Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ universal highschool ❯ hell begins ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

@the nightmare begins again@

The day of their fathers' arrival came all too soon for Bulma. When she awoke the second morning after her conversation with them she knew they would be there that day. Though she was scared she tried to hide all signs of such, least some one think something was up.

It was again lunch when the feared duo arrived. This time they did not bother asking where the girls where they already knew. As Frieza and Cooler barged into the cafeteria the four stood up to face them.

Bulma knowing that they would use anyone against her if they could make a statement, to all the others in the cafeteria as well as the two fathers she said. "Your fight is with us you will let all the others here go."

Knowing what is daughter was up to Frieza complied for as much as it would have been good sport to kill the others. It would not go well for him if he did not let them go. So offhandedly he replied "Agreed."

Once the cafeteria was empty Frieza decided to speak again. "I see that those saiyan friends of yours have guts to stay on your side. Few people I know of would stand against me with such unfair odds. But as much as I would like to stay and chat, I rather just like to get what I have come for."

At this Chi-Chi turned pale figuring it was her they where after. Goku at once shoved Chi behind him he would not let her go with out a fight. Both where also still recovering from the shock of Frieza being her so soon, they had not expected him for at least another week.

Seeing Goku stand defensively in front of Chi ready to fight at a moments notice Bulma decided it was time. If a fight started they would lose and there would be no more deals made for any ones life. Taking a deep breath and walking away from the group towards her father and Cooler she stated "And you shell have it. So long as you keep your end of the deal."

Everyone was shocked by this they knew of no deal being made. Frieza saw this and sneered "I see you have not told anyone of our little deal my dear."

To this Bulma replied sharply "I would have it not sickened me so to think about it."

Frieza smiled at this and stated calmly "Well you did not seem that sickened 2 nights again when you contacted us. In fact if I remember right you where writhing with joy beneath me and my brother."

This statement drew gasps from the 3 not privy to this knowledge. Vegeta at last understood why he had taken a bath that night and had sad the things she did. He was angered, hurt and confused by this new knowledge. He felt betrayal towards Bulma and looked at her with anger.

Bulma seeing this almost began to cry but knew her father would love to see it so she kept her mouth shut. She had wanted to tell Vegeta so bad but the risk was too great. Letting down her mental wall to him she whispered in his mind `I'm sorry I hope one day you can forgive me. I could not let Chi lose her baby to them. I have given myself in its place. It is I who will now mother the child of the Icejin Empire. I love you with all my heart.'

Vegeta wanted to respond with a list of curses and questions but she closed her mind again and returned her sad eyes to the feared brothers.

This little exchange did not go unnoticed by Frieza. He could not resist his own comment "I see my own little girl has been messing with the saiyans as well. Even bonded to one, this is just too much." Stated Frieza with a laugh before continuing. "You are willing to give away your on happiness for that of an unborn child. I knew you where always to good for your own good."

Not wishing for him to say anymore Bulma interrupted him. "It does not mater I will go with you. No let this be done."

Frieza did wish to antagonize the situation further but decided against it. Looking to his brother who was still looking at his own daughter in contempt. He replied "Well then let us be off there is much to be done. Say good-bye to your little friends though why they would still be your friends after the secrets you have kept from them is beyond me."

Turning to the gang Bulma hung her head in shame she was to mortified to talk, so instead let on last thought pass into all their minds. `I love you all, Chi keep that child safe and give it a good home. Goku never leave her side. Lastly Vegeta for give me and move on I will always be grateful to you. Maybe one day you can save me from this hell.' Letting on tear slid down her cheek she returned her attention yet again to the brothers.

Walking to them she took a deep breath, she did not regret what she had done for it was the only way. Still it did not help to lesson the loss that she felt. Once she reached them her father grabbed her arm painful enough to form a bruise.

Vegeta growled at this but knew there was nothing he could do. He did swear to himself however that he would save her. If it was the last thing he did. Forgiving her would be hard but he loved her regardless and he would not let her stay in that monster's grasp forever.

Again Frieza noticed this little act of frustration from the prince and could not help but to provoke him a little. Turning his attention to Vegeta he sad cruelly. "Do not worry little princeling. I will make her pay for what she has done." Once said Frieza took Bulma's head into his hand and kissed her painfully well running on of his sharp nails down her cheek and drawing blood. Knowing the prince would freak out at this Frieza phased out along with Cooler. Before any unneeded fighting started.

This action shocked the group who had been horrified by his actions and where ready to fight then and there. They did not however get the chance since they did not expect them to phase out. Fallowing them would be pointless since they had no clue as into where they could be and most likely there where already in space.


Once they where gone Vegeta fell to the ground and slammed his fists hard into the tail floor send the tiles all around the cafeteria flying in shards. Chi fell over crying as Goku held her in his arms. Goku just looked around in disbelief of what had happened.

It took well over 10min for everyone to calm down and total register what had just happened. Everything was almost beyond belief.

Removing Chi from himself Goku walked over to Vegeta and sat down next to him. Once there he said softly to Vegeta in a reassuring voice. "We will get her back."

Vegeta's only response to this was "How could she do this to herself and me without telling me. Does she know what she has done?"

Looking at Vegeta Goku respond "She knows what she has done. She saw it as the only way out. You most forgive her Vegeta she will need you know more then ever."

