Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uninvited ❯ There's No Denying it Now ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

There's no Denying it Now

Here it is. The one you've been waiting on for so long now. The answer to my own challenge. THE DOUBLE LEMON!!!! (Thunder claps in the background) If you are weak of heart, you shouldn't be here anyway!!!! Go watch Teletubbies!!! You all are SO going to owe me major reviews. By the way, THANK YOU!!!! I'm over 200!!! I love you all so much!!! (Wipes tears away)

Disclaimer: THEY SUCK!!!!

"…" is spoken; *…* is thoughts; **** is telepathic conversation; #### is flashbacks; ><><>< is the song;


She closed her eyes as she fell his hot mouth suckle on her breast. A low moan escaped her throat although she was barely aware of it. As she felt his hands venture her naked body, she vaguely wondered what happened to her dress.

*Did he rip off of me? I… oh my!!!*

Her thoughts were disrupted by the extreme pleasure she felt as his tongue entered her center. Her world seemed to spin from the intoxicating feeling he was giving to her. He took heed to her moans and groans and went a little deeper into her. She sharply gasped as she grabbed hold to his dark, thick hair and screamed out,

"Oh God!!! Don't stop, please!!" In response to her plea, Goten again went deeper into her sweet mound. She wrapped her legs around his neck and arched her back, allowing him greater access to her treasure. In, turn, he began suckling at her gentle bud and lodged two fingers into her. He immediately started to thrust at a rigorous speed causing her to pull at his thick mane. Her breathing changed to short pants as she knew he was bringing her to her breaking point.

"Oh Goten!!!" She mentally chuckled at how right that name sounds coming out of her mouth.

*It's gotta be lust. Oh.. he's so good at what he does.*

Then like a tsunami, she went over her edge. It was like she was at one with the core of the earth. She felt his soft kisses trailing up her stomach and his hands grazing her skin, making sure to hit all of her pleasure spots. She also her him say,

***"It's not over princess. You're mine tonight and no one else's." ***

She pulled him up to her face and violently crashed her lips to his as she replied,

***"And you're mine."***__________________________

*Here I am, with him. The one I've love since forever. There's no where else I'd rather be at this moment. He's mine and I'm his from now on.*

She closed her eyes as his hot breath tickled her earlobe and his hands unzipped her lavish dress. She felt a cool breeze as she felt the clothing fall off of her in a graceful wave but it was quickly replaced by strong, warm hands cradling her breasts. She leaned back into his chest and felt his smooth skin and taut muscles and wondered when did he take off his shirt. She found her hands behind her trailing the outlines of his strong abdomen down to the top of his pants. She attempted to loosen the pants as her messaged her breast with one hand and rub on her hips with the other. She felt as though she was floating on the Nimbus cloud as he slowly set her on body on fire by venturing into her panties and softly brushed her mound. She leaned further into him as she felt the moisture within her increase and whispered in a raspy voice,

I need you Trunks. I need you closer." As a reply to her plea, he slowly inserted three finger in her and placed his thumb on her clitoris. She gasped as she felt her body stretch to accommodate for his thick fingers slowly gliding in and out of her. His thumb gently flicked at her love bud as he watched her buck slightly against his hand. He knew she would explode soon if her continued his ministrations on her so he removed his hands from between her legs and breast then moved in front of her. As she felt move away, her eyes fluttered open and she asked in a breathless, worried voice,

"Is something wrong, please don't stop!" They sat on her bed with him sitting in front of her and allowed his eyes to roam over her small, firm body. He leaned in towards her and said in a voice that rivaled his father's.

"There is something wrong." She looked into his cerulean eyes and asked in a squeaky voice, hoping he hadn't changed his mind about her,

"What?" He smiled and leaned closer, causing her to lay back onto the bed, then slowly ran his hand down her stomach until he reached the top of her panties and said,

"These are wrong. They gotta go." She sighed in relief and began to sit up to remove the moist barrier but he pushed her back down and swiftly ripped the panties off of her. She yelped in surprise at his suddenly aggressive move but quickly relaxed knowing he would never hurt her, although his expression seemed very cold and arrogant.

He unhurriedly lowered his head towards her lovely flower then looked up and said clairvoyantly,

***"Pan, I've wanted you for so long. Are you positive you want me?"*** She looked at the son of the Saiyajin prince then smiled and replied the same way.

***"I've never been more positive about anything in my life."*** He smiled and kissed her inner thigh. He began placing gentle pecks all along her treasured area but never touching the moist jewel. She rolled her eyes, relishing in the feeling he was giving her.. Instinctively, she lifted her leg onto his shoulder and slightly pressed her hips towards him. He noticed her subtle gesture and began his sultry assault on her center.

As she gripped the sheet in fistfuls, she moaned as a response to the intoxicating feeling building within her. His tongue literally took on the job his fingers were doing just moments earlier. He closed his eyes, all the while enjoying her sweet, nature-given nectar as she thrashed and quivered with every stroke. Just as he thought she wasn't going to be able to take much more, she screamed out his name as her juices flowed into his mouth. He eagerly lapped up her sweet liquor making sure not to let one drop escape him. He looked up at her and swore her hair had turned gold, but with a blink of an eye, it was brown again and he dismissed it as his imagination.

