Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uniting of Lonely Hearts ❯ PART THREE ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello again!! Thanks soo much everyone for your great reviews!! ^_________________________________________^ They made me so happy that this ficcy grew in length!! Hehe.. so I guess I told you another fib, its going to be even longer again! Ok.. So I think I'm safe to say this is more than a one-shot!!! Haha.. it's more like a fully-fledged multi-part fic!
The main reasoning behind me posting this as another chapter and not waiting until the rest is complete, is all in the main interest of the readers! Oh yeah I know I'm just too kind!! Hehe!! Na, but other wise you would all have to wait another minimum of 2 weeks!! *Gasp* because very early tuesday morning I'm going up north so soak up some nice hot Queensland sun! WOOHOO! So yeah, while Im up there I wont have computer access let alone internet access!!!

Anyway, moving on, this is the third installment of what I presume will be a four-part ficcy!! But who knows, it could be more!! ^____^

Have fun!


Bells were jingling, faces were beaming. The rich scent of pine trees lingered in the air as each house had erected their very own tree. These trees became adorned with metallic balls, tinsel, angles and other novelty items. Some even had candy Cains attached.

But the most spectacular sight was, of course, Capsule Corporation. Each year they had a display, and as the years went on, it only became bigger and better. This year was no exception.

Each tree was covered in the finest of fairy lights, all blinking in unison. Also, was the Santa sleigh and his reindeer situated on the lawn. Upon the roof there was a masterpiece displaying a scene from one of Santa's workshops. There were elf’s, fairies and of course Santa's little helpers all over it, all working hard to wrap toys for all the children. There were lights, and it was all in motion. The Briefs family worried not about finance. Everything was the best.

Families from literally all over the world come to behold the sight, and it brought joy to all faces young and old.

Electra beamed at the sight. "Even though I saw most of it not that long ago, it still takes my breath away!" She exclaimed, also noticing the large amounts of people patrolling up and down the streets. Christmas was in full swing, everyone decked out in their green and red. Electra and Gohan included.

"I know what you mean." Gohan said, although not chancing to take his eyes off the road, there were too many people around, he might hit someone. Gohan had been dreading and anticipating this day. Not only because it was December the 25th and he would be seeing his father, but because he would be seeing Vegeta. He had seen not hide nor hair of his Prince since that fateful day, and wondered what would happen when the time did finally come for them to see each other again. He and Electra had discussed what Gohan would do when he saw Vegeta again, but nothing had really been decided. Gohan said he would take it as it comes.

"I actually get to meet this father of yours Gohan, I can't wait!" Electra said excitedly as they entered the gates. Moments later they were parked and getting out of the car, their arms loaded with small gifts for people. Although everyone had brought presents, no one was going to open them till after the party.

Electra was wearing a pair of green pants and a tight red Singlet. She was absolutely dieing of heat in the pants, but knew that CC would be air conned. And it was. Gohan wasn't so happy with what he was wearing. Electra had forced him to wear a pair of red spandex pants and a green spandex Singlet like what Vegeta usually wore. She said it was multipurpose that he would not only be dressed suitably for the party, but also for when the guys went out for a sparring session. But it was her last argument that got him wear the clothes.

"Gohan," Electra stated, her eyes starring at the sight before her. "You look great! I bet Vegeta would drool seeing you in those.." She winked at him. Gohan was sold.

"Aww! You two look so cute!" Yelled an excited Bulma who came running out the door to greet her arrivals. She too was in her Christmas colours, only she looked more like a little girl. Bulma was wearing a red mini skirt trimmed with white fur, and a matching red boob tube. Upon her head was the customary hat with bells, her blue hair hanging in loose curls under it. Also, to complete the outfit, was a pair of pointy shoes with bells on the ends.

"So do you!" Electra gaped, she should have figured Bulma would wear something like this.

"Hey Gohan!" Gohan turned his head and looked past Bulma. Goku was standing there, also dressed up. He was wearing green board shorts, green thongs and a red Santa hat! That's all! What made it all the more amusing, was the VB stubby in his hand.

"Dad! I didn't know you drank!" Gohan burst out laughing at his father, also catching a glimpse of a wide-eyed Electra.

"He's something isn't he?" Bulma chuckled. "Your right, he doest drink Gohan, but I just had to complete the look! Meet your father, 'Beach Bum Goku!'" Bulma was almost in hysterics at her own joke. Goku just laughed and scratched the nape of his neck while shrugging his shoulders.

