Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uninvited ❯ The Morning After: Angry Parents and Idle Wishes ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Morning after: Angry Parents and Idle Wishes

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've updated. Finally!!! And no, I didn't fall off the edge of the earth. I really had some hard times on me. But I somewhat past them and I decided, lets get to writing!!!! Well anywho, my more popular story continues…..

No more disclaimers for me!!!! Because I disclaimed my boyfriend once and I haven't seen him since.

Pan felt a slight breeze on her face and smiled as she opened her eyes. She looked over at her window and saw the sun beginning to rise the distance, a sight she rarely sees, and marveled at its beauty.

*I don't think I've seen anything quite as beautiful as this.*

Suddenly, a strong pair of arms pulled her into a contour brick wall that said,

"I could say the same thing about you." She turned her head only to see a mess of lavender hair spewed across the pillow. She quickly jumped out of the bed and said in a surprised and hushed voice,

"Trunks, you're still in my bed!" The man sat up and yawned as he said,

"That's usually happens when two people make love to each other Pan." The young woman then noticed the slight soreness between her legs and quickly remembered the events from the night before and blushed. She then said,

"Well, um, I know that but still, I know my parents are home and they're gonna be up soon!" The man raised a sleepy eyebrow and said,

"So? We're bonded now and there's nothing Gohan can do to me without causing you harm. There's no use in sweating what your daddy is going to do because he's going to do nothing." Pan looked at Trunks' shoulder and saw the bite mark and instinctively touched her own shoulder, feeling the now healing mark. Her eyes widened as she said breathlessly,

"You and I are bonded? Like as in life mates?" Trunks smiled at his woman as he kneeled on the bed to obtain the same height as his lover and said,

"For life and beyond. I'm yours and yours alone, just as you are mine and mine alone." He then kissed the woman wholeheartedly. She slowly responded to the kiss as she absorbed the fact that she finally had the man of her dreams. A tear escaped her closed eyes as she thought to herself,

*My dreams have been answered. Thank you Kami!*

She then heard her newly acquired mate respond,


The two remained in each other's embrace for what seemed to them only a couple of moments but in actuality was over an hour. Pan broke their embrace and said,

"As much as I want you to stay, my parents are not going to take lightly of you staying the night after our conversation last night. Hell, my dad is going to be ballistic even before he finds out about the bond. We gotta get you out of here before they wake up." Trunks looked at her and sighed, not wanting to let go of his woman and said in a low grumble,

"Panny as much as I love and respect your parents, I'm not afraid of either one of them." She eyed Trunks' naked form and smiled then said,

"I know, but I think it would be best if I talked with them alone. I think my dad is really out for your blood after last night." He shrugged his shoulders as he stepped out of the bed and began searching for his clothes.

Pan could feel his frustration as if it were her own. She wrapped her arms around the man from behind and said clairvoyantly,


"Please don't be angry." He turned around to face her and said,


"I'm not angry, just a little frustrated. I finally get to have you but now I'm going to have to deal with the consequences, meaning your dad and uncle, possibly even my dad." He bent down and gave her a soft, passionate kiss on the lips and said,

"It's a small price to pay for something so special…" He gave her another kiss, this time on her neck,

"…and beautiful…" Another kiss, now further down to the base of her neck as his hands cupped her behind.

"… and sexy…." He began to grind softly against the woman as he licked the top of her breast. Pan moaned and felt herself fill with desire. With all the will power she could muster, she gently pushed away from her lover and said,

"Trunks, sweety, I get the picture and I like the way you paint it but the fact remains that you are still here in my room, buck ass naked, with my parents in the same house. I really need to get you out of the house before we both do something that's only going to piss them off more." Trunks looked at the large bedroom windows in Pan's massive bedroom.

"I don't see what's the big deal. Why don't I just use the window at my liberty?" Pan stared at the man as if he had lost his wits. He stared back at her and said in a clueless voice,


"Trunks, I have lived here for almost three years, have you ever seen me, my mom, or my dad fly out of a window?" The man thought for a moment and said,

"I don't think so. Why?"

"The windows are controlled by alarm. Remember this is my Grandpa Hercule's house. He's always had a weird paranoia thing and every window and main door has an access code. It just so happens that my parents changed my access code to my windows when we moved in and 'forgot' to give me the code."

"So you're telling they pretty much have you trapped in your room!?!" She laughed and said,

"The glass in the windows and the doors aren't made of titanium you know! And I leave my room and the house whenever I feel like! Come on, you of all should understand why the windows are sealed. You're house isn't exactly visitor friendly and I'm not talking about Vegeta either." Trunks laughed as he put on his pants.

