withdraw in pain long enough for the swift sayian to clutch her wrists, twist them up and with full force tugged her down and slid her right there beneath him pinned to the bed. "NO ONE has the right, to mess with MY head such as this! Escpecially not YOU!" He roared, having recovered from her little spell so to say. Her expression softened into a cross between an authentic smile and a sinful grin right before she wrenched her erm free, reached around behind him and sunk her nails into his back, reopening the wounds she had left earlier. Yet this time Vegeta held back the cry of pain as he clenched his teeth and took a deep breath, narrowing his eyes to dangerous slits at her. Samara used this to her advantage and pulled her other arm free and nearly pounced on him, landing him back down on his back against the bed. She set her full weight upon him and held his powerful arms against the matress up over his head like before. Only this time with her free arm she aimed her index finger to his arms pinned beneath hers and formed a ring of ki which encircled his wrists clmaping tight around them hindering all movement. When the glow from the ki ring faded it left behind what seemed to be crimson colored ribbons which tightly and securely held his wrists together and to the headboard . Realizing what had just happened he growled fiercely at her, "ONNA! What is this?! You're just making this worse for yourself!" They were just simple ribbons they could snap within a second if he used enough strength....right?
She gave an amused yet no less dark, laugh. "You're in no position to be threatening me dear prince . . . do you like? It's a handly little trick, and the best part of it all is, the more you struggle against it the tighter they become. It may not bother you right yet, but that's because I do not want to hurt you, although if you give me a reason then I will." He wanted to cal her bluff btu when he tried to free his wrists or find some slack in the ribbons he found to his avail she was correct, as he felt them tighten considerably. /Shit!/ She bared her own sharp canines at his as she smiled. "Now then__it's my turn." ******how was that? This is one of my favorite chapters if ya couldn't tell...i'm so evil. *cough* ok thats enough of that...i told you it was a tad bit citrusy!!! hope it wasn't too much for ya! Well now what can Vegeta do besides just give up it looks as if he has no choice...wonder what's gonna become of him once she gets her hands on him *thinks* oh wait i know but you guys don't ^_^ oh well guess you'll just have to wait till next time
Five: Corruption
Vegeta was enjoying his rest yet only to be disturbed by a sudden shift in the bed's weight. Still in deep slumber, he had no idea as to what was really going on; so believing it to be Bulma while in their own bed in their home he groaned softly. "Damn onna, lay still would you."
The tempting female replied in a soft purr, "I'm not your onna . . . at least not yet . . ." A wickedly enticing grin played on her ruby colored lips as he stirred awake. She watche don as his eyes opened slowly, waking up all the more. Samara slid from thr large bed and stood before it admiring Vegeta's sleepy state. he wiped his eyes a bit as his eyes focused on the figure before him, as soon as he realized who he was staring at he nearly leapt out of the bed. Sitting bolt upright now, his gaurd up, he glared at the red haired saiyan before him. She held in her hands a bottle of what seemed to be red whine and a crystalline glass, while the other glass she held with her tail. "Good. You're awake finally. Have a nice rest?"
He growled dangerously at her, not trusting her actions in the least. "And just what do you want me for?" she ignored him and smiled cunningly while pouring out the crimson red liquid into one of the sparkling glasses. he watched her every move carefully, not knowing what to expect from her. She then poured some for herself and placed the two crystal glasses on a table beside the bed. Vegeta's sharp gaze was fixed on them for a brief moment before he narrowed his eyes at her. "Do you honestly expect me to drink that onna?"
She sighed with a small frown and sat on the edge of the bed. "Oh well then, I guess you can leave. I'm only treating you like the prince you are." With a satisfied grunt, Vegeta rose from the bed and padded lightly over to the door, while Samara stood over the night table and slipped a tiny vile from her shirt, uncapped it and held it over the glass of whine she poured for Vegeta while letting some of the contents drip into it. The sharp witted saiyan prince saw from the corner of his watchful eye what she did and growled low in his throat, trying to turn the knob of the door now; it was locked! She quickly tucked poured the rest of the vile in her own drink and tossed it away.
The two saiyans turned to face one another, Vegeta glared at Samara holding thr glasses of whine now in her hands. "Hmph, do you think a simple locked door is enough to stop me from getting the hell out of here? You don't know me as well as you thought I see."
She shook her head slowly, "No not really I guess. Well at least have a drink with me before you go, considering this would be our last encounter. Please . . ."
He smirked as she set the glasses down again, "Fine, one drink." He walked back to the bedside and reached down for the glass opposite the one she poured for him, assuming he took the one that hadn't been contaminated with whatever she had in that vile.