"So this is Goku? You look different to what I expected, even though I’ve seen you in photos!" Electra said, not wavering at the fact she had never met the man before, she was not a shy person.

"Hi! You seem to know me, what's your name? Are you Gohan's girlfriend?!" Goku broke out into a huge smile. He had only just arrived too, and for once was on time! He hadn't been told of anything going on in his sons life, so he was in the dark about everything...

"Dad," Gohan butted in, "this is Electra. She is my house-mate and we work together. But that's it ok? Right Elec, we're just good friends." Gohan wanted so badly to sit down and have a chat with his father, but knew the chance may never arise while at Bulma's. Maybe he would get a chance tomorrow?

"Yeah, Gohan and I are great mates!" Electra beamed and put her arms around the tall boys shoulders.

"Oh.." Goku said, as if he didn't comprehend. He was about to say something more when he saw a certain look in his sons eyes, almost as if he was pleading with him not to push it. "Ok! Nice you meet you!" The two shook hands then Bulma ushered them all inside.

If the outside was marvellous, then the inside was exquisite. Everything was done to perfection, not one minor detail had been missed. The decorations were tasteful, not tacky. The table was laid out beautifully with bonbons and lollies already set out.

The whole gang was there. Outside, by the pool, Gohan noticed Goten, Trunks, Yamcha, Tien even Master Roshi!

Gohan felt himself frown. He had yet to see Vegeta.


Introductions where made, conversations began. It wasn't long before everyone had ditched their costumes, after a gruelling photo shoot care of Bulma's Mum, and opted for their bathers*!

"Piccolo! I didn't think you'd come!" Gohan smiled at his old mentor. He didn't look a day older.

"Gohan, I wasn't planning on coming. But Dende insisted, since he was too afraid to come on his own!" Piccolo half snarled, gesturing towards the shorter Namek behind him.

"Hey Dende! Long time no see? How's the role of God treating you these days?" Gohan said to the Guardian of the Earth.

"Oh fine, yes long time no see!" He smiled, still shy despite the fact he had known Gohan since they were young children.

"Electra, meet Piccolo and Dende!" Gohan dragged her away from the pool and a jabbering Bulma.

"Ohhh!! I get to meet some Nameks! When I first heard of you guys, I thought it was Gohan hallucinating because he was drunk!" She giggled, having already drunk a glass of Champagne. Champagne and sun does not make a nice concoction.

"Hn." Was Piccolo's response, "You want to spar later?" He asked, direction his attention towards Gohan again.

"Sure, I think we're going to have a battle royale! But I don't know if that's such a safe idea..."

"Ohh I am SO joining in!" Electra said wanting to see what sort of fighters they all were.

And so the squabble began.

Electra, being as head-strong as she is, refuse to back down. Piccolo's face was deepening into a shade of purple from the heat and the frustration, when finally someone came to the rescue.

"I will not have some weakling interfering in my battles, unless she wanted to get killed..." Vegeta smirked when all those within hearing range went silent. "Well that settles it, your not participating woman." He staked off in the opposite direction, which was towards the kitchen.

"Damn him!" Electra cursed. "My time will come, just you wait!"

"Not until that mate of yours teaches you how to fly anyway... Then maybe I will allow you to sign your death warrant on my property" Vegeta called back, not even bothering to turn back. The slightest notion of resentment was notable in his tone, it was obvious though that Vegeta was trying to conceal it.

Gohan was frozen on the spot. That was the first glimpse of Vegeta he'd had all day, the first time he'd seen him since...

"Gohan!" He shook his head slightly as he was wrenched from his dream land.

"Hmm..?" He asked, not really paying attention, his eyes still focused in the direction Vegeta went, where those hips swayed... inviting him...

"GOHAN!" It was louder this time, much louder. He jumped with surprise. "What's up with you?" Electra asked ignorantly, not noticing why Gohan had spaced out.

"I've got to go for a sec, be back soon..." Without another word, Gohan dashed forward the way Vegeta had moments ago gone.

"Sheesh, what's with him?" Goku wondered out loud to no-one in particular.

"Love! Puh!" Electra turned on her heel and headed back to the pool, not realising how good Saiya-jin and Namek-jin hearing was.


Vegeta opened the fridge and began pulling things out. There was enough here to feed him for a whole year.

'That's only because I beat Kakarot to it..' He thought with a snort.

