Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uninvited ❯ Caught up in the moment ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Caught Up in The Moment

HA!!!! I got this out before Thanksgiving!!! Why? Because I'm the bomb b*@#h!!! Actually, I just got inpired. Well here's the first of want people have been asking for. THE LEMON (Theactrical music in the background.) Well, I hope you like what you read. This won't be the only one I think I can get steamier if I try. Oh well, anyways read on.

Disclaimer: I tried to buy the Dragonball series from Funimation, TOEI, and Akira but they didn't take Monopoly money. I also tried to buy the publishing of "Uninvited" but Alanis made me depressed and I forgot my purpose. Seriously, I don't own them. Wish I did. Then I could pay off my tuition.

"…" is spoken; *…* is thoughts; **** is telepathic conversation; #### is flashbacks; ><><>< is the song

Gohan came home much earlier than normal today. He had been in several meetings today about expanding the pediatric wing of the hospital. He had been the head surgeon of the Satan City General Hospital for almost a year now and the meetings and presentations were something that he wasn't quite used to yet.

*I went to school to be a doctor, not a marketer.*

When he entered his house, his wife's old childhood home, he sighed feeling more tired now that he was home.

*I good hot bath would do me fine.*

As he stood in the vast foyer, deciding if he should take the stairs or fly to his room, he heard his daughter's laugh coming from her bedroom. The half Saiyajin sighed and shook his head.

*I thought she was with Videl at the fund raiser. If she didn't go why didn't she go to work? I'm going to have to talk with her about her priorities.*

Gohan suddenly heard another voice. A male voice. The man frowned as he noticed whose ki signature he was feeling. None other than the Capsule Corp. president Trunks Briefs, his brother's best friend and the object of his daughter's teenage fantasies. It took him a lot of patience to keep his own ki down.

*Why is he here!?! In her bedroom! Panny, please tell me you have more sense and decency not to do with I think you're doing.*

It wasn't that he didn't like the man, but he's noticed since Pan has gotten older Trunks has been more affectionate to his little girl. He has seen the way Trunks looks at Pan at times and he didn't appreciate the gesture. Gohan has thought repeatedly about the year that Pan and Trunks spent out in space together. He was curious to know what happened between the two because ever since the two haven't been the same. Pan has slowly but surely shed some of her tomboy qualities and has become like one of the women Trunks dates. Trunks, on the other hand, was the ultimate playboy, never committing to one woman for too long and flirting with anything that had breast and smelled good. The man wasn't good enough and too old for his daughter.

As Gohan slowly walked up the stairs, Pan's voice and laugh took on that breathless tone. Trunks' voice sounded slightly muffled and he could feel a change in their ki. He began contemplating what he would do and what he would say if they were doing what he thought they were doing.

*I'm going to fucking kill the bastard that's what I'm going to do! *

As Gohan reached Pan's bedroom door, he wondered if he should just burst into her room or knock. As he stood in front of the door he heard his daughter giggle and say,

"Trunks take that off right now and come here. I want to show you something." , then Trunks respond with,

"Your wish is my command, madam."

That small, but very suggestive conversation made up Gohan's mind for him. It took everything for him not to go Super Saiyajin and killed the man with his daughter. He braced himself for whatever was on the other side of the door and turned the knob. As he opened the door he saw lavender hair draped over a pillow on Pan's bed. He couldn't see his daughter past the man larger body. As he opened the door wider, Pan sat up and said,

"Hey daddy! What are you doing home so early!" Gohan looked at his daughter and the man on the bed. It took him a moment to register that neither on was embarrassed. He then noticed that both were fully clothed, with the exception of shoes. He walked further into the room and saw several pictures and outfits spread across Pan's bed and floor. He blushed at the fact that his mind was in the gutter and said,

"I left after my meetings today. Who ever thought of having meetings on Saturdays." Trunks laughed and said,

"My mom. She had a 'nice little meeting' with me, Bra, and the rest of the executives today." Gohan shuddered for the effects. He knew about Bulma's 'nice little meeting'. He worked for her when Pan was first born. Trunks and Pan laughed at Gohan's expressions. Gohan smiled and decided to ask a question he was burning to ask.

"So what are you two doing, besides making a mess?" Pan jumped off the bed and Gohan noticed his daughter skirt was pretty short but decided not to say anything about it. The young woman hugged her father and said,

"Trunks was picking out an outfit for me to wear tonight and we started going down memory lane when he found my shoe box full of pictures." Trunks then interjected and said,

"Then I found some of Panny's trendy phase clothes and decided to model a couple of hats to show her how silly she used to look." Pan started to laugh again and said,

"Yeah, I still can't believe I let Bra talk me into buying those hats." Gohan laughed along with his daughter and said to Trunks,

" I didn't know you were into woman's fashion Trunks. You leading another life I don't know about?" Trunks blushed and quickly said,

"No! Panny agreed to let me pick out her outfit if I took her to the grand opening of my new movie theater but I didn't find anything I wanted to see her in so I'm going to buy her an outfit."

Gohan kept a smile on his face, but his mind was screaming.