"I guess you're right." He turned and watched Pan put on one of the many fluffy robes she owns and continued to dress himself in his overly wrinkled suit.

Once Trunks was dressed, Pan led him out of the room with impeccable speed and silence. She constantly peeked around every corner before tuning around it. Trunks, on the other hand, kind of wished that he would run into her parents, mainly Gohan. He wanted to see the man's face when he realized he couldn't keep the inevitable from happening.

*Gohan, I bet you're going to shit in your pants when you find out all your overprotecting of Pan from me didn't stop us from being together.*

Pan blushed slightly, hearing Trunks' thoughts. She squeezed the man's hand as she said,

"We're home free. We just have to past the great room and dad never sits in there. He's probably still asleep. Come on." She pulled Trunks lightly indicating she wanted he to follow. Right before she got to the great room she looked, just to make sure no one was there. Just as she predicted, the room was devoid of any life forms. She let out a relieved sighed and continued to the front door with her lover in tow.

Once the two reached the front door, she turned to Trunks and said in a slightly sad tone,

"I'll miss you." He smiled down at the woman and said,

"Not more than I will miss you." He bent down just enough to lift the petite woman into a hug and kissed her. Pan held on to his neck and allowed his hand to roam under the robe, causing it to open slightly. He turned so that she was pinned between him and the door and continued to roam all over her body with his hands while never once breaking the kiss. He could feel his manhood coming to life and truly considered taking her right there in the foyer, that is until he heard a very angry Gohan yell,

"What in the hell is going on here!" The two lovers abruptly broke their kiss and turned to see Gohan with steam practically blowing out of his ears. Pan quickly attempted to adjust her robe while Trunks smirked at the fuming man. He said in a condescending tone,

"You're telling me you don't know? Gohan, how did you produce Pan then?" Pan looked at her mate with wide eyes and a flushed face and screamed,

"TRUNKS!!!!" She looked at her father and actually felt fear for the first time towards her father as she said,

"Daddy, please calm down. It's not what it seems, I mean it is what it seems, but it's not as bad as it seems. Oh man." She tried to move away from Trunks but he leaned closer to her, pinning her even more. By this time Videl came out of her room to the stairway to see what the all commotion was about. Once she saw the situation below, she said to her husband,

"Gohan, honey, calm down. We don't need to fight about this. We can talk about this like civilized people." Gohan totally ignored his wife and said to Trunks with his voice full of malice,

"I want you to stay the fuck away from my daughter! Do you hear me!?! Pan come hear now!" Pan squirmed slightly to free herself and go to her father, totally afraid of the possibly volatile events that could occur but Trunks held her close to him and said,

"Don't order my mate around Gohan!" Gohan and Videl's faces became extremely pale as Videl asked in a shocked voice,

"Your what?" Trunks held Pan with a sense of territorial pride and said boldly,

"I told your husband not to order my mate around. I don't care if she's your daughter, she's my life mate and no one, not even her own parents can order her around." Videl and Pan looked at Gohan and Trunks with worried expressions, then abruptly Gohan went into Super Saiyajin two and shouted,

"I'm going to fucking kill you!!!"


Goten yawned as he looked up at the ceiling, following the hairline crack coming a corner to the center of the ceiling in an intricate design. He vaguely wondered how long the crack had been there and how it occurred in the first place as he mindlessly played with a sleeping Bra's hair. His attention shifted to the soft strands he was twiddling in his fingers and brought a lock of her hair up to his face and examined the unique coloring.

*Her hair is actually a mixture of turquoise, light blues, and silver. Hmm, I wonder if this is the natural color.*

"You've known me all my life and you don't know the color of my hair? That hurts." Bra looked up at Goten and yawned. Goten, in turn, smiled at her and said in a silky tone,

"What I meant was do you highlight your hair. It's so many different colors." She rubbed her eyes as she asked,

"And what do you know about highlights sir?" The man raised an eyebrow and said,

"Um, have you forgotten your, now fashion conscious, best friend happens to be my niece. Also, your extremely conceited brother is my best friend? I've had my share of hair education between the two of them." The woman ran her fingers through his dark, thick mane and said,

"Okay, so if you know so much about hair, why don't you do anything with yours guy?" Goten gave a playful frown and rebuttalled,

"Hey, I happen to like my hair the way it is; black highlighted with shimmering onyx." Bra laughed and said,

"Goten, that's black on black goof!" The man smiled as he exclaimed,

"Damn, that's probably why I didn't see any results." Bra continued to laugh as Goten held her close to him. He looked at the woman as she finished her fit of giggles and said intuitively,

****I think I love you Bra. I mean, love you enough to spend the rest of my life with you.*****

Bra looked at the man with almost a fearful look and pulled away from him as she said,

"Geez Goten, why did you have to go and ruin the mood!" She looked around the room for something to cover herself with. When she couldn't find anything in plain sight, she grabbed the blanket that once covered her but was now covering Goten. Goten held on to the blanket as he asked in a genuinely concerned voice,

"What? What did I do?"