Vegeta was torn between what to do. He had, in fact, planned a scheme to get Gohan... But then his conscience kicked in. He had figured that he would get Gohan one way or another, whether the boy liked it or not. But where's the fun in being with someone who is unwilling? There is no fun.

Vegeta had intended to lure the boy away from the others and seduce him. Pure and simple. But that was too easy. Of course he could use himself against Gohan, he had no worries about that. The thing that did worry him though was whether it was his insatiable libido that was fuelling his desires and not his heart. Vegeta didn't want to destroy the boy, just have him as his own.

Focusing his attention to the task at hand, Vegeta, for the first time in his life, failed to notice the other presence in the room.


Gohan approached the door, and stopped. Vegeta was in there, just standing. He couldn't see his face, but Gohan could tell Vegeta must have be stuck in that position while his head ran like a wild river. Gohan faced a tough decision. He could turn and walk away, walk away from the one he truly wants to try and spend his life with, or he could face the facts and open the door.

'Open the door...' His mind taunted him, daring him. Gohan squinted his eyes in determination and silently slid the door open wide enough for him to enter.

Vegeta didn't flinch.

Gohan stood there, watching as the Prince remained motionless. He wondered how Vegeta could have missed his entering, if it wasn't his ears or nose that gave it away, it was his ability to sense Ki... but yet he still seemed to be entrapped within a trance.

Gohan took a tentative step forward. "Vegeta... " He whispered softly.

Vegeta felt his eyes widen at the words. He knew whose voice that was.. He spun around immediately. In an attempt to mask his surprise he glared at Gohan. "What?" He asked, putting on his best annoyed voice. It hurt him to do so, but somehow couldn't stop his voice from sounding that way. Gohan looked more than hurt.

"I...I..ah.. Um.. w..what you ah.. making?" He stuttered, totally surprised at the brutally spoken words. Vegeta had always been harsh, but never this harsh.. Had he hurt him that much?

Vegeta couldn't help but let his eyes wonder. The boy, no man, truly was a piece of art. His finely sculpted body was not as bulky as his fathers, but not as fine as his own... The perfect median. Vegeta felt his mask slipping.

Gohan's eyes almost fell out of his head as the prince visibly sagged. His whole physique slumped, and the sharp edge to his eyes softened. The scowl melted into something indescribable to Gohan, and his hands even fell from their custom position crossed against his chest. Vegeta dropped all his senses.

Vegeta didn't know what he was doing! By doing what he had, was just like admitting defeat! And defeat is something the Saiya-jin no Ouji would ever admit to without a battle to the death.

"I was looking for lunch, I don't feel like waiting until the baka Ningen's are ready..." He said.

Gohan was almost rendered speechless. Thank Dende he wasn't. "I see. Did you find anything.. good?" He inched closer, noting that Vegeta still hadn't moved another muscle.

"Hai, I found Turkey." Vegeta turned back to the extra large fridge and pulled out two Turkeys. Gohan couldn't help but use this situation to his advantage, his eyes travelling until they settled on a fine view of the Ouji's ass. Too bad for him though, Vegeta spun around at that moment and noticed where the demi's eyes were fixed.

"See something you like?" A hint of the Princes well known persona shining though in the smart-ass remark that was framed with a smirk.

"Oh...I..ah.." Gohan swallowed the lump in his throat. Time to face the truth once and for all. "Yeah..." He felt himself blush.

"Thought so... Come, we better go eat these before you get so hungry you want to eat me." Vegeta, still carrying the two Turkeys, turned and headed down a hall. Gohan, still too stunned with Vegeta's recent strange behaviour, followed blindly.

It wasn't long before Gohan realised they were at another exit. This one led out to the other side of the compound, the opposite direction to the party. This area wasn't as manicured as everywhere else, no pretty gardens with the flowers in full bloom, despite it being summer, but rather thicker shrubbery and trees. Gohan realised that it actually led off into the forest as he noticed the trees beginning to thicken around them as they walked. Vegeta led him to the beginning of the line of trees where he noticed a quaint table and bench setting. It was carved out of wood, unpolished, and looked like it was in rather dismal disrepair. Gohan was surprised when Vegeta actually sat down on it. He figured that it wouldn't be suitable for a Prince, but Vegeta didn't seem to mind.

Vegeta didn't know what was going on. One moment he was full of determination, he was certain that he was going to have Gohan before the day was through. Then he felt guilty and ditched his plan. Next was when he totally gave up any of his schemes and began playing by ear. And now here he was, alone with Gohan. And speechless.