She couldn't help but grin wickedly as she took the the other glass and raised it to toast him. He snorted and raised the glass to his lips and they both took a sip at the same time. Samara set her glass down and watched Vegeta take another swig of the whine. His expression changed from a grin to a deep scowl. He gazed into the glass of red liquid and frowned deeper, his voice was rather monotone, "What . . . is this?" Dropping the delicate glass to the floor he stepped back as it shattered to pieces before him. As she chuckled devilishly, he held his head down breathing deep ragged breaths, she tipped his head back up to meet her cold endless onyx gaze. "I poured the serum in both of our drinks so either way you took it . . . and the best part is... i'm not in the least afected by it." He hadn't acknowledged her statement much now as he staggered over to the other side of the bed and sat down still holding his head in his hands right before he snapped it back and gave a roaring yell. The serum was already getting to him and it was waging war inside his mind.
Samara walked over to where he sat and gently pushed him down against the silk sheets. Vegeta bared his sharp canines at her, yet he couldn't concentrate hard enough to resist her, and for some reason almost didn't want to resist. The fiery woman climbed on top of him slowly. She placed his strong arms up by his head against the bed, and pinned them down as she lightly trailed soft kisses from under hs chin and along his neck.
Vegeta closed his eyes now, her lips were so soft against his heated skin. /No! I won't allow her to do this!/ He tried to free his arms from her grip but found all movement hindered. She was strong, he remembered this from that blasted dream he had the other night. Samara was going to seduce him!
The serum was growing stronger, while Samara began to pull his jacket off and then tossed it aside. His heart was picking up in beat and his body temperature was rising gradually. She ran her nails down the front of his shirt, tearing it right in half and leaving it to hang wide open exposing his well sculpted bare chest. She took her hands to him, tracing her fingers along the curve of every muscle and down to where his jeans were fastened. Leaning in now, she whispered in a breathy tone right by his ear, "Soon you'll be mine, the way it should have been to begin with."
He opened his eyes to glare at her with a deep scowl, "Onna! I suggest you get off me unless you wou dlike to find out what would happen if you don't." She laughed in his face, taking hold of his chin firmly. "Aww I don't think you'll mind what I'm doing once the serum has done it's job. In fact, I think you'll enoy it." Fire flashed in his coal colored eyes. "What?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Samara leaned in closer and brushed her crimson lips lightly against his. Vegeta turned his head away from her, /Damn she's persistent./ The red head frowned at him then still gripping his chin, jerked his head back to meet her onyx stare. Again she brushed her soft lips over his own, he tried to turn away but she kept her firm hold on him.
He spoke to her through clenched teeth; "You're making a grave mistake__" She silenced him, roughly pressing her lips to his, eventually softening the kiss and suddenly a wave of dizziness swept over him and for a brief moment he lost all recollection of where he was or where he should be. He forgot all about going to meet Goku for a spar, his fight with Bulma as well slipped from his mind with no trace, completely forgetting about anything that had happened over the past few years of his life. All he knew was what he was doing right then, what he felt as Samara passed her tongue throguh the barrier of his lips exploring his mouth, running it over his sharp canines. It wasn't until she caught it on his sharp teeth and he could taste the bittersweet red essence in his mouth did he start to think but not what he should have been thinking. For a moment he almost thought he was back on Vejitasei or on one of Frieza's ships, where the other warriors and his sholdiers resided when they weren't on missions for him. He was in his room with one of the few females that accompanied them.
Samara released him from his imprisoning illusion and broke the kiss, drawing back to gaze at him now. The look in his eyes was new, hinting at disorient, although he remained in a tranquil state; though this didn't last long as he recognized a sugary tasting substance in his mouth; blood. His fury broke free again, shattering the tranquility that saiyan succubus had put him in. A sneer crossed his fine features as he usd his bruth strength to sit up and shoved Samara right off him sending her to the floor. He spat the blood, or what was left of it to the ground and shifted his wicked onyx orbs to focus on her now. "Bakayarou! What did you do to me?" He threatened her, "I'll kill you!"
She halted him, "Ah ah ahh, that's not wise of you. I wouldn't do that if I were you." She stated with a cheeky grin, and removed the three pieces of evidence from her action sback at Capsule Corp. and held them out in her open palm for him to see. Vegeta's eyes narrowed and then widened considerably upon seeing just what she held. It was a lock of blue hair from his daughter, the blue bandanna from Trunks, and most important was the slender band of silver studded with diamonds; one of his mate's favorite rings. His tone of voice dropped, becoming unnervingly soft meaning he was beyond furious. The only way she could have gotten what she had was if... did you do?!" No, she couldn't have hurt them? Could she have actually harmed them? She made no effort to respond as she crawled back up on the bed, and to him flashing that same lustrous smirk. Yet as much as his insides were screaming for him to get up and set her in her place he didn't budge, soon that same spell of dizziness and unwelling sensation as if he was drugged overcame him rendering him practically helpless.
Seeing him unable to fight back she took the opportunity to lay him back down against the soft red satin sheets and finish what she started. He was battling against his own mind, his own body, trying to coax himself to get up and shover her away. /Get up you fool! Damnitt! What is she doing to me, this is rediculous./ He pulled himself together long enough to concentrate and form an orb of ki in his hand. Although Samara, thinking quickly, leaned in capturing his mouth in a wild kiss, and while he was occupied, her tail coiled around his wrist bringing his hand to her waist making him relinquish the ki and his concentration. That disgusted, nauseating feeling intensified, and then it happened again. He couldn't seem to remember anything that had happened to him over the past few years, since he set out for the planet Namek. Any other memory was he had ever once had that stretched beyond that frame of time was gone, his mind was clear of all but her. All he knew was her, and the urge to do more than exchange innocent kisses with her. He broke away, caught his breath and blinked at her several times. "Something doesn't feel right. . ." Though without a further thought about it; almost like he had no control over his actions, he layed back down, pulling her closer and begin to create a trail of soft kisses down her neck line to the rim of her shirt. He lifted the tight fitting shirt just above her naval kissing her soft skin traveling down to the dip in her mid-section, then slipping his hands beneath the tight red top resuming his kissing as he lifted the garment little by little to just below her breast line. Pausing a moment he peered up at her with an emotionless expression but his onyx eyes revealed to her an uncontrollable desire. She leaned over and cupped his chin with one hand and kissed him yet again while her other hand drifted downwards to his waist tugging at his jeans. He took this as his cue and took her hand guiding it, helping her unbutton his jeans. He stopped himself from going any further momentarily, sat up straight and layed her down beside him as he positioned himself so he was over her now. Yet he made no other move, something still didn't feel right. He studied the woman beneath him for a moment before a scowl crossed his face.
Vegeta was about to back up when the red haired vixen took notice of his actions. Her serum was not in full effect just yet. There was one thing left before it could be. She sat upright and took hold of the prince's mighty neck with her tail and rose to her knees. It was then he had the upper hand and grabbed her tail and forcefuly unwound it from around his neck making her withdraw in pain long enough for the swift sayian to clutch her wrists, twist them up and with full force tugged her down and slid her right there beneath him pinned to the bed. "NO ONE has the right, to mess with MY head such as this! Escpecially not YOU!" He roared, having recovered from her little spell so to say. Her expression softened into a cross between an authentic smile and a sinful grin right before she wrenched her erm free, reached around behind him and sunk her nails into his back, reopening the wounds she had left earlier. Yet this time Vegeta held back the cry of pain as he clenched his teeth and took a deep breath, narrowing his eyes to dangerous slits at her. Samara used this to her advantage and pulled her other arm free and nearly pounced on him, landing him back down on his back against the bed. She set her full weight upon him and held his powerful arms against the matress up over his head like before. Only this time with her free arm she aimed her index finger to his arms pinned beneath hers and formed a ring of ki which encircled his wrists clmaping tight around them hindering all movement. When the glow from the ki ring faded it left behind what seemed to be crimson colored ribbons which tightly and securely held his wrists together and to the headboard . Realizing what had just happened he growled fiercely at her, "ONNA! What is this?! You're just making this worse for yourself!" They were just simple ribbons they could snap within a second if he used enough strength....right?
She gave an amused yet no less dark, laugh. "You're in no position to be threatening me dear prince . . . do you like? It's a handly little trick, and the best part of it all is, the more you struggle against it the tighter they become. It may not bother you right yet, but that's because I do not want to hurt you, although if you give me a reason then I will." He wanted to cal her bluff btu when he tried to free his wrists or find some slack in the ribbons he found to his avail she was correct, as he felt them tighten considerably. /Shit!/ She bared her own sharp canines at his as she smiled. "Now then__it's my turn." ******how was that? This is one of my favorite chapters if ya couldn't tell...i'm so evil. *cough* ok thats enough of that...i told you it was a tad bit citrusy!!! hope it wasn't too much for ya! Well now what can Vegeta do besides just give up it looks as if he has no choice...wonder what's gonna become of him once she gets her hands on him *thinks* oh wait i know but you guys don't ^_^ oh well guess you'll just have to wait till next time