He lifted himself from between her legs and hovered over, so close that it looked as though he was lying on her, and looked into her passion-dazed eyes. Once he knew he had her attention, he smiled and said,

"I hope you're not tired because that was only the beginning." Although her hair was matted to her forehead and sweat glistened her body, she smirked at him and said,

"I know."


Bra climbed on top of Goten and straddled him at the waist. He, in turn, pulled her face down to his and kissed her roughly but at the same time passionately. She returned the kissed with just as much forced and passion, causing little sparks to fly around their faces. His hands ventured from her face to her bottom and he squeezed it firmly making her scoot up him slightly. At the same time she took one of hands and began stroking her lover's penis with a tight grip. He moaned involuntarily and pulled her hand away. She looked at him with roguish eyes and asked in a innocent voice,

"What, you didn't like that?" He gave her the same looked she was giving him and said,

"You know I did. But I don't want you to use your hand." She smirked and said,

"Son Goten, you are a bad, bad boy." He smiled that inherent smile and said almost convincingly,

"Who me?" She reversed her straddle so that her back was facing him and lowered her head to allow her mouth to take over for what her hand was doing. He groaned loudly and begin pumping inside of her mouth. In order to keep her balance, Bra laid flush against him and continued her seduction. Unbeknownst, to her, she was teasing her lover by literally rubbing her flower in his face. He could smell her honey begging to be devoured and feel the tickle of her pubic hair on his chin. Goten couldn't stand it any longer. He lifted his head slightly and began giving her the same treatment she was giving him. The young woman took in a sharp breath of air with him still in her mouth, causing a suction feeling to the man.

"Oh, Bra!!!" The next thing she knew she was the one on the floor and he was straddling her. Just as fast as she wrapped her legs around him, he lodged himself into her. Although she ha felt his thickness earlier, she still arched her back to allow herself to stretch further to accommodate his size.

The two demi-Saiyajins collided into each other with unmatchable speed and force. She felt her body being pushed to its limited in ways she had never felt. The woman actually felt as though she and Goten were creating electricity. She had her eyes closed as they began but when she opened them, she gasped in surprise as she saw Goten in Super Saiyajin mode. Instinctively, she powered up to shield herself from being hurt in the process of their loving-making. She knew without saying a word that this was the first time Goten was truly letting go and satisfying himself.

*Hmm, I guess him being with frail all human girls never allowed him to totally let loose. Too bad ladies he's mine now.*

Both reached their peak at the same time and spilled onto each other. He roughly kissed her again and nipped her neck where he marked her earlier and said in a slightly lethargic voice,

"I love you woman," then felt asleep.

She laid beneath him and felt panic brewing within her as his last statement sank in. Then, as suddenly as a change in the winds, she smiled realizing that she enjoyed the fact that he loved her. She ran her fingers through his thick damp hair and said,

"That's good."


Pan gripped hold to Trunks' shoulders as he slowly slid into her. Although she wasn't a virgin, he could tell she was afraid. As he entered her, his eyes closed as her extremely tight opening enveloped him and he thought to himself,

*Is she sure she's not a virgin? I mean, wow!!!*

He looked down at her and saw a tear drop trickle down the side of her face and leaned over to kiss it away. When he lifted up, he saw her big brown eyes looking at him with so much love.

"It's been a good while. You're my second time," she whispered, explaining why she was crying. He leaned down again and kissed her on the lips and said,

"I'll be gentle. I promise." She smiled through her glassy eyes and said,

"I trust you," and placed one of her hands on his face.

Slowly, the uncomfortable feeling Pan was having left and was replaced by pleasure beyond any pleasure she'd ever known. Trunks noticed her reaction to him and gave an arrogant smirk as he quickened the pace and added a little more force to his motion. She seemed to take notice to this because she to started pumping against him. The two kissed, sucked, and licked on every accessible spot on the other as they continued their primal love-making. Then, surprisingly to both of them, Trunks began to reach his peak. Pan lifted slightly to hold the love of her life only to be overtaken by a painful but at the same time sensual feeling. She was then bombarded with memories that didn't belong to her. This was too much for her and she, too , went over the edge. Her Saiyajin side took over and she found herself sinking her teeth into Trunks' shoulder. The two held on to each other and fell asleep, never realizing that they, too, were now bonded.


At a certain banquet hall, two father stood in shock of what they were feeling. One was angry with himself for never seeing this coming. The other was livid at the fact that he saw it coming but couldn't stop it. The two men looked at each other from a considerable distance away and thought to themselves.*Damn, we're related now.*

I see you blushing!!! Come on you know it was good!!! I worked hard as hell on this, give me some love people!!! REVIEW!!!!!

Next update….Saiyajin Revived