"Oh... We don't have any plates or cutlery. You want me to go get some?" Gohan stated the blatantly obvious. Vegeta couldn't believe how stupid he was to forget.

"No, don't bother. No need for table manners out here brat, unless your afraid of disgracing yourself in front of me?" Vegeta cocked an inquisitive eye brow. Gohan felt his words had a tone of challenge in them... Vegeta wasn't going to win this.

"No way, I say dig in." He smirked, feeling his confidence rise, and ripped a leg off the cooked Turkey. "Merry Christmas Vegeta." Gohan looked into the Princes eyes as he took a bite of the leg. It was good, but not as good as the intense stare he was receiving from Vegeta. Gohan was unblinking as he began to loose himself in the dark eyes of the one he desired. The depths seem to call out to him, lull him into such a trance that he dropped the Turkey leg. Gohan didn't even bat an eye.

Vegeta heard the food drop, but paid no attention. He had been almost certain that Gohan didn't want him like he wanted Gohan, but now... now he wasn't so sure as he looked into the eyes that held him so intensely. There was no hate, none at all. There was no resentment, but a twinge of what looked like regret.

'Regret that I kissed him?' Vegeta wondered as he began pushing his chair back preparing to stand, his eyes still trained on Gohan. Step by small step, it seemed to take Vegeta an eternity to approach Gohan who hadn't move an inch aside from his eyes. Vegeta, keeping his movements fluid and slow, inched himself down so that he was now sitting on the bench right beside Gohan. So close, in fact, he could feel the body heat radiating off the demi...

Gohan's heart picked up pace as Vegeta drew nearer and nearer. He thought he was going to have a heart attack as the Prince set himself down right beside him. Blood rushed in his ears and he felt his face begin to burn. Butterfly’s flew around in his stomach as a fluttering feeling spread through out his body. He felt light headed.

Vegeta noticed Gohan flinch slightly when he took a deep breath, inhaling the intoxicating scent of the younger demi. Vegeta slid his eyes shut and basked in the moment. Vegeta realised he could sense so much at the moment, that his relaxed state didn't subdue his senses, but rather enhanced them! He could feel every motion the breeze, hear every chirp of the birds, every quickened breath Gohan took... and even the dull thud of his heart. Instinctively, he leaned forward coming closer to Gohan, tranced by the beating of his heart.

Gohan didn't know what Vegeta was doing. It was almost as if he was listening to something, falling into a dream-like state like he was being lulled into a sort of slumber. Gohan had never seen Vegeta acting so strange, he would have been startled if he wasn't feeling so calm... It was almost as if Vegeta was acting like some sort of drug that sent you to sleep. Gohan felt his eyes grow heavy as if he wanted to sleep and vaguely noticed Vegeta's form drifting towards him. Gohan reached out a hand and lightly soaked a soft, slightly flushed, cheek. He marvelled in the fact Vegeta didn't flinch as if he was expecting the action, so he repeated it.

The hand on his cheek felt wonderful, so he lent into it. Vegeta shut his disputing mind off, tired of it's angry ranting. If anyone was going to see what he was capable of, it was Gohan. Never opening his eyes, Vegeta reached up and cupped a warm cheek in his own hand, and strummed a thumb along the angular outlines of bone. Spreading his fingers, Vegeta traced fingers alone thick eyelashes, and soft lips. His thumb strayed on those soft lips, feeling hot breath pour out from between the small part. Vegeta tightened his grip faintly and guided the head slowly towards his...

Gohan let himself melt into the hand, and never protest when being led forward. A few inches prevailed and, without looking, Gohan could feel Vegeta right near him... Their breath mingled as the gap continued to gradually cease, noses touched and nuzzled...


The pair was so stunned that they bumped heads before Vegeta fell off the bench and landed on his ass. He was too stunned to completely regain his composure straight away, so he stayed there for a moment before jumping to his full attention. That was when his murderously angry eyes focused on no other than Goku.

"Did I.. ah.. interrupt something guys?" He chuckled nervously having seen how close the two had been.

It was only then that Gohan fully realised what had happened and what was going on.

"Dad...?" Scrunching his nose up in slight confusion which soon turned to disappointment and finally rage. He was angry that he and Vegeta had been interrupted. "Dad!" He cried, the anger evident in his voice. Vegeta was momentarily surprised at his outburst, not expecting him to act such a way to his father.