This intelligent words coming from Goku shocked Vegeta but he knew they where true. Bulma had gone back to hell and most likely would need all the help he could give to stay alive. Frieza would not killer her but he might just drive her to killer herself.

Taking a deep breath he turned his gaze to Goku "I should have done something but that is in the past now we just save her. She cannot live that life again."

Nodding in agreement Goku returned his attention back to Chi. Who looked hurt, scared and upset?

Eventually everyone got up and left the cafeteria and returned to their apartments. Once Vegeta entered him he felt the loss of Bulma gain. He had become so used to having her around now she was gone. Not to mention she had left everything where it was.

This shook him so greatly that he went into there bedroom and just sat and cried. He had not cried since he was very little. Now however he could not hold back the tears the emotion pain he felt was too great. Never before had he felt such loss and anguish. His pride would not help him now. All he knew is he wanted her back safe with him not in the arms of her sick and twisted father and uncle.

Whispering to himself he made a promise he would not break. "I will get you back woman not matter what."

Opening the link in his mind to Bulma he felt a wave of fear, sadness, and depression wash over him so bad that he almost threw-up. He knew now that she was in hell and that he needed to get her out as soon as possible.

Speaking to her through there bond in a calm reassuring voice he said. `Woman I'm sorry are you ok.'

Bulma to say the least was shocked; she had been so sure Vegeta would hate her. It was half the reason why she was so depressed. Sitting in the cold room on Frieza's largest ship, the one that had been hers for over half her life, its decoration was simple. There was a large bed covered in blood red sheets. A burrow and a window to outer space other wise it was baron. Hearing Vegeta's voice however made her feel better.

Vegeta was a little scared for it was taking her a long time to respond. He though with a twinge in his heart that maybe she hated him for his moment of desertion. This though was soon put to rest as Bulma spoke.

In a quite pain filled voice she at last responded. `You do not need to apologies Vegeta, thank you anyway. As for my condition well' in a sarcastic voice `I'm not dead yet.'

This brought a smirk to Vegeta's face but he really did want to know what had been done to her since she had left. So in a commanding voice he stated `woman tell me the truth what has happened.'

Frowning Bulma responded `well I guess you need to know the whole of this exchange. Now what I'm going to tell you might upset you and make you made. Just hear me out however.'

`Hump' said Vegeta in his mind.

Taking a breath Bulma began `ok that night I took the bath I opened my mind link to my father and uncle. I saw it as the only why to save Chi's baby. They where closer then we thought for one but that does not matter anyway I found out their intentions to the child. They where as bad as I suspected they where going to keep the child and kill Chi after it was born me as well, since they would have an heir. After this they planed to raise the child to rule the cold empire however I know there way of raising kids first hand. There is no why I would let a child live through that especial Chi's and Goku's child they are my two best friends. There for I gave them an offer to leave you 3 alone.' Shivering a little she continued. `I said I would mother the child of the Icejin Empire. This way the blood line would stay more pure and they would still have some saiyan blood without any human blood.'

Though Vegeta was shocked he was not total surprised by this news. For really it was the only thing Bulma had had to exchange to them. He continued to remain silent waiting for her to go on.

`Since I have gotten on ship the have began their plan to make me with child. Unknown to them however I have killed the child that would have formed with in me with a small ki attack, I would have used the birth control but they have taken away anything I have to make it. I cannot do this forever eventually I will kill myself by doing this; it should be able to work for about 3yrs. Before I will actually have to give them a child; hopefully they will be destroyed before that time.'

This news greatly upset the saiyan prince he knew the woman was hurting herself both emotionally and physical by doing this. He had to stop this before she hurt herself beyond repair. `Woman we are coming to get you right now.'

At this Bulma gasped, oh how she wanted them to come but not yet. `Vegeta you are not strong enough yet. You would die then the universe would go in to chaos. No Vegeta you most wait and train. I will send you a signal when I know you are strong enough to beat them.' After a couple of seconds later she added. `Vegeta I must go for they are trying to enter my mind. I can not talk to you and keep them out. This might be the last time I talk to until you come. Wait however for my signal promise.'

`No woman I will get you now.'

`Vegeta you cannot win now and I will stay in this hell forever. Promise.'


As Frieza and Cooler entered her room and got ready to rape her yet again Bulma pleaded on last time with Vegeta. `Promise Vegeta please……Ahhh.'

`Woman are you ok.'

`They are here Vegeta I can not keep them out much longer. Just promise please….Ahhh.' Screamed Bulma in her mind as her father bit down on her breast having torn off her top previous.

Vegeta was shaking by this he could not think of what to do in the end however he responded. `I promise.'

Bulma smiled at this in her mind and said her last words to Vegeta. `Thank you, I love you.' She then screamed out in great pain in her mind before closing it off.

The last thought Vegeta was able to get through before he was cut of was `I love you Bulma.'

There was then nothing but a void. He now felt total cut off, knowing she could not even talk to him in his mind for fear of being caught. As much as he wanted to go and get her now he knew it was not the time. His only hope was that she would tell him to come soon. It was impossible for him to bare the knowledge that she was going through this much pain and he could not help her.

Here is a new chapter people I hope you like it. I did not get as many reviews as I wanted but I decided to put this out early anyway because I might not have time this weekend. Due to the need to find a job. Well I hope you enjoyed as always REVIEW later.

Thanks to all my Reviewers.