"You said you loved me!" He pulled the blanket more, causing her to come closer to him and the couch she was once laying on and said,

"What's so bad about that? I thought you were okay with us after last night!?!" Bra shook her head vigorously and said in a strong voice,

"No!!! I'm not okay with the bond," she turned away and said in a cold tone, "What happened between us last night was only to stop the rage within you." She turned back to looked at the man with a hardened face and demanded,

"You are not going to ruin my plan, I won't allow that." Goten looked at the woman with a blank expression and asked in a weakened voice,

"What plan are you talking about?" The Saiyajin princess gave up on trying to get the blanket away from Goten once she noticed that she was still struggling while he was merely holding the blanket as if nothing was on the other end, and sat down in the couch. She forced herself ignored the defeated look on Goten's face, although she felt guilt poking at her and said she sparkly eyes,

"We can use the Dragonballs to wish the bond away and any evidence that it occurred. Remember, they came back when your dad came back." Goten lightly nodded and said,

"Is that really what you want? For us to be just two strangers after sharing so much?" She shrugged her shoulders and said,

"Oh, come on Goten, we were never strangers. We would still be friends but without any attraction, you know like we were when we were younger." Goten looked down at the floor as her responded softly,

"Yeah, when we were younger." Just then he thought about a moment many years ago that took place between him and Bra,


"Goten!!! Goten!!!" Whispered a twelve year old Bra as she stood outside the Son residence. She looked up at the window that belonged to her brother's best friend and fidgeted a bit.

"GO-TEN!!!" Little did the young girl know but the man she was calling was watching her from a near by tree. He smiled and finally decided to come and see what the girl wanted before she woke his mother.

"B-chan could you whisper any louder?" Bra spun around only to find the man slowly floating down to her. She smiled and jogged over to where he had landed. Goten looked at the girl and asked in a mock condemning voice,

"Shouldn't you be next door with Pan?" The girl frowned and said,

"Pan and Gohan snore too loud, I can't sleep in there. Besides, I wanted to talk to you."

"What about?" She blushed and looked down at the ground and mumbled something. This took Goten by surprise because he's known her all her life and never seen her blush once. He leaned a little closer and asked,

"What was that?" The young girl looked up at the him and said almost in a question,

"Love?" He sat down in the grass and looked at the preteen and asked as if the comment didn't phase him,

"So what do you want to know? Although, I'm not an expert in the field." Bra sat down next to the young man and questioned,

"How do you know you're in love with someone?" Goten sighed and looked up at the stars. He knew the silence made Bra think she had asked a dumb question but in actuality he was trying to figure out the simplest way to answer the question. Finally, he said,

"Well, I think it's different for everyone. For me, I can't stop thinking about that person, I think about her when I wake up in the morning, when I go to bed at night, and all throughout the day. When I see her I get this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. I would do anything to get her attention or to get her to simply say hello to me. Heck, I've even gone to the extreme of comparing other people to her." Bra sighed and hung her head low, making Goten feel concerned for the girl.

"Hey B-chan, you okay?" The girl looked up at the man and smiled,

"Goten, I think I'm in love with you." Goten eyes widened as he said,

"Hey, whoa!!! Bra are you sure? I mean what would you want with a old guy like me?" Bra's smile widened as she said,

"Everything you describe about love is exactly what I feel." Goten looked at the young girl and said,

"Bra, I think we are better off as friends. I mean, you are very pretty but you don't want a guy like me." Bra smirked and said,

"Whatever, we can be friends Goten but I'll always love you and one day you'll feel the same"


"Goten, Goten? Did you hear me? We could start looking for the Dragonballs today." Goten looked at the woman that once proclaimed her love to him but was now causing him to feel pain and said with a defeated voice,

"Fine Bra, if this is what you want. I'll do whatever I have to make you happy." The man thought to himself,

*But is this what you really want? Or are you trying to convince yourself.*


But you?

You're not allowed

You're uninvited

An unfortunate slight


How was it? It sucked didn't it…. I know this chapter was mostly P/T but don't sweat it, the story still revolves around B/G. Review people, REVIEW!!!! Or I'll go into hiding again with the rest on my story and keep the twist and turns to myself. I know you think we're close to the end, I'm not telling you if you're right or wrong.

PEACE !!!!!! NaCoBe^_^