"Piss off Kakarot, your not wanted here. Go back to your 'friends'" He mocked, although not amused at all.

"Hey Vegeta, now that's not fair... I think I deserve to know what’s going on here..." Goku said, looking towards his son for a little help. Gohan gave him none.

Gohan knew his father could be naive at times, but he wasn't completely clueless, at least not as much as he made himself out to be. Goku was smarter than he acted.

"I'll tell you what’s not fair, father, is you barging in on a private conversation." Gohan was defensive, he and Vegeta both had just experienced the most calming state of euphoria that either had experienced, and were looking forward to treasuring that moment. Then HE had to come and destroy it.

"Gohan... that didn't look like a conversation to me..." Goku's voice was lower, more edgy. He was figuring things out and it was obvious that he couldn't decide if he was happy or not.

"Does it look like we want to hear what you think? I don't think it does. Mind your own business." Vegeta said, speaking for them both. Gohan felt so happy inside when Vegeta had included him in his speech... he felt needed.

"Ok... but I want a word with you later ok Gohan?" He asked, not waiting for an answer and left.

"Bastard." Vegeta grunted out and turning to look at Gohan once again.

"I agree..." Gohan felt a little awkward, as he and Vegeta both stood there unmoving for the moment. "Vegeta..."Gohan broke the silence, unable to stand it. "What just happened?"

"Your fool of a father stuck his head where is wasn't wanted." He replied matter of fact.

"No... I don't mean that, before... what were we doing?" He asked, confusing with the whole situation.

"Did you like it?" Vegeta asked, his dark eyes literally burning holes into Gohan's own black eyes.

"Hai.." He nods his response. "Although I'm unsure why.." He added rather dreamily.

"Then that's all that matters." Vegeta said simply, then moved to take his seat opposite Gohan when a hand stopped him.

"No... Stay here, I like it when your close to me." Alien words were coming from his mouth, and Gohan was unable to control what he was saying. It was purely his heart speaking now whether he liked it or not.

Vegeta did as Gohan asked and sat right beside him, right up against him. Neither man moved, but rather stayed there thigh to thigh. The heat was almost unbearable as it was without the added body heat of another, neither moved despite it. Vegeta, taking a chance, moved one hand and placed it just above Gohan's muscled knee. Gohan looked down at the action, studying it for a moment before looking back up at Vegeta. Gohan smiled. Gohan put his own hand over Vegeta's, which he now only finally noticed that was gloveless. He should have already known that though.


Goku was beyond confused. What he had just walked in on looked like more than just a conversation. He would have been more relieved to find them at each others throats, not sitting painfully close... noses touching... eyes closed.

"Kuso.." Goku cursed out loud, attracting attention from a few parties. Electra and Bulma being one.

"What’s up Son-kun?" Bulma asked caringly.

"Uh.. nothing." He replied, a little too quickly.

"Nope, you should know I wouldn't believe that Goku, now tell me? What's going on? It's not like you to swear, in fact... I don't think I've ever heard you curse out load!" Bulma said incuriously.

Goku sighed. "Ok fine... I just..eh.. had a little run in with Vegeta and... Gohan." He said, his eyebrows wrinkling in confusion.

Electra gasped in excitable shock, catching Goku's attention. Electra couldn't contain her smirk, neither could Bulma for that matter, who knew because Electra had told her... everything!

"What? Is there something I don't know?" Goku's frustration began to increase.

"Hehe..." Electra giggled, "I don't know if it's our place to tell you! I think you should wait till you talk to Gohan yourself..." She looked at Bulma who also looked ecstatic. Bulma and Vegeta may have broken up, but there were no hard feelings. Because Bulma was a reasonable person, she actually wanted Vegeta to be happy.

"Yeah Son-kun, it's not our place. But ah.. I'm just curious to know what you saw?" She knew it was risky, but she so desperately wanted to know, and figured that Electra would too.

Goku knew there was no point in hindering them to tell him, it was a hapless situation. So he decided to give in. "I don't know really... They were just... really close... like their noses were touching and yeah. I thought they were kissing!" he said as if the thought was absurd.

"Ohh! That's so kawaii!!" Bulma giggled and grabbed on to Electra and started dancing around in circles. The girls didn't notice Goku's departure.


I hope that was okies... ^________________________________________________________________^

Be back in 2 weeks!!