*He's taking her on a date!?! Over my dead body!!! But I can't just tell her she can't go. Think Gohan, think! The dinner tonight! That's it!*

"Um, Pan? Did you forget about your mother's campaign dinner tonight?" Pan face dropped as she realized she had forgotten her mother's social/ political event.

"Oh no!!! I forgot! What am I going to do?" Gohan put on his fatherly face and said,

"It's your decision, but be sure to prioritize. I'm gonna go take a bath and get a little rest before I get ready."

As Gohan walked out the door a slight smirk form on his face. Pan didn't see the gesture but Trunks easily recognized it. He and his father wore the same smirk when they had gotten their way. Trunks in turn put his smirk on.

*Gohan I know what you're up to.*

He then said to Pan,

"Panny, let me make a few calls, you'll be able to go to your mom's dinner and to the premiere." Pan turned and looked at Trunks with hopeful eyes,

"Really?" Trunks smiled and nodded,

"Would I lie to my best friend?" Pan smiled brightly and ran over to Trunks and hugged him, which meant she was lying on top of him,

"You're my knight in shining amour sometimes." Trunks wrapped his arms around Pan and said barely above a whisper,

"Always will be."


Bra and Goten fell onto the bed still locked in a passionate kiss. If someone asked them how they got to Goten's house, neither one would be able to explain it. Bra ran her hands under Goten's shirt and felt the man's silky soft skin over granite hard muscles. She knew Goten was quite popular with women but could never fathom him being so passionate. He hands seemed to set her on fire where ever they roamed. His touches were firm but gentle, a true sign of an experience lover.

*Bra keep your cool. You want to be in control here. Oh hell, I want him now.*

Goten could smell her ripeness through her clothes. He told himself that he had to be in control of this situation and not move to fast but his body was telling him otherwise. He manhood throbbed again his pants, pushing at the fabric and causing him intense displeasure. Bra grounded her hips against him and made him moan. She broke the kiss and looked down at the man's mid section and smiled,

"It looks like your experiencing a little discomfort." Goten nodded, unable to speak at the moment. Bra stood up and gestured for the man to stand. He quickly complied with no complaints. Once he stood the woman began undoing the drawstring on his sweat pants. As she loosened the pants she pulled them down and knelt down. She could see his gargantuan size bulging through his underwear. The size alone brought out some primitive beast within her as she ripped the man's underwear off of him.

Goten yelped out of the shear surprise of Bra's sudden aggressive move. Before he could say anything about it. He felt her warm lips on him. He moved his hips to the rhythm she was suckling and let out a deep throaty growl. Bra growled back in response with him still in her mouth. The vibration sent chills up the mans spine as he promised himself that he would repay her for such a lovely deed.

Bra had to reposition herself, with Goten pumping and her suckling she was inadvertently deep-throating him. Normally she would do such a thing but for some reason, since it was Goten, she didn't mind. Actually, it kind of made her anticipate him doing the same to her more. For some reason, she knew he had decided to do the same to her. It was like he said it, but didn't. She didn't focus her attention on the thought too long because she felt Goten ripped off her shirt and started messaging her breasts. She leaned deeper into his hands as she moaned against him.

Goten couldn't take Bra torture anymore. He quickly pulled her away from his penis and began sucking on her breast and messaging the other one. His other free hand quickly yanked off any remaining clothes Bra had on. The young woman squirmed as the cool air hit her bare body. She moaned and buried her hand in Goten's wild thick hair. Goten made his way down the woman's firm, soft body until he arrived at her beckoning flower. He mercilessly buried his tongue into her vulva and began drinking her sweet juices. Bra practically sat up from the extreme feeling the man was giving her. As she screamed out his name, Goten's actions became more fervent as he stuck his tongue further into her. When she felt her body contracting, knowing she was almost at her point, he stopped his dutiful job. Bra practically cried as she felt Goten leave her treasured area.

"Why did you stop?! I need you. Now!" Goten didn't say a word as he smirked an evil smirk and climbed on top of the woman. Bra looked at the man wondering what he was doing. She could have swore he said,


"I'll give you what you need princess. Real soon.", but she never saw his lips move.


Suddenly she felt the most intoxicating feeling she had ever felt. Goten plunged himself into her completely. She felt as though she was going to split in half from his size alone. His slow, magnificent motions were driving her to the brink of insanity. She began pumping against him and growling. Goten growled back and began moving in a more rigorous fashion.

The two changed positions to where Bra was straddling Goten and pumping as if her life depended on it. Both began to reach their peak and Bra buried her face in the crook of Goten's next. Once she hit nirvana, she clenched her teeth into Goten's neck, drawing blood.

Bra's passionately painful bite immediately sent Goten over the edge. In his blind pleasure, he bit Bra back. Both were suddenly overwhelmed with each other's memories and emotions but neither was coherent enough to realize what happened. All they knew is that they had just had the best sex of their lives with their fantasy lover. What they didn't know is they had just bonded for life.


But you?

You're not allowed.

You're uninvited.

An unfortunate slight.


So… What did you think? Good? Bad? So-So? Tell me how you feel about this chapter and I bet I could top this the next time. (I'm smug ain